Carson Ties Trump

There is no way in hell, Trump nor Carson will get the GOP nod, no way and Carson, Mr. Peanut Butter mouth, I mean really. You literally have to shut down everything running in your house, just to understand what that Uncle Tom minstrel clown has to say and then a dictionary to decipher the meanings. He's a joke and like Keyes and all the other sorry ******* that jump on the conservative Titanic, they'll turn on his black ass eventually, like they did Powell and Steele. Conservative Nigga's never learn, the GOP will only tolerate you fools for so long.
what a racist. You never said boo about his qualifications or policies. Color is all that matters to you. Go haunt an empty house.
Bens got the Evans and the blacks. That is all we need, a President who thinks the bible is historical and is to be taken literally. I imagine he believes the Jonah story and would he , do you think he does, BELIEVE IN THE VIRGIN BIRTH? He must. He believes in miracles.

Yet he seems like a very stingy man.
I have no problem with Carson. Trump is a plant anyway..................

He's there to get the Hildabeast elected.

I REALLY like Ben Carson.

I don't know if he's qualified to be President, but he is a very impressive person.

He's impressive on paper. He's got no idea about politics and is basically prone to saying ridiculous things.

He's really impressive in real life.

And yes, I agree, he says things that I don't agree with. And I don't know if he's ready to be President. But he's probably the most impressive person of all the candidates, Republican or Democrat.
Ben Carson is a curiosity that will fade hard and fast much like Herman Cain.

Trump will be the nominee and the next POTUS.

We live in a celebrity culture. Trump's got more fame and more gravitas in his pinky toe than all of the other candidates from both parties combined.
Ben Carson is a curiosity that will fade hard and fast much like Herman Cain.

Trump will be the nominee and the next POTUS.

We live in a celebrity culture. Trump's got more fame and more gravitas in his pinky toe than all of the other candidates from both parties combined.


Who can defeat this man?

Polls are only indicators for RIGHT NOW and the IMMEDIATE PAST.

They may be predictative for the present, but the history of polls might want to temper that assumption.

Nonetheless, Carson coming so close to Trump means that the latter is shedding far right voters to the former. Interesting. Vigilante

You mean we of the FAR RIGHT aren't the racists you SUPPOSED MODERATES are!
Somebody put Vag on suicide watch.

Trump 24
Carson 23
Cruz 10
Rubio 9
Bush 8
Fiorina 5
Huckabee 5
Everyone else - doesn't matter​

Fox News Poll: Carson giving Trump a run for his money
Looks to me like he's still trailing......


A 1% lead is within the 3% error. That means they're tied.
Not if you're cherrypicking the polls you want to quote.

Not if you understand math.
  • Poll: Donald Trump at 48 Percent Among GOP Voters, Counting First and Second-Choice Votes
    Breitbart ^ | 13 Oct 2015 | Neil Munro
    Donald Trump gets 48 percent of the GOP’s primary vote, counting first and second choices, according to the latest large-scale poll by Morning Consult. .. The score include 34 percent in first-choice votes, and 14 percent in second-choice votes. Ben Carson’s first and second-choice votes push him up to 37 percent. Jeb Bush’s first and second-choice votes adds up to 23 percent. Sen. Marco Rubio total reaches 12 percent. Sen. Ted Cruz reaches 11 percent, while Carly Fiorina climbs to 14 percent.

  • Jeb Bush Plant Caught Taunting Trump
    Rush ^ | October 13, 2015 | Rush Limbaugh
    RUSH: We had a sound bite yesterday from the No Labels convention in Manchester, New Hampshire, which now is run by Jon Huntsman, Republican and -- ah, I'm having a mental block on the Democrat. It's Huntsman and there's some Democrat, you know, used to be the guy that ran McCain's media back in 2008. I can't remember. Mark, can't remember his last name. Anyway, we played for you a sound bite from this yesterday where Trump got a question about women and so forth, and we played his answer, and it turns out that that woman who asked the...
It really doesn'tatter, each man beats Hillary in the polls

Except Trump.

Right now, Bush, Carson and Fiorina are all leading Clinton whereas Trump trails Clinton.

RealClearPolitics - 2016 Presidential Race

This has been consistent for months.

When lining up the Republican candidates against Democrat candidates, Trump is the worst performing Republican against possible Democrat candidates.
I have no problem with Carson. Trump is a plant anyway..................

He's there to get the Hildabeast elected.

I REALLY like Ben Carson.

I don't know if he's qualified to be President, but he is a very impressive person.
Anyone that denies the reality of evolution and global warming has serious issues addressing reality. I would never vote for that person to be President.
It really doesn'tatter, each man beats Hillary in the polls

Except Trump.

Right now, Bush, Carson and Fiorina are all leading Clinton whereas Trump trails Clinton.

RealClearPolitics - 2016 Presidential Race

This has been consistent for months.

When lining up the Republican candidates against Democrat candidates, Trump is the worst performing Republican against possible Democrat candidates.

And QUOTING from that great Subversive scholar in this thread...the JakeAss...

Polls are only indicators for RIGHT NOW and the IMMEDIATE PAST.

They may be predictative for the present, but the history of polls might want to temper that assumption.

Care to argue with the JakeAss?
I have no problem with Carson. Trump is a plant anyway..................

He's there to get the Hildabeast elected.

I REALLY like Ben Carson.

I don't know if he's qualified to be President, but he is a very impressive person.
Anyone that denies the reality of evolution and global warming has serious issues addressing reality. I would never vote for that person to be President.

Just how dumb must YOU be to NOT recognize when you are being fucked over?

Trump is rocking the black vote. Ever wonder why?

Nobody wants to talk about that...
It really doesn'tatter, each man beats Hillary in the polls

Except Trump.

Right now, Bush, Carson and Fiorina are all leading Clinton whereas Trump trails Clinton.

RealClearPolitics - 2016 Presidential Race

This has been consistent for months.

When lining up the Republican candidates against Democrat candidates, Trump is the worst performing Republican against possible Democrat candidates.

That will change once the nominee is chosen.

Here's your choice:

Vote for Trump. Make America Great Again!!!

-------Or ----------

Vote for hiLIARy .....she'll make America grate..... again.....with all her lies... and scandals.....again......oye.......

The ads write themselves...

It really doesn'tatter, each man beats Hillary in the polls

Except Trump.

Right now, Bush, Carson and Fiorina are all leading Clinton whereas Trump trails Clinton.

RealClearPolitics - 2016 Presidential Race

This has been consistent for months.

When lining up the Republican candidates against Democrat candidates, Trump is the worst performing Republican against possible Democrat candidates.

And QUOTING from that great Subversive scholar in this thread...the JakeAss...

Polls are only indicators for RIGHT NOW and the IMMEDIATE PAST.

They may be predictative for the present, but the history of polls might want to temper that assumption.

Care to argue with the JakeAss?

Jake's right.

But that hasn't stopped you from posting every single poll that has your spank material in the lead.

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