Cases of Myocarditis Rise Among the Youth

Neurological, cardio among the complications. Some fatal. We’ll see what birth defects occur in the coming year.
Point is that kids who stand zero chance of dying from ChiCom flu are being forced by the government to get the mystery substance injected and are dying or being maimed.

I'm TOTALLY with you on the Brandon team INSISTING on vaccination(s) for the younger groups. IN FACT, Walenksy that scaz IGNORED the FDA panel that refuse to approve the 13 and under vaccinations. THAT'S an INCREDIBLE feat of stupidity and arrogance. Some of that panel QUIT in response.

But I have no idea where that "list" came from or who compiled it, or whether any of these claims were ACTUALLY investigated. When you GET all that -- I'll reserve a whole lot of anger/outrage.. But what I KNOW is that in NORMAL years, the percentage of claims to the Vax Compensation fund that were APPROVED was less then about 6%.. Because VAERS is RAW reports and EVERYONE that got vaxxed for Covid got a piece of paper ENCOURAGING THEM to self-report adverse reactions, the number of ACTUAL reactions is gonna be much LESS than 6% of the VAERS list.
Neurological, cardio among the complications. Some fatal. We’ll see what birth defects occur in the coming year.
Point is that kids who stand zero chance of dying from ChiCom flu are being forced by the government to get the mystery substance injected and are dying or being maimed.

That list LOOKS like it came from the Pfizer trials. I've been involved in clinical trials for DEVICES not drugs, but STILL the "drill" is to list EVERYTHING THAT HAPPENED to the test population. WHETHER they were control placebos or ACTUAL uptake of the drug. So with 30,000 participants, you're gonna get a list of EVERY POSSIBLE medical issue.. It's what happens EVERYDAY to people. But the FDA WANTS that list.

First thing they do is COMPARE the folks that GOT the vax to the control group. That REMOVES about maybe 30 to 50% of that list as VAX related if both groups show the SAME prevalence for any one side effect. They also compare the incidence probability of that condition or syndrome to GENERAL POPULATION..

When you're DONE -- they'll be about 2 to 10% of that list the FDA REQUIRES you to warn about on the label. NOT BECAUSE anyone has established a CAUSAL relationship to the shot, but simply based on SUSPICION as to the comparison of incidence in the GENERAL population.
That list LOOKS like it came from the Pfizer trials. I've been involved in clinical trials for DEVICES not drugs, but STILL the "drill" is to list EVERYTHING THAT HAPPENED to the test population. WHETHER they were control placebos or ACTUAL uptake of the drug. So with 30,000 participants, you're gonna get a list of EVERY POSSIBLE medical issue.. It's what happens EVERYDAY to people. But the FDA WANTS that list.

First thing they do is COMPARE the folks that GOT the vax to the control group. That REMOVES about maybe 30 to 50% of that list as VAX related if both groups show the SAME prevalence for any one side effect. They also compare the incidence probability of that condition or syndrome to GENERAL POPULATION..

When you're DONE -- they'll be about 2 to 10% of that list the FDA REQUIRES you to warn about on the label. NOT BECAUSE anyone has established a CAUSAL relationship to the shot, but simply based on SUSPICION as to the comparison of incidence in the GENERAL population.
Yes, the list the FDA didn’t want you to read until 2095. I spent two decades in medical devices, have a patent too, but only observed the drug side of the business.
Yes, I know there is someone who will die from an aspirin. But my point is the risks are not fully known and the government is forcing people to partake in the experiment against their will, even children. For something that at best reduces symptoms but does zero for preventing illness or the spread of the virus. Among the major side effects Pfizer is required to state on their packaging:
• severe allergic reactions
• myocarditis (inflammation of the heart muscle)
• pericarditis (inflammation of the lining outside the heart)
J&J has the same with the addition of blood clots.
Yes, the list the FDA didn’t want you to read until 2095. I spent two decades in medical devices, have a patent too, but only observed the drug side of the business.
Yes, I know there is someone who will die from an aspirin. But my point is the risks are not fully known and the government is forcing people to partake in the experiment against their will, even children. For something that at best reduces symptoms but does zero for preventing illness or the spread of the virus. Among the major side effects Pfizer is required to state on their packaging:
• severe allergic reactions
• myocarditis (inflammation of the heart muscle)
• pericarditis (inflammation of the lining outside the heart)
J&J has the same with the addition of blood clots.

You're a bit worked up for someone with "experience" in FDA/Devices or pharma. First of all, ANYONE with that background would recognize that a VACCINE is effective only as long as the ORIGINAL variants dont mutate BEYOND the formulation. When you SCREAM -- "it does zero" - that's wasn't true until Omicron. In fact, for the Delta surge -- it still had admirable efficacy. Probably CONTRIBUTED to encouraging mutation to other variants that COULD survive.

THAT PART IS NOBODY'S fault. Except for the mental midgets in our political leadership that foisted bullshit misinformation because they think we're stupid.

Vax deniers dont get to take credit for the fact that the virus mutated BEYOND the formulation, which to their tiny minds means the vaccine NEVER worked.

In fact-- it's word-play to talk about "preventing infection".. Does it prevent a detectable amount of virus to lay around in ypur nose? No. Does it lessen symptomatic cases of infection? Likely (before Omicron). Does it reduce HOSPITALIZATIONS and deaths? Yes. NOBODY EVER CLAIMED that ANY virus vaccine would KEEP YOU UNDETECTABLE or below the need to TEST or clinically treat an infection !!!! That's a fact Jack. And every time the media dutifully quoted "CASES" -- they were not ALL CLINICAL infections. The media masters of propaganda were including POSITIVE TESTS in many cases.

You were WARNED at the admin sites that you could have an anaphylactic reaction. THEY EVEN MADE YOU WAIT 15 or 20 minutes before releasing you. This is a WELL-KNOWN possibility in a small %people for ANY vaccination. So the #1 in your list -- is MORE than covered.

The drug is STILL only being made under EUAuthorization DESPITE the horseshit publicity that the FDA did of "approving" Comirnaty for Pfizer. They haven't shipped a bottle of the APPROVED version since. So the LABEL for Comirnaty MIGHT have other reactions and stuff on it -- but it's a mute point. It's STILL an EUA drug that is monitored and the clinical trial data is being updated.
Myocarditis is a serious attack of heart muscle. The rise is linked to the mystery jab.

Young people who stand no chance of serious symptoms of the ChiCom flu are getting this.
stikc with the horsewomer as a preventative.

What's scarier than your ignorance is taht this is a "new" story for you. Go figure
stikc with the horsewomer as a preventative.

What's scarier than your ignorance is taht this is a "new" story for you. Go figure
I prefer engine coolant.

BTW - a medical doctor prescribed me that horse wormer that’s in my medicine cabinet.
But what would you Leftard parrots know about science. You can’t even tell us what a man and woman are.
Did you read your link, idiot? :lol:

Pull YOUR head out of your ass!

Therefore, the benefits of vaccination were considered more significant as compared to the risk of myocarditis/pericarditis.

Dollars to donuts says you go back for refills of your piss cup from Red Voice Media despite being shown they are batshit crazy raging liars.
Hey asshole, you just proved his point. You claim the benefits of the jab are worth the chance of IRREPARABLE heart damage. No they aren’t. Period. Go take your fifth booster and drink more piss idiot.
As Weatherman2020 was kind enough to show us: Therefore, the benefits of vaccination were considered more significant as compared to the risk of myocarditis/pericarditis.
And you’re again stupid enough to promote a jab with a good chance of IRREPARABLE heart damage you fucking moron. In kids no less. You’re a true asshole.

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