Case closed, Zimmerman's a gonner

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Are you watching HLN? They just got done showing the friend of GZ saying Mr. Martin cursed at him when all he was doing was holding the door for Martin and his wife..

Sure, A-Hole..

Looks like Zimmerman's friends are liars just like he is. Mr. Martin has never behaved with anything but quiet dignity throughout this whole thing. Suddenly he's just going to start cursing at someone who is holding the door for him? At the trial, with all kinds of people around? That's as ridiculous as Zimmerman's tale of Trayvon saying shit like "You're gonna die tonight."

Yep. Zimmerman's friend is lying.

On one hand...why would the friend lie? On the other, I cant really blame a parent for being a little hostile to their sons killers friends.

Its a long trial though and he should learn to control his emotions or he wont be allowed to sit in the courtroom.

They didnt kill anyone. Why would you be hostile?
Morning poll indicates that 62% believe that the charges are probably or definitely true against GZ.

I think the may be, but the jury will have the final say at this level.

62% is great! It only takes 1 no and we're done here.

Well, not exactly done. All it takes is one to lead to a mistrial. Then the state can take him to court again or can offer him a deal.
Morning poll indicates that 62% believe that the charges are probably or definitely true against GZ.

I think the may be, but the jury will have the final say at this level.

62% is great! It only takes 1 no and we're done here.

Well, not exactly done. All it takes is one to lead to a mistrial. Then the state can take him to court again or can offer him a deal.

No. They can't offer him a deal, it's over at that point unless they want to do this again, and I'm betting they won't.
Now, back on point. Why would a guy with a gun scream for help? Lololol

He wouldn't. The fat coward was harassing the kid.

Yeah...because the guy on top with the cut knuckles and not a mark on em always calls for help.:cuckoo:

That matters little. How did Zimmerman end up there ? And all this citation of the law, can someone show how Zimmerman was in the right ? See, it don't stop at the beating and this shooting. If it did Zimmerman would have a case. There was a pursuit and a shooting. The volunteer group Zimmerman was part of forbids pursuit. The CCW class he took likely teaches against pursuit, and lastly, I would bet state law forbids pursuit. Its fine to defend the right to CCW and 2nd amendment and all that, but this case is not the one to use to do it. Set the politics and rep whoreing aside and its clear as day. Zimmerman fucked up.
He wouldn't. The fat coward was harassing the kid.

Yeah...because the guy on top with the cut knuckles and not a mark on em always calls for help.:cuckoo:

The evidence doesn't put Martin on top of Zimmerman.

Also, see [MENTION=27168]HereWeGoAgain[/MENTION] 's post re gunshot forensics.

>>>>John Good is an eyewitness, witnessssss#######6. Sorry it's been a long day, had to think. Apparently, Z looked up at him and said help me, standing next to him, he drew the sketch of TM on top and Z on the bottom, he could possible wrap up the self defense thing by himself, of course he'll have to change his name to John Smith and go into witness protection after, but, in the meantime he has to testify. We'll obviously know the exacts when he does. The sketch, et al haven't been admitted as evidence only presented at opening. There is another witness that took the bloody broken nose photo (photoshopped!! NOT!) immediately after - he is to testify. West also said TM's GF is to testify and it sounds like he's (defense) is calling her based on what he said she's going to say during testimony. As we said before, West packed quite a punch in opening with amount of evidence/testimony they will be bringing.
62% is great! It only takes 1 no and we're done here.

Well, not exactly done. All it takes is one to lead to a mistrial. Then the state can take him to court again or can offer him a deal.

No. They can't offer him a deal, it's over at that point unless they want to do this again, and I'm betting they won't.

Of course the DA's office can offer him a deal, or try him, or not try him, in case of a mistrial.
Yeah...because the guy on top with the cut knuckles and not a mark on em always calls for help.:cuckoo:

The evidence doesn't put Martin on top of Zimmerman.

Also, see [MENTION=27168]HereWeGoAgain[/MENTION] 's post re gunshot forensics.

>>>>John Good is an eyewitness, witnessssss#######6. Sorry it's been a long day, had to think. Apparently, Z looked up at him and said help me, standing next to him, he drew the sketch of TM on top and Z on the bottom, he could possible wrap up the self defense thing by himself, of course he'll have to change his name to John Smith and go into witness protection after, but, in the meantime he has to testify. We'll obviously know the exacts when he does. The sketch, et al haven't been admitted as evidence only presented at opening. There is another witness that took the bloody broken nose photo (photoshopped!! NOT!) immediately after - he is to testify. West also said TM's GF is to testify and it sounds like he's (defense) is calling her based on what he said she's going to say during testimony. As we said before, West packed quite a punch in opening with amount of evidence/testimony they will be bringing.

Yes they had Witness number 6 make a drawing because he kept changing his story, I could do a thread on what is wrong with witness number 6. But there is also witnesses that put Zimmerman on top. The prosecution is going to call Martin's girlfriend,she is going to testify Martin was trying to get away and Zimmerman confronted Martin.
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Well, not exactly done. All it takes is one to lead to a mistrial. Then the state can take him to court again or can offer him a deal.

No. They can't offer him a deal, it's over at that point unless they want to do this again, and I'm betting they won't.

Of course the DA's office can offer him a deal, or try him, or not try him, in case of a mistrial.

No. They. Can't.

If there is 1 no vote, it mistrials and they do not offer him a deal, they must bring the case again.
He doesn't need to control his emotions. He didn't say that. He didn't do that. Zimmerman's friend is a liar. Why would he lie? I don't know, why has Zimmerman told so many lies? Some people are just slime. Zimmerman, his family, his wife, his friends, all seem to be low lifes. I know it's hard for you to believe that as they are all Caucasians, and we all know it's only blacks who behave badly.......:rolleyes: All white people are paragons of virtue.

You werent do you know what happened? I dont blame Mr Martin for doing so, I probably would too if I were in court observing my childs killer. Just saying if so...he needs to control his emotions or he wont be allowed to be there in his kids honor. Its easier said than done, but a must at any rate. seem to be very objective...(rolling eyes)....thanks anyway. So he lied because GZ told a lie? Got it.

Common sense tells me he most likely is not lying...there is no reason to. I dont know the guy, so why would I think him a liar...same for you.

The Zimmerman friend was backpedalling on the stand. He said things like I think that's what he said and that's what I heard, etc. I doubt the father would say that stuff. He's been checking himself all along.

His ex wife was upset and walked out of the courtroom earlier but he wanted to stay.

A witness can't 'back peddle' on the stand. They have all given sworn depositions. If they try it the lawyer takes the deposition, reads the sworn testimony in it, and confronts the witness in front of the jury. So stop trying to act like you know things you clearly don't know. Why I would answer you with anything that resembles civility is completely beyond me, but you can rest assured that I will NOT forget your vile and disgusting behavior last night.
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No. They can't offer him a deal, it's over at that point unless they want to do this again, and I'm betting they won't.

Of course the DA's office can offer him a deal, or try him, or not try him, in case of a mistrial.

No. They. Can't.

If there is 1 no vote, it mistrials and they do not offer him a deal, they must bring the case again.

Your affirmation, Testarosa. Give us the law, please.
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