Carter meets with political leader of Hamas in Syria

complete jew by christain def is one who has seen the light and converted to jesus etc.

nice way to refer to it...hamas....why does hamas exist? think about it..who profits from hamas..why are there jewish settlers in the west bank, why does israel ignore international law....why are americans so linked with israel that we are hated in the same breath by palestinians....

now on the other side....why do palestinians not go to jordan and close jenin....and the other refugees camps....why do they matyr their children...what type of hopelessness causes this?

i see both sides as the victim and the preyer....extremist on neither side want peace....the right of return must be given up ....settlers must be dislodged ...if you just look at the stats...arabs outnumber jews...even the importation of russian jews is not going to change that....

and more questions...why are any of your asses jewishs or islamic here? why arent your asses in these countries you profess such great love and devotion too? i love my fucking country and i am sick of both religions using us and killing us...if i felt there was a better country my ass would be riddle me this...

to the jews..why arent you settling in israel?

to the islamics..why not return to the lands you think are so great and see how that goes?
complete jew by christain def is one who has seen the light and converted to jesus etc.

nice way to refer to it...hamas....why does hamas exist? think about it..who profits from hamas..why are there jewish settlers in the west bank, why does israel ignore international law....why are americans so linked with israel that we are hated in the same breath by palestinians....

now on the other side....why do palestinians not go to jordan and close jenin....and the other refugees camps....why do they matyr their children...what type of hopelessness causes this?

i see both sides as the victim and the preyer....extremist on neither side want peace....the right of return must be given up ....settlers must be dislodged ...if you just look at the stats...arabs outnumber jews...even the importation of russian jews is not going to change that....

and more questions...why are any of your asses jewishs or islamic here? why arent your asses in these countries you profess such great love and devotion too? i love my fucking country and i am sick of both religions using us and killing us...if i felt there was a better country my ass would be riddle me this...

to the jews..why arent you settling in israel?

to the islamics..why not return to the lands you think are so great and see how that goes?
there are Jews in the west bank because they have ALWAYS been there
whats known as the west bank used to be called Judea
gee, any guesses as to why?
the right of return must be given up by both sides for there to ever be are we giving these lands back to the native americans???? come on div
the right of return must be given up by both sides for there to ever be are we giving these lands back to the native americans???? come on div
you asked why, i told you
and its not a "right of return" they are already THERE and have been there for YEARS
what you are now asking is that they be removed from their own land

and Native Americans(i have Native American heritage) are just as free in this country to live where we choose
Disagree. One of the few times in the late 70s I actually was paying attention to what was going on. The Carter Administration was, via the CIA and ironically enough, smuggling weapons through Pakistan to the Muhajadeen, of which bin Laden was a key player and financier.

I still have the vague recollection of one of the 60 minutes reporters standing at the border of Pakistan and Afghanistan giving the report.

"Muhajadeen" simply means Islamic warriors. All Muslims in the conflict opposing Soviet control and influence in Afghanistan were called "muhajadeen" regardless of their country of origin. But that doesn't mean the US funded any and all of them -because they didn't. Bin Laden has never claimed he received any money or arms from the US -in fact, he has only belittled the role the US did play, saying it was negligible. The majority of his time was spent in Pakistan trying to raise funds for Afghan resistance fighters although he was present off and on as a guerilla fighter for about three years. In fact, Al Qaeda was first formed for the purpose of raising money for Afghan fighters. But he was not a key figure in that conflict since it was the Afghans who formed and led their own resistance groups and did the bulk of all the fighting.

In July, 1979 in response to Carter's Presidential finding authorizing it, the CIA began Operation Cyclone to fund Afghan resistance fighters. That operation was later expanded to also funnel money to Afghan resistance fighters through Pakistan's secret services.

But the US didn't funnel money through Bin Laden, his group or directly fund the efforts of any foreign fighters or those of any foreign group. Funding foreign fighters would have opened the US to legitimate criticism around the world that the US was supporting foreign efforts to overthrow a sitting government. (The government in Kabul was run by the Soviets' Afghan "puppets", and therefore technically an Afghan government with an army manned by Afghans. Afghans fought on both sides in the conflict.) The US dealt directly only with Afghan resistance groups in that conflict -because taking sides in a civil war is not the same thing as supporting foreign efforts to overthrow the government of another country.

That doesn't mean US money that was given to Afghan muhajadeen or funneled through Pakistan's secret services to Afghan fighters didn't end up being used to fund any foreign fighters -it probably was even though foreign fighters were not the main fighting force and not leading the Afghan muhajadeen. But that would have come directly from the Afghans as their decision about how to use the funds given them, or the decision of Pakistan's secret services about how to funnel that US money to Afghan fighters. Not the decision of the US which purposely refused to deal directly with any foreign fighters in Afghanistan. Since Bin Laden was so heavily involved in fund-raising for that war himself, I think its more likely he relied upon the funds he raised and unlikely to have received any US funds even secondhand from Afghan fighters.
Looks like Jimmy Carter forgot that he is no longer in office again. A former President meeting with the leadership of a terrorist organization is nothing short of contemptible.

Carter has the RIGHT idea, only he is the wrong man! Really the Israelis needs to start talking directly with Hamas! Honestly a top 5 worst ex-Presidents in US history needs to sit this one out.

Yes yes I know all the rhetoric of Hamas's oath, bylaws and pledge to destroy Israel! However, status quo for Israel and Palestine/Hamas is not an option! Israel needs to talk to the ones in power and for better or for worse that is Hamas. The PLO is not the speaker or decision maker for the Palestinians, Hamas is!
Hamas is a terrorist organization the people of Palestine voted for as their government. Makes the entire state of Palestine a terrorist state, IMO.

True, but they are the ones in power! The only thing keeping them from over-running Abbas, Fatah and the PLO from the WB is the IDF!

Israel needs to negotiate with the ones in power, and that is Hamas
True, but they are the ones in power! The only thing keeping them from over-running Abbas, Fatah and the PLO from the WB is the IDF!

Israel needs to negotiate with the ones in power, and that is Hamas

why is hamas needed...ask yourself that...i agree with ghook on ths one...but there is no trust in the negoitations by either side...
I know, those terrorists who construct illegal settlements in the Occupied Territories, annexed the Golan Heights, unjustly invaded Lebanon numerous times, used cluster munitions against the civilian population in Lebanon...oh. Wait. That was someone else around there.

So in '67 Israel should not have defended herself from Syria? The Golan Heights are strategic areas that gives Syria a huge advantage in any invasion. Fool me once ('48) shame on you! Fool me twice ('67) shame on you!

Oh those poor Lebanese citizens, when they do cross-border attacks, what do you say, probably you take your proud ignorant liberal ass and yell foul from your ivory tower. In '82 the Lebanese were allowing terrorist to attack Israel and in most cases promoting it! Israel like every country has a right to defend herself! In the 2nd Lebanese war after years of terrorist attack (take Kuntar - who killed a father in front of his 3 yr girl, before bashing her head in with the butt of his gun), they did a cross border war operation in which they killed a dozen or so IDF soldiers and captured 2 soldiers. Then the Hezbollah terrorist set up their operations with civilian populaces and even fired their missiles (which were specifically aimed at Israel civilians targers) off of apartment buildings. This way when Israel hits back there is collateral damage so that Hezbollah wins the propaganda war! In fact I think Israel restrainted herself. She should have reigned down on Lebanon 10 fold harder!
Carter, unlike most of our government, has some credibility in the Arab community.

He was, after all, the only POTUS to ever have forged a lasting peace accord between an Arab nation and Israel.
I 100% agree!

If we want peace in the Mid East we are going to have to talk to the enemy. Carter is a man with the credibility, the patience and the interpersonal skills to do that
An ex-President who is rated by every historian as the in the top 5 worst Presidents. One who does have much respect or creditability with even liberal democrats is probably not the best choice! Obama seems to have universal charisma and love from all around the world, particularly amongst the Palestinians, hh yea I forgot to mention that he is the President elect, maybe he might be the best choice

It's fairly obvious, after 50 years, that war isn't going to solve this problem.
Actually its 60 yrs, but yes status quo is not an option! Fighting isn't either!
How about this .. is it "antisemitic?"

"(We) are opposed the establishment of and retain all opposition to the existence of the so-called "State of Israel"!

Carter didn't say that .. a group of orthodox Jews did.
What is the Neturei Karta?

Founded in 1938, split off from a group founded in 1912, they are among hundreds of groups of JEWISH people who are opposed to the Israeli government.

Are they antisemitic?

YES, they are also self-hating douche-bags! You can find them in every group! In America we have a ton of them. They are Anti-american Americans!
So is Ahmadinejad still anti-Semitic too, considering that they met with him?


WOW what a smart guy, so if Hitler took some pictures with some Jews would be be a friend of the Jews! Your ignorance is amazing!
jews...even the importation of russian jews is not going to change that....

and more questions...why are any of your asses jewishs or islamic here? why arent your asses in these countries you profess such great love and devotion too? i love my fucking country and i am sick of both religions using us and killing us...if i felt there was a better country my ass would be riddle me this...

to the jews..why arent you settling in israel?

to the islamics..why not return to the lands you think are so great and see how that goes?

I will answer this highly arrogant question! Personally because I am America. I love my country. If anyone asks me what is your nationality I say American! They say no no, where are you originally from, meaning your ancestors? I repeat America, I am an American. I wouldn't have it any way. And guess what the vast vast vast vast majority of Americans of Jewish dissent would say they same things, they put America first and Israel 2nd! Are you also claiming that Jews have not don't anything for this country?
the right of return must be given up by both sides for there to ever be are we giving these lands back to the native americans???? come on div

If the America Indians started shooting missiles at New York City or watched into crowded areas and blew up the place, would we do nothing? Would America say, well any reaction would be disproportionate so its best not to do anything? Absolutely not, we would attack with full force!
WOW what a smart guy, so if Hitler took some pictures with some Jews would be be a friend of the Jews! Your ignorance is amazing!
Hitler was a raving mad man and very anti-semitic.

Ahmadinejad on the other hand, is a friend of the Jews and one of the greatest leaders of our time!
why is hamas needed...ask yourself that...i agree with ghook on ths one...but there is no trust in the negoitations by either side...

Little know fact about Hamas was Israel built them up! They supported them in the early years, because AraFATASS and his terrorist and corrupt PLO movement were welll corrupt terrorist. They saw Hamas as an alternative!

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