Carson Ties Trump

I have no problem with Carson. Trump is a plant anyway..................

He's there to get the Hildabeast elected.

I REALLY like Ben Carson.

I don't know if he's qualified to be President, but he is a very impressive person.

He's impressive on paper. He's got no idea about politics and is basically prone to saying ridiculous things.

Is he any worse than the polite clowns?
He's run hundreds of businesses and declared corporate bankruptcy 4 times.
He's employed thousands of Mexican immigrants.
Man, that guy really sucks.

Guy, neither Trump or Carson should ever be anywhere near the oval office, period.

I realize that the Orifice is beneath them, but who knows, maybe they will bring some respectability back to the position.
Carson has plenty of ideas about politics, but I don't think he can govern if he were elected. There would have to be a power behind the throne, and he would be a puppet.
I wonder Hillary would react/comment if Carson filled the largest arena in Cleveland, 50% White, 50% Black, all 98,000 of them cheering for Carson as if he was the fifth Beatle.
I wonder Hillary would react/comment if Carson filled the largest arena in Cleveland, 50% White, 50% Black, all 98,000 of them cheering for Carson as if he was the fifth Beatle.
Yup, and we all go to the moon to party afterwards.
I have no problem with Carson. Trump is a plant anyway..................

He's there to get the Hildabeast elected.

I REALLY like Ben Carson.

I don't know if he's qualified to be President, but he is a very impressive person.

He's impressive on paper. He's got no idea about politics and is basically prone to saying ridiculous things.
Like . . . you? :lol:
Hahahaha nice.
I have no problem with Carson. Trump is a plant anyway..................

He's there to get the Hildabeast elected.

And doing a damn fine job of it. I knew right wingers were dumb, but I didn't know they were that dumb.
There is no way in hell, Trump nor Carson will get the GOP nod, no way and Carson, Mr. Peanut Butter mouth, I mean really. You literally have to shut down everything running in your house, just to understand what that Uncle Tom minstrel clown has to say and then a dictionary to decipher the meanings. He's a joke and like Keyes and all the other sorry ******* that jump on the conservative Titanic, they'll turn on his black ass eventually, like they did Powell and Steele. Conservative Nigga's never learn, the GOP will only tolerate you fools for so long.
Uncle Tom minstrel? That's a bit harsh.
I'm not sure polls mean anything. But, it seems pretty clear that absent an indictment or something that isn't going to happen, the nomination is Hillary's. And, about 45-50% of the gop identified voters don't want anything to do with anyone who was ever elected before and compromised on anything to get a law on the books.

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