Carson Is Not "Controversial". His Critics Are Though

The left demonizes whom they fear. Dr. Carson escaped the democrat plantation and is a world renowned neurosurgeon. There is just one big problem. He's a conservative Christian. There's a cancer in america that needs to be surgically removed and Dr. Carson can do it. That's why the leftist demons are crying out in fear.
:lol: Dear, the mainstream GOP won't let him win. Simple as that. Neither will Donald or Carly.
The mainstream GOP isn't demonizing and smearing Dr. Carson. The nasty left is.
Please don't be so condescending. We got people shooting each other up here and the second amendment can be changed because situations change. Reality isn't fixed.Guns are wreaking more havoc than positive affects.
Stopping Nazis is one thing. Empowering dingbats that want to shoot up innocent people, that's going a bit to far.Stop protecting the second amendment. It was written by slave owners with flintlocks. It ts an anachronism. Please.

So was the rest of the Bill of Rights, you wanna stop "protecting" all those too? :rolleyes:
Don't be silly. I would like to know HOW being pro gun stops gun massacres?
Stopping Nazis is one thing. Empowering dingbats that want to shoot up innocent people, that's going a bit to far.Stop protecting the second amendment. It was written by slave owners with flintlocks. It ts an anachronism. Please.

well you all get up enough states and people to change our Constitution you can then TRY and take all the guns away from people who BELIVES in their rights of the Second Amendment. go get em

oh and please stop being so condescending
So how how has being pro gun stopped gun massacres? it isn't happening. Revoking guns, that seems rather obvious.
Please don't be so condescending. We got people shooting each other up here and the second amendment can be changed because situations change. Reality isn't fixed.Guns are wreaking more havoc than positive affects.
Stopping Nazis is one thing. Empowering dingbats that want to shoot up innocent people, that's going a bit to far.Stop protecting the second amendment. It was written by slave owners with flintlocks. It ts an anachronism. Please.

So was the rest of the Bill of Rights, you wanna stop "protecting" all those too? :rolleyes:
Don't be silly. I would like to know HOW being pro gun stops gun massacres?
Guns are wreaking havoc? Really? I went to a gun show last month. Thousands of guns. I didn't see one gun jump up and wreak havoc. You must have some special guns, huh.
Please don't be so condescending. We got people shooting each other up here and the second amendment can be changed because situations change. Reality isn't fixed.Guns are wreaking more havoc than positive affects.
Stopping Nazis is one thing. Empowering dingbats that want to shoot up innocent people, that's going a bit to far.Stop protecting the second amendment. It was written by slave owners with flintlocks. It ts an anachronism. Please.

So was the rest of the Bill of Rights, you wanna stop "protecting" all those too? :rolleyes:
Don't be silly. I would like to know HOW being pro gun stops gun massacres?
About the same way being ANTI GUN stops gun massacres, to whit: it doesn't and it can't since the root cause isn't guns it's people.

Speaking of being silly, you're the one attempting to engage in the fallacious argument that since the framers were "slave owners with flintlocks" we should stop "protecting the second amendment" as if the framers actually created the right to self defense instead simply enshrining the means to exercise it in the Bill of Rights.
So how how has being pro gun stopped gun massacres? it isn't happening. Revoking guns, that seems rather obvious.

so take away guns. you better start taking away fertilizer, cell phones, vans/cars, knives, hatchets, remote control cars, etc.

please its not the GUNS causing these. they can use a van filled with fertilizer as we've seen a few time already... it's the idiot that is left to run loose on us and the idiots in our government who would rather disarm us then lock up the crazy people, the gangs, the criminals amongst us. I bet you feel all safe already they are getting READY to release 100, 000 Criminals from the jails to prey on us. how's that for protecting us?
Sane law abiding people with guns are not protecting us from insane criminals with guns. Do we need guns this much? I think not. The NRA be damned. Let's be sane, damn guns and damn criminals.
Sane law abiding people with guns are not protecting us from insane criminals with guns. Do we need guns this much? I think not. The NRA be damned. Let's be sane, damn guns and damn criminals.
Protect yourself. You have the right to self-defense. Use it.
Sane law abiding people with guns are not protecting us from insane criminals with guns.
No silly they're protecting THEMSELVES as in they've acquired the means to exercise their right to self-defense.
Do we need guns this much? I think not. The NRA be damned. Let's be sane, damn guns and damn criminals.
You have a right to your opinion however you do not have a right to infringe upon my or anybody's else's rights, you seem to think that removing or artificially restricting the rights of free human beings is subject to the whims of those that don't happen to like a given right, doesn't work that way in this country (thank God).

I'll respect your right not to exercise your right to keep and bear arms and you should respect the right of others to make their own choice on the matter.
Sane law abiding people with guns are not protecting us from insane criminals with guns. Do we need guns this much? I think not. The NRA be damned. Let's be sane, damn guns and damn criminals.
Protect yourself. You have the right to self-defense. Use it.
I defer to good smart people. I give up my so called "right to bare arms" if it means better and peaceful society. Really. Putting up with random meaningless shootings is ok?
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Sane law abiding people with guns are not protecting us from insane criminals with guns. Do we need guns this much? I think not. The NRA be damned. Let's be sane, damn guns and damn criminals.
Protect yourself. You have the right to self-defense. Use it.
I defer to good smart people. I give up my so called "right to bare arms" if it means better society. Really.
Who are the "smart people"? Allowing yourself to be slaughtered isn't very smart. If the smart people are telling me to forfeit my right to self-defense and can't protect me, then they're not very smart, and I would be very stupid. "Peaceful society" is not attained by taking away the right to self-defense. Taking away self-defense leads to crime because evil people are emboldened. Common sense. The "Peace Officer" doesn't wear a gun to protect you. The Peace Officer wears a gun to protect themselves.
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Sane law abiding people with guns are not protecting us from insane criminals with guns. Do we need guns this much? I think not. The NRA be damned. Let's be sane, damn guns and damn criminals.
Protect yourself. You have the right to self-defense. Use it.
I defer to good smart people. I give up my so called "right to bare arms" if it means better society. Really.
You cannot "give up" a right (it's conferred by your humanity or God, whichever suits your beliefs) but you can certainly choose not to exercise your rights, you just don't get to make that choice for other people, if you respect that principle then we'll have a better society.
Being pro-gun does not stop massacres.
Of course it does. If there had been law-abiding, licensed gun carriers at the sites of all these mass shootings, most, or all, of the innocent people killed would still be alive, and the murderer would have been shot on the spot.
Either that or he wouldn't have even showed up, knowing his chances of failure would be high.

Donald Trump and Ben Carson are both right that one of the primary things to blame, is the senseless, idiotic policy of gun-free zones, which has allowed these shooters to carry out their rampages unhindered.
Being pro-gun does not stop massacres.
Of course it does. If there had been law-abiding, licensed gun carriers at the sites of all these mass shootings, most, or all, of the innocent people killed would still be alive, and the murderer would have been shot on the spot.
Either that or he wouldn't have even showed up, knowing his chances of failure would be high.

Donald Trump and Ben Carson are both right that one of the primary things to blame, is the senseless, idiotic policy of gun-free zones, which has allowed these shooters to carry out their rampages unhindered.
There were at Oregon. There were not at Charleston. There was the incident of the CCW guy who shot an innocent victim then ran away.

No, there is no proof that CCW gunners stop massacres.
What mass shootings has the NRA protected us from? Instead of enabling mass shooters. I am scratching my head in wonderment. You guys buy this BS about protecting the 2nd Amendment?
What mass shootings has the NRA protected us from? Instead of enabling mass shooters. I am scratching my head in wonderment.
The NRA isn't a body guard. Protect yourself. If you're depending on someone or some agency to protect you then you're a fool, unless you have body guards. Do you have body guards? The NRA enables you too, but you choose not to exercise your God given right. If you're a victim of gun violence, it's your own fault.
What mass shootings has the NRA protected us from?
It's not the NRA's mission to "protect us" from mass shootings, the NRA was chartered to protect our right to acquire the means to exercise our right to self defense.

Instead of enabling mass shooters. I am scratching my head in wonderment.
How do you figure the NRA has been enabling mass shooters? Mass shooters are individuals willing to break laws against murder, do you think the prospect of violating restrictions on gun ownership is going to give such people even a moments pause? If you have a serious proposal that might actually reduce the possibility of mass shootings I'd love to hear it but so far you're batting zero with this run of the mill anti-gun/NRA spiel.

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