Carter's four years of peace is why Republicans think he was a lousy president



Of course, they will point to Iran and the embassy hostages. Saying we should have dropped bombs. Dropped bombs on who? The innocent people who live there? To start even more chaos?

Created the Department of Energy. Too bad his policies weren't pursued. We would never have become so dependent on ME oil and gas mileage standards are still followed today.

Created the Department of Education. Remember when it was part of the Department. of Health, Education and Welfare? Separating it actually streamlined government.

Supported SALT II (Strategic Arms Limitations Talks). Congress refused to sign it, but it was an important first step.

Brokered the Israel-Egypt Peace Treaty. Too bad it didn't last. But he tried harder than any other president.

Installed solar panels in the White House. Visionary.

Granted amnesty to Vietnam draft-dodgers. This helped the country get over the damage caused by that terrible conflict and helped bring the country together.

Established diplomatic relations with China. Remember when everyone was so afraid of China?

Pushed for comprehensive health care reform. Something Republicans would never do. Their policy really is "health care for the rich and for others - die quickly".

Returned the Panama Canal to Panama. Panama is a sovereign country. Republicans are empire builders. Look at what they tried to do in Iraq. The canal wasn't ours and Iraqi oil wasn't ours. And, the world didn't fall apart when we got out of Panama.

Republicans look at Nixon, Reagan, Bush and Bush and see "heroes". The rest of the world see criminals and disasterous fiascoes. Because so few American died under Carter and America wasn't involved in any wars, Republicans see Carter as "weak". Too bad we don't have more of that "weak". Tired of Americans dying from GOP ignorance about the rest of the world.
"Carter planned to remove all U.S. troops from South Korea by 1982, with the exception of 14,000 U.S. Air Force personnel and logistics specialists, but after cutting only 3,600 men, he was forced by intense Congressional pressure as well as strong opposition from the military generals to abandon the effort in 1978."
Presidency of Jimmy Carter - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Proof positive Presidents aren't in charge.
"Saying we should have dropped bombs"
Really? So why didn't Reagan?

Of course, they will point to Iran and the embassy hostages. Saying we should have dropped bombs. Dropped bombs on who? The innocent people who live there? To start even more chaos?

Created the Department of Energy. Too bad his policies weren't pursued. We would never have become so dependent on ME oil and gas mileage standards are still followed today.

Created the Department of Education. Remember when it was part of the Department. of Health, Education and Welfare? Separating it actually streamlined government.

Supported SALT II (Strategic Arms Limitations Talks). Congress refused to sign it, but it was an important first step.

Brokered the Israel-Egypt Peace Treaty. Too bad it didn't last. But he tried harder than any other president.

Installed solar panels in the White House. Visionary.

Granted amnesty to Vietnam draft-dodgers. This helped the country get over the damage caused by that terrible conflict and helped bring the country together.

Established diplomatic relations with China. Remember when everyone was so afraid of China?

Pushed for comprehensive health care reform. Something Republicans would never do. Their policy really is "health care for the rich and for others - die quickly".

Returned the Panama Canal to Panama. Panama is a sovereign country. Republicans are empire builders. Look at what they tried to do in Iraq. The canal wasn't ours and Iraqi oil wasn't ours. And, the world didn't fall apart when we got out of Panama.

Republicans look at Nixon, Reagan, Bush and Bush and see "heroes". The rest of the world see criminals and disasterous fiascoes. Because so few American died under Carter and America wasn't involved in any wars, Republicans see Carter as "weak". Too bad we don't have more of that "weak". Tired of Americans dying from GOP ignorance about the rest of the world.
That shows our govt works as designed.
"Carter planned to remove all U.S. troops from South Korea by 1982, with the exception of 14,000 U.S. Air Force personnel and logistics specialists, but after cutting only 3,600 men, he was forced by intense Congressional pressure as well as strong opposition from the military generals to abandon the effort in 1978."
Presidency of Jimmy Carter - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Proof positive Presidents aren't in charge.
Ever since the ofrmation of the Dept of (Public) Education, US students have performed progressively worse

Carter gave us our first real budget deficits, 20% interest rates 12% inflation, unemployment and gas lines
I don't remember the peace really. I remember the hostage crisis and gas lines and super high interest rates. I have to admit I did vote for him, but I was a crazy kid back then.



Bush WAS the worst president in history.Now Obama holds that honor because he has expanded what he started and covered up for him.its one thing to commit the crime but to cover up for the previous administrations crimes and let him get off scott free is an even worse crime.
all of that on carter has been addressed many times int he past.

He failed to get hostages out of Iran because our government committed treason making a deal with them to hold them as hostages till Regan got elected and release them after he was the book OCTOBER SURPRISE.

the interest rates and inflation were the feds doing,the president has no control over what the fed does.

Long gas and carter is to blame for that? interesting.

Our government put Ayatolla in power.the president doesnt run the country.

the fact that USMB's resident troll Crusader Retard-the troll that goes into meltdown mode over ANY bashing of his distant cousin Reagan is on here posting,is proof postitive the OP is correct.:biggrin:
Of course, they will point to Iran and the embassy hostages. Saying we should have dropped bombs. Dropped bombs on who? The innocent people who live there? To start even more chaos?

Created the Department of Energy. Too bad his policies weren't pursued. We would never have become so dependent on ME oil and gas mileage standards are still followed today.

Created the Department of Education. Remember when it was part of the Department. of Health, Education and Welfare? Separating it actually streamlined government.

Supported SALT II (Strategic Arms Limitations Talks). Congress refused to sign it, but it was an important first step.

Brokered the Israel-Egypt Peace Treaty. Too bad it didn't last. But he tried harder than any other president.

Installed solar panels in the White House. Visionary.

Granted amnesty to Vietnam draft-dodgers. This helped the country get over the damage caused by that terrible conflict and helped bring the country together.

Established diplomatic relations with China. Remember when everyone was so afraid of China?

Pushed for comprehensive health care reform. Something Republicans would never do. Their policy really is "health care for the rich and for others - die quickly".

Returned the Panama Canal to Panama. Panama is a sovereign country. Republicans are empire builders. Look at what they tried to do in Iraq. The canal wasn't ours and Iraqi oil wasn't ours. And, the world didn't fall apart when we got out of Panama.

Republicans look at Nixon, Reagan, Bush and Bush and see "heroes". The rest of the world see criminals and disasterous fiascoes. Because so few American died under Carter and America wasn't involved in any wars, Republicans see Carter as "weak". Too bad we don't have more of that "weak". Tired of Americans dying from GOP ignorance about the rest of the world.


You nailed it. Had to comment on this post mainly cause of your DO understand that its really a ONE PARTY SYSTEM designed to look like two so the sheople think they have choice in who they select for us as president don't you?

great thread.:thup: Carter was the only halfway decent president we have had since JFK our last GREAT president and last real president that served the people instead of the bankers.

Clinton and Obama should both be labeled a republican because they are no different whatsoever from the Bushs.
It ain't hust republicans bro. The media, which is almost always protective of democrats, created a "misery index" during the Carter years.
It took guts for Carter to refrain from a military action that would have killed thousands but appease the conservatives
If I address only one of your idiotic musings, it will be this...

Created the Department of Energy. Too bad his policies weren't pursued. We would never have become so dependent on ME oil...

Carter did more to crush the domestic oil and gas industries than any President before...

He coined the phrase "obscene profits" and turned the public against the very industries you say that he HELPED? :lol:
He painted oil and gas as the evil bogeyman, not the energy producing, employment machines that they are.

Then came the "Windfall Profits Tax", which was neither a tax nor was it based on profits. In so doing, Carter syphoned hundreds of millions of dollars AWAY from the very businesses that produced those REVENUES by their own efforts.
This stifled exploration, drilling, production, employment.

No... Carter totally screwed over oil and gas in this nation and his policies led to reduced domestic production and increased imports.

You... are... such... a... BROTCH! :slap:
The final answer term. "Jimmy"!!!!!!!!!
dude hate to break the news to you but anytime a good president gets in office,the establishment makes sure he doesnt serve more than one term.:biggrin:
miserable fail.
the only one that served in office since carter,our last decent president,who unlike carter, was evil and corrupt and only served one term was Bush sr and thats because he had in reality,been president for EIGHT years before that.he was the one really running the country cause Reagan had alzheimers diseace and didnt have a clue what he was doing.

Bush after being president for 12 years was ready to step down at that point.He made it perfectly clear he was not unhappy about losing to Clinton the second time around.
Of course, they will point to Iran and the embassy hostages. Saying we should have dropped bombs. Dropped bombs on who? The innocent people who live there? To start even more chaos?

Created the Department of Energy. Too bad his policies weren't pursued. We would never have become so dependent on ME oil and gas mileage standards are still followed today.

Created the Department of Education. Remember when it was part of the Department. of Health, Education and Welfare? Separating it actually streamlined government.

Supported SALT II (Strategic Arms Limitations Talks). Congress refused to sign it, but it was an important first step.

Brokered the Israel-Egypt Peace Treaty. Too bad it didn't last. But he tried harder than any other president.

Installed solar panels in the White House. Visionary.

Granted amnesty to Vietnam draft-dodgers. This helped the country get over the damage caused by that terrible conflict and helped bring the country together.

Established diplomatic relations with China. Remember when everyone was so afraid of China?

Pushed for comprehensive health care reform. Something Republicans would never do. Their policy really is "health care for the rich and for others - die quickly".

Returned the Panama Canal to Panama. Panama is a sovereign country. Republicans are empire builders. Look at what they tried to do in Iraq. The canal wasn't ours and Iraqi oil wasn't ours. And, the world didn't fall apart when we got out of Panama.

Republicans look at Nixon, Reagan, Bush and Bush and see "heroes". The rest of the world see criminals and disasterous fiascoes. Because so few American died under Carter and America wasn't involved in any wars, Republicans see Carter as "weak". Too bad we don't have more of that "weak". Tired of Americans dying from GOP ignorance about the rest of the world.


You nailed it. Had to comment on this post mainly cause of your DO understand that its really a ONE PARTY SYSTEM designed to look like two so the sheople think they have choice in who they select for us as president don't you?

great thread.:thup: Carter was the only halfway decent president we have had since JFK our last GREAT president and last real president that served the people instead of the bankers.

Clinton and Obama should both be labeled a republican because they are no different whatsoever from the Bushs.

i see some people dont listen around here.:cuckoo:

,the fact they ignored this post the ones that replied after it.
Of course, they will point to Iran and the embassy hostages. Saying we should have dropped bombs. Dropped bombs on who? The innocent people who live there? To start even more chaos?

Created the Department of Energy. Too bad his policies weren't pursued. We would never have become so dependent on ME oil and gas mileage standards are still followed today.

Created the Department of Education. Remember when it was part of the Department. of Health, Education and Welfare? Separating it actually streamlined government.

Supported SALT II (Strategic Arms Limitations Talks). Congress refused to sign it, but it was an important first step.

Brokered the Israel-Egypt Peace Treaty. Too bad it didn't last. But he tried harder than any other president.

Installed solar panels in the White House. Visionary.

Granted amnesty to Vietnam draft-dodgers. This helped the country get over the damage caused by that terrible conflict and helped bring the country together.

Established diplomatic relations with China. Remember when everyone was so afraid of China?

Pushed for comprehensive health care reform. Something Republicans would never do. Their policy really is "health care for the rich and for others - die quickly".

Returned the Panama Canal to Panama. Panama is a sovereign country. Republicans are empire builders. Look at what they tried to do in Iraq. The canal wasn't ours and Iraqi oil wasn't ours. And, the world didn't fall apart when we got out of Panama.

Republicans look at Nixon, Reagan, Bush and Bush and see "heroes". The rest of the world see criminals and disasterous fiascoes. Because so few American died under Carter and America wasn't involved in any wars, Republicans see Carter as "weak". Too bad we don't have more of that "weak". Tired of Americans dying from GOP ignorance about the rest of the world.

Excellent facts that debunk that propaganda bs by the government that he was the worst president ever that so many sheep have fallen for ver decades of propaganda.

Here are some more that debunk that bs crap that he was the worst ever.Carter did not get us into World War One or World War Two,,nor was he the president who got us into the Korean War,nor did he get us into the civil war,nor was he the president that was in office when the federal reserve act was signed,nor was he the president who expanded Johnson’s war in Vietnam illegally bombing Cambodia,nor was he the president that took us off the gold standard in 1972 which is why the country is in the mess it is today,Nor was he the president who got us into the Middle East war we have been in sense 9/11 or was the president who illegally invaded Iraq, bust most importantly,he is the only president since our last great president kennedy,who tried to,also get rid of the evil CIA.that was WHyY he only served one term in office.

Good presidents dont serve more than one term in office anymore.
...he made the US look like crap with the Iran Hostage problem ....
...first he didn't want to use the military...then when he did, it was idiocy--making the US looking even MORE foolish and weak !!!!
...there were a lot more options than ''dropping bombs''' ..he was an idiot
...the Iran Hostage Crisis was a LOSS to America--and you think that was ok????!!!!
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