Carson doesn't condone Trump's attacks on Heidi

Budget office sees higher Obamacare costs, lower enrollment

Dr Carson publically objecting to Trump's attacks on Mrs Cruz.

I suspect the backlash will be greater than this

It's so much fun to watch the GOP explode. It's better than TMZ, The Enquirer and any reality tv show.
Oops! Did I say that? Looks like Trump doesn't even need a studio, camera crew and apprentices anymore to make the righties look like total fucking idiots.
You're really kind of stupid, arent you? You just dont get this PAC thing.
Listen up, fuckstick! If the people controlling the PAC are pulling for Cruz...they are HIS SUPPORTERS, his kind of people, people that like him.... whether he controls them or not. The PAC does things to help him or hurt his opponents. The PAC is like a supporter with a shitload of money to spend.

If Trump is to be held responsible for what his supporters do, Cruz is also.

Take your pompous fuckin' attitude and stick up your ass.
Wow you mad, bro?
At least you admit Cruz had no knowledge nor control over what the PAC did. Nor did he encourage it in any way.
Unlike Trump who talked about punching people in the face, just before one of his supporters punched someone in the face. And then Trump decided to pay the guy's legal bills, giving his approval to the act.

He did not denounce it.

Just like everything in his campaign
It wasnt part of his campaign.
Trump encourages violence.
Cruz encourages dialogue.
There's the difference.
Cruz encourages dirty tricks. I can just see that shit-eating grin on his face when his supporters come through for him.
Link? Where did he ever encourage dirty tricks? I can post where Donald talked about punching people and then offered to paylegal fees when someone actually did that. Can you?
Listen up, fuckstick! If the people controlling the PAC are pulling for Cruz...they are HIS SUPPORTERS, his kind of people, people that like him.... whether he controls them or not. The PAC does things to help him or hurt his opponents. The PAC is like a supporter with a shitload of money to spend.

If Trump is to be held responsible for what his supporters do, Cruz is also.

Take your pompous fuckin' attitude and stick up your ass.
Wow you mad, bro?
At least you admit Cruz had no knowledge nor control over what the PAC did. Nor did he encourage it in any way.
Unlike Trump who talked about punching people in the face, just before one of his supporters punched someone in the face. And then Trump decided to pay the guy's legal bills, giving his approval to the act.

He did not denounce it.

Just like everything in his campaign
It wasnt part of his campaign.
Trump encourages violence.
Cruz encourages dialogue.
There's the difference.
Cruz encourages dirty tricks. I can just see that shit-eating grin on his face when his supporters come through for him.
Link? Where did he ever encourage dirty tricks? I can post where Donald talked about punching people and then offered to paylegal fees when someone actually did that. Can you?
No need to...I heard it myself.
"Carson doesn't condone Trump's attacks on Heidi"

That’s nice.

Otherwise, neither Trump nor Cruz have any business being president – this ‘war of the wives’ idiocy is further evidence of that.
What is really embarrassing is both want to convince us of their worthiness to be President

Cruz: Your wife is a whore
Trump: My whore wife is hotter than the pig you married
Meet The Press interview of Trump.

DONALD TRUMP: Good morning, Chuck.

CHUCK TODD: Let me get your reaction, do you think this matters, what's going on here with Dr. Carson?

DONALD TRUMP: Well, I feel badly for Ben. I've gotten to like Ben. And it's a tough thing. I mean, he writes a book where he went after his mother, hit her on the head, or wanted to hit her on the head with a hammer. Hitting a friend in the face with a lock, with a padlock, hard in the face, stabbing somebody, only to be broken up by a belt buckle.

Which, if you know about belt buckles, they turn and they twist. I don't think they're going to stop a knife with the force of a strong man. And when he writes that he has pathological disease in a book, now he obviously wrote this book prior to thinking about running for office, I assume. But he said he has pathological disease--

CHUCK TODD: So you don't believe him? You don't believe him, do you?

DONALD TRUMP: Well, if you have pathological disease, that's a problem. I mean, he wrote it. I didn't write it. But he's going to have to explain a lot of things away. The scholarship situation, the dinner with Westmoreland when Westmoreland wasn't there. And the pyramids. You know, a pyramid is a solid structure, essentially. Other than a little area for the pharaoh. And you don't put grain in a pyramid because it's all solid.

CHUCK TODD: You know, you've done a lot of--

DONALD TRUMP: You're going to large,

CHUCK TODD: You've done a lot of--

DONALD TRUMP: structural beams in those days.

CHUCK TODD: You've done a little political trick here. You have referenced every negative connotation that you can pick up on on Dr. Carson. Number one, you obviously believe he's a threat to your standing in the polls. Number two, you believe these are pretty serious.
"Carson doesn't condone Trump's attacks on Heidi"

That’s nice.

Otherwise, neither Trump nor Cruz have any business being president – this ‘war of the wives’ idiocy is further evidence of that.
What is really embarrassing is both want to convince us of their worthiness to be President

Cruz: Your wife is a whore
Trump: My whore wife is hotter than the pig you married

The secret to the success of "the Donald" is that he uses the vocabulary and manners of a 4 year old.

Shrug, it works.

Cruz, on the other hand, has used the vocabulary of a 10th grader. Big mistake, hence the second place finish. - Transcripts

TRUMP: And you know, when he says he went after his mother and wanted to hit her in the head with a hammer, that bothers me. I mean, that's pretty bad. When he says he's pathological and he says that in the book, I don't say that. And again, I'm not saying anything. I'm not saying anything other than pathological is a very serious disease and he said he's pathological. Somebody said he has a pathological disease. Other people said he said in the book and I haven't seen it. I know it's in the book -- that he has got a pathological temper or temperament. That's a big problem because you don't cure that. That's like, you know, I could say, they've say you don't cure -- as an example, a child molester, you don't cure these people. You don't cure a child molester. There's no cure for it. Pathological, there's no cure for that.
Wow you mad, bro?
At least you admit Cruz had no knowledge nor control over what the PAC did. Nor did he encourage it in any way.
Unlike Trump who talked about punching people in the face, just before one of his supporters punched someone in the face. And then Trump decided to pay the guy's legal bills, giving his approval to the act.

He did not denounce it.

Just like everything in his campaign
It wasnt part of his campaign.
Trump encourages violence.
Cruz encourages dialogue.
There's the difference.
Cruz encourages dirty tricks. I can just see that shit-eating grin on his face when his supporters come through for him.
Link? Where did he ever encourage dirty tricks? I can post where Donald talked about punching people and then offered to paylegal fees when someone actually did that. Can you?

No need to...I heard it myself.

Maybe you need to talk to a lawyer. Had Trump told someone to punch a protester in the face and that immediately happened, Trump could be held responsible. If a few minutes passed between his saying that and its happening, no problem.

Besides, you leave out the part where the protester (disrupter) was walking up the aisle giving the finger with both hands to a crowd of Trump supporters. He should have expected (and may have) to be punched.

People that wear Auburn tee-shirts to the Auburn v Alabama game and give the finger to the Alabama crowd should expect to get their ass beat.

Your logic is quite poor, Rabbi.
If a few minutes passed between his saying that and it happened, no problem.
That's not how it works in a court of law.

See: Donald v. United Klans of America.

The mother of a lynched black man sued the KKK for inciting his murderers even though the killers were not directed by the KKK to lynch Donald. She won a multi-million dollar lawsuit against the United Klans of America.

Since they didn't have the money, she was given the deed to their Klan headquarters.

A black woman gained possession of KKK HQ. Sweet!
Last edited:
No, you dont. By definition the PAC is not "his people." What part of that is unclear to you?
Trump OTOH talks about punching people in the face and his followers do exactly that.
The PAC is made up of Cruz's people. He says to do what you can to get me elected and they do it. Same shit.


I know who she is and all hell is going to break out Monday.
Yeah, tell us. Did Putin tell you this too?
No, you dont. By definition the PAC is not "his people." What part of that is unclear to you?
Trump OTOH talks about punching people in the face and his followers do exactly that.
The PAC is made up of Cruz's people. He says to do what you can to get me elected and they do it. Same shit.


I know who she is and all hell is going to break out Monday.
Yeah, tell us. Did Putin tell you this too?

No but when I rock and I shall just tuck your head in. I have so much on Heidi you will cry.

Glug, glug, glug...

You really won't beleive what I have on her.

Glug glug glug?

I don't do beer asshole. Now I have tolerated you. Are you sure you want to make me an enemy? Never really gone after you on the board.

You want it you got it. Tell me straight out.
Wow you mad, bro?
At least you admit Cruz had no knowledge nor control over what the PAC did. Nor did he encourage it in any way.
Unlike Trump who talked about punching people in the face, just before one of his supporters punched someone in the face. And then Trump decided to pay the guy's legal bills, giving his approval to the act.

He did not denounce it.

Just like everything in his campaign
It wasnt part of his campaign.
Trump encourages violence.
Cruz encourages dialogue.
There's the difference.
Cruz encourages dirty tricks. I can just see that shit-eating grin on his face when his supporters come through for him.
Link? Where did he ever encourage dirty tricks? I can post where Donald talked about punching people and then offered to paylegal fees when someone actually did that. Can you?
No need to...I heard it myself.
Thank you. Your posts are now irrelevant.
The PAC is made up of Cruz's people. He says to do what you can to get me elected and they do it. Same shit.


I know who she is and all hell is going to break out Monday.
Yeah, tell us. Did Putin tell you this too?
The PAC is made up of Cruz's people. He says to do what you can to get me elected and they do it. Same shit.


I know who she is and all hell is going to break out Monday.
Yeah, tell us. Did Putin tell you this too?

No but when I rock and I shall just tuck your head in. I have so much on Heidi you will cry.

Glug, glug, glug...

You really won't beleive what I have on her.

Glug glug glug?

I don't do beer asshole. Now I have tolerated you. Are you sure you want to make me an enemy? Never really gone after you on the board.

You want it you got it. Tell me straight out.
The PAC is made up of Cruz's people. He says to do what you can to get me elected and they do it. Same shit.


I know who she is and all hell is going to break out Monday.
Yeah, tell us. Did Putin tell you this too?
The PAC is made up of Cruz's people. He says to do what you can to get me elected and they do it. Same shit.


I know who she is and all hell is going to break out Monday.
Yeah, tell us. Did Putin tell you this too?

No but when I rock and I shall just tuck your head in. I have so much on Heidi you will cry.

Glug, glug, glug...

You really won't beleive what I have on her.

Glug glug glug?

I don't do beer asshole. Now I have tolerated you. Are you sure you want to make me an enemy? Never really gone after you on the board.

You want it you got it. Tell me straight out.

Are you going to release those findings at the same time Donald Drumpf releases his findings of good things in Hawaii? :p
Funny how irrelevant this is. Carson is still on Trump's side. Not to mention I just heard him respect Trump in a interview on Hannity radio.

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