Carson Ties Trump

Trump is rocking the black vote. Ever wonder why?

Nobody wants to talk about that...
It really doesn'tatter, each man beats Hillary in the polls

Except Trump.

Right now, Bush, Carson and Fiorina are all leading Clinton whereas Trump trails Clinton.

RealClearPolitics - 2016 Presidential Race

This has been consistent for months.

When lining up the Republican candidates against Democrat candidates, Trump is the worst performing Republican against possible Democrat candidates.

That will change once the nominee is chosen.

Here's your choice:

Vote for Trump. Make America Great Again!!!

-------Or ----------

Vote for hiLIARy .....she'll make America grate..... again.....with all her lies... and scandals.....again......


The ads write themselves...


Trump is unstable and doesn't have the temperament to be President.

He will not be the nominee.
Trump is rocking the black vote. Ever wonder why?

Nobody wants to talk about that...
It really doesn'tatter, each man beats Hillary in the polls

Except Trump.

Right now, Bush, Carson and Fiorina are all leading Clinton whereas Trump trails Clinton.

RealClearPolitics - 2016 Presidential Race

This has been consistent for months.

When lining up the Republican candidates against Democrat candidates, Trump is the worst performing Republican against possible Democrat candidates.

That will change once the nominee is chosen.

Here's your choice:

Vote for Trump. Make America Great Again!!!

-------Or ----------

Vote for hiLIARy .....she'll make America grate..... again.....with all her lies... and scandals.....again......


The ads write themselves...


Trump is unstable and doesn't have the temperament to be President.

He will not be the nominee.


Who's gonna beat him?
It really doesn'tatter, each man beats Hillary in the polls

Except Trump.

Right now, Bush, Carson and Fiorina are all leading Clinton whereas Trump trails Clinton.

RealClearPolitics - 2016 Presidential Race

This has been consistent for months.

When lining up the Republican candidates against Democrat candidates, Trump is the worst performing Republican against possible Democrat candidates.

And QUOTING from that great Subversive scholar in this thread...the JakeAss...

Polls are only indicators for RIGHT NOW and the IMMEDIATE PAST.

They may be predictative for the present, but the history of polls might want to temper that assumption.

Care to argue with the JakeAss?

Jake's right.

But that hasn't stopped you from posting every single poll that has your spank material in the lead.

Pissing you off, is enjoyable, and I do it SO OFTEN!
For the Crazies, i.e. every Crazy who accuses other Republicans as being "RINOs," in September and October of 2011, Rick Perry was leading. In October and November, Herman Cain was leading. In November and December, Newt Gingrich was leading. And in February 2012, Rick Santorum was leading.

2012 - 2012 Republican Presidential Nomination | RealClearPolitics

Yet, the Trumpians are proclaiming victory in October 2015.
Pissing you off, is enjoyable, and I do it SO OFTEN!

Ebola massacre, FEMA camps, Jade Helms, Trump for President, and so on.

If by "pissing off" you mean "LOLing at you," I agree

Obola is killing the country, thank GOD the Muslim will be gone in 15 months I have never posted on FEMA, or Jade Helm, so you're caught in another lie! Trump for president, Hell YES!

    Breitbart ^ | October 13, 2015 | JOHN NOLTE
    If you’re looking for even more proof that the national media knows absolutely nothing about anything, not only is Republican presidential frontrunner Donald Trump beating home town boys Sen. Marco Rubio (R-FL)80% and Jeb Bush in Florida, he’s beating them with Hispanic Voters. Bush has based much of his political identity on pandering to Hispanics, and Trump is trouncing him by +11 points. Rubio is Hispanic, and he’s losing to trump by -1%.

Whoa!!! Someone doesn't like me mentioning the only TRUE Conservative in the field!

Who's gonna beat him?

Someone else.

Seriously Toro, which Republican can beat him?

As of now, only Carson has a chance, BUT look how Carly LOST 10 points this week alone...WTF happened there, everyone woke up at once?

Trump has lost 10 points over the past 6 weeks.

AND is still ahead of everyone else, and it wasn't 10 points, it was 10 points in ONE left leaning poll!
Who's gonna beat him?

Someone else.

Seriously Toro, which Republican can beat him?

Any of the top 6 or 8 other Republicans behind him.

We'll see.

I don't see any of them beating him. As of today, he is STILL the man to beat. Barring any major gaffes, that is unlikely to change.


Not sure how you can make that conclusion, given how volatile the polls have been at this time during the past two elections, how he's sliding in the polls, and all the money on the sidelines that will be unleashed on him in the coming months. He is the front-runner, but he will fade, just like the other pretenders in 2012 and 2008.

I'd watch Ted Cruz. I don't know if he'll win, but I think he's positioning himself to take advantage of the inevitable Trump implosion.
Somebody put Vag on suicide watch.

Trump 24
Carson 23
Cruz 10
Rubio 9
Bush 8
Fiorina 5
Huckabee 5
Everyone else - doesn't matter​

Fox News Poll: Carson giving Trump a run for his money
Rubio or bush.

Marco Rubio Is Not “Surging in the Polls,” Shows No Signs of Actual Momentum

The Slatest ^
Following a second strong, if understated, debate performance late last month, Marco Rubio is currently riding a wave of positive press. He is “surging in the polls,” has “the hot hand,” and is even emerging as “the favorite to win the GOP presidential nomination.” With the summer of Trump coming to a close, it seems, we are at the cusp of a new stage of the campaign where the non-silly-season favorites begin to assert themselves and the race finally gets serious. And there is good reason why that means Rubio’s stock is on the rise: With Scott Walker out and...

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