Carson: Dems are taking advantage of blacks


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2011
"Trying to keep them suppressed and taking their votes".

"'It really is not compassionate to pat people on the head and say, "There, there, you poor little thing, I'm going to take care of all your needs"

"'The days of a lily-white GOP are starting to fade, and the only people who seem to oppose this energetic and thoughtful black guy are the Democrats. That should tell you something.'
"Rep. Mia Love, who last year became the first black Republican elected to Congress, said Thursday during a panel discussion about millennial voters that she gets questions from detractors who say, '"I don't understand how you can be a black female from Utah, and a Republican. ... It makes no sense".'

The same people are freaking out because Alaska just voted to legalize marijuana.

They don't know what to do when their stereotypes fail. That includes the black dependent slave stereotype.
Carson.ahh damn.I saw this thread title on carson and I was thinking and hoping that this was about the san diego chargers and Oakland raiders laughable joint proposal that will never fly I CARSON California.:ahole-1:
Carson.ahh damn.I saw this thread title on carson and I was thinking and hoping that this was about the san diego chargers and Oakland raiders laughable joint proposal that will never fly I CARSON California.:ahole-1:
"Underprivileged blacks have become playthings for intellectuals and politicians who care more about revelling in their good intentions or winning votes than advocating behaviors and attitudes that have allowed other groups to get ahead. Meanwhile, the civil rights movement has become an industry that does little more than monetize white guilt. Martin Luther King and his contemporaries demanded black self-improvement despite the abundant and overt racism of their day. King’s self-styled successors, living in an era when public policy bends over backwards to accommodate blacks, insist that blacks cannot be held responsible for their plight so long as someone, somewhere in white America, is still prejudiced.

The more fundamental problem with these well-meaning liberal efforts is that they have succeeded, tragically, in convincing blacks to see themselves first and foremost as victims. Today there is no greater impediment to black advancement than the self-pitying mindset that permeates black culture. White liberals think they are helping blacks by romanticizing bad behavior. And black liberals are all too happy to hustle guilty whites.

Blacks ultimately must help themselves. They must develop the same attitudes and behaviors and habits that other groups had to develop to rise in America. And to the extent that a social policy, however well-intentioned, interferes with this self-development, it does more harm than good.

This concept of self-help and self-development is something that black leaders once understood quite well, and at a time when blacks faced infinitely more obstacles than they face today. Asked by whites in 1865 what to do for freed blacks, Frederick Douglass responded: “I have had but one answer from the beginning. Do nothing with us! . . . If the apples will not remain on the tree of their own strength . . . let them fall! . . . And if the Negro cannot stand on his own legs, let him fall also. All I ask is, give him a chance to stand on his own legs!” Douglass was essentially saying, give blacks equal opportunity and then leave them alone."

Imprimis A monthly digest on liberty and the defense of America s founding principles
"Trying to keep them suppressed and taking their votes".

"'It really is not compassionate to pat people on the head and say, "There, there, you poor little thing, I'm going to take care of all your needs"

"'The days of a lily-white GOP are starting to fade, and the only people who seem to oppose this energetic and thoughtful black guy are the Democrats. That should tell you something.'

lol, the days of what are starting to what?

What's Ben Carson's plan for helping poor black Americans, or poor Americans in general, for that matter?

I mean, AFTER the GOP slashes all of the programs that keep poor people from absolute, third world style destitution,

THEN what is the GOP planning to do for the poor?

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