Casey Anthony

YOU are the jury. What's your thoughts so far?

  • guilty.

    Votes: 9 90.0%
  • not guilty.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • undecided.

    Votes: 1 10.0%

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  • Poll closed .
Casey Anthony Writes About Wanting More Babies

More of the 250 pages of her Jail House Letters:

“In one letter she refers to a book she has dreams of writing, describing it as a "partial memoir/comedy/relationship advice book for those not in the know."

"It's a way to settle many rumors and to share my insight about love, life and most important - God," she wrote. "Who knows."
I guess Scott Peterson should have hired hero Jose Biaz. They convicted him with less circumstantial evidence. He's sitting on death row out here. ~BH

Well, I have to disagree with this. They convicted him on only circumstantial evidence, but much much more than this case had.

He had a smarter jury. This jury won't even face the public with their verdict, they're ashamed.

They should be.
The great majority of us are unhappy but with the wrong party. The jury did not convict because the prosecution failed at its duty, proving her guilty beyond a reasonable doubt.

No one else is responsible for that failure.
:evil: OK, now I'm pissed off! :mad:

The victim known as Caylee Marie Anthony was 2.5 years old. This means Caylee lived on earth for only 913 days.

Why wasn't someone charged with improper disposing of a human body?
Or charged with involuntary manslaughter for the accidental drowning and trying to make it look like a murder?

I find it disturbing that someone would dispose of any child in the manner that Caylee Marie Anthony was disposed of. Most people regard their pets in a higher standard.

Caylees mother Casey Stoneface Anthony will only server 1,043 days for the death of two-year-old Caylee that’s about a day in jail for every day Caylee lived.

Casey “Dry Bones” Anthony was big teeth smiling when she realized she got off the charges of the death penalty and life imprisonment. She was so, happy because she got away with it, she got away with murder, she duped the jurors!

The evidence against Casey proved she was a pathological liar and in the end the jury believed Casey’s unproven, undocumented lies 100%. Casey Anthony is the greatest liar that ever lived. OR did she just get lucky? (Dumb Luck)

Let’s hope her parents sue her for defamation of character and the Equifax Search Team sue her for the hundred thousand dollars they spent looking for Caylee and the State of Florida sue her for all and any past and future cost that they may accumulate. Everyone who can, should sue that bitch so, that she can never enjoy a cent of money she may receive from movie, book and interviews. Maybe, Casey could be the spokesperson of Duct Tape to pay back the court.

Let that Bo Zo Jose Baez work that Biatch to death trying to recover his costs. Never let Casey Anthony forget that the public will never forget what she has done. She has broken the trust of the people that justice will not be served through the judicial system to people who can hide a body long enough. She may not go to jail but that doesn't mean she won't be in pure Hell.

Where can I read where jury members believed her lies? Could you post a link?
Well, I have to disagree with this. They convicted him on only circumstantial evidence, but much much more than this case had.

He had a smarter jury. This jury won't even face the public with their verdict, they're ashamed.

They should be.

I agree. The people of California, to their credit, saw to it that people with executive skills were part of the jury in that heinous crime. They also got to listen to Amber Frey's testimony about Peterson's lies to prevent her from learning about his wife Laci. She drove home the point he was a fraud in just about everything he did in executing his wife and her unborn child.

Caylee Anthony had no Amber Frey to call in and testify what kind of person would tape her mouth and nostrils shut while she went out and partied, and no judge stood there and told the jury to ignore Amber Frey. I have a feeling there's somebody out there who knows what Casey did and her every move while she was extinguishing her baby's life.

Even if there had been, that jury would've believed an attorney who would get up there and say anything about good and reliable witnesses and bring that witness down with every dirty trick in the book.

The defense intentionally picked jurors who were followers and assured there would be zero leaders. With the blind leading the blind, he knew exactly what he had to say to win the case.

The American Justice system is now composed of people who know how to screw the system in order to get what they want.

When it's not about right or wrong any more, killers stalk the streets and no one is safe from them. A psychologist who becomes sympathetic to a sociopath who committed heinous crimes can do the same thing Baez did. They can let that character go free, fooling themselves into thinking his lies of being reformed are true, when in fact, it's all just a huge smokescreen to get out there and repeat the offense to heighten his pleasure of the sweet life.

Nobody will do anything about weak/follower juries, and criminals who should be behind bars doing hard time will be out stalking American children. On July 13, there will be one more sociopath out there walking the streets, a ticking time bomb who will repeat this same deal somewhere else where her vicious deeds are not known.

I can't be too hard on the jury. They're the exact kind of people smart lawyers can manipulate into thinking whatever he shoves in front of them as likely, casts a doubt, a shadow of a doubt is as important as a reasonable doubt (it isn't). Politicians do the same thing, and when they convince enough people they will solve the issues and bring wealth and power to the people, they get elected, just like Adolph Hitler did in Germany. There were so few dissenters, Hitler's hit men were able to get rid of them in such a way as the public thought of them as enemies of the state instead of patriots issuing a warning to their fellow countrymen to tread carefully in the world of woe.
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If jennifer ford represents the other jurors, I see why they did what they did. Morons.
Baez probably dreamed of delusion of grandeur and a cash reward once she was free. Oh, yeah, he’d be her agent, and possible marry her and they would both roll in the dough and live happily ever after.
This kind of crime is happening in every one of you people's states everyday.

Why is this one so much more significant than any of the thousands of others that are happening?

Turn your TVs off for crying out loud.
<<What, a missing boat anchor? If you know of some other circumstancial evidence, I am all ears. >>

Anchor was just part of it. There was also the cops nabbing him as he sped towards the border to Mexico, with his hair dyed & his brothers I.D. And $10,000 in cash which, at the time anyway, was the most he was allowed to take over the border. And , of course, not the least of it was Scott laughing at his wife's candlelight vigil & dating that massage therapist while his wife was still missing.
Anyone following the case would already know all this.
The great majority of us are unhappy but with the wrong party. The jury did not convict because the prosecution failed at its duty, proving her guilty beyond a reasonable doubt.

No one else is responsible for that failure.

Is she a rancid bitch? Probably.

Did she do the deed? Likely.

Did the prosecution fuck up their presentment of the case against her? Probably not.

I suggest that it is not entirely the "fault" of the prosecutors that the evidence simply was not there.

If none of us can honestly cite to any of the evidence to clearly state what caused the death of that little girl, and I say none of us can (speculation doesn't count), then it is truly unfair to attack the jurors or even the prosecution.
This kind of crime is happening in every one of you people's states everyday.

Why is this one so much more significant than any of the thousands of others that are happening?

Turn your TVs off for crying out loud.

Look, Paulie, if you took one look at the Caylee Anthony pictures, and they meant nothing to you, then you have no feelings for that kind of a person.

Get over your own misogyny before you tell the rest of the world what to watch on television.
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If jennifer ford represents the other jurors, I see why they did what they did. Morons.

I haven't seen any of the jurors, but I did hear a well-versed lawyer in the psychology of juries that let guilty people off the hook. This information is being taught in universities to lawyers to practice bumping people who would do the right thing and keeping as many followers as possible, preferably on an intelligence level that passes off important decisions to other people. Their case is made on manipulating followers and substituting a leadership/empathy with them through body language and a certain type of understated confidence and well-coached defendants to maintain a certain type of composure.

Criminals who kill someone without having to pay the price often escalate their crimes the next time they are free.

It's too much to hope for that this case should be used to insure that jury selection does not become the vector for hard, murderous, lying criminals to go walking, but I do hope the thought will be reviewed by jurors who know a large number of people in the public is not happy with this outcome and the dirty tricks pulled in order to make it turn out that way.
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This kind of crime is happening in every one of you people's states everyday.

Why is this one so much more significant than any of the thousands of others that are happening?

Turn your TVs off for crying out loud.

Look, Paulie, if you took one look at the Caylee Anthony pictures, and they meant nothing to you, then you have no feelings for that kind of a person.

Get over your own misogyny before you tell the rest of the world what to watch on television.

Who the fuck said it meant nothing to me?

A year or 2 ago there was a killing right near me where the girl's parents cut her head open and stuffed it with gauze while she was alive, and busted up her ribs. She eventually died from an infection caused by the broken ribs.

You don't know about it because national media didn't bother running with the case for the entire length of it.

Would you like me to show you pics of the girl so that maybe it grabs your emotions somehow? :rolleyes:
Bill O'Riley is an idiot. The prosecution must prove the defendant is guilty, that is how it works in America. The defense does not have to prove their innocence. He was not in the court room and not in the jury room. Him and Nancy grace need to be yanked off the air, they are making a mockery of our justice system, and promote mob justice.

Sorry...I needed to get that off my chest.
This kind of crime is happening in every one of you people's states everyday.

Why is this one so much more significant than any of the thousands of others that are happening?

Turn your TVs off for crying out loud.

Look, Paulie, if you took one look at the Caylee Anthony pictures, and they meant nothing to you, then you have no feelings for that kind of a person.

Get over your own misogyny before you tell the rest of the world what to watch on television.

Who the (Second Stage Freudian insult omitted) said it meant nothing to me?

A year or 2 ago there was a killing right near me where the girl's parents cut her head open and stuffed it with gauze while she was alive, and busted up her ribs. She eventually died from an infection caused by the broken ribs.

You don't know about it because national media didn't bother running with the case for the entire length of it.

Would you like me to show you pics of the girl so that maybe it grabs your emotions somehow? :rolleyes:

If Caylee Anthony means something to you, why don't you stop attacking those who feel she received no justice and support the thing that would bring justice to your neighborhood--jury improvement.

When the law was written, dioxyribonucleic acid was unknown to humankind and until 1987, was not used to solve cases in the United States. Now that every single detective and cop show on television dwells on it, simple people think it has always been around and is the ONLY thing that assures justice being done.

That is far from the truth, and this jury of followers were easily led down a merry path of confusion thrown out by the defense to obfuscate Casey's lies, refusal to own up to her crime by lawyering up and laying low during the trial as her lawyer advised.

The tape was the murder weapon, but the lies Casey told the police caused them not to find the body until all that was left were skeletal remains, loosely connected by duct tape washed clean of evidence by the time lapse caused by the likely murderer's lies.

It's clear the jury membership was devoid of anyone who might attain even a midpoint score on Kohlberg's moral measurement. Only a lawyer would have the tools to determine that, and this particular lawyer exploited the system in order to attain his desired target audience of believers in of course, himself.

This case will fall into the cracks in a few weeks, you may rest assured, but I hope the "talking heads" will start looking into jury tampering before the fact by use of technology to determine the fruition of moral spinelessness in selecting juries through lowball assessment that throws truth into the toilet while tolerating abdication of proper responsibility by blaming a defense team that was flawless in the execution of their duties. The only problem was, they had no idea how exploitative their opponent was of simple people, selected to obey his subliminal verbal messages to them.
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Look, Paulie, if you took one look at the Caylee Anthony pictures, and they meant nothing to you, then you have no feelings for that kind of a person.

Get over your own misogyny before you tell the rest of the world what to watch on television.

Who the (Second Stage Freudian insult omitted) said it meant nothing to me?

A year or 2 ago there was a killing right near me where the girl's parents cut her head open and stuffed it with gauze while she was alive, and busted up her ribs. She eventually died from an infection caused by the broken ribs.

You don't know about it because national media didn't bother running with the case for the entire length of it.

Would you like me to show you pics of the girl so that maybe it grabs your emotions somehow? :rolleyes:

If Caylee Anthony means something to you, why don't you stop attacking those who feel she received no justice and support the thing that would bring justice to your neighborhood--jury improvement.

When the law was written, dioxyribonucleic acid was unknown to humankind and until 1987, was not used to solve cases in the United States. Now that every single detective and cop show on television dwells on it, simple people think it has always been around and is the ONLY thing that assures justice being done.

That is far from the truth, and this jury of followers were easily led down a merry path of confusion thrown out by the defense to obfuscate Casey's lies, refusal to own up to her crime by lawyering up and laying low during the trial as her lawyer advised.

The tape was the murder weapon, but the lies Casey told the police caused them not to find the body until all that was left were skeletal remains, loosely connected by duct tape washed clean of evidence by the time lapse caused by the likely murderer's lies.

It's clear the jury membership was devoid of anyone who might attain even a midpoint score on Kohlberg's moral measurement. Only a lawyer would have the tools to determine that, and this particular lawyer exploited the system in order to attain his desired target audience of believers in of course, himself.

This case will fall into the cracks in a few weeks, you may rest assured, but I hope the "talking heads" will start looking into jury tampering before the fact by use of technology to determine the fruition of moral spinelessness in selecting juries through lowball assessment that throws truth into the toilet while tolerating abdication of proper responsibility by blaming a defense team that was flawless in the execution of their duties. The only problem was, they had no idea how exploitative their opponent was of simple people, selected to obey his subliminal verbal messages to them.

You're missing the point entirely.

And jury's are easily tampered with because jury duty is considered an inconvenience to almost everyone who gets it. Most people don't care enough to use the duty to their advantage and make a difference. Most do whatever they possibly can to get out of it.

Thing is, when someone has to miss a week or 2 of work because of it, one can understand why they would want to get out of it. There's not a lot of middle class people these days who can afford that.

I say hit up the people on unemployment, but that's a whole different discussion.
Bill O'Riley is an idiot. The prosecution must prove the defendant is guilty, that is how it works in America. The defense does not have to prove their innocence. He was not in the court room and not in the jury room. Him and Nancy grace need to be yanked off the air, they are making a mockery of our justice system, and promote mob justice.

Sorry...I needed to get that off my chest.

I'm so glad you are relieved.

Once in a while mob justice does the world a bit o' good, namely those hooligans responsible for the Boston Tea Party, and Washington's barefoot army at Valley Forge, for a second.

Bully for Bill O'Reilly and Nancy Grace, two rare and disciplined newscasters. I hope they go after that bullmalarkey system of selecting juries who are soft on criminals even when they know deep down the criminal did the murder, and remove selection from chest-thumping lawyers who have everything to gain if justice is miscarried by people they know exactly how to control through scientific technology learned through sociology, psychology, and persuasive skills. In other words, the defense lawyer dangled those people like puppets on a string, because he could.

Make lawyers earn a living like everybody else--with challenges. Make them take who is picked fairly by a panel of people who are most interested in the jury selection of persons who are unafraid of making judgments.

This was the poorest excuse of a jury I ever heard of. Everyone of them wanted somebody else to tie their shoes for them and was afraid of offending someone if they pointed a finger at the criminal who pulled this off and didn't dare to say, "You did it, and you're going away for life."

I needed to get that off my chest, only I'm not sorry for doing so.
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Who the (Second Stage Freudian insult omitted) said it meant nothing to me?

A year or 2 ago there was a killing right near me where the girl's parents cut her head open and stuffed it with gauze while she was alive, and busted up her ribs. She eventually died from an infection caused by the broken ribs.

You don't know about it because national media didn't bother running with the case for the entire length of it.

Would you like me to show you pics of the girl so that maybe it grabs your emotions somehow? :rolleyes:

If Caylee Anthony means something to you, why don't you stop attacking those who feel she received no justice and support the thing that would bring justice to your neighborhood--jury improvement.

When the law was written, dioxyribonucleic acid was unknown to humankind and until 1987, was not used to solve cases in the United States. Now that every single detective and cop show on television dwells on it, simple people think it has always been around and is the ONLY thing that assures justice being done.

That is far from the truth, and this jury of followers were easily led down a merry path of confusion thrown out by the defense to obfuscate Casey's lies, refusal to own up to her crime by lawyering up and laying low during the trial as her lawyer advised.

The tape was the murder weapon, but the lies Casey told the police caused them not to find the body until all that was left were skeletal remains, loosely connected by duct tape washed clean of evidence by the time lapse caused by the likely murderer's lies.

It's clear the jury membership was devoid of anyone who might attain even a midpoint score on Kohlberg's moral measurement. Only a lawyer would have the tools to determine that, and this particular lawyer exploited the system in order to attain his desired target audience of believers in of course, himself.

This case will fall into the cracks in a few weeks, you may rest assured, but I hope the "talking heads" will start looking into jury tampering before the fact by use of technology to determine the fruition of moral spinelessness in selecting juries through lowball assessment that throws truth into the toilet while tolerating abdication of proper responsibility by blaming a defense team that was flawless in the execution of their duties. The only problem was, they had no idea how exploitative their opponent was of simple people, selected to obey his subliminal verbal messages to them.

You're missing the point entirely.

And jury's are easily tampered with because jury duty is considered an inconvenience to almost everyone who gets it. Most people don't care enough to use the duty to their advantage and make a difference. Most do whatever they possibly can to get out of it.

Thing is, when someone has to miss a week or 2 of work because of it, one can understand why they would want to get out of it. There's not a lot of middle class people these days who can afford that.

I say hit up the people on unemployment, but that's a whole different discussion.

The requirement for jury selection was originally to select the accused's jury of peers. This particular accusee was so craven and calculating she had no peer on that jury. Juries have to be composed of people who can either meet or outthink the criminal. This jury didn't measure up by design. The lawyer ridded himself of all challenges by picking followers and zero leaders. He did it on purpose, and I hold him personally responsible for not only hugely assisting this travesty of justice, but making America's streets unsafe by foisting this craven sociopath onto the streets of wherever she walks with a black widow threat to harm her detractors, for which she is self-assured she can get away with it.

Those who select jurors should do their fellow citizens a favor and select those who can at least work their way out of the duct tape the killer would put them in if she got a bad vote from them and she could.

My goodness, if the woman did kill her daughter like the evidence presented literally shouted out loud, what do you think she might do to a total stranger she was disenchanted with if she had the opportunity coinciding with the means to do them in?

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