Carter meets with political leader of Hamas in Syria

Hitler was a raving mad man and very anti-semitic.

Ahmadinejad on the other hand, is a friend of the Jews and one of the greatest leaders of our time!

I read the first sentence and Lunni has turned the corner.

Then I read the second one and realized, nope....he is still an idiot...anyone who can think that Ahmy is a great leader is off their head.:cuckoo:
Different and you know it. They believe Israel shouldn't exist til the coming of the Messiah... It has nothing to do with wanting dead and subjugated jews.

Neither Carter or the majority of people who seek balance and peace in the ME also don't have anything to do with wanting dead and subjugated jews anywhere in the world .. that includes me.

I have no desire to see any harm or ill come to the jewish people at all whatsoever. Growing up in the sixties I am fully aware of the contributions of a great many jewish people to African-American struggles in this country, and in fact, Africans all over the world.

My problem is with the government of Israel .. and there are hundreds of organizations of jewish people who have the same problems with the Israeli government that I, Carter, and people all over the world do.

This has nothing to do with so-called "anti-semitism" and everything to do with the evils of the Israeli government and our unbalanced approach to the ME.

As here in this thread .. somehow we never get around to addressing the issues of the Israeli government because that conversation is always masked in the smoke and mirrors of "anti-semitism."
Iran has the second largest Jewish population in the Middle East.

Second only to Israel.

There are even Jews who serve in the Iranian government.

THAT I did not know.

Gotta do some digging .. but if that is indeed true ... WTF?
YES, they are also self-hating douche-bags! You can find them in every group! In America we have a ton of them. They are Anti-american Americans!

The question wasn't if some idiot would call these jews "douche-bags" .. while claiming someone else is anti-semitic .. which is dumb as fuck ..

The question was are they .. jews .. anti-semitic?
actually, no US money went to bin laden or the taliban
but the lib morons will never let that lie go

As Gunny pointed out, you're incorrect. So you might want to pull in the anti "lib" posing. We used Afghanistan as a staging point for a proxy war with the Soviets.
Are you also claiming that Jews have not don't anything for this country?

oddly enough had i meant to say that...i would have said it....dont put words in my posts...or construct meanings that are not there.
The question wasn't if some idiot would call these jews "douche-bags" .. while claiming someone else is anti-semitic .. which is dumb as fuck ..

The question was are they .. jews .. anti-semitic?

You are far too smart, my friend, to engage in that type of low rhetoric.
THAT I did not know.

Gotta do some digging .. but if that is indeed true ... WTF?
BAC the American media is nothing but lies.


Or just google Iranian Jews

There are 25,000 Iranian Jews who live peaceably in Iran with full civil rights.

Israel has tried to bribe them with money to leave Iran.

They have refused to leave saying they are happy in Iran.

This has been a great embrassement to Israel.
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My problem is that he's already expressed a huge amount of anti-semitism....

Give me a break, Carter is the farthest thing from anti-semitic. He's an appeasing fool, in the spirit of Neville Chamberlain, but he's not racist in anyway.

But a naive idiot like Carter is far more dangerous than a crazy dictator. Can't think of a dictator who created more problems for this country than Jimmy did when he was Pres.
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Give me a break, Carter's is the farthest thing from anti-semitic. He's an appeasing fool, in the spirit of Neville Chamberlain, but he's not racist in anyway.

But a naive idiot like Carter is far more dangerous than a crazy dictator. Can't think of a dictator who created more problems for this country than Jimmy did when he was Pres.

Carter was a terrible president. I think we can both agree on that.

As for his anti-semitism. No... he wasn't an "appeaser"...

did you read his book? Or at least the excerpts?
whatsa matter, jill? The idea that jews are not spotlessly treating palis like human beings a little too much for your zionism?
Neither Carter or the majority of people who seek balance and peace in the ME also don't have anything to do with wanting dead and subjugated jews anywhere in the world .. that includes me.

I have no desire to see any harm or ill come to the jewish people at all whatsoever. Growing up in the sixties I am fully aware of the contributions of a great many jewish people to African-American struggles in this country, and in fact, Africans all over the world.
Yet you try to deny them a home country! If history has shown us anything its that the Jews more than anyone need their own country as a safe haven!

My problem is with the government of Israel .. and there are hundreds of organizations of jewish people who have the same problems with the Israeli government that I, Carter, and people all over the world do.
PLEASE! 99% of Jews support the state of Israel. Even agnostic Jews like myself! Sell your bullshit some other place!

This has nothing to do with so-called "anti-semitism" and everything to do with the evils of the Israeli government and our unbalanced approach to the ME.

As here in this thread .. somehow we never get around to addressing the issues of the Israeli government because that conversation is always masked in the smoke and mirrors of "anti-semitism."
Sure it does! It has everything to do with the new anti-semitism! I call it the PC anti-semitism. If a coward, such as yourself, just came out and said they hate Jews, then they will be shunned and seen as men who like to walk around in PJ's and pointy hats! However, again cowards, like yourself, try to say they have nothing but love for the Jews, rather they are anti-zionist! Basically since your a coward you try to mask your anti-semitic beliefs in PC anti-zionism!
Sure it does! It has everything to do with the new anti-semitism! I call it the PC anti-semitism. If a coward, such as yourself, just came out and said they hate Jews, then they will be shunned and seen as men who like to walk around in PJ's and pointy hats! However, again cowards, like yourself, try to say they have nothing but love for the Jews, rather they are anti-zionist! Basically since your a coward you try to mask your anti-semitic beliefs in PC anti-zionism!

Of course it does....

Global anti-Semitism in recent years has had four main sources:

Traditional anti-Jewish prejudice that has pervaded Europe and some countries in other parts of the world for centuries. This includes ultra-nationalists and others who assert that the Jewish community controls governments, the media, international business, and the financial world.
Strong anti-Israel sentiment that crosses the line between objective criticism of Israeli policies and anti-Semitism.
Anti-Jewish sentiment expressed by some in Europe's growing Muslim population, based on longstanding antipathy toward both Israel and Jews, as well as Muslim opposition to developments in Israel and the occupied territories, and more recently in Iraq.
Criticism of both the United States and globalization that spills over to Israel, and to Jews in general who are identified with both.

Report on Global Anti-Semitism
THAT I did not know.

Gotta do some digging .. but if that is indeed true ... WTF?

What you don't know could fill a library!

The reason they have the 2nd most Jews is because every other Middle East country kicked them out, over 1 million at once! If they had no Israel, then they would have no place to go and would have been slaughtered!

Persia much to their credit did not do this, but in '48 and '67 when the explusions were made, the Jews had a in the Shah in Iran!
Jews have only one answer for anyone who disagrees with them: "ANTI-SEMITIC"!!!!

You could say Mr.Jew, "I agree with you 99.99% on the issue of Israel.

But because of that 0.01% Mr. Jew will scream in you face that you are "ANTI-SEMITIC"!!!!

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