Cases of Myocarditis Rise Among the Youth

I don't give out vaccines, try again.
You don't even have a job, let alone a single fucking responsibility beyond feeding your drug addictions
So many thousands and thousands have already died from these poison jabs....I pray the criminals ones who imposed these on people will face Justice!

I pray with all my heart.
There is absolutely no reason for a healthy boy or girl to ever be submitted to these murderous jabs, parents who do so are monsters, totally complicit in their children's deaths, and injuries.

Myocarditis is a serious attack of heart muscle. The rise is linked to the mystery jab.

Young people who stand no chance of serious symptoms of the ChiCom flu are getting this.
If I didn't have my tin foil hat on, I would believe that the vax is a genocidal experiment.
Red Voice Media. What a retarded bunch of assholes they are.

They are the same ones who claimed the Trump Vaccine makes you magnetic.

Why are you drinking their piss?



Your head is so far up your ass you’re no longer a useful idiot, you’re a useless idiot.
Your head is so far up your ass you’re no longer a useful idiot, you’re a useless idiot.
Did you read your link, idiot? :lol:

Pull YOUR head out of your ass!

Therefore, the benefits of vaccination were considered more significant as compared to the risk of myocarditis/pericarditis.

Dollars to donuts says you go back for refills of your piss cup from Red Voice Media despite being shown they are batshit crazy raging liars.
I've been jabbed three times, and now whenever I open my utensil drawer, knives and forks and spoons come flying out at me!

But at least I don't need pockets any more. I just stick my keys to my forehead.

God bless you, Red Voice Media, for bringing this to the attention of the public!


Nope. YOU lied.


Nope. YOU lied.
Actually Pfizer had to release the information on the vaccine. 9 pages of side effects. From their own report. I'm thinking you loons are going to start calling it the Trump vaccine soon.

Actually Pfizer had to release the information on the vaccine. 9 pages of side effects. From their own report. I'm thinking you loons are going to start calling it the Trump vaccine soon.

Huge study finds most COVID-19 vaccine side effects were mild for Pfizer-BioNTech and Moderna​

Hey, did you ever read the paperwork that comes with birth control? Or anti-depressants? Or just about any medication?

If you have a woman in your life, ask to see the paperwork for her birth control.

Pfizer’s confidential document shows adverse events reported following vaccination; it doesn’t demonstrate that the vaccine caused the events or is unsafe​

As Weatherman2020 was kind enough to show us: Therefore, the benefits of vaccination were considered more significant as compared to the risk of myocarditis/pericarditis.
There are adverse effects to EVERY medication. You dipshits live in a very shallow world. Your propagandists take great pains to keep you idiots as stupid and credulous as possible.

I mean...magnetism? SERIOUSLY!?!?

Huge study finds most COVID-19 vaccine side effects were mild for Pfizer-BioNTech and Moderna

Hey, did you ever read the paperwork that comes with birth control? Or anti-depressants? Or just about any medication?

If you have a woman in your life, ask to see the paperwork for her birth control.

Pfizer’s confidential document shows adverse events reported following vaccination; it doesn’t demonstrate that the vaccine caused the events or is unsafe

May want to look it up. Notice how covid is hardly reported on now?
Did you read your link, idiot? :lol:

Pull YOUR head out of your ass!

Therefore, the benefits of vaccination were considered more significant as compared to the risk of myocarditis/pericarditis.

Dollars to donuts says you go back for refills of your piss cup from Red Voice Media despite being shown they are batshit crazy raging liars.
Do you see what you have fallen for?

The vaccine kills young people, but the benefits are considered more significant....

EXCEPT for the kids who die.

You are a fucking dupe.
That happens when more and more people get vaxxed.

I bet after the polio vaccine was introduced, some anti-vax retard said, "Notice how polio is hardly reported now?"
Boy, have you ever fallen for the complete bullshit.

Notice how COVID is less and less a problem as the 2022 mid-terms approach?
That happens when more and more people get vaxxed.

I bet after the polio vaccine was introduced, some anti-vax retard said, "Notice how polio is hardly reported now?"
Lol, heck get double dosed, I could careless. Because I'm not getting it.

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