Carson must really scared the left cause this board is on fire with half truths & outright lies

Remember when we liberals were all supposedly scared of Sarah Palin?

So, another conservative fraud, hypocrite and eternal-victim has crashed and burned, and the usual rumpswabs are doing the usual weeping. They must have identified with Carson so intensely because they're so much like him in regards to the fraud, hypocrisy and victimhood.

So, life is good. The tears of conservatives are bitter, yet still always delectable. We'll be laughing about this for a long time.


Now, go on, threaten us with some sort of vague eternal retribution, just like you did with Palin. Yeah, yeah, we get it, you hates us forever for spoiling another one of your delusions. Somehow, we'll manage to live with that.
You have a poll that shows him crashing & burning?

Nope. Just your asinine assumptions

it hasn't been that long since the story leaked.

give it time.

and i suspect it doesn't matter to lying delusional wingers anyway.
The damage is already done, regardless.

The disaster of a press conference Friday illustrates why Carson is unfit to be president, his ridiculous whining about 'the media,' and his lie that Obama wasn't subject to the same level and intensity of media scrutiny all demonstrate he has no business being president.

You mean stating facts makes you unqualified to be president? No wonder you leftwing turds are voting for Hillary.
Hit pieces about Carson seem to be manufactured
That wasn't the premise of the op. List all the dems that have a problem with Hillary's lies. It won't take you long

Sent from my SM-G920V using Tapatalk

Not a democrat but I do have a problem with Hillary's lies. Here's the thing, politics is all or nothing. You accept the good and bad and vote for whom you ideologically agree with.

As for Carson v. Hillary, her whoppers are old news.

So if Carson was known to be a liar before he announced, that would be OK with you?
I hear why not to vote for all these people, but why should I vote for any candidate? That is the missing piece. I have no reason to vote for Hillary, no reason to vote for Sanders, no reason to vote for Trump, no reason to vote for Carson.

The left hating Carson or Trump or anyone else is not a reason to vote for Sanders, Clinton or anyone else. The right hating Sanders or Clinton is no reason to vote for anyone on the right.

Screaming about whether a guy was offered a scholarship is no reason to vote or not vote for anyone. Is it?
How about thinking the pyramids were grain elevators and the elaborately mummified bodies of the former rulers were scarecrows?

So why should I vote for your candidate.

If her stances are congruent to yours, you should. They are with me. She will appoint center-left justices, understands diplomacy and responsible governance, realizes Iraq was a mistake and won't make it again, and is easily the best qualified candidate since Bush 41

And she's also a sleazy reprehensible dishonest piece of shit. Apparently that's her main qualification, in your eyes.
Hit pieces about Carson seem to be manufactured
That wasn't the premise of the op. List all the dems that have a problem with Hillary's lies. It won't take you long

Sent from my SM-G920V using Tapatalk

Not a democrat but I do have a problem with Hillary's lies. Here's the thing, politics is all or nothing. You accept the good and bad and vote for whom you ideologically agree with.

As for Carson v. Hillary, her whoppers are old news.
Her whoppers should've disqualified her from running for President.

Should Ben's?
big difference between a tall tale, a Fisherman's tale, and a bald face lie.
Hit pieces about Carson seem to be manufactured
That wasn't the premise of the op. List all the dems that have a problem with Hillary's lies. It won't take you long

Sent from my SM-G920V using Tapatalk

Not a democrat but I do have a problem with Hillary's lies. Here's the thing, politics is all or nothing. You accept the good and bad and vote for whom you ideologically agree with.

As for Carson v. Hillary, her whoppers are old news.
Her whoppers should've disqualified her from running for President.

Doing nothing while four of her employees were being murdered should disqualify her from being president. There is a long list of reasons she should be disqualified.
The last few days I've checked in but not posted much and I gotta say he must really scare the hell out of the left.
Hillary biggie
Hillary fails at her job & others die as a biggie
Obama sat in a pew listening to racist bile for 20 years & denied big deal

Hit pieces about Carson seem to be manufactured out of thin air and all hands on deck!

All stops are out. The Liberals are out to destroy Ben Carson any way they can: Politico Admits Fabricating A Hit Piece On Ben Carson

He'll destroy himself without any help. He's a loon.
And his family wouldn't have made it without those subsidies. Ben said so himself. That bit eludes you loons, as you argue for Ben, but against what he, himself, stated.

AHAHAHAHA only a Kool-Aid drinking leftist would suggest living on subsidy crumbs while working 3 jobs is doing the poor a favor :laugh:

A bigger favor might be raising the minimum wage so one doesn't have to work 3 jobs or live on subsidies, right Dingbat?
Raising the minimum wage will benefit some but many will their jobs altogether to make up for the wage increase.

Businesses cannot expect wages to stay the same forever. Plus, raising wages reduces costly employee turnover and increases productivity.

Employee turnover is not that costly for low skill employees.
I don't know, some of the stupid costly shit I've done as a noob employee like dropping a tray of glasses, or formatting an IDE drive, etc. that you don't do once you get experience. I've done both.

Carson lied. WP doesn't offer scholarships

Lakewood Ranch senior lands $450,000 combined West Point scholarship

LAKEWOOD RANCH -- For the first time since 2012, a Manatee County student is joining a highly competitive special scholarship program for the U.S. Military Academy at West Point.

Tyler Abbott, an 18-year-old senior at Lakewood Ranch High School, was awarded his certificate Thursday evening at a Lakewood Ranch High School scholarship ceremony.

The scholarship for the prep program and West Point is valued at more than $450,000. When he leaves West Point, he'll be an officer in the U.S. Army. The scholarship covers a year of preparatory school before Abbott joins West Point's class of 2020, and is highly competitive with only about 35 students allowed in the program each year.

Read more here: Lakewood Ranch senior lands $450,000 combined West Point scholarship

Care to get caught in another lie???

Wow, who knew a scholarship to prep school is really a scholarship to West Point. Oh, you don't know what I mean? You posted it yourself!

The scholarship covers a year of preparatory school
A bigger favor might be raising the minimum wage so one doesn't have to work 3 jobs or live on subsidies, right Dingbat?
Raising the minimum wage will benefit some but many will their jobs altogether to make up for the wage increase.

Businesses cannot expect wages to stay the same forever. Plus, raising wages reduces costly employee turnover and increases productivity.
Businesses raise wages according to what they can afford to pay and the skill level of an employee.

If unskilled employees make the same as a skilled employee guess who's getting fired?

There is already evidence of businesses closing down and laying people off in states where they've raised the minimum wage to an unrealistic level.

Who says unskilled workers must make the same as skilled workers? There is evidence to show that businesses actually save money when raising wages. They save it by not having a high turnover, which means they don't have to continuously train people for the same job. It also puts more money in the hands of consumers, which in turn is a boost to the economy.

Please cite one of these "studies."

9 posts in a row, come on go for the record.
Remember when we liberals were all supposedly scared of Sarah Palin?

So, another conservative fraud, hypocrite and eternal-victim has crashed and burned, and the usual rumpswabs are doing the usual weeping. They must have identified with Carson so intensely because they're so much like him in regards to the fraud, hypocrisy and victimhood.

So, life is good. The tears of conservatives are bitter, yet still always delectable. We'll be laughing about this for a long time.


Now, go on, threaten us with some sort of vague eternal retribution, just like you did with Palin. Yeah, yeah, we get it, you hates us forever for spoiling another one of your delusions. Somehow, we'll manage to live with that.
You have a poll that shows him crashing & burning?

Nope. Just your asinine assumptions

it hasn't been that long since the story leaked.

give it time.

and i suspect it doesn't matter to lying delusional wingers anyway.
The damage is already done, regardless.

The disaster of a press conference Friday illustrates why Carson is unfit to be president, his ridiculous whining about 'the media,' and his lie that Obama wasn't subject to the same level and intensity of media scrutiny all demonstrate he has no business being president.

You mean stating facts makes you unqualified to be president? No wonder you leftwing turds are voting for Hillary.
#3 Personal attacks
The last few days I've checked in but not posted much and I gotta say he must really scare the hell out of the left.
Hillary biggie
Hillary fails at her job & others die as a biggie
Obama sat in a pew listening to racist bile for 20 years & denied big deal

Hit pieces about Carson seem to be manufactured out of thin air and all hands on deck!

How come all of these threads never say what the lies the left are telling and includes the truth?
The same reason your asinine race threads never have black thugs as perps. Now fuck off

And what reason is that, Deflecto?
I hear why not to vote for all these people, but why should I vote for any candidate? That is the missing piece. I have no reason to vote for Hillary, no reason to vote for Sanders, no reason to vote for Trump, no reason to vote for Carson.

The left hating Carson or Trump or anyone else is not a reason to vote for Sanders, Clinton or anyone else. The right hating Sanders or Clinton is no reason to vote for anyone on the right.

Screaming about whether a guy was offered a scholarship is no reason to vote or not vote for anyone. Is it?
How about thinking the pyramids were grain elevators and the elaborately mummified bodies of the former rulers were scarecrows?

So why should I vote for your candidate.

If her stances are congruent to yours, you should. They are with me. She will appoint center-left justices, understands diplomacy and responsible governance, realizes Iraq was a mistake and won't make it again, and is easily the best qualified candidate since Bush 41

And she's also a sleazy reprehensible dishonest piece of shit. Apparently that's her main qualification, in your eyes.
I guess you won't be voting for Hillary then, eh?
The left are shitting themselves, they fear Carson because their hold on blacks is precarious. A poor black man from Detroit becomes a neurosurgeon that story directly conflicts with the left's victim narrative.

Ben's mother had 3 jobs. She worked from sun up to sundown.

"She couldn't have provided for us and kept up the house without that subsidy."--Ben Carson

And she worked hard so that her son wouldn't need subsidies. That bit eludes you loons.

And his family wouldn't have made it without those subsidies. Ben said so himself. That bit eludes you loons, as you argue for Ben, but against what he, himself, stated.

AHAHAHAHA only a Kool-Aid drinking leftist would suggest living on subsidy crumbs while working 3 jobs is doing the poor a favor :laugh:

A bigger favor might be raising the minimum wage so one doesn't have to work 3 jobs or live on subsidies, right Dingbat?

Oh great. Let's raise the minimum wage so that even more unskilled people can be replaced by robots and then have to live on the dole!
And his family wouldn't have made it without those subsidies. Ben said so himself. That bit eludes you loons, as you argue for Ben, but against what he, himself, stated.

AHAHAHAHA only a Kool-Aid drinking leftist would suggest living on subsidy crumbs while working 3 jobs is doing the poor a favor :laugh:

A bigger favor might be raising the minimum wage so one doesn't have to work 3 jobs or live on subsidies, right Dingbat?
Raising the minimum wage will benefit some but many will their jobs altogether to make up for the wage increase.

Businesses cannot expect wages to stay the same forever. Plus, raising wages reduces costly employee turnover and increases productivity.
Businesses raise wages according to what they can afford to pay and the skill level of an employee.

If unskilled employees make the same as a skilled employee guess who's getting fired?

There is already evidence of businesses closing down and laying people off in states where they've raised the minimum wage to an unrealistic level.

In San Francisco, a new restaurant recently opened that is basically a modern automat. People place orders on ipads and then their food is "served" through a cubby hole in the wall. The only people working there are a few cooks. No wait staff, no cashier, no hostess, no busboys. That is what happens when the minimum wage is increased.
So Carson is a success story from someone who was raised on welfare. You still hate him.

That's WHY the loons hate Carson. He escaped from The Plantation.
Why do people like you keep saying we hate Carson? Is hate the only emotion you can come up with? If so, that's kind of sad.
Hate, fear, loathing, jealousy, envy

All the same in the end.

And yet, I feel none of those towards Dr. Carson....just don't think he's Presidential material.

Obama had no experience, in fact just the opposite his resume looked like a lazy do nothing at least Carson made something of himself.

And Obama had the enormous advantages of being raised by his White Privilege Grandparents and going to a private prep school in Hawaii...quite a different upbringing than Carson had in the inner city hood.
Last edited:
Hit pieces about Carson seem to be manufactured
That wasn't the premise of the op. List all the dems that have a problem with Hillary's lies. It won't take you long

Sent from my SM-G920V using Tapatalk

Not a democrat but I do have a problem with Hillary's lies. Here's the thing, politics is all or nothing. You accept the good and bad and vote for whom you ideologically agree with.

As for Carson v. Hillary, her whoppers are old news.
Her whoppers should've disqualified her from running for President.

Doing nothing while four of her employees were being murdered should disqualify her from being president. There is a long list of reasons she should be disqualified.
#2 Deflect to Hillary
Hit pieces about Carson seem to be manufactured
That wasn't the premise of the op. List all the dems that have a problem with Hillary's lies. It won't take you long

Sent from my SM-G920V using Tapatalk

Not a democrat but I do have a problem with Hillary's lies. Here's the thing, politics is all or nothing. You accept the good and bad and vote for whom you ideologically agree with.

As for Carson v. Hillary, her whoppers are old news.
Her whoppers should've disqualified her from running for President.

Doing nothing while four of her employees were being murdered should disqualify her from being president. There is a long list of reasons she should be disqualified.
#2 Deflect to Hillary
Liberal scumbag smear campaign tactics:

#1 Call perfectly reasonable responses to a smear campaign "tactics" and make a list of them.
#2 Lie about what Carson is actually accused of and what he actually said.
#3 Harp on semantics as if they were some kind of scandalous lie.
#4 Lie, lie, lie, and lie again.
AHAHAHAHA only a Kool-Aid drinking leftist would suggest living on subsidy crumbs while working 3 jobs is doing the poor a favor :laugh:

A bigger favor might be raising the minimum wage so one doesn't have to work 3 jobs or live on subsidies, right Dingbat?
Raising the minimum wage will benefit some but many will their jobs altogether to make up for the wage increase.

Businesses cannot expect wages to stay the same forever. Plus, raising wages reduces costly employee turnover and increases productivity.

Employee turnover is not that costly for low skill employees.
I don't know, some of the stupid costly shit I've done as a noob employee like dropping a tray of glasses, or formatting an IDE drive, etc. that you don't do once you get experience. I've done both.

24 glasses? That comes to what, about $40?
Hit pieces about Carson seem to be manufactured
That wasn't the premise of the op. List all the dems that have a problem with Hillary's lies. It won't take you long

Sent from my SM-G920V using Tapatalk

Not a democrat but I do have a problem with Hillary's lies. Here's the thing, politics is all or nothing. You accept the good and bad and vote for whom you ideologically agree with.

As for Carson v. Hillary, her whoppers are old news.
Her whoppers should've disqualified her from running for President.

Doing nothing while four of her employees were being murdered should disqualify her from being president. There is a long list of reasons she should be disqualified.
#2 Deflect to Hillary
If Hillary can get away with her lies, why can't everyone else?
Hit pieces about Carson seem to be manufactured
That wasn't the premise of the op. List all the dems that have a problem with Hillary's lies. It won't take you long

Sent from my SM-G920V using Tapatalk

Not a democrat but I do have a problem with Hillary's lies. Here's the thing, politics is all or nothing. You accept the good and bad and vote for whom you ideologically agree with.

As for Carson v. Hillary, her whoppers are old news.
His will be in a year. And it's funny that the Carson story came out to bump Hillary's continuing lies being exposed.

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