Carson now tied with Trump after "NO MUSLIM PRESIDENT COMMENT"

The American Taliban just can't decide which loser to go with eh? So be it.
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I have a girl in my ss class who's step dad is muslim. Sometimes they come to church but they have their burkas on. We just ignore it.
Earlier this week, when Trump was asked by reporters about his religious practices, he said, "I've just had great experiences at church, whether it is Sunday School or whatever it may be, but now I go to Marble Collegiate Church." He also said he was "PresbyterianProtestant."Aug 28, 2015
Donald Trump told reporters Thursday that he attends a church in Manhattan, but the church released a statement saying the real estate developer is not an "active member."
Donald Trump is not an active member, church says -
Earlier this week, when Trump was asked by reporters about his religious practices, he said, "I've just had great experiences at church, whether it is Sunday School or whatever it may be, but now I go to Marble Collegiate Church." He also said he was "PresbyterianProtestant."Aug 28, 2015
Donald Trump told reporters Thursday that he attends a church in Manhattan, but the church released a statement saying the real estate developer is not an "active member."
Donald Trump is not an active member, church says -
So, is Obama an active member of the Taliban?
good , good to see that 'Carson' comments helped him as his view is just common sense . I still support Trump and Cruz over 'Carson' but maybe something can be worked out between 'Carson' Trump and Cruz .
What church does Trump attend?
This one, the Almighty Dollar.

The true religion of America...
Earlier this week, when Trump was asked by reporters about his religious practices, he said, "I've just had great experiences at church, whether it is Sunday School or whatever it may be, but now I go to Marble Collegiate Church." He also said he was "PresbyterianProtestant."Aug 28, 2015
Donald Trump told reporters Thursday that he attends a church in Manhattan, but the church released a statement saying the real estate developer is not an "active member."
Donald Trump is not an active member, church says -
big deal Moonglow !!
The American Taliban just can't decide with loser to go with eh? So be it.

I use to laugh at this but now I shake my head in agreement....Lets be honest what is the difference between the taliban and muslim brotherhood and the tea party?? They both want to force people into a religion, they both don't want to invest in science or infrastructure....Very much alike.
Why don't you people talk about how you're going to maintain our infrastructure, your ideas for science and exploration? Or how about how you're going to reform our educational system? You know things that are important and should be front and center.
Why don't you people talk about how you're going to maintain our infrastructure, your ideas for science and exploration? Or how about how you're going to reform our educational system? You know things that are important and should be front and center.
Science rejects faith, which is why the faithful reject science. The only thing stopping another Dark Ages is liberals and liberalism.
The American Taliban just can't decide with loser to go with eh? So be it.

I use to laugh at this but now I shake my head in agreement....Lets be honest what is the difference between the taliban and muslim brotherhood and the tea party?? They both want to force people into a religion, they both don't want to invest in science or infrastructure....Very much alike.

Of course not exactly, as the taliban kills people while the tea party only shames them. But, who knows.
Why don't you people talk about how you're going to maintain our infrastructure, your ideas for science and exploration? Or how about how you're going to reform our educational system? You know things that are important and should be front and center.
not important to me Matthew , my kids are adults and my Grandkids go to good schools . Science is fine as USA has quite a few pretty lethal earth destroying weapons . Now all we need is TOTAL border protection and security , a built up military , bigger and better ocean controlling Navy and the USA is alright !!
Earlier this week, when Trump was asked by reporters about his religious practices, he said, "I've just had great experiences at church, whether it is Sunday School or whatever it may be, but now I go to Marble Collegiate Church." He also said he was "PresbyterianProtestant."Aug 28, 2015
Donald Trump told reporters Thursday that he attends a church in Manhattan, but the church released a statement saying the real estate developer is not an "active member."
Donald Trump is not an active member, church says -

They don't take role in church, numskull. The church wouldn't know if he attended or not.
The American Taliban just can't decide with loser to go with eh? So be it.

I use to laugh at this but now I shake my head in agreement....Lets be honest what is the difference between the taliban and muslim brotherhood and the tea party?? They both want to force people into a religion, they both don't want to invest in science or infrastructure....Very much alike.

They both kill people who don't believe like they do . . . . . eh, ur no, they don't. They both throw homosexuals off of tall buildings . . . . ur, no, they don't. They both stone women for being in the presence of men who aren't their relatives . . . . . . . ur, no, they don't.
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