Cases rising again

At least, for the most part, it's the anti-vaxers, Republicans that are coming down with the disease.

The hell of it is that they, of all people, don't get the news about how bad this stuff is. Their "news" providers censure themselves radically to filter out real news that might conflict with far right wing Trump doctrine. The people that need it most would not be caught dead watching or listening to "liberal" anti-Trump media. Therefore they miss out on real information beneficial to them.

Same thing that happened last year at this exact time. It's a virus. It's seasonal.

How many people do you know who have had covid, btw?
Be ready. Fall is not far away..and that means flu season. Lock down time again.
I seriously doubt the majority of people will get sucked into it again.
Which will prolong the lock down. Think stupid think.
1. The American people are exhausted.

2. July 4th travel showed that many Americans are throwing caution to the wind.

3. And I assume that many Americans are sick and tired of the news with its optimistic news one day and then pessimistic news the next day followed by optimistic news that is then followed by ,,,

4. Here in the Los Angeles area, the infection rates and death rates were really low. We thought that we had reached herd immunity. Then POW! the Delta variant is pushing infection and death rates up again. And it's all blamed on the unvaccinated (such as I).
How many people that have been vaxxed have caught the Delta variant as opposed to non vaxxed?
How do you propose to count and compare the asymptomatic in either/both groups?
Are you suggesting that most of the asymptomatic got the vax or are you trying to avoid answering my question?
How do you propose to count and compare the asymptomatic in either/both groups?
By extrapolating data on positivity rates, and constraining it using what we know about the proportion of positive we think are asymptomatic. If asymptomatic cases are on the rise, so are symptomatic cases. And vice versa. It's a safe rule of thumb to follow.
1. The American people are exhausted.

2. July 4th travel showed that many Americans are throwing caution to the wind.

3. And I assume that many Americans are sick and tired of the news with its optimistic news one day and then pessimistic news the next day followed by optimistic news that is then followed by ,,,

4. Here in the Los Angeles area, the infection rates and death rates were really low. We thought that we had reached herd immunity. Then POW! the Delta variant is pushing infection and death rates up again. And it's all blamed on the unvaccinated (such as I).
How many people that have been vaxxed have caught the Delta variant as opposed to non vaxxed?
How do you propose to count and compare the asymptomatic in either/both groups?
Are you suggesting that most of the asymptomatic got the vax or are you trying to avoid answering my question?
I'm stating, without equivocation, that the asymptomatic and only mildly affected have no reason whatsoever to report themselves, which skews your already fraudulent numbers.

At least, for the most part, it's the anti-vaxers, Republicans that are coming down with the disease.

The hell of it is that they, of all people, don't get the news about how bad this stuff is. Their "news" providers censure themselves radically to filter out real news that might conflict with far right wing Trump doctrine. The people that need it most would not be caught dead watching or listening to "liberal" anti-Trump media. Therefore they miss out on real information beneficial to them.

Same thing that happened last year at this exact time. It's a virus. It's seasonal.

How many people do you know who have had covid, btw?
Be ready. Fall is not far away..and that means flu season. Lock down time again.
I seriously doubt the majority of people will get sucked into it again.
Which will prolong the lock down. Think stupid think.
People won't put up with your Stalinist bullshit next time around.
1. The American people are exhausted.

2. July 4th travel showed that many Americans are throwing caution to the wind.

3. And I assume that many Americans are sick and tired of the news with its optimistic news one day and then pessimistic news the next day followed by optimistic news that is then followed by ,,,

4. Here in the Los Angeles area, the infection rates and death rates were really low. We thought that we had reached herd immunity. Then POW! the Delta variant is pushing infection and death rates up again. And it's all blamed on the unvaccinated (such as I).
How many people that have been vaxxed have caught the Delta variant as opposed to non vaxxed?
How do you propose to count and compare the asymptomatic in either/both groups?
Are you suggesting that most of the asymptomatic got the vax or are you trying to avoid answering my question?
I'm stating, without equivocation, that the asymptomatic and only mildly affected have no reason whatsoever to report themselves, which skews your already fraudulent numbers.
That doesnt make sense. I asked how many vaxxed people have caught the Delta variant as opposed to those that havent been vaxxed. its real simple. How many people are in the hospital with the Delta variant that have been vaxxed vs unvaxxed?

At least, for the most part, it's the anti-vaxers, Republicans that are coming down with the disease.

The hell of it is that they, of all people, don't get the news about how bad this stuff is. Their "news" providers censure themselves radically to filter out real news that might conflict with far right wing Trump doctrine. The people that need it most would not be caught dead watching or listening to "liberal" anti-Trump media. Therefore they miss out on real information beneficial to them.

Same thing that happened last year at this exact time. It's a virus. It's seasonal.

How many people do you know who have had covid, btw?
Be ready. Fall is not far away..and that means flu season. Lock down time again.
I seriously doubt the majority of people will get sucked into it again.
Which will prolong the lock down. Think stupid think.
People won't put up with your Stalinist bullshit next time around.
People without a job have no where to go nor will they be allowed in stores without masks. I guess you guys are going full in. Cut welfare and cut jobs eh?

At least, for the most part, it's the anti-vaxers, Republicans that are coming down with the disease.

The hell of it is that they, of all people, don't get the news about how bad this stuff is. Their "news" providers censure themselves radically to filter out real news that might conflict with far right wing Trump doctrine. The people that need it most would not be caught dead watching or listening to "liberal" anti-Trump media. Therefore they miss out on real information beneficial to them.

Same thing that happened last year at this exact time. It's a virus. It's seasonal.

How many people do you know who have had covid, btw?
Be ready. Fall is not far away..and that means flu season. Lock down time again.
I seriously doubt the majority of people will get sucked into it again.
Which will prolong the lock down. Think stupid think.
People won't put up with your Stalinist bullshit next time around.
People without a job have no where to go nor will they be allowed in stores without masks.
They already won't have a job...Telling fascist fuckholes like you to fuck off won't be a thing.
All in red anti-vax states.

Nevada is a blue state, slurper.
Las Vegas is blue, the rest of the state is maybe..purple?
Outside of Vegas you have nothing but scorpions and desert animals. And we know that all non-human life votes democrat.
That didnt make sense. Vegas is blue. The surrounding areas are red with non humans. Or at least inbred repub voting humans.

At least, for the most part, it's the anti-vaxers, Republicans that are coming down with the disease.

The hell of it is that they, of all people, don't get the news about how bad this stuff is. Their "news" providers censure themselves radically to filter out real news that might conflict with far right wing Trump doctrine. The people that need it most would not be caught dead watching or listening to "liberal" anti-Trump media. Therefore they miss out on real information beneficial to them.

Same thing that happened last year at this exact time. It's a virus. It's seasonal.

How many people do you know who have had covid, btw?
Be ready. Fall is not far away..and that means flu season. Lock down time again.
I seriously doubt the majority of people will get sucked into it again.
Which will prolong the lock down. Think stupid think.
People won't put up with your Stalinist bullshit next time around.
People without a job have no where to go nor will they be allowed in stores without masks.
They already won't have a job...Telling fascist fuckholes like you to fuck off won't be a thing.
So how are they going to stop their jobs from sending their asses home?
1. The American people are exhausted.

2. July 4th travel showed that many Americans are throwing caution to the wind.

3. And I assume that many Americans are sick and tired of the news with its optimistic news one day and then pessimistic news the next day followed by optimistic news that is then followed by ,,,

4. Here in the Los Angeles area, the infection rates and death rates were really low. We thought that we had reached herd immunity. Then POW! the Delta variant is pushing infection and death rates up again. And it's all blamed on the unvaccinated (such as I).
How many people that have been vaxxed have caught the Delta variant as opposed to non vaxxed?
How do you propose to count and compare the asymptomatic in either/both groups?
Are you suggesting that most of the asymptomatic got the vax or are you trying to avoid answering my question?
I'm stating, without equivocation, that the asymptomatic and only mildly affected have no reason whatsoever to report themselves, which skews your already fraudulent numbers.
That doesnt make sense. I asked how many vaxxed people have caught the Delta variant as opposed to those that havent been vaxxed. its real simple. How many people are in the hospital with the Delta variant that have been vaxxed vs unvaxxed?
Makes perfect sense...It's just your position on the back end of the bell curve that prevents you from recognizing it.
that the asymptomatic and only mildly affected have no reason whatsoever to report themselves, which skews your already fraudulent numbers.
As it turns out, the experts with a lifetime of education and experience in relevant fields thought of this before you did. I can only imagine your shock at this.

As it also turns out, they can, over the whole of the mountain of data, put constraints on the number of asymptomatic cases regardless of how many of them get tested.
Last edited:

At least, for the most part, it's the anti-vaxers, Republicans that are coming down with the disease.

The hell of it is that they, of all people, don't get the news about how bad this stuff is. Their "news" providers censure themselves radically to filter out real news that might conflict with far right wing Trump doctrine. The people that need it most would not be caught dead watching or listening to "liberal" anti-Trump media. Therefore they miss out on real information beneficial to them.

you are a racist Blacks lag behind in vaccinations as Black children COVID-19-related deaths rise

At least, for the most part, it's the anti-vaxers, Republicans that are coming down with the disease.

The hell of it is that they, of all people, don't get the news about how bad this stuff is. Their "news" providers censure themselves radically to filter out real news that might conflict with far right wing Trump doctrine. The people that need it most would not be caught dead watching or listening to "liberal" anti-Trump media. Therefore they miss out on real information beneficial to them.
Many are still just trump mind-Fkd. Quite a few people out there that have legitimate concerns or on immune system suppressants, had organ transplants, have allergies that have given them or blood relatives to them, bad reactions to other vaccines. I feel sorry for those folk and wish them the best of luck. The trump-Fkd and the willfully ignorant, mentally deficient, anti-vaxxer, moron crowd can use some thinning out for the good of the species as a whole, as Darwin might would say. I doubt if I will miss them, but I am beyond preaching to them and just don't care. I've got mine.
Been almost 2 years and that fucking little virus "Kung Flu" just doesnt want to fuck with my immune system. But for you progressive slaves, you make sure you all get into the corral and head on down to the vac sites and get that little prick. Because your masters demand you comply...

Got mine. Good luck.

At least, for the most part, it's the anti-vaxers, Republicans that are coming down with the disease.

The hell of it is that they, of all people, don't get the news about how bad this stuff is. Their "news" providers censure themselves radically to filter out real news that might conflict with far right wing Trump doctrine. The people that need it most would not be caught dead watching or listening to "liberal" anti-Trump media. Therefore they miss out on real information beneficial to them.

Most anti-vaxxers are leftists (particularly minority leftists).

At least, for the most part, it's the anti-vaxers, Republicans that are coming down with the disease.

The hell of it is that they, of all people, don't get the news about how bad this stuff is. Their "news" providers censure themselves radically to filter out real news that might conflict with far right wing Trump doctrine. The people that need it most would not be caught dead watching or listening to "liberal" anti-Trump media. Therefore they miss out on real information beneficial to them.

Same thing that happened last year at this exact time. It's a virus. It's seasonal.

How many people do you know who have had covid, btw?
Be ready. Fall is not far away..and that means flu season. Lock down time again.
I got the vax and still alive Gracie. So is everyone else I know.
You are alive for now. But what happens in 5 to 10 years when all of a sudden people start kicking due to unforseen problems? I'll pass.

At least, for the most part, it's the anti-vaxers, Republicans that are coming down with the disease.

The hell of it is that they, of all people, don't get the news about how bad this stuff is. Their "news" providers censure themselves radically to filter out real news that might conflict with far right wing Trump doctrine. The people that need it most would not be caught dead watching or listening to "liberal" anti-Trump media. Therefore they miss out on real information beneficial to them.

The catastrophic failures of the Joe Harriden Administration just grow and grow. Now we are finding out what an incompetent really looks like.
Would you prefer they held you down and vaccinated you?

At least, for the most part, it's the anti-vaxers, Republicans that are coming down with the disease.

The hell of it is that they, of all people, don't get the news about how bad this stuff is. Their "news" providers censure themselves radically to filter out real news that might conflict with far right wing Trump doctrine. The people that need it most would not be caught dead watching or listening to "liberal" anti-Trump media. Therefore they miss out on real information beneficial to them.
Many are still just trump mind-Fkd. Quite a few people out there that have legitimate concerns or on immune system suppressants, had organ transplants, have allergies that have given them or blood relatives to them, bad reactions to other vaccines. I feel sorry for those folk and wish them the best of luck. The trump-Fkd and the willfully ignorant, mentally deficient, anti-vaxxer, moron crowd can use some thinning out for the good of the species as a whole, as Darwin might would say. I doubt if I will miss them, but I am beyond preaching to them and just don't care. I've got mine.
Been almost 2 years and that fucking little virus "Kung Flu" just doesnt want to fuck with my immune system. But for you progressive slaves, you make sure you all get into the corral and head on down to the vac sites and get that little prick. Because your masters demand you comply...

Got mine. Good luck.

Good for you, you lemming. I am not over 72 and i am in great physical condition. Why should i take the Kung Flu shot, when i am not in the critical category?

Oh yeah, pajama boys need all the help they can get.
This guy was shot at, and shot back................................................................This guy faints at the sight of a shot..

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