Cases rising again

At least, for the most part, it's the anti-vaxers, Republicans that are coming down with the disease.

The hell of it is that they, of all people, don't get the news about how bad this stuff is. Their "news" providers censure themselves radically to filter out real news that might conflict with far right wing Trump doctrine. The people that need it most would not be caught dead watching or listening to "liberal" anti-Trump media. Therefore they miss out on real information beneficial to them.

Most anti-vaxxers are leftists (particularly minority leftists).
I had the real Flu back in 1996, since then i havent had the flu again, or even the common cold....
Why should i take the Kung Flu shot, when i am not in the critical category?
To help slow community spread. Duh. You are grown man. You have NO excuse for having to have this explained to you like you are a toddler or a retard, this far into the pandemic.

"Community spread" to other unvaccinated people?
"Community spread" to other unvaccinated people?
To everyone, vaccinated or otherwise, as even vaccinated people still have a nonzero chance of getting infected (though less than unvaccinated people).

yet another stupid fucking question from a grown man who has NO excuse for not already knowing the answer, this far into the pandemic.
All in red anti-vax states.
Anti-vax states? Care to cite a link or are we just supposed to be dazzled by your opinions? I come from one of the Reddest states in America and I've never even met anyone who refuses vaccines. Of course, I'm speaking of actual vaccines that create immunity in those who receive it. As for the covid "vaccine", to each his own. When half or more of physicians and allied health professionals around the nation are waiting or even refusing the jab, I'd say the issue is hardly political, at least to the level you guys seem intent on making it.

Look on the bright side. If this virus is as deadly a scourge as the media keep chanting, maybe a lot of Republicans will die before they can vote again. If it ISN'T, well, your fear-mongering may be less effective. I love the media's attempts to cause panic among those who refuse to buy into the rhetoric of doom. "Delta Variant is much more contagious!" "Delta Variant may be more deadly"

So, this virus mutates and becomes more transmissible? That's because it's behaving like all other viruses. They can't yet lie about it being more deadly because it isn't. Most viruses become less lethal after more iterations. They want to find hosts, not kill them.

Post the statistics that say doctors are refusing the vaccine.

At least, for the most part, it's the anti-vaxers, Republicans that are coming down with the disease.

The hell of it is that they, of all people, don't get the news about how bad this stuff is. Their "news" providers censure themselves radically to filter out real news that might conflict with far right wing Trump doctrine. The people that need it most would not be caught dead watching or listening to "liberal" anti-Trump media. Therefore they miss out on real information beneficial to them.
Once again, the right’s ignorance and stupidity are killing Americans.
If I had to peg the largest reason for so many Americans being so far from grasping the reality of community virus spread, I would have to point to the lack of mathematical education in this country. Most American adults just have no intuitive grasp of the concept of exponential functions, or of the outsized effects a small change in input can have on the output of an exponential function. Unfortunately for the experts tasked with trying to help Americans understand the basic concept of community spread of contagious viruses, this mathematical realm is where the experts live all day every day. Imagine trying to teach a new trick to a rabid dog who not only doesn't learn very well to begin with, but also would rather bite you than learn anything new, even with the treat dangling in front of his face. This is the position the experts find themselves in today, in this country .
All in red anti-vax states.

Nevada is a blue state, slurper.
Nope. Las Vegas and Reno are blue states. The rest is bright red. Besides we know anti-vaxers from red states love to go to Vegas and Reno.
Las Vegas and Reno are blue states.
Here is a product of public education at it worst.

Las Vegas and Reno are cities in the state of Nevada.....

View attachment 512353
You must be the product of inbreeding. How did you not get the joke if you followed the thread?
The only joke is you, because you were produced exactly how the progressives desired with public education....

At least, for the most part, it's the anti-vaxers, Republicans that are coming down with the disease.

The hell of it is that they, of all people, don't get the news about how bad this stuff is. Their "news" providers censure themselves radically to filter out real news that might conflict with far right wing Trump doctrine. The people that need it most would not be caught dead watching or listening to "liberal" anti-Trump media. Therefore they miss out on real information beneficial to them.

Same thing that happened last year at this exact time. It's a virus. It's seasonal.

How many people do you know who have had covid, btw?
Be ready. Fall is not far away..and that means flu season. Lock down time again.
I seriously doubt the majority of people will get sucked into it again.
Which will prolong the lock down. Think stupid think.
There is no lock down here in Florida.


At least, for the most part, it's the anti-vaxers, Republicans that are coming down with the disease.

The hell of it is that they, of all people, don't get the news about how bad this stuff is. Their "news" providers censure themselves radically to filter out real news that might conflict with far right wing Trump doctrine. The people that need it most would not be caught dead watching or listening to "liberal" anti-Trump media. Therefore they miss out on real information beneficial to them.
Many are still just trump mind-Fkd. Quite a few people out there that have legitimate concerns or on immune system suppressants, had organ transplants, have allergies that have given them or blood relatives to them, bad reactions to other vaccines. I feel sorry for those folk and wish them the best of luck. The trump-Fkd and the willfully ignorant, mentally deficient, anti-vaxxer, moron crowd can use some thinning out for the good of the species as a whole, as Darwin might would say. I doubt if I will miss them, but I am beyond preaching to them and just don't care. I've got mine.
Been almost 2 years and that fucking little virus "Kung Flu" just doesnt want to fuck with my immune system. But for you progressive slaves, you make sure you all get into the corral and head on down to the vac sites and get that little prick. Because your masters demand you comply...

Got mine. Good luck.

Good for you, you lemming. I am not over 72 and i am in great physical condition. Why should i take the Kung Flu shot, when i am not in the critical category?

Oh yeah, pajama boys need all the help they can get.
This guy was shot at, and shot back................................................................This guy faints at the sight of a shot..
View attachment 512391

Suit yourself. Good luck to ya, hope you make it. I'm only 66 for a few more months, myself.

At least, for the most part, it's the anti-vaxers, Republicans that are coming down with the disease.

The hell of it is that they, of all people, don't get the news about how bad this stuff is. Their "news" providers censure themselves radically to filter out real news that might conflict with far right wing Trump doctrine. The people that need it most would not be caught dead watching or listening to "liberal" anti-Trump media. Therefore they miss out on real information beneficial to them.
Many are still just trump mind-Fkd. Quite a few people out there that have legitimate concerns or on immune system suppressants, had organ transplants, have allergies that have given them or blood relatives to them, bad reactions to other vaccines. I feel sorry for those folk and wish them the best of luck. The trump-Fkd and the willfully ignorant, mentally deficient, anti-vaxxer, moron crowd can use some thinning out for the good of the species as a whole, as Darwin might would say. I doubt if I will miss them, but I am beyond preaching to them and just don't care. I've got mine.
Been almost 2 years and that fucking little virus "Kung Flu" just doesnt want to fuck with my immune system. But for you progressive slaves, you make sure you all get into the corral and head on down to the vac sites and get that little prick. Because your masters demand you comply...

Got mine. Good luck.

Good for you, you lemming. I am not over 72 and i am in great physical condition. Why should i take the Kung Flu shot, when i am not in the critical category?

Oh yeah, pajama boys need all the help they can get.
This guy was shot at, and shot back................................................................This guy faints at the sight of a shot..
View attachment 512391

Suit yourself. Good luck to ya, hope you make it. I'm only 66 for a few more months, myself.

YOU suit yourself, and leave the rest of the world alone, Karen,

At least, for the most part, it's the anti-vaxers, Republicans that are coming down with the disease.

The hell of it is that they, of all people, don't get the news about how bad this stuff is. Their "news" providers censure themselves radically to filter out real news that might conflict with far right wing Trump doctrine. The people that need it most would not be caught dead watching or listening to "liberal" anti-Trump media. Therefore they miss out on real information beneficial to them.
Once again, the right’s ignorance and stupidity are killing Americans.

Fortunately your special brand of ignorance and stupidity is only killing you.

Now....hurry it up.

At least, for the most part, it's the anti-vaxers, Republicans that are coming down with the disease.

The hell of it is that they, of all people, don't get the news about how bad this stuff is. Their "news" providers censure themselves radically to filter out real news that might conflict with far right wing Trump doctrine. The people that need it most would not be caught dead watching or listening to "liberal" anti-Trump media. Therefore they miss out on real information beneficial to them.

Same thing that happened last year at this exact time. It's a virus. It's seasonal.

How many people do you know who have had covid, btw?
Be ready. Fall is not far away..and that means flu season. Lock down time again.
I seriously doubt the majority of people will get sucked into it again.
Which will prolong the lock down. Think stupid think.
There is no lock down here in Florida.

View attachment 512400

Does appear to be a food shortage.

At least, for the most part, it's the anti-vaxers, Republicans that are coming down with the disease.

The hell of it is that they, of all people, don't get the news about how bad this stuff is. Their "news" providers censure themselves radically to filter out real news that might conflict with far right wing Trump doctrine. The people that need it most would not be caught dead watching or listening to "liberal" anti-Trump media. Therefore they miss out on real information beneficial to them.

Same thing that happened last year at this exact time. It's a virus. It's seasonal.

How many people do you know who have had covid, btw?
Be ready. Fall is not far away..and that means flu season. Lock down time again.
I seriously doubt the majority of people will get sucked into it again.
Which will prolong the lock down. Think stupid think.
Your arrogance will be your undoing.

At least, for the most part, it's the anti-vaxers, Republicans that are coming down with the disease.

The hell of it is that they, of all people, don't get the news about how bad this stuff is. Their "news" providers censure themselves radically to filter out real news that might conflict with far right wing Trump doctrine. The people that need it most would not be caught dead watching or listening to "liberal" anti-Trump media. Therefore they miss out on real information beneficial to them.
Many are still just trump mind-Fkd. Quite a few people out there that have legitimate concerns or on immune system suppressants, had organ transplants, have allergies that have given them or blood relatives to them, bad reactions to other vaccines. I feel sorry for those folk and wish them the best of luck. The trump-Fkd and the willfully ignorant, mentally deficient, anti-vaxxer, moron crowd can use some thinning out for the good of the species as a whole, as Darwin might would say. I doubt if I will miss them, but I am beyond preaching to them and just don't care. I've got mine.
Been almost 2 years and that fucking little virus "Kung Flu" just doesnt want to fuck with my immune system. But for you progressive slaves, you make sure you all get into the corral and head on down to the vac sites and get that little prick. Because your masters demand you comply...

Got mine. Good luck.

Good for you, you lemming. I am not over 72 and i am in great physical condition. Why should i take the Kung Flu shot, when i am not in the critical category?

Oh yeah, pajama boys need all the help they can get.
This guy was shot at, and shot back................................................................This guy faints at the sight of a shot..
View attachment 512391


At least, for the most part, it's the anti-vaxers, Republicans that are coming down with the disease.

The hell of it is that they, of all people, don't get the news about how bad this stuff is. Their "news" providers censure themselves radically to filter out real news that might conflict with far right wing Trump doctrine. The people that need it most would not be caught dead watching or listening to "liberal" anti-Trump media. Therefore they miss out on real information beneficial to them.

Same thing that happened last year at this exact time. It's a virus. It's seasonal.

How many people do you know who have had covid, btw?
Be ready. Fall is not far away..and that means flu season. Lock down time again.
I seriously doubt the majority of people will get sucked into it again.
Which will prolong the lock down. Think stupid think.
There is no lock down here in Florida.

View attachment 512400

Does appear to be a food shortage.
Not at all, down here in Florida, we have plenty of food, and fun, along with lots of fresh air an sunshine. Down here we didnt get the 30lb lockdown fat that a lot of Blue State slaves got.

At least, for the most part, it's the anti-vaxers, Republicans that are coming down with the disease.

The hell of it is that they, of all people, don't get the news about how bad this stuff is. Their "news" providers censure themselves radically to filter out real news that might conflict with far right wing Trump doctrine. The people that need it most would not be caught dead watching or listening to "liberal" anti-Trump media. Therefore they miss out on real information beneficial to them.
Many are still just trump mind-Fkd. Quite a few people out there that have legitimate concerns or on immune system suppressants, had organ transplants, have allergies that have given them or blood relatives to them, bad reactions to other vaccines. I feel sorry for those folk and wish them the best of luck. The trump-Fkd and the willfully ignorant, mentally deficient, anti-vaxxer, moron crowd can use some thinning out for the good of the species as a whole, as Darwin might would say. I doubt if I will miss them, but I am beyond preaching to them and just don't care. I've got mine.
Been almost 2 years and that fucking little virus "Kung Flu" just doesnt want to fuck with my immune system. But for you progressive slaves, you make sure you all get into the corral and head on down to the vac sites and get that little prick. Because your masters demand you comply...

Got mine. Good luck.

Good for you, you lemming. I am not over 72 and i am in great physical condition. Why should i take the Kung Flu shot, when i am not in the critical category?

Oh yeah, pajama boys need all the help they can get.
This guy was shot at, and shot back................................................................This guy faints at the sight of a shot..
View attachment 512391

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The self-loathing closet gays are always easy to spot. They practically announce it, if you let them.
Since the story gives no number for deaths, apparently there weren't any Covid deaths among the "cases". Flu cases often spike in July but the A.P. story gave the crazy angry left the chance to attack Trump and Fox and conservatives and that was probably the intent.
1. The American people are exhausted.

2. July 4th travel showed that many Americans are throwing caution to the wind.

3. And I assume that many Americans are sick and tired of the news with its optimistic news one day and then pessimistic news the next day followed by optimistic news that is then followed by ,,,

4. Here in the Los Angeles area, the infection rates and death rates were really low. We thought that we had reached herd immunity. Then POW! the Delta variant is pushing infection and death rates up again. And it's all blamed on the unvaccinated (such as I).
How many people that have been vaxxed have caught the Delta variant as opposed to non vaxxed?
How do you propose to count and compare the asymptomatic in either/both groups?
Are you suggesting that most of the asymptomatic got the vax or are you trying to avoid answering my question?
The latter.

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