Casey Anthony

YOU are the jury. What's your thoughts so far?

  • guilty.

    Votes: 9 90.0%
  • not guilty.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • undecided.

    Votes: 1 10.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
You said exactly what I inferred; that the crime and punishment phase are separate and distinct. And the jury should not have taken the punishment phase into consideration when determining the crime.

Thanks for giving me a lesson on law from Wikipedia. I'll be sure and throw away all my legal hornbooks, case law, and Pacific Reporters. They're so outdated....

That is totally and completely false.

US Juries have the ABSOLUTE RIGHT to judge the Law and the Facts.

American Juries are not the Judges or prosecutors' handmaiden.


Confusedatious got it wrong again.

American juries judge the FACTS. Judges address the law.

When juries occasionally foray into deciding whether or not they "like" a particular law, they do so at the peril of our system of justice (generally speaking). That doesn't mean that they can't do it. Obviously, if they choose to say "not guilty" even when the facts prove guilty beyond all doubt, they still can. But jury nullification can undermine our entire system. It has sometimes led to justice. But the danger is always present that it will lead to some very different outcomes.

Mr Fucktard, Sir:

I sent you out for a few months to wise up and what happens? You get dummer.

I understand that as a government supremacist , you prefer a stacked jury in favor of the prosecution.

But here learn about JURY NULLIFICATION


The jury is often the most interesting unknown of a trial. A child is dead either from accident or willful accident but there is no way any of us will know. The defense's drowning scenario made no sense at all, this was her grandfather and as a grandfather I cannot buy into his subsequent behavior as acting. It would have been too tragic and painful, he'd have to be satan reincarnated. Having served on criminal cases, one a murder one case, and have been a character witness on a murder one case, I can only say good luck. I sat in a room with Jurors who wanted to continue discussion so they could skip work - seriously. When a jury is picked, there is a questionnaire and brief interview, if one can read people or know what a certain individual could/would think given their background of religion, family, and education you can aim towards your conclusion. May work, may not. Juries are fickle. Law likes to think law exists on some formal level, but in the end law exists in the minds of a person who sees things as they see them. And don't for a second assume people in a jury room are not affected by others, the jury leader can have great control in the outcome if there are no challenges. [ from other jurors. ]

"I shall proceed ... on the assumption that people sometimes or often do vote their considered and impartial opinions. It is by no means invariably true, but a normative theory of law and politics needs an aspirational quality, and this is mine." Jeremy Waldron

Guess what I got in the mail today? Yep, next month. To add to my comment above the fact the prosecution wanted a death warrant jury may too have contributed to an acquittal. Consider two aspects, one you (the juror) want to see justice done in the extreme, and two in order to do that, subtleties fly out the window. You'd better have concrete specific proof. And there was none. I thought there was a manslaughter charge too? Did I miss something?
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In my opinion, the Anthony family had an alarming amount of pets that they buried where little Caylees body was found and Lee Anthony testified in court that they most always wrapped the deceased pets in garbage bags then wrapped duct tape around them.

Casey Dry Bones Anthony’s own attorney admitted in court that she was present when her daughter died! Why did Casey dispose of her daughter’s body in such a manner? Many children drown every year in America because of swimming pool accidents. In these cases rarely is anyone ever charged or accused of anything.

I wouldn't put it past that trash bitch that she actually took little Caylee Marie Anthony out to the backyard and heaved her little body into the swimming pool. Then went back inside the house for about 20 minutes and watched T.V. while her daughter quickly drowns. The neighbor said she asked him to borrow a shovel the same day. Go figure.

Is the father of George Anthony a legal immigrant? :eusa_boohoo: If not deport him and charge Cindy Anthony of perjury. If George and Lee are guilty of child molestation let them be charged to! Either that or let George and Lee sue Casey for defamation of character. :mad:
It is said that the costs so far, that Casey will hopefully have to repay are:

$ 91,000.00

Defense’s Bill to State of Florida:
$ 130,000.00

Jury Room, Board, Transportation:
$ 360,000.00

$ 581,000.00
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Jeezus, It's like all of the red diaper doper babies came out at once, from their bath house pinko meeting all foaming out of their mouths, to gang up on ole BH. Good, That's just my kind of party. But know this you bottomfeeding maggots, I don't forget. LMAO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :cool:

Jeezus, I thought this was the Casey Anthony thread. It's turned into the "we Liberal sheople bow down and worship BH thread". :razz: ~BH

Could you be any more of a sheep. You are actually speaking like you are Savage. Really?

I knew you were down the chain a bit, but come on...Michael Savage? This thread is about what that nut did and got away with...not how tough you are or ANYTHING political. You are very weak sir. Very. Try to stay on point...just this once. Its not about you "BH"...its not.

Wow dummy, you're on a roll her tonight ain't chA? :lol:

You dumb mentally deranged nutcase you! What, did they cut off your meds? :razz: Or did you use them all up before you could re-fill them again? Yeah, I know your type. I gotta a friend who works for a pharmacy, and apparently you freaks become unhinged when you don't get your meds earlier than the law allows you to get them, right? :eusa_shhh:

Hey Zona? You got a fucked up life don't yuh? It's so fucked up that you have nothing but time to be here, at the pharmacy and just the long walk to your mailbox in the afternoon for more meds from Canada, as well as your socialist welfare check which comes second, unless of course you showed up to the former too early like you always do eh? Yeah, I bet that's the only thing a dead-beat like yourself shows up to early you fucking crack job stupid fuck. Now go choke on your pills tonight. :razz:


Wow. YOu got my life down to a T. You are he greatest, most scary person on the web with your insights. Wow. 100% on point. Your knowledge makes me fear and respect you since you have everything in check and how much you know about me.

(By the way, you are sharp enough to know I am being sarcastic dont you?) You could not be more wrong...but whatever. I am shaking here internet tough guy...


"I have seen and done shit that would make you cowar up like a gutless turd. Don't fuck with infantry son, you got no fucking clue." In case you forgot, it was you, master internet tough guy...who posted this tripe. You actually posted this shit. Damn.

Dear sir...Internet tough guys are pussies in real life. (Just saying).

BH = ITG (Internet tough guy). :doubt: I know, I know, you will throw your keyboard at me. I am very very very skerred....lololololololololol

Are you an advanced internet tough guy? A ninja keyboardist? :lol:
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I think the whore will end up in the news for getting her ass beat in the parking lot while out trolling for cock. At least I hope thats what happens.
I think the whore will end up in the news for getting her ass beat in the parking lot while out trolling for cock. At least I hope thats what happens.

The problem with your theory (and by the way I love it) is she never was a person in trouble prior to her killing her child.

She was pretty much straight and narrow (except for that little check thing) before this.

She is going to end up a Florida party girl. (Who happened to kill and get away with it).
I've learned my lesson. Hide the body let it rot. Then you can't say how it died. I walk.. That sound about right? Good. Oh and I have nothing to do with Mr. JOnes.Nothing.

You would also have to have the media hype element that caused them to move too quickly and/or charge too much.

I must say you make an excellent arm chair quarterback. Excellent. Moron

Well, not exactly an arm chair quarterback since I actually know a lot about the law. I appreciate that what looks moronic to you is just the opposite from your posts, so I will take that as a compliment.
Listen.. Here's the bottom line bud. In every court room some one tells the truth and some one lies. Now it's evident you guys have chosed the liars to be the winners. It's just that simple. End of story. And the liar side was so damn effective that George and Cindy are now receiving death threats. Ain't that special?

How can you say, "here's the bottom line" and then post something that has nothing to do with anything. No one picked a winner, not the jury, and definitely no one who has posted here. Can we try to stick to the topic and stop with the rhetoric?

don't you just hate it that you're not the boss of me?

Actually, just the opposite, I really hate to have to fire people.
I guess Scott Peterson should have hired hero Jose Biaz. They convicted him with less circumstantial evidence. He's sitting on death row out here. ~BH

Well, I have to disagree with this. They convicted him on only circumstantial evidence, but much much more than this case had.
Could you be any more of a sheep. You are actually speaking like you are Savage. Really?

I knew you were down the chain a bit, but come on...Michael Savage? This thread is about what that nut did and got away with...not how tough you are or ANYTHING political. You are very weak sir. Very. Try to stay on point...just this once. Its not about you "BH"...its not.

Wow dummy, you're on a roll her tonight ain't chA? :lol:

You dumb mentally deranged nutcase you! What, did they cut off your meds? :razz: Or did you use them all up before you could re-fill them again? Yeah, I know your type. I gotta a friend who works for a pharmacy, and apparently you freaks become unhinged when you don't get your meds earlier than the law allows you to get them, right? :eusa_shhh:

Hey Zona? You got a fucked up life don't yuh? It's so fucked up that you have nothing but time to be here, at the pharmacy and just the long walk to your mailbox in the afternoon for more meds from Canada, as well as your socialist welfare check which comes second, unless of course you showed up to the former too early like you always do eh? Yeah, I bet that's the only thing a dead-beat like yourself shows up to early you fucking crack job stupid fuck. Now go choke on your pills tonight. :razz:


Wow. YOu got my life down to a T. You are he greatest, most scary person on the web with your insights. Wow. 100% on point. Your knowledge makes me fear and respect you since you have everything in check and how much you know about me.

(By the way, you are sharp enough to know I am being sarcastic dont you?) You could not be more wrong...but whatever. I am shaking here internet tough guy...


"I have seen and done shit that would make you cowar up like a gutless turd. Don't fuck with infantry son, you got no fucking clue." In case you forgot, it was you, master internet tough guy...who posted this tripe. You actually posted this shit. Damn.

Dear sir...Internet tough guys are pussies in real life. (Just saying).

BH = ITG (Internet tough guy). :doubt: I know, I know, you will throw your keyboard at me. I am very very very skerred....lololololololololol

Are you an advanced internet tough guy? A ninja keyboardist? :lol:

I know, I hit the nail right on the head. ;) Nah at the end of the day, You're just another coward behind a keyboard. Your Eagles suck too. The best they will ever be in this era was when they had your hero T.O. :lol: ~BH
I think the whore will end up in the news for getting her ass beat in the parking lot while out trolling for cock. At least I hope thats what happens.

Never under estimate the American man. Just look at Susan Smith she got pregnant while she was in prison behind bars, while she was serving her time for killing her two toddlers. I thought, I heard about 6 months ago that she got pregnant for the second time. When they’re in heat it’s just too much for some men to resist.
I guess Scott Peterson should have hired hero Jose Biaz. They convicted him with less circumstantial evidence. He's sitting on death row out here. ~BH

Well, I have to disagree with this. They convicted him on only circumstantial evidence, but much much more than this case had.

He had a smarter jury. This jury won't even face the public with their verdict, they're ashamed.
I guess Scott Peterson should have hired hero Jose Biaz. They convicted him with less circumstantial evidence. He's sitting on death row out here. ~BH

Well, I have to disagree with this. They convicted him on only circumstantial evidence, but much much more than this case had.

What, a missing boat anchor? If you know of some other circumstancial evidence, I am all ears. ~BH
I guess Scott Peterson should have hired hero Jose Biaz. They convicted him with less circumstantial evidence. He's sitting on death row out here. ~BH

Well, I have to disagree with this. They convicted him on only circumstantial evidence, but much much more than this case had.

He had a smarter jury. This jury won't even face the public with their verdict, they're ashamed.

Exactly. ~BH
In my opinion, the Anthony family had an alarming amount of pets that they buried where little Caylees body was found and Lee Anthony testified in court that they most always wrapped the deceased pets in garbage bags then wrapped duct tape around them.

Casey Dry Bones Anthony’s own attorney admitted in court that she was present when her daughter died! Why did Casey dispose of her daughter’s body in such a manner? Many children drown every year in America because of swimming pool accidents. In these cases rarely is anyone ever charged or accused of anything.

I wouldn't put it past that trash bitch that she actually took little Caylee Marie Anthony out to the backyard and heaved her little body into the swimming pool. Then went back inside the house for about 20 minutes and watched T.V. while her daughter quickly drowns. The neighbor said she asked him to borrow a shovel the same day. Go figure.

Is the father of George Anthony a legal immigrant? :eusa_boohoo: If not deport him and charge Cindy Anthony of perjury. If George and Lee are guilty of child molestation let them be charged to! Either that or let George and Lee sue Casey for defamation of character. :mad:

Your surmise is why there was no conviction. The jury couldn't put her to death without answering those questions. Good prosecutors know there has to be a narrative...and not just "she killed her, trust us... it doesn't matter how she did it... now put her to death".
Casey Anthony Dreams in Jail of Having Another Baby

Casey in Jail house letters:

"I had a dream not too long ago that I was pregnant," she wrote to another inmate. "It was like having Cays all over again."

"I've thought about adopting, which even sounds weird to me saying it, but there are so many children that deserve to be loved," Anthony wrote to inmate Robyn Adams at Florida's Orlando County Jail. "Let's make a deal? Let's get pregnant together?" :cuckoo:

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