Carville: "We're Going to Know by 10:30 Eastern the Election Outcome

I think by midnight on election night, we will know that Biden has won
By the next morning it should be confirmed

I expect Trump to concede.........Never
If Trump fails to win reelection, he'll have a final opportunity to exhibit some integrity and put the country first - a concession speech would be a start.
If Trump wins the dems will have a final opportunity to exhibit some integrity and put the Country first, accepting he won would be a start.

We did it last time

Let’s see if Trump has half the class that Hillary did
You have NEVER accepted Trump won, first you claimed he cheated then you claimed he colluded then you claimed he obstructed then you claimed he threatened Ukraine then you impeached him and now you claim if he loses he won't leave.

He is President isn’t he?
Hillary conceded
Obama attended his inauguration and welcomed him to the White House

Will Trump show the same class?
Will biden stack the court?

He can’t.

The Constitution says Congress decides on the number of judges
I think by midnight on election night, we will know that Biden has won
By the next morning it should be confirmed

I expect Trump to concede.........Never
If Trump fails to win reelection, he'll have a final opportunity to exhibit some integrity and put the country first - a concession speech would be a start.
If Trump wins the dems will have a final opportunity to exhibit some integrity and put the Country first, accepting he won would be a start.

We did it last time

Let’s see if Trump has half the class that Hillary did
You have NEVER accepted Trump won, first you claimed he cheated then you claimed he colluded then you claimed he obstructed then you claimed he threatened Ukraine then you impeached him and now you claim if he loses he won't leave.
Nonsense, red herring fallacy.

Clinton conceded; Trump must do the same.
I think by midnight on election night, we will know that Biden has won
By the next morning it should be confirmed

I expect Trump to concede.........Never
If Trump fails to win reelection, he'll have a final opportunity to exhibit some integrity and put the country first - a concession speech would be a start.
If Trump wins the dems will have a final opportunity to exhibit some integrity and put the Country first, accepting he won would be a start.

We did it last time

Let’s see if Trump has half the class that Hillary did
You have NEVER accepted Trump won, first you claimed he cheated then you claimed he colluded then you claimed he obstructed then you claimed he threatened Ukraine then you impeached him and now you claim if he loses he won't leave.
Nonsense, red herring fallacy.

Clinton conceded; Trump must do the same.

Or what, shitstain?

You gonna clench your little fists and stomp and scream?

Let me help you, Jones....90% on here think you're an idiot.....and what you know about Constitutional law would fit in a thimble

That said you're fun to slap run away again... it's sooooooo you
I think by midnight on election night, we will know that Biden has won
By the next morning it should be confirmed

I expect Trump to concede.........Never
If Trump fails to win reelection, he'll have a final opportunity to exhibit some integrity and put the country first - a concession speech would be a start.
If Trump wins the dems will have a final opportunity to exhibit some integrity and put the Country first, accepting he won would be a start.

We did it last time

Let’s see if Trump has half the class that Hillary did
You have NEVER accepted Trump won, first you claimed he cheated then you claimed he colluded then you claimed he obstructed then you claimed he threatened Ukraine then you impeached him and now you claim if he loses he won't leave.
Nonsense, red herring fallacy.

Clinton conceded; Trump must do the same.
Hillary may have conceded but then she claimed for 2 years she was cheated and the dems and you NEVER accpted Trump or perhaps I am wrong that you and the press first claimed he cheated and then claimed he colluded and then claimed he obstructed? Perhaps I am wrong that the House bring bogus impeachment charges that they could not prove against the President? Perhaps I am wrong that the dems RIGHT now are DEMANDING that Biden NOT CONCEDE if he loses? You want trump to do what YOU refuse to do.
I'm not sure it will be that obvious by 10:30, but I do believe we'll know conclusively by morning that Biden has won the election. This won't be a close like the Trump faithful seem to think.

Concur. Some of the down ballot races will be too close to call but they’ll be able to call president by midnight.
We may need weeks to sort out all of the Democrats cheating. They aren't even trying to hide the fact that they intend to cheat like hell this time....
I'm not sure it will be that obvious by 10:30, but I do believe we'll know conclusively by morning that Biden has won the election. This won't be a close like the Trump faithful seem to think.

Concur. Some of the down ballot races will be too close to call but they’ll be able to call president by midnight.
There will be some states that may take a few days to resolve.
There will be a shitload of disallowed mail in ballots.

Trump will claim every one was for him
The networks will wait as long as possible to call the election for Trump. I say sometime after 3am the call will be made.
I doubt if we will know by 10:30 Eastern unless Florida is decided by a wide margin for Biden.

The first night will see solid Blue States support Biden and solid Red states support Trump.

Until we get three or four swing states reporting, we really won’t know.

If Ohio, Arizona,Michigan and Pennsylvania go Biden then it will be clear by the next day but my bet Trump will not accept any defeat no matter how badly he get beat...

Well, that's certainly Biden's stated position, but I'm sure you only think that's acceptable for him.

Feel free to show in my own words I think that...

Feel free to show in my own words where I said you definitely think that. I said, "I'm sure", as it "This is what I think of you."

Or are you the only one who gets to have opinions?

So the answer is no you can not show in my own words I think that and your personal opinion of me has nothing to do with the subject we are discussing and what it has to do with is you attempting to start a flame war so you can report any form of abuse of mine which will not happen!

Also let me be clear whomever win the Electoral College is President no matter if it is Biden or Trump and you will be hell bent to find me protesting the vote under my old name Bruce T Laney or under this one and why?

Simple, I accept the Electoral College ruling and live with the choice that it has made!

Now will you accept a Biden win if he win the Electoral College or will you proclaim his victory was won by fraud and declare Trump the winner and act like the left the last four years as sore losers?

My bet from the comments you have made so far it will be sore loser status because you can not accept people not wanting Donald John Trump!

If Trump does win the Electoral College and Biden protests it he is a sore loser and if Biden win and Trump protests it he is a sore loser!

Simple as that!

Now let see if you can write something without your opinion of me and before you cry about what I just wrote remember you started the nonsense but my bet is you will lie and excuse ignorance and stupidity!
I won't know until the next morning.

I cannot bring myself to accept the brutal reality of the Donald's humiliating defeat,

So I shan't watch the election returns on the evening of November 3. (In any case, I am afraid of mobs possibly invading my neighborhood. They may not limit looting to downtown areas.)

I am guessing that the Donald will not take his defeat graciously.

I hope that the First Lady can talk some sense into him and persuade him to congratulate President-elect Biden and to promise the usual thing, viz., that he will do everything possible to have a smooth transition, blah blah blah.

The Donald's supporters should play it cool. Depending on the outcome of the House & Senate races, they should calmly plan how they can impede the Democrats' agenda as much as possible. They should work hard for the mid-term House races.
I won't know until the next morning.

I cannot bring myself to accept the brutal reality of the Donald's humiliating defeat,

So I shan't watch the election returns on the evening of November 3. (In any case, I am afraid of mobs possibly invading my neighborhood. They may not limit looting to downtown areas.)

I am guessing that the Donald will not take his defeat graciously.

I hope that the First Lady can talk some sense into him and persuade him to congratulate President-elect Biden and to promise the usual thing, viz., that he will do everything possible to have a smooth transition, blah blah blah.

The Donald's supporters should play it cool. Depending on the outcome of the House & Senate races, they should calmly plan how they can impede the Democrats' agenda as much as possible. They should work hard for the mid-term House races.

I'll be watching. My house is secured by me in a gated community (yes, Gertrude, walls DO make a difference!) ably protecting me and mine from the unwashed, ill-educated, sweating, teeming, slob mobs.
The Donald's supporters should play it cool.

It will be interesting to see how Trumps loyal supporters react.
The MAGA crowd will follow him to the ends of the earth. But how will GOP leaders react?
Will they stand by him regardless of how ridiculous his claims or will they cut their losses and deny all connections to him?
Sounds like the establishment has already declared the winner.

Might as well not bother voting. . . is that the message here? :dunno:

Get out and vote!!!
We are doomed if we lose the Senate!!


. . . as if that is going to do any good. They control the press, the courts, the market, Big tech, the military, the bureacracy, who counts the votes, they control everything.

If they hadn't, consequences for what they did to Trump the entire time would have materialized.

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What do you think THIS is all about? Well?

Do you honestly think something as silly as an "election," where it is clear who the folks want, is going to stop them? Wake up man.

The Donald's supporters should play it cool.

It will be interesting to see how Trumps loyal supporters react.
The MAGA crowd will follow him to the ends of the earth. But how will GOP leaders react?
Will they stand by him regardless of how ridiculous his claims or will they cut their losses and deny all connections to him?

The answer is right in front of you idiot, and you don't even see it!
Trump's SCOTUS nominee is killing it! :auiqs.jpg:
The Donald's supporters should play it cool.

It will be interesting to see how Trumps loyal supporters react.
The MAGA crowd will follow him to the ends of the earth. But how will GOP leaders react?
Will they stand by him regardless of how ridiculous his claims or will they cut their losses and deny all connections to him?

The answer is right in front of you idiot, and you don't even see it!
Trump's SCOTUS nominee is killing it! :auiqs.jpg:
Very true

Looks like she will be Trumps last gasp.

Republicans have won this battle and have a 6-3 Conservative court

Democrats are preparing to win the war.
I'm not sure it will be that obvious by 10:30, but I do believe we'll know conclusively by morning that Biden has won the election. This won't be a close like the Trump faithful seem to think.

You may be correct.....

The state Division of Elections did an accounting of the votes and determined there have been 1,782,663 mail-in ballots cast in total -- 905,065 of which were sent in by Democrats and 520,712 by Republicans.

Looks like democrats are voting at least twice as much as Republicans.
As skeptical as I was, the Democrats could be on track for a landslide victory after all.
Do you smell that? It's the rancid smell of Socialism in America. The end of the 2nd....beginning of confiscation.
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I'm not sure it will be that obvious by 10:30, but I do believe we'll know conclusively by morning that Biden has won the election. This won't be a close like the Trump faithful seem to think.

Concur. Some of the down ballot races will be too close to call but they’ll be able to call president by midnight.
There will be some states that may take a few days to resolve.
There will be a shitload of disallowed mail in ballots.

Trump will claim every one was for him
But they won’t be swing states and we will all know the inevitable outcome. Yes, California will still be counting ballots, but the remaining ballots wouldn’t be enough to swing an election Trump wouldn’t have won anyway.

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