Cases rising again

At least, for the most part, it's the anti-vaxers, Republicans that are coming down with the disease.

The hell of it is that they, of all people, don't get the news about how bad this stuff is. Their "news" providers censure themselves radically to filter out real news that might conflict with far right wing Trump doctrine. The people that need it most would not be caught dead watching or listening to "liberal" anti-Trump media. Therefore they miss out on real information beneficial to them.
Many are still just trump mind-Fkd. Quite a few people out there that have legitimate concerns or on immune system suppressants, had organ transplants, have allergies that have given them or blood relatives to them, bad reactions to other vaccines. I feel sorry for those folk and wish them the best of luck. The trump-Fkd and the willfully ignorant, mentally deficient, anti-vaxxer, moron crowd can use some thinning out for the good of the species as a whole, as Darwin might would say. I doubt if I will miss them, but I am beyond preaching to them and just don't care. I've got mine.
Been almost 2 years and that fucking little virus "Kung Flu" just doesnt want to fuck with my immune system. But for you progressive slaves, you make sure you all get into the corral and head on down to the vac sites and get that little prick. Because your masters demand you comply...

Got mine. Good luck.

Good for you, you lemming. I am not over 72 and i am in great physical condition. Why should i take the Kung Flu shot, when i am not in the critical category?

Oh yeah, pajama boys need all the help they can get.
This guy was shot at, and shot back................................................................This guy faints at the sight of a shot..
View attachment 512391

Suit yourself. Good luck to ya, hope you make it. I'm only 66 for a few more months, myself.

YOU suit yourself, and leave the rest of the world alone, Karen,

Fk you. I'm no karen, I just take personal precautions and always have. That's how you get to be my age and still do all that stuff I do. I don't care if you get a shot. It's no skin off my nose, honey.

At least, for the most part, it's the anti-vaxers, Republicans that are coming down with the disease.

The hell of it is that they, of all people, don't get the news about how bad this stuff is. Their "news" providers censure themselves radically to filter out real news that might conflict with far right wing Trump doctrine. The people that need it most would not be caught dead watching or listening to "liberal" anti-Trump media. Therefore they miss out on real information beneficial to them.
Many are still just trump mind-Fkd. Quite a few people out there that have legitimate concerns or on immune system suppressants, had organ transplants, have allergies that have given them or blood relatives to them, bad reactions to other vaccines. I feel sorry for those folk and wish them the best of luck. The trump-Fkd and the willfully ignorant, mentally deficient, anti-vaxxer, moron crowd can use some thinning out for the good of the species as a whole, as Darwin might would say. I doubt if I will miss them, but I am beyond preaching to them and just don't care. I've got mine.
Been almost 2 years and that fucking little virus "Kung Flu" just doesnt want to fuck with my immune system. But for you progressive slaves, you make sure you all get into the corral and head on down to the vac sites and get that little prick. Because your masters demand you comply...

Got mine. Good luck.

Good for you, you lemming. I am not over 72 and i am in great physical condition. Why should i take the Kung Flu shot, when i am not in the critical category?

Oh yeah, pajama boys need all the help they can get.
This guy was shot at, and shot back................................................................This guy faints at the sight of a shot..
View attachment 512391

Suit yourself. Good luck to ya, hope you make it. I'm only 66 for a few more months, myself.

YOU suit yourself, and leave the rest of the world alone, Karen,

Fk you. I'm no karen, I just take personal precautions and always have. That's how you get to be my age and still do all that stuff I do. I don't care if you get a shot. It's no skin off my nose, honey.

Are you a pajama boy, who gets sick, just looking at a woman?

At least, for the most part, it's the anti-vaxers, Republicans that are coming down with the disease.

The hell of it is that they, of all people, don't get the news about how bad this stuff is. Their "news" providers censure themselves radically to filter out real news that might conflict with far right wing Trump doctrine. The people that need it most would not be caught dead watching or listening to "liberal" anti-Trump media. Therefore they miss out on real information beneficial to them.
Once again, the right’s ignorance and stupidity are killing Americans.

Since the story gives no number for deaths, apparently there weren't any Covid deaths among the "cases". Flu cases often spike in July but the A.P. story gave the crazy angry left the chance to attack Trump and Fox and conservatives and that was probably the intent.
Flu cases peak in the late fall and early to mid winter, not July.

At least, for the most part, it's the anti-vaxers, Republicans that are coming down with the disease.

The hell of it is that they, of all people, don't get the news about how bad this stuff is. Their "news" providers censure themselves radically to filter out real news that might conflict with far right wing Trump doctrine. The people that need it most would not be caught dead watching or listening to "liberal" anti-Trump media. Therefore they miss out on real information beneficial to them.
Many are still just trump mind-Fkd. Quite a few people out there that have legitimate concerns or on immune system suppressants, had organ transplants, have allergies that have given them or blood relatives to them, bad reactions to other vaccines. I feel sorry for those folk and wish them the best of luck. The trump-Fkd and the willfully ignorant, mentally deficient, anti-vaxxer, moron crowd can use some thinning out for the good of the species as a whole, as Darwin might would say. I doubt if I will miss them, but I am beyond preaching to them and just don't care. I've got mine.
Been almost 2 years and that fucking little virus "Kung Flu" just doesnt want to fuck with my immune system. But for you progressive slaves, you make sure you all get into the corral and head on down to the vac sites and get that little prick. Because your masters demand you comply...

Got mine. Good luck.

Good for you, you lemming. I am not over 72 and i am in great physical condition. Why should i take the Kung Flu shot, when i am not in the critical category?

Oh yeah, pajama boys need all the help they can get.
This guy was shot at, and shot back................................................................This guy faints at the sight of a shot..
View attachment 512391

Suit yourself. Good luck to ya, hope you make it. I'm only 66 for a few more months, myself.

YOU suit yourself, and leave the rest of the world alone, Karen,

Fk you. I'm no karen, I just take personal precautions and always have. That's how you get to be my age and still do all that stuff I do. I don't care if you get a shot. It's no skin off my nose, honey.

Are you a pajama boy, who gets sick, just looking at a woman?

Nah, get sick reading morons on here. Last time I was actually sick was most a year and a half ago, after an hour and a half plane ride with some old oriental bitch coughing here head off, mostly into a handkerchief, right across the aisle from me. Two others is our party also got sick after the same flight. They were two seats in front of her. Last time I will fly without a mask. Covid was a new thing, back then.
So as the number of unvaccinated people is going down and the number of vaccinated goes up, we see more cases. Interesting...
So as the number of unvaccinated people is going down and the number of vaccinated goes up, we see more cases. Interesting...
Blow that dog whistle. Make sure never to say the quiet part out loud. Then you never have to stand for anything.
So as the number of unvaccinated people is going down and the number of vaccinated goes up, we see more cases. Interesting...
Luckily it's 99% Plus of the unvaccinated that are having to get hospital treatment, and they don't matter, so I doubt I will get too excited by the news.

At least, for the most part, it's the anti-vaxers, Republicans that are coming down with the disease.

The hell of it is that they, of all people, don't get the news about how bad this stuff is. Their "news" providers censure themselves radically to filter out real news that might conflict with far right wing Trump doctrine. The people that need it most would not be caught dead watching or listening to "liberal" anti-Trump media. Therefore they miss out on real information beneficial to them.
Many are still just trump mind-Fkd. Quite a few people out there that have legitimate concerns or on immune system suppressants, had organ transplants, have allergies that have given them or blood relatives to them, bad reactions to other vaccines. I feel sorry for those folk and wish them the best of luck. The trump-Fkd and the willfully ignorant, mentally deficient, anti-vaxxer, moron crowd can use some thinning out for the good of the species as a whole, as Darwin might would say. I doubt if I will miss them, but I am beyond preaching to them and just don't care. I've got mine.
Been almost 2 years and that fucking little virus "Kung Flu" just doesnt want to fuck with my immune system. But for you progressive slaves, you make sure you all get into the corral and head on down to the vac sites and get that little prick. Because your masters demand you comply...

Got mine. Good luck.

Good for you, you lemming. I am not over 72 and i am in great physical condition. Why should i take the Kung Flu shot, when i am not in the critical category?

Oh yeah, pajama boys need all the help they can get.
This guy was shot at, and shot back................................................................This guy faints at the sight of a shot..
View attachment 512391

Suit yourself. Good luck to ya, hope you make it. I'm only 66 for a few more months, myself.

YOU suit yourself, and leave the rest of the world alone, Karen,

Fk you. I'm no karen, I just take personal precautions and always have. That's how you get to be my age and still do all that stuff I do. I don't care if you get a shot. It's no skin off my nose, honey.

No, you're a busybody Karen...MYOFB.

At least, for the most part, it's the anti-vaxers, Republicans that are coming down with the disease.

The hell of it is that they, of all people, don't get the news about how bad this stuff is. Their "news" providers censure themselves radically to filter out real news that might conflict with far right wing Trump doctrine. The people that need it most would not be caught dead watching or listening to "liberal" anti-Trump media. Therefore they miss out on real information beneficial to them.
Many are still just trump mind-Fkd. Quite a few people out there that have legitimate concerns or on immune system suppressants, had organ transplants, have allergies that have given them or blood relatives to them, bad reactions to other vaccines. I feel sorry for those folk and wish them the best of luck. The trump-Fkd and the willfully ignorant, mentally deficient, anti-vaxxer, moron crowd can use some thinning out for the good of the species as a whole, as Darwin might would say. I doubt if I will miss them, but I am beyond preaching to them and just don't care. I've got mine.
Been almost 2 years and that fucking little virus "Kung Flu" just doesnt want to fuck with my immune system. But for you progressive slaves, you make sure you all get into the corral and head on down to the vac sites and get that little prick. Because your masters demand you comply...

Got mine. Good luck.

Good for you, you lemming. I am not over 72 and i am in great physical condition. Why should i take the Kung Flu shot, when i am not in the critical category?

Oh yeah, pajama boys need all the help they can get.
This guy was shot at, and shot back................................................................This guy faints at the sight of a shot..
View attachment 512391

Suit yourself. Good luck to ya, hope you make it. I'm only 66 for a few more months, myself.

YOU suit yourself, and leave the rest of the world alone, Karen,

Fk you. I'm no karen, I just take personal precautions and always have. That's how you get to be my age and still do all that stuff I do. I don't care if you get a shot. It's no skin off my nose, honey.

No, you're a busybody Karen...MYOFB.

How do you figure? You never got over being sensitive? Too weak to hear differing opinions. Look kid, it's a big diverse world out here. On this board, you can forget it. Maybe you aren't up to being exposed to an international political message board and need to run and hide. Don't expect to never hear stuff you don't agree with, except in your own little sewing circle, and that ain't here. Grow up.

At least, for the most part, it's the anti-vaxers, Republicans that are coming down with the disease.

The hell of it is that they, of all people, don't get the news about how bad this stuff is. Their "news" providers censure themselves radically to filter out real news that might conflict with far right wing Trump doctrine. The people that need it most would not be caught dead watching or listening to "liberal" anti-Trump media. Therefore they miss out on real information beneficial to them.

Same thing that happened last year at this exact time. It's a virus. It's seasonal.

How many people do you know who have had covid, btw?
Me and five family members, all survived and healthy. Ages 3-69.
That'll change shortly if you refuse to get vaccinated

At least, for the most part, it's the anti-vaxers, Republicans that are coming down with the disease.

The hell of it is that they, of all people, don't get the news about how bad this stuff is. Their "news" providers censure themselves radically to filter out real news that might conflict with far right wing Trump doctrine. The people that need it most would not be caught dead watching or listening to "liberal" anti-Trump media. Therefore they miss out on real information beneficial to them.
As an Independent voter, I have voted mostly for Green Party candidates and had voted Democrat, after seeing how Trump was treated before he ran for president and was a "darling" of the Democrats, versus how they treated him when he both ran for the office as a Republican and won, I decided that I could no longer stomach the Democrat Party and would most definitely NEVER vote Democrat again. So, in 2020, I voted for Trump and am not looking back. When any pro-Constitution AND ALL of its Amendments republican candidate runs, I will vote for him/her. I used to watch CNN and MSNBC, but no longer. Anyway, as a pro-Trumper, I did get the vaccination, as did those that I know. I know some lefties that refuse to get the vaccine. They're anti-vaccinators. So, just because you are on the left or right, it has no bearing on whether you will vaccinate or not. In short, you're generalizing.

At least, for the most part, it's the anti-vaxers, Republicans that are coming down with the disease.

The hell of it is that they, of all people, don't get the news about how bad this stuff is. Their "news" providers censure themselves radically to filter out real news that might conflict with far right wing Trump doctrine. The people that need it most would not be caught dead watching or listening to "liberal" anti-Trump media. Therefore they miss out on real information beneficial to them.

Same thing that happened last year at this exact time. It's a virus. It's seasonal.

How many people do you know who have had covid, btw?
Be ready. Fall is not far away..and that means flu season. Lock down time again.

I don't know if I will ever be able to wrap my head around what we have done here.

I have seen so much rip through classrooms. Strep, norovirus, influenza, colds. So many years we got close to closing schools and that take 25% of the school out sick. Yes. 25%. I saw 5, 6, 7 kids gone out of every classroom. Nobody panicked. Everyone thought yeah it's a virus, people get them, life goes on.

We had a bead on Covid, and we STILL treated it like Ebola or Bubonic Plague months and months on. We quarantined the healthy and shut down lives and businesses.

I don't know. It might take me my whole life and I will still never figure it out.
This conversation is stuck on stupid. IMO

If you want a vaccine, take a vaccine. If you want to wear a mask, wear a mask. If you want to hide inside, hide inside.

. . . but don't mandate, or force those that don't, into doing things that you are doing, the "science," doesn't support that. And for the sake of all that is good in the world, stop watching fear porn.

Pandemrix vaccine: why was the public not told of early warning signs?​

"Eight years after the pandemic influenza outbreak, a lawsuit alleging that GlaxoSmithKline’s Pandemrix vaccine caused narcolepsy has unearthed internal reports suggesting problems with the vaccine’s safety. Peter Doshi asks what this means for the future of transparency during public health emergencies

In October 2009, the US National Institutes of Health infectious diseases chief, Anthony Fauci, appeared on YouTube to reassure Americans about the safety of the “swine flu” vaccine. “The track record for serious adverse events is very good. It’s very, very, very rare that you ever see anything that’s associated with the vaccine that’s a serious event,”1 he said.
Four months earlier, the World Health Organization had declared H1N1 influenza a pandemic, and by October 2009 the new vaccines were being rolled out across the world. A similar story was playing out in the UK, with prominent organisations, including the Department of Health, British Medical Association, and Royal Colleges of General Practitioners, working hard to convince a reluctant NHS workforce to get vaccinated.2 “We fully support the swine flu vaccination programme … The vaccine has been thoroughly tested,” they declared in a joint statement.3
Except, it hadn’t. Anticipating a severe influenza pandemic, governments around the world had made various logistical and legal arrangements to shorten the time between recognition of a pandemic virus and the production of a vaccine and administration of that vaccine in the population. In Europe, one element of those plans was an agreement to grant licences to pandemic vaccines based on data from pre-pandemic “mock-up” vaccines produced using a different virus (H5N1 influenza). Another element, adopted by countries such as Canada, the US, UK, France, and Germany, was to provide vaccine manufacturers indemnity from liability for wrongdoing, thereby reducing the risk of a lawsuit stemming from vaccine related injury.45
In …"

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Protection of previous SARS-CoV-2 infection is similar to that of BNT162b2 vaccine protection: A three-month nationwide experience from Israel​

The AP propaganda was light on who is getting tested, how many folks are going to the hospital, etc. What is really going on?

You can't really measure a "surge," just by number of infections, it is a useless metric.

Counting cases is not the way to measure the COVID-19 pandemic​

The Effectiveness of U.S. Public Health Surveillance Systems for Situational Awareness during the 2009 H1N1 Pandemic: A Retrospective Analysis​


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