Carson Is Not "Controversial". His Critics Are Though

Anyone wishing to see a non-Republican in the WH I'm sure would love to see Carson as the GOP nominee.
Anyone wishing to see a non-Republican in the WH I'm sure would love to see Carson as the GOP nominee.
I wonder where his support comes from. Obviously he's the choice of the Religiously Intolerant Right, but Huckabee never saw 16-17% avgs in polls.

Ummm.. yeah he did, he was well over 20% in the RCP average nationally in early 2008 (against a much narrower field of course)
Anyone wishing to see a non-Republican in the WH I'm sure would love to see Carson as the GOP nominee.
I wonder where his support comes from. Obviously he's the choice of the Religiously Intolerant Right, but Huckabee never saw 16-17% avgs in polls.

Ummm.. yeah he did, he was well over 20% in the RCP average nationally in early 2008 (against a much narrower field of course)
Really. Well, thank you. At least the gop may not be getting more insane.
Anyone wishing to see a non-Republican in the WH I'm sure would love to see Carson as the GOP nominee.
I wonder where his support comes from. Obviously he's the choice of the Religiously Intolerant Right, but Huckabee never saw 16-17% avgs in polls.

Ummm.. yeah he did, he was well over 20% in the RCP average nationally in early 2008 (against a much narrower field of course)
Really. Well, thank you.

No problemo.... :)
Carson isn't a real candidate. He's the GOP's solution to accusations of racism and hostility to the President because he's black. "We got a black candidate! See, we're not racist."
It is the Democrats who are the recipients of charges of racism (Affirmative Action). And they DON'T HAVE and answer to that.
The left-loon media appears to have settled in on a word to describe Ben Carson. The word "Controversial." Well, it doesn't take rocket science or neurosurgery to delineate what really is "controversial". One thing after another that Carson has been saying, has been jumped on by the clowns at CNN, MSNBC, PBS, etc, and labeled controversial.

Since everything he has been saying, from the Muslim/Constitution answer, to the set-up, loaded question from Chuck Todd, to his comment on the Roseberg shooter situation, and everything in between, has been logical, correct, and quite ordinary, it's easy to see that all this so-called controversy, is really just one big SCAM job, designed to derail Carson's candidacy. The criticisms haven't even been minimally defensible. They have been ridiculous.

Carson said Islam is not consistent with the Constitution. The scammers tried to use the Constitution's Article 6 Section 3 about a "religious litmus test" to justify their laughable "complaint." Actually, they came close to getting it right. The answer lies with the Constitution's Article 6, Section TWO, the Supremacy Clause, which flat-out outlaws Islam, for the illegal supremacism that it is. Many people around the world don't even consider Islam to be a religion (as well as some whole nations), but for those who do accept it as one, that still doesn't get Islam in the door to be supreme over the Constitution.

By the Supremacy Clause, NOTHING is allowed to be supreme over the Constitution and the laws of the United States, and the word NOTHING doesn't make exceptions for religions. Carson simply stated what everyone in America should well know, having completed the seventh grade in school.

Carson's answer about homosexuality being a choice, was right on the money as well. I forgot who the liberal attacker was that time, but Carson's answer that when people go into prison straight, and emerge gay, a choice has been made.

The latest manufactured "controversy" on Carson's remarks about The Roseberg shooter, is maybe the dumbest one yet. Of course you take action in a case like that, just like the 4 guys who took action against the French train terrorist recently, and the "Let's Roll" guys on Flight 93 on 9-11. But would the liberals at CNN et al, think of whipping out a gun and shooting madman Mercer ? Of course not. They think your gun shouldn't even be in your pocket. They'd probably say it ought to be melted down somewhere.

It remains to be seen how many of these idiotic pretenses at indignation, the left is going to engage in. They may keep rolling right along with it, since they probably won't ever see this OP, or others like it, they don't watch Fox News, or anything where they are likely to be exposed as the fabricators they are, and they only listen to left-friendly talk, that pretends to endorse what they say.

All those of us in the sane section of America can do is sit back and shake our heads at all their lunacy, and hope not too many people are being swayed by their dopey, clown show, which is the real, and only, "controversial" thing going on here.

To be Muslim has no correlation to being desirous of having one's religion supreme over the Constitution or the law of the land.
That's because Islam is not a religion. But of course, Islam is a supremacism, and as such, demands supremacy (illegal under Article 6 Section 2 - the Supremacy Clause - of the Constitution).
In America, a Muslim can have such a desire but knows it is not possible, ever. This he is not a threat to the Constitution.
The Muslim Brotherhood seems to have not been let in on that.

"The process of settlement [of Islam in the United States] is a "Civilization-Jihadist" process with all that the word means. The Ikhwan [Muslim Brotherhood in North America] must understand that all their work in America is a kind of grand jihad in eliminating and destroying the Western civilization from within and "sabotaging" their miserable house by their hands, and the hands of the believers so that it is eliminated, and Allah's religion is made victorious over all religions."

Mohamed Akram, "An Explanatory Memorandum on the General Strategic Goal for the Group in North America" May 22, 1991, Government Exhibit 003-0085, United States vs. Holy Land Foundation, et al. 7 (21).
What's good for the goose is good for the gander, the left will keep the heat on uncle Tom Carson, just like the clowns on the right keep the BS going with Hillary, its a 2 way street..

Ben Carson is a whack job, I would love for him to get the nomination, Hillary would gut that asshole like a dead fish..
Great words (only BACKWARDS)
In America, a Muslim can have such a desire but knows it is not possible, ever. This he is not a threat to the Constitution.
The Muslim Brotherhood seems to have not been let in on that.

"The process of settlement [of Islam in the United States] is a "Civilization-Jihadist" process with all that the word means. The Ikhwan [Muslim Brotherhood in North America] must understand that all their work in America is a kind of grand jihad in eliminating and destroying the Western civilization from within and "sabotaging" their miserable house by their hands, and the hands of the believers so that it is eliminated, and Allah's religion is made victorious over all religions."

Mohamed Akram, "An Explanatory Memorandum on the General Strategic Goal for the Group in North America" May 22, 1991, Government Exhibit 003-0085, United States vs. Holy Land Foundation, et al. 7 (21).
No worried about them, only about libertarians at the moment.
The left demonizes whom they fear. Dr. Carson escaped the democrat plantation and is a world renowned neurosurgeon. There is just one big problem. He's a conservative Christian. There's a cancer in america that needs to be surgically removed and Dr. Carson can do it. That's why the leftist demons are crying out in fear.
The left demonizes whom they fear. Dr. Carson escaped the democrat plantation and is a world renowned neurosurgeon. There is just one big problem. He's a conservative Christian. There's a cancer in america that needs to be surgically removed and Dr. Carson can do it. That's why the leftist demons are crying out in fear.
:lol: Dear, the mainstream GOP won't let him win. Simple as that. Neither will Donald or Carly.
Carson, imo, is sincere in his not-mainstream social views, .
Where do you get the idea that Carson's views are the slightest bit "not-mainstream ". ? Oh let me guess > CNN ? MSNBC ? PBS ? Media Mattters ? LOL. I see nothing not-mainstream about his comments.
Dear, the mainstream GOP won't let him win. Simple as that. Neither will Donald or Carly.
The has-been "mainstream GOP" has nothing to say about Trump being nominated. They are paralyzed to stop him. He already HAS the nomination.
He does not know a debt limit from a speed limit ...he has limited experience at Politics and Government....
The less, the better. It is the govt experience (wrong kind) that has all the insiders at the bottom of the polls. Some people don't catch on too quickly.
Anyone wishing to see a non-Republican in the WH I'm sure would love to see Carson as the GOP nominee.
I wonder where his support comes from. Obviously he's the choice of the Religiously Intolerant Right, but Huckabee never saw 16-17% avgs in polls.

you people on the left have some nerve talking about others being Intolerant. you should hold this post in a mirror to see a person who is Intolerant and hatful all rolled into one.

you lefties/dems are some of the most intolerant people in this country. on top of being racist, sexist, bigots, and black hearts. just go read through the threads on this board
Carson isn't a real candidate. He's the GOP's solution to accusations of racism and hostility to the President because he's black. "We got a black candidate! See, we're not racist."

you assume that no black who runs as a Republican is authentic.

Correction: He assumes that anyone running as a Republican is not authentic. I have that same problem too with most Republicans--I need to see what they have done.

Probably why I like Kasich so much and have a ready made reason as to why Jeb Bush is still around.

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