Carson Is Not "Controversial". His Critics Are Though

Carson woudda got a bunch of people to rush Hitler preventing the Holocaust
Carson isn't a real candidate? I wonder if the left would consider him a real candidate if he were liberal? Funny how the left only considers blacks, Hispanics, and women real or legitimate candidates if they are liberal.
Hell the Right wingers do not even concede that President Barack Obama is an American by Birth..........That is the true measure of their Racism ...they Refuse to agree he is An American Citizen...
Carson isn't a real candidate. He's the GOP's solution to accusations of racism and hostility to the President because he's black. "We got a black candidate! See, we're not racist."
tell me again why I was called racist for suggesting that people were only voting for obama because he was black?
When the president's campaign says that voting for him is historic because he's black, it turned out to be one of the reasons.

Problem is, it didn't solve racism in America like some thought.

It only made the problem worse.
To be Muslim has no correlation to being desirous of having one's religion supreme over the Constitution or the law of the land.

In America, a Muslim can have such a desire but knows it is not possible, ever. This he is not a threat to the Constitution.

In case you forgot, the President takes an oath to protect and defend the Constitution. Someone who believes in the imposition of Sharia Law cannot take this oath.

Moderation Note:: Edited to fix busted quotes.. -- FCT
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What's controversial in my mind is the reality that he's a fundamentalist that believes that the earth is a few thousand years old, believes the creation story as fact and hates science. He thinks evolution is from the devil, the big bang is from the devil and god only knows.

This isn't the kind of man we need in the white house. We fought people in the middle east for the past 15 years that believes in the same simple minded shit...What a way to disrespect all that died in these wars.
lol, that they even Consider someone like the 100year old Socialist Bernie A REAL candidate is the biggest joke being played on them ever.

and they sit and tell us about who is a real or not Republican candidate.
lol, that they even Consider someone like the 100year old Socialist Bernie A REAL candidate is the biggest joke being played on them ever.

and they sit and tell us about who is a real or not Republican candidate.

I think you're missing the delicious, no extra toppings required irony of it Stephanie which is; If Ben Carson isn't a "real" candidate, why spend so much time and energy trying to demonize him, in fact why spend any at all?
lol, that they even Consider someone like the 100year old Socialist Bernie A REAL candidate is the biggest joke being played on them ever.

and they sit and tell us about who is a real or not Republican candidate.


I like his free college as it gives people the chance to take Biology(learn about evolution), Geology(learn about the earth) and Astronomy...All these areas shows that carson is a loon and believe me,,,,Bernie is far more sane and well educated...

We need logic and science to lead America...Not a sky god like in Iran.
lol, that they even Consider someone like the 100year old Socialist Bernie A REAL candidate is the biggest joke being played on them ever.

and they sit and tell us about who is a real or not Republican candidate.


I like his free college as it gives people the chance to take Biology(learn about evolution), Geology(learn about the earth) and Astronomy...All these areas shows that carson is a loon and believe me,,,,Bernie is far more sane and well educated...

We need logic and science to lead America...Not a sky god like in Iran.

of course you would. because people like you and his followers don't have a problem living off the BACKS OF the taxpayers and their families
lol, that they even Consider someone like the 100year old Socialist Bernie A REAL candidate is the biggest joke being played on them ever.

and they sit and tell us about who is a real or not Republican candidate.


I like his free college as it gives people the chance to take Biology(learn about evolution), Geology(learn about the earth) and Astronomy...All these areas shows that carson is a loon and believe me,,,,Bernie is far more sane and well educated...
No such thing as FREE, somebody is going to have to pay for it.
lol, that they even Consider someone like the 100year old Socialist Bernie A REAL candidate is the biggest joke being played on them ever.

and they sit and tell us about who is a real or not Republican candidate.

I think you're missing the delicious, no extra toppings required irony of it Stephanie which is; If Ben Carson isn't a "real" candidate, why spend so much time and energy trying to demonize him, in fact why spend any at all?

For sure. it would take some honor for them to dissect their own candidates. so it's attack attack attack Republicans. It's the same old dirty politics just like every other election we've went through
What's controversial in my mind is the reality that he's a fundamentalist that believes that the earth is a few thousand years old, believes the creation story as fact and hates science. He thinks evolution is from the devil, the big bang is from the devil and god only knows.

Back you go to your "science" forum where you can worship at the alter of Evolution. (Never mind its logical gaps.) After all, it's easier to be a true believer than a skeptic.
lol, that they even Consider someone like the 100year old Socialist Bernie A REAL candidate is the biggest joke being played on them ever.

and they sit and tell us about who is a real or not Republican candidate.

I think you're missing the delicious, no extra toppings required irony of it Stephanie which is; If Ben Carson isn't a "real" candidate, why spend so much time and energy trying to demonize him, in fact why spend any at all?

For sure. it would take some honor for them to dissect their own candidates. so it's attack attack attack Republicans. It's the same old dirty politics just like every other election we've went through
Could be, or it could be the fact that Dr. Carson is an African American that has the temerity not to fall into lockstep with the dogma of the left, Such people used to refer to African Americans like Dr. Carson as "uppity negroes" but given how the left likes to couch there cognitive dissonance in political correctness these days they prefer to engage in gotcha style smear tactics and unsubstantiated innuendo against him.

What is certainly not believable is the whole "he's not a real candidate" nonsense since it's clear many on the left are concerned about the possibility that he might actually get elected.

It's certainly interesting (as well as a bit depressing) to watch.
"To be Muslim has no correlation to being desirous of having one's religion supreme over the Constitution or the law of the land.
In America, a Muslim can have such a desire but knows it is not possible, ever. This [sic] he is not a threat to the Constitution."
In case you forgot, the President takes an oath to protect and defend the Constitution. Someone who believes in the imposition of Sharia Law cannot take this oath.
Reported for deliberately warped quoting. This is what I wrote. "In America, a Muslim can have such a desire but knows it is not possible, ever. This he is not a threat to the Constitution."

No America who believes in Islamic sharia or Christian Dominionism can swear that oath honestly.
Hell the Right wingers do not even concede that President Barack Obama is an American by Birth..........That is the true measure of their Racism ...they Refuse to agree he is An American Citizen...
How is that racist, he is unable to prove he is a citizen, he held back his birth certificate and even had it sealed until enough time had passed that a fake one could have been produced. and we did see a number of fakes show up at first.
he has mentioned his citizenship in other countries, his being brought up in the muslim faith.
He brought it on himself.
pretty sure anyone with the same history and actions would be questioned, regardless of race.
Just say what the real issue is. If we claim its racist to question or disagree with him, people will not question and they will agree just so they are not labeled racist.
lol, that they even Consider someone like the 100year old Socialist Bernie A REAL candidate is the biggest joke being played on them ever.

and they sit and tell us about who is a real or not Republican candidate.

I think you're missing the delicious, no extra toppings required irony of it Stephanie which is; If Ben Carson isn't a "real" candidate, why spend so much time and energy trying to demonize him, in fact why spend any at all?

For sure. it would take some honor for them to dissect their own candidates. so it's attack attack attack Republicans. It's the same old dirty politics just like every other election we've went through
Could be, or it could be the fact that Dr. Carson is an African American that has the temerity not to fall into lockstep with the dogma of the left, Such people used to refer to African Americans like Dr. Carson as "uppity negroes" but given how the left likes to couch there cognitive dissonance in political correctness these days they prefer to engage in gotcha style smear tactics and unsubstantiated innuendo against him.

What is certainly not believable is the whole "he's not a real candidate" nonsense since it's clear many on the left are concerned about the possibility that he might actually get elected.

It's certainly interesting (as well as a bit depressing) to watch.

it's sickening but people get to see their true colors come out on how they think of black people. they accused everyone of being a racist if they even criticized Obama.
but I think the people finally figured them out that (yelling Racist) was being used as a way to SHUT down any debate and to shut people up.

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