Case closed, Zimmerman's a gonner

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Boy, he is a cop wannabe. Lots of calls to the police, they must get really annoyed with him.
Prosecution is still trying to establish that Zimmerman continued pursuit of Martin after being told to stop. They have a representative of the Sanford PD who conducted the Neighborhood Watch meeting at Twin Lakes.
He wouldn't. The fat coward was harassing the kid.

Yeah...because the guy on top with the cut knuckles and not a mark on em always calls for help.:cuckoo:

That matters little. How did Zimmerman end up there ? And all this citation of the law, can someone show how Zimmerman was in the right ? See, it don't stop at the beating and this shooting. If it did Zimmerman would have a case. There was a pursuit and a shooting. The volunteer group Zimmerman was part of forbids pursuit. The CCW class he took likely teaches against pursuit, and lastly, I would bet state law forbids pursuit. Its fine to defend the right to CCW and 2nd amendment and all that, but this case is not the one to use to do it. Set the politics and rep whoreing aside and its clear as day. Zimmerman fucked up.

Ok ,so you admit TM was on top.
As to how he got there. TM walked up to him and punched him in the nose,knocking GZ to the ground. At that point TM jumped on GZ and commenced to beating the shit out of him.
GZ called for help because he was getting the shit kicked out of him,and he obviously wasn't planing on shooting TM or he would have had his weapon out and would have shot him and avoided a beating.
The gun didnt come out until GZ was afraid TM was going to kill him.
That actually shows restraint.
Yeah...because the guy on top with the cut knuckles and not a mark on em always calls for help.:cuckoo:

That matters little. How did Zimmerman end up there ? And all this citation of the law, can someone show how Zimmerman was in the right ? See, it don't stop at the beating and this shooting. If it did Zimmerman would have a case. There was a pursuit and a shooting. The volunteer group Zimmerman was part of forbids pursuit. The CCW class he took likely teaches against pursuit, and lastly, I would bet state law forbids pursuit. Its fine to defend the right to CCW and 2nd amendment and all that, but this case is not the one to use to do it. Set the politics and rep whoreing aside and its clear as day. Zimmerman fucked up.

I would bet state law forbids pursuit.

State law says you can't follow somebody? I'd love to see that law.

I noticed on the transcript on HLN trial coverage play back of Zimmerman's call , they were saying he said "fucking punks" but the the transcript said "fucking c***s".

I've done some transcribing in the past and sometimes it's hard to hear exactly what they are saying. If it makes a difference, the jury will have to decide what was said.

As far as these calls, did you hear one of the commentators saying that if the judge rules against the defense, they will likely want all of the calls in evidence so it doesn't seem like everything was race related.
On top of that they are suggesting he confronted Martin on his own. There is no evidence to suggest that he did! Oh my, the prosecution has really fucked up here.

The only way GZ gets convicted,is if they have a jury chock full of jake starkey.
And we all know his brand of ignorance is extremely rare.
George will walk.

No... they would have to be an OJ jury who ignores the evidence.
On top of that they are suggesting he confronted Martin on his own. There is no evidence to suggest that he did! Oh my, the prosecution has really fucked up here.

The only way GZ gets convicted,is if they have a jury chock full of jake starkey.
And we all know his brand of ignorance is extremely rare.
George will walk.

No... they would have to be an OJ jury who ignores the evidence.

That would be another way. I just hope the jurors are smarter then some of the posters here.
I see no way in hell GZ gets convicted unless the prosecutor has some kind of bomb to drop.
All you attorney types: Does discovery come into play in that case?
And she'd better rule for the defense. This is a rather large can of worms.

Indeed. They are trying to contend he was profiling Martin. In most of the calls save one, he identified the suspicious character as black. He had no intent to profile anyone, nor does it suggest he tried. He made it clear to the dispatcher that he "didn't want to confront him/them" or "attract attention." It sounds like to me he was doing his job as a Neighborhood Watch coordinator.
Follow along. The point to the prior tapes is to establish gz knew what he's supposed to do. This in contrast to the night gz snapped and killed the teen.

"Snapped." LOL.
I noticed on the transcript on HLN trial coverage play back of Zimmerman's call , they were saying he said "fucking punks" but the the transcript said "fucking c***s".

I've done some transcribing in the past and sometimes it's hard to hear exactly what they are saying. If it makes a difference, the jury will have to decide what was said.

As far as these calls, did you hear one of the commentators saying that if the judge rules against the defense, they will likely want all of the calls in evidence so it doesn't seem like everything was race related.

No they won't. Because no one has rebutted the prosecution's assertion that he said 'punks.' DUH!
So what it boils down to is 1 no vote from the jury and he's walking.

If there is a mistrial, the DA will probably try again. In a heartbeat.

He may if it is 5:1 for conviction, but he probably wouldn't if it is 4:2 or more for acquittal.

In my estimation, any hung jury will be majority for acquittal with no retrial.
The Feds may posture about a hate crimes bullshit trial, but I doubt that would get to court.
Civilian Staff Rep being questioned indicated to the Defense in cross reference that Zimmerman's demeanor did not suggest that he was hostile or overzealous, but that he wanted to make changes to better his community, she tried to recruit him for the Citizen on Patrol program which he turned down. Another blow for the prosecution.
I noticed on the transcript on HLN trial coverage play back of Zimmerman's call , they were saying he said "fucking punks" but the the transcript said "fucking c***s".

I've done some transcribing in the past and sometimes it's hard to hear exactly what they are saying. If it makes a difference, the jury will have to decide what was said.

As far as these calls, did you hear one of the commentators saying that if the judge rules against the defense, they will likely want all of the calls in evidence so it doesn't seem like everything was race related.

No they won't. Because no one has rebutted the prosecution's assertion that he said 'punks.' DUH!

I said if it makes a difference. Maybe you could read again only this time for comprehension miss nurse/lawyer. :lmao:
Currently the prosecution is arguing the relevance of a piece of evidence it presented yesterday, O'Mara objected to the relevance of the August 2011 call to which the prosecution claimed it needs to establish Zimmerman's state of mind before the shooting. They have just proffered the evidence, with four other calls included.

I assume the jury is not in the court room?
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