Carson sees a political significance to Noah’s Ark

The Health Industry crosses Medicines, Tools, Machines, Personal Care, etc..
It is an Industry that touches too many peripheral Industries to not be analyzed very carefully before being over-regulated or nationalized.


I say it here and it comes out ^THERE!^

There is no such thing as an "Independent". All individuals claiming to be such are simply Leftists, who lack the courage to commit.
To the are a Heathen trying to attack anything Christian from anybody...................He is a religious man, and that is part of him..............You don't like it because your religion is Gov't......................

Maddow.........yeah she's gonna attack anything NOT is what she does.............Now they attack him because he mentioned the Ark............

Your side is freaking Pathetic..................Your main Candidate is a HABITUAL LIAR.............just like the one in now.............shows your you practice the MUD SLINGING POLITICS that is NOW EXPECTED OF you do it every time........................

If Carson is the RAIN MAN..................then I'll take the Rain Man Carson for President Alex.
The Health Industry crosses Medicines, Tools, Machines, Personal Care, etc..
It is an Industry that touches too many peripheral Industries to not be analyzed very carefully before being over-regulated or nationalized.


I say it here and it comes out ^THERE!^

There is no such thing as an "Independent". All individuals claiming to be such are simply Leftists, who lack the courage to commit.

I have no idea what your Conservative mind is fixed on.
I have respect for Industries that require specialization and provide an essential service to mankind.
That does not mean Industries don't require Regulation at all.
Are we to allow medications that have not been tested?
The Health Industry crosses Medicines, Tools, Machines, Personal Care, etc..
It is an Industry that touches too many peripheral Industries to not be analyzed very carefully before being over-regulated or nationalized.


I say it here and it comes out ^THERE!^

There is no such thing as an "Independent". All individuals claiming to be such are simply Leftists, who lack the courage to commit.

I have no idea what your Conservative mind is fixed on.
I have respect for Industries that require specialization and provide an essential service to mankind.
That does not mean Industries don't require Regulation at all.
Are we to allow medications that have not been tested?


Anyone see anyone else assert that the medical biz shouldn't be regulated?





Anyone at all?
The Health Industry crosses Medicines, Tools, Machines, Personal Care, etc..
It is an Industry that touches too many peripheral Industries to not be analyzed very carefully before being over-regulated or nationalized.


I say it here and it comes out ^THERE!^

There is no such thing as an "Independent". All individuals claiming to be such are simply Leftists, who lack the courage to commit.

I have no idea what your Conservative mind is fixed on.
I have respect for Industries that require specialization and provide an essential service to mankind.
That does not mean Industries don't require Regulation at all.
Are we to allow medications that have not been tested?


Anyone see anyone else assert that the medical biz shouldn't be regulated?





Anyone at all?

Nationalized and Regulated by Government Appointees? Nope.
I don't want to see Health Care go the way of the Department of Education.
I want Health Insurance Companies Regulated as THEY are the problem with Health Care today along with the loss of American jobs that used to provide Health Insurance.
Let's not forget ReaganCare...Oops, I meant COBRA, the GREAT COMPROMISE from the RINO every Conservative loves to worship.
"What's that, Nancy? Free health care for illegals? No problem, Nancy, we won't call it 'Free Health Care For Illegals', we'll call it 'COBRA'".
Fuckin' senile scumbag bastard fucked up every Hospital North of the Mexican Border.
And Rushbo went on and on how the Democrats were to blame.
Reagan didn't have the balls to say, "No".
Let's not forget ReaganCare...Oops, I meant COBRA, the GREAT COMPROMISE from the RINO every Conservative loves to worship.
"What's that, Nancy? Free health care for illegals? No problem, Nancy, we won't call it 'Free Health Care For Illegals', we'll call it 'COBRA'".
Fuckin' senile scumbag bastard fucked up every Hospital North of the Mexican Border.
And Rushbo went on and on how the Democrats were to blame.
Reagan didn't have the balls to say, "No".


Consolidated Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act of 1985 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

What does illegal immigration have to do with medical insurance for people who left working for the feds?
And plenty of people are just fucking stupid. Sorry, zero evidence for a worldwide flood. A retelling of the Gilgamesh Epic, not even original.

It doesnt have to be a world wide flood, idiot.

At the end of the previous glacial age, there was likely a whole bunch of large scale flooding due to glacial melt freeing lakes of water to flood downstream. It may very well have seemed like a global flood to the people of the region.

That is the problem with you idiot secular uber alles types; the extreme spin you put on Christianity is NOT actual Christianity and you have no clue.
The Health Industry crosses Medicines, Tools, Machines, Personal Care, etc..
It is an Industry that touches too many peripheral Industries to not be analyzed very carefully before being over-regulated or nationalized.


I say it here and it comes out ^THERE!^

There is no such thing as an "Independent". All individuals claiming to be such are simply Leftists, who lack the courage to commit.

I have no idea what your Conservative mind is fixed on.
I have respect for Industries that require specialization and provide an essential service to mankind.
That does not mean Industries don't require Regulation at all.
Are we to allow medications that have not been tested?


Anyone see anyone else assert that the medical biz shouldn't be regulated?





Anyone at all?

And plenty of people are just fucking stupid. Sorry, zero evidence for a worldwide flood. A retelling of the Gilgamesh Epic, not even original.

It doesnt have to be a world wide flood, idiot.

At the end of the previous glacial age, there was likely a whole bunch of large scale flooding due to glacial melt freeing lakes of water to flood downstream. It may very well have seemed like a global flood to the people of the region.

That is the problem with you idiot secular uber alles types; the extreme spin you put on Christianity is NOT actual Christianity and you have no clue.
Nice to see you guys at least backing down on that part of the story. Now are you going to give the Gilgamesh Epic the proper credit for the story that the Bible plagiarized?
Nice to see you guys at least backing down on that part of the story.

No one is backing down, moron. The vast majority of Christians have not considered Noahs tale to be literally true for at least a century. Only fundamentalists insist that it is word for word true, but you secular Nazis prefer to argue with fringe groups just like you are fringe. Sort of a puppet theater.,

Now are you going to give the Gilgamesh Epic the proper credit for the story that the Bible plagiarized?

Moses, according to the history written in the Pentateuch, was an Egyptian Prince who had a good education. I dont doubt he was familiar with that story, but it wasnt plagiarized, in fact the original story could have come from Egypt and then been adapted into the Gilgamesh story.

As I said, you dont know what the hell you are squawking about.
Let's not forget ReaganCare...Oops, I meant COBRA, the GREAT COMPROMISE from the RINO every Conservative loves to worship.
"What's that, Nancy? Free health care for illegals? No problem, Nancy, we won't call it 'Free Health Care For Illegals', we'll call it 'COBRA'".
Fuckin' senile scumbag bastard fucked up every Hospital North of the Mexican Border.
And Rushbo went on and on how the Democrats were to blame.
Reagan didn't have the balls to say, "No".


Consolidated Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act of 1985 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

What does illegal immigration have to do with medical insurance for people who left working for the feds?

HELLO! the law contains the clause that disallows 95% of hospital Emergency Rooms to refuse care due to lack of insurance.
Carson sees a political significance to Noah’s Ark

Source: The Rachel Maddow Show / The MaddowBlog

< By some credible metrics, Ben Carson is the current frontrunner for the Republican presidential nomination. Recent polling shows him leading not only at the national level, but also in the first caucus state.

The problem – one of them, anyway – is that Carson also seems manifestly unqualified to be president of the United States. He’s never sought or held elected office; he has no working understanding of government; and he’s never led anything larger than a medical department.

The retired right-wing neurosurgeon is aware of these concerns and, late last week, offered a striking response: “It is important to remember that amateurs built the Ark and it was the professionals that built the Titanic.”

It was unclear whether Carson was kidding. It’s entirely possible that the Republican candidate believes, sincerely, that Noah’s Ark was an actual, real-world structure that housed thousands of pairs of animals. He might even genuinely believe that the boat’s supposed existence is evidence of his presidential qualifications.>

Read more: Carson sees a political significance to Noah's Ark

Just say NO to the religious fundie!!!! Not just no, BUT FUCK NO!!!! There never was a Noah's ark and it is dumb that he is talking about it

and you know that how? btw- google noahs ark Mt. Ararat Turkey.
Carson sees a political significance to Noah’s Ark

Source: The Rachel Maddow Show / The MaddowBlog

< By some credible metrics, Ben Carson is the current frontrunner for the Republican presidential nomination. Recent polling shows him leading not only at the national level, but also in the first caucus state.

The problem – one of them, anyway – is that Carson also seems manifestly unqualified to be president of the United States. He’s never sought or held elected office; he has no working understanding of government; and he’s never led anything larger than a medical department.

The retired right-wing neurosurgeon is aware of these concerns and, late last week, offered a striking response: “It is important to remember that amateurs built the Ark and it was the professionals that built the Titanic.”

It was unclear whether Carson was kidding. It’s entirely possible that the Republican candidate believes, sincerely, that Noah’s Ark was an actual, real-world structure that housed thousands of pairs of animals. He might even genuinely believe that the boat’s supposed existence is evidence of his presidential qualifications.>

Read more: Carson sees a political significance to Noah's Ark

Just say NO to the religious fundie!!!! Not just no, BUT FUCK NO!!!! There never was a Noah's ark and it is dumb that he is talking about it

If only he could heal himself.
There was certainly a great flood. Every culture around the world has a legend of a great flood. The Hopi indians have a legend of a great flood. Whether the specific story of Noah is true can be debated, but not the flood.
There was certainly a great flood. Every culture around the world has a legend of a great flood. The Hopi indians have a legend of a great flood. Whether the specific story of Noah is true can be debated, but not the flood.
More like floods as all of those cultures initially flourished around water sources such as the Tigris, Euphrates, Nile, and Colorado rivers.
It took Noach 120 years to build an ark, grow and harvest the food to feed the animals on the ark and know how to care for the animals.
Not to mention the sanitation it took to maintain the waste of the animals.
Yes, it's all in Rabbinic writings going back 1500 years.

Are we to determine if Carson is competent to be President based on a witticism?

given the extreme nature of carson's other statements, i'm pretty sure it wasn't a witticism.

he's kind of a nutter.

Well..., yeah.
Carson's another in a long list of Free Market assholes.

yes. but it's even more than that. he's just bizarre and when he speaks he seems drugged.

I like his positions, but he comes off, in large doses, like a kvetch.

see, his "positions" are that health insurance is slavery and abortion is naziism. i'm pretty sure that you don't think that way.

but he is definitely a dork.

He doesn't understand what the Debt Ceiling is. Amazing!

'The retired right-wing neurosurgeon is aware of these concerns and, late last week, offered a striking response: “It is important to remember that amateurs built the Ark and it was the professionals that built the Titanic.”'

There's clearly no limit to Carson's ignorance and stupidity, consistent with that of most other conservatives.

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