Carter meets with political leader of Hamas in Syria

see what i was talking about jillian..each side..clings to their hate...each side shouting the injustices committed by the other side...never looking at what they are doing can anyone shout down a man seeking peace? when did peace become a bad thing?

Whenever it isn't the "peace" dictated by Israel.
Carter, unlike most of our government, has some credibility in the Arab community.

He was, after all, the only POTUS to ever have forged a lasting peace accord between an Arab nation and Israel.

If we want peace in the Mid East we are going to have to talk to the enemy. Carter is a man with the credibility, the patience and the interpersonal skills to do that

It's fairly obvious, after 50 years, that war isn't going to solve this problem.
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Looks like Jimmy Carter forgot that he is no longer in office again. A former President meeting with the leadership of a terrorist organization is nothing short of contemptible.

He's meeting with Hamas at the request of the Israeli Deputy Prime Minister.

"a spokesman for Israeli Deputy Prime Minister Eli Yishai said Friday that Yishai had asked Carter to arrange for him to meet with Hamas to discuss a possible prisoner exchange.

Yishai, a member of the ultra-Orthodox Shas party, has said he believes it is his religious duty to try to win the release of Cpl. Gilad Shalit, an Israeli soldier who was kidnapped nearly two years ago and has been held in Gaza since." -- WASHINGTON POST
see what i was talking about jillian..each side..clings to their hate...each side shouting the injustices committed by the other side...never looking at what they are doing can anyone shout down a man seeking peace? when did peace become a bad thing?

Because Jimmy Carter wrote a book in which he clearly expresses his hatred for Israel.

That doesn't make him an honest broker for peace. He helped when he assisted Begin and Sadat to sit down. But tht was a long time ago.

Peace is a good thing. Destroying Israel isn't.
Anti-semitism = The unwillingness to bend over and kiss the ass of the Israeli government.

Pro-palestinian propaganda.

It means someone who thinks Israel shouldn't exist.

Do let me know when you support giving California back to Mexico.
Carter needs to put his tool belt back on and get back to building houses. That way the idiot liberals can stop giving out loans to people who never paid their bills anyway and the poor shits can get out of public housing and out of my pocket. Other than that, Carter is useless.

And he can take lard ass Barney Frank along to help him!
Because Jimmy Carter wrote a book in which he clearly expresses his hatred for Israel.

That doesn't make him an honest broker for peace. He helped when he assisted Begin and Sadat to sit down. But tht was a long time ago.

Peace is a good thing. Destroying Israel isn't.

Carter has never expressed any interest in destroying Israel .. and to suggest that Israel is just an innocent victim and has not contributed HEAVILY to its own negative images, is not an honest assessment of the ME.

Peace cannot nor never will be obtained with our imbalanced view.

I'm not interested in the destruction of Israel either .. my concern is peace in the ME and ensuring that Americans do not have to die for Zionism.

It would also seem to be increasingly necessary to send far less American taxpayer dollars to prop up an Israeli government so centered on war.
Yelling that you won't meet with terrorists, is just kabuki theater designed for domestic political consumption, and for rightwing talk radio.

In the real world, Israel is already meeting and negotiating with Hamas behind the scenes, with Egypt as the intermediary, and the United States encouraging it.

Is anyone really going to defend Egypt as an "intermediary", as oppossed to Carter? Whatever you think of Carter, I think he has america's and israel's interests more at heart, than does egypt.

Israel has been trading proposals with Hamas this spring for a possible cease-fire. Egypt has served as the intermediary, and the United States has encouraged the process behind the scenes. Those talks have snagged on the issue of whether the West Bank would also be included in the cease-fire, with Hamas arguing that it must be and Israel balking. --Washington Post

There's too much partisanship on this issue. I don't think Israel deserves to be called the most hated nation on earth, and I don't think all arabs and muslims are evil. And I don't think Jewish bankers control the world. This issue always seems to get distilled down to crap like that.
Pro-palestinian propaganda.

It means someone who thinks Israel shouldn't exist.

Do let me know when you support giving California back to Mexico.

By your own words that isn't true.

Carter does not believe Israel should not exist .. yet you call him anti-semite.

And, the belief that Israel is the aggressor isn't pro-Palestinian, it the pro-planet earth view.

California and Mexico don't have a damn thing to do with this and you know that. A better analogy would be what we did to the American Indian.
How about this .. is it "antisemitic?"

"(We) are opposed the establishment of and retain all opposition to the existence of the so-called "State of Israel"!

Carter didn't say that .. a group of orthodox Jews did.
What is the Neturei Karta?

Founded in 1938, split off from a group founded in 1912, they are among hundreds of groups of JEWISH people who are opposed to the Israeli government.

Are they antisemitic?
How about this .. is it "antisemitic?"

"(We) are opposed the establishment of and retain all opposition to the existence of the so-called "State of Israel"!

Carter didn't say that .. a group of orthodox Jews did.
What is the Neturei Karta?

Founded in 1938, split off from a group founded in 1912, they are among hundreds of groups of JEWISH people who are opposed to the Israeli government.

Are they antisemitic?

Different and you know it. They believe Israel shouldn't exist til the coming of the Messiah... It has nothing to do with wanting dead and subjugated jews.
Right. You're talking about the ones that walk into wedding parties or get on school busses and detonate themselves, and/or fire missiles into civilian housing areas and have waged war against NOTHING but unarmed civilian noncombatants.

Probably because every time they try face to face like men, with men, they get their asses handed to them and get sent running for Beirut. Being murderers and thugs works out so much better for them; especially, with people like Carter and you more than willing to excuse their actions.

I'm talking about those people? I don't remember mentioning the Irgun, or their terrorist leaders, Menachem Begin and Yitzhak Shamir. Elected Prime Ministers, if I recall correctly.

We rant on in this country over the highest public official in the country having alleged ties to a man branded a former terrorist, yet don't make a peep over the fact that actual terrorists can get elected in Israel.
Different and you know it. They believe Israel shouldn't exist til the coming of the Messiah... It has nothing to do with wanting dead and subjugated jews.

So is Ahmadinejad still anti-Semitic too, considering that they met with him?

I do not believe Jimmy Carter is an anti-Semite.

Rushing to call people anti-Semites is foolish and as much a cause of turning people anti-Semitisms as all the religious blather than has ever been uttered.
No, actually Ronald Reagan started AQ by sending money and arms to Bin Laden and the mujahadeen in Afganistan.

But keep living your us vs them fantasy.

There is NO evidence that Bin Laden received any money or equipment or training from the US. But do provide any links you may have that sya otherwise.
Just a general comment here ..........

Personally I don't see where disagreeing with Israeli politics or even not agreeing with there being a State of Israel as being anti-Semitic. Yet, often times when one expresses an opposing political or policy view to that of the Israeli government, they are labeled as such.

Now, called for the death of an entire people, that is much different. But, often times that is not the case. The issues are political, economic or social living.
Just a general comment here ..........

Personally I do not feel that former presidents should place themselves in affairs which effect this nation, unless asked to do so, by the sitting president.

Naturally charity movements are the exception, so long as they are not politically motivated.

I think the former presidents still hold an obligation to the White House and the nation. Wanting to help is wonderful, but, if must be done within the framework and under the direction of the sitting president.

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