Carson sees a political significance to Noah’s Ark

As far as 'experience', the founders only required three things:

Over 35 years old
A natural born citizen
14 years resident in the US

I think that is enough. America IS the place where ANY ordinary citizen should be able to hold the highest office the land. A president has a cabinet and access to any person in the world he would like to consult with. So I don't have a problem with no 'political' experience, I rather like it.

But, Carson speaking of 'Noah's' Ark' as if it were current fact is a disqualifier. The comparison to the Titanic is a fallacy argument. It 'sounds' good and folksy but is something a 10 year old would think.

This guy should not have the nuclear codes.
given the extreme nature of carson's other statements, i'm pretty sure it wasn't a witticism.

he's kind of a nutter.

Well..., yeah.
Carson's another in a long list of Free Market assholes.

yes. but it's even more than that. he's just bizarre and when he speaks he seems drugged.

I like his positions, but he comes off, in large doses, like a kvetch.

see, his "positions" are that health insurance is slavery and abortion is naziism. i'm pretty sure that you don't think that way.

but he is definitely a dork.

He doesn't understand what the Debt Ceiling is. Amazing!

As far as 'experience', the founders only required three things:

Over 35 years old
A natural born citizen
14 years resident in the US

I think that is enough. America IS the place where ANY ordinary citizen should be able to hold the highest office the land. A president has a cabinet and access to any person in the world he would like to consult with. So I don't have a problem with no 'political' experience, I rather like it.

But, Carson speaking of 'Noah's' Ark' as if it were current fact is a disqualifier. The comparison to the Titanic is a fallacy argument. It 'sounds' good and folksy but is something a 10 year old would think.

This guy should not have the nuclear codes.

i think perhaps those requirements were sufficient in the 1700's. society is much more complex now. And what is legally sufficient may not be sufficient as a matter of fact.

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