Casey Anthony

YOU are the jury. What's your thoughts so far?

  • guilty.

    Votes: 9 90.0%
  • not guilty.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • undecided.

    Votes: 1 10.0%

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I hope Casey has more luck finding the real killers than OJ did.

The latter dumbass walked - then played golf for 10 years -then did a keystone cop stickup that got him locked up for the rest of his natural life.

OF COURSE she's gonna have more luck. Like OJ, she's gotta look in the mirror every day at the killer.

Me personally? I think this party girl is gonna end up going on the talk show circuit, and she's gonna spill the beans somewhere along the way.

Too bad she can't be tried again...........I mean........she knows she's off scott free, so yeah......I think she's gonna tell someone.
I hope Casey has more luck finding the real killers than OJ did.

The latter dumbass walked - then played golf for 10 years -then did a keystone cop stickup that got him locked up for the rest of his natural life.

OF COURSE she's gonna have more luck. Like OJ, she's gotta look in the mirror every day at the killer.

Me personally? I think this party girl is gonna end up going on the talk show circuit, and she's gonna spill the beans somewhere along the way.

Too bad she can't be tried again...........I mean........she knows she's off scott free, so yeah......I think she's gonna tell someone.

I don't know Biker, usually when people get away with something this big they take it to the grave.
No, HG, she's not smart enough to keep her big mouth shut. She's gonna slip up somewhere on the talk circuit.

If she does I have a question, what happens if she does admit it? she can't be tried again for the same thing right?

Fifth Amendment to the United States Constitution

No person shall be held to answer for a capital, or otherwise infamous crime, unless on a presentment or indictment of a Grand Jury, except in cases arising in the land or naval forces, or in the Militia, when in actual service in time of War or public danger; nor shall any person be subject for the same offense to be twice put in jeopardy of life or limb; nor shall be compelled in any criminal case to be a witness against himself, nor be deprived of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor shall private property be taken for public use, without just compensation.[1]

I have the "facts" as they have been laid out by the press and am absolutely convinced that Casey Anthony is at the very least a co-conspirator in the murder of her daughter.

And therein lies the problem. People should have watched the live feed of the trial. Not the court of HLN public opinion.
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I don't think Casey Anthony will have a happy life. It seems as though her family and friends have all turned against her. She has no money and no job skills. Even if she wrote a book, lots of people would never buy it. And the state of Florida will most likely want their money back that was spent looking for Caylee, when Casey knew they would not find her. She may wish she was back in jail before it's over. I'm a big believer in Karma.
Wow. YOu got my life down to a T. You are he greatest, most scary person on the web with your insights. Wow. 100% on point. Your knowledge makes me fear and respect you since you have everything in check and how much you know about me.

(By the way, you are sharp enough to know I am being sarcastic dont you?) You could not be more wrong...but whatever. I am shaking here internet tough guy...


"I have seen and done shit that would make you cowar up like a gutless turd. Don't fuck with infantry son, you got no fucking clue." In case you forgot, it was you, master internet tough guy...who posted this tripe. You actually posted this shit. Damn.

Dear sir...Internet tough guys are pussies in real life. (Just saying).

BH = ITG (Internet tough guy). :doubt: I know, I know, you will throw your keyboard at me. I am very very very skerred....lololololololololol

Are you an advanced internet tough guy? A ninja keyboardist? :lol:

I know, I hit the nail right on the head. ;) Nah at the end of the day, You're just another coward behind a keyboard. Your Eagles suck too. The best they will ever be in this era was when they had your hero T.O. :lol: ~BH

Christ you are all over the place. I love how you know so much about me. I really do.

An internet tough guy. You really are. lololololololololololol

I know, I hit the nail right on the head. ;) Nah at the end of the day, You're just another coward behind a keyboard. Your Eagles suck too. The best they will ever be in this era was when they had your hero T.O. :lol: ~BH

Christ you are all over the place. I love how you know so much about me. I really do.

An internet tough guy. You really are. lololololololololololol


You do know internet "tough" guys are pussies dont you?
Christ you are all over the place. I love how you know so much about me. I really do.

An internet tough guy. You really are. lololololololololololol


You do know internet "tough" guys are pussies dont you?

The only thing that I know is that anyone who calls someone that from the safety behind their keyboard, is without a doubt the real pussy. :lol:

Why don't you shut your fucking mouth? I don't care, and nobody else here cares anymore, we are trying to discuss the case you stupid brain dead left-wing, berkinstock wearing, pinko dope smoking sack of shit. :razz: What about this, Why don't you discuss your connections to pedo websites? Oh that's right, You said in a pm months ago at the other political board that you're a changed person now? I know exactly who you are there. Yeah right. :doubt: ~BH
So, back from planet PinkO and arguing with the mentally deranged moron Zona who worships baby killers, go figure. What more would you expect from a nutcase liberal? :cuckoo:

Anyway, This Tracy gal on Dr. Drew tonight right now who lived with the Anthony family and spent alot of time with Casey, claimed that Casey listened to this song all the time. Tracy is an associate of the bounty hunter guy I guess. Man, if this is true, it speaks a thousand words. ~BH

YouTube - ‪seven dust - the past‬‏
No, HG, she's not smart enough to keep her big mouth shut. She's gonna slip up somewhere on the talk circuit.

If she does I have a question, what happens if she does admit it? she can't be tried again for the same thing right?

She will never admit that. People hate her so much right now, they wouldn't be able to contain themselves if she admitted it.

I'm hearing more now about her civil trial brought by Zannie the nannie. I believe she has to testify at least by deposition.
When it comes to the Casey Anthony case I wish that America had sharia law.

It would be easy to find tens of thousands of Americans willing to cast the first stone. :cool:

There are people out there right now planning some unfortunate "accident" happening to her, I'm sure of it. Her and her attorneys might want to tone down their celebrations that she will be out soon.

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