Casey Anthony

YOU are the jury. What's your thoughts so far?

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As I listen to Lee this morning, as with the parents, I think the family is doing their darn best not to give a motive. That being Cindy and cayse fought a great deal regarding what was best for Caylee

It was Amy Huizenga who brought up any conflict btwn mother and daughter regarding Caylee

But, they can't have thier cake and eat it too.

Cindy, herself, testified what a great loving, naturally maternal mother Casey was.

Lee testifies to what Casey said Cindy told her. That she was an unfit mother. That Caylee was a mistake. Casey's mistake.
Of course, this did come from Casey's mouth.

I would like to hear what Cindy Anthony has to say about that statement.

* and Gunny -- I was not impressed either.
If she was crossed she would have to admit to it. Thats my point, under direct they are trying to only give positive spin on her parenting and releaitonship with Caylee. Which clearly imo the evidence so far bears false.

Again, I think they don't want to provide motive. JB certainly doesn't want this as a possible motive brought out either.
Has anyone here taken the time to research chloroform?

"Chloroform can be formed during the break-down of chlorine-containing compounds, and may be found in in small amounts in chlorinated drinking or swimming pool water. Chlorine treatment of drinking water is often necessary to prevent diseases that can be a major cause of illness.

Chloroform evaporates quickly. Most of the chloroform that ends up in lakes, streams, or soil evaporates into the air. However, chloroform that seeps through soil into ground-water can remain unchanged for many years. "

Chemical Fact Sheets -- Chloroform
My "drama" comes from your snarky little comment "Use your head..." How about leaving out the self-righteous commentary, then there wouldn't be a need for "drama" from me at all. And of course accusing me of being dishonest is disengenuous at best since you would need to explain to others here what you mean. But that would derail the thread, so if you think I'm so dishonest, I invite you to start a brand new thread in the Flame Zone and copy what you feel is "dishonest" regarding any political discussions we've had.
Can you just drop the drama all together from here on in?

She told them, Cindy, she was in Tampa.

I just read through the transcripts and didn't see that his car was in the drive...her's was. You got a link?
JA: what led up to you seeing casey?

I had come back from back and was easing into my thought process about the interview.

JB: objection


JA: in your living room?


JA: in your living room tell us what happened next.

the garage door goes up and here is Casey coming in the house.

JA: is you concerned about who is coming in?


JA: when you first saw casey where was she?

near the door area

JA: she was coming through the garage? is that where she came thru?


JA: were you happy?


JA: what was her reaction

somewhat surprise on her part
Baez never questioned George if he went to or put anything in the care.

I'd like your link, because I distinctly remember George saying that Casey removed the gas cans from the trunk, and at that time they had words. So perhaps there's more to that particular piece of testimony? All I can find are videos of the testimony; no transcripts.

Also, maybe I just assumed George's car would be in the driveway (or the garage?). Is that not a natural assumption? If not, where was it?
Blah blah's a thought. How about you all who want to pretend facts don't matter start your own thread where you can all pat yourselves on the backs for being uninformed like rock stars and stupid as drywall.

The rest of us can discuss the sworn testimony in the actual trial like adults.

Yeah, like that's been happening so far. I'm still trying to read through about a hundred posts from where I left off day before yesterday, but interpretation of facts has been the norm with the exception of a few posts. And you do know that "sworn testimony" can be challenged, I hope.


But alarm clocks :cuckoo: DD has declared her not guilty and more. The pretense that we should all be more like her open-minded and undecided (as she has done now several times) is laughable. Her wish is we all agree and find her not guilty. I am open to be swayed from my opinion based on the facts presented and challenged in the trial.
I've been reading Lee Anthony's Interview with Law Enforvement and here's a few things that he said in it.

George Anthony told him -- before Casey showed up with the missing gas cans -- that he (George) was pretty sure that Casey was the one whio took them.

Lee Anthony also says that Tony Lazzaro told him he waited in his jeep while Casey went and got the gas cans. That there was enough time for a couple of songs to play on his radio.

And he had this to say about June 5th 2008 -- Cindy Anthony's birthday:

"Oh, it was my mom's birthday. So you know, naturally go over there to wish her
a happy birthday (laughs). And I didn't spend a whole lot of time with her. I had
some prior obligations that, you know, that I was going to also. But just trying to
stop over."

BUT her supivisor Debbue Polisano had this to say about it:

"That nobody remembered her birthday. And that she was really upset and un, she was upset at George because he . . . I guess he remembered but all he did was stick a present on the counter and just go to work . . .didn't say anything. And uh, Casey hadn't called or shown up. And LEE had called in the evening and she was happy 'cause she though he remembered and then she realized he didb't even remember, he was just calling her to see if she sould cut his hair. So, she was mad".

Also, after Casey's things were retrieved from Tony Lazzaro's, a policewoman gave them permission to dump everything out of one of the bags onto the living room floor. The policewoman then for some reason goes outside of the house leaving the family alone with potential evidence . . . and Lee's says ---

"And when my mother
at that point had opened up my sister's wallet, she had actually aiready opened
up my sister's wallet because she was looking through the contents of this large
wallet, saw unfolded, it had to be a minimum of a hundred and forty, maybe as
much as two hundred dollars just from seeing the number of bills, straight twenty
dollars biifs that were taken out. And the reason why I know the officer wasn't in
there is because my morn grabbed the money and goes, and, and put it in her
pocket. And no one else was in there."

So -- it appears Lee has a different version of the way things happened . . . with more than one person.

all of this is on humble opinion forum dot net

Lee Anthony is testifying today, and although I'm taping it, I've only listened to about an hour. But I was struck how unprepared he seems to be. Prosecutors and defense attorneys usually run through the questions that will be asked and the expected responses. Lee seems confused as to his prompts.

And thanks so much for that link. It will be extremely helpful.
I just tuned in (I over slept)

But I just heard her say:
"Ever since that day she (Cindy) hasn't put anyone in the trunk?" Was that another Freudian slip?

I'm sorry folks, but what this woman does, instead of lying, she side steps. And when there's no more room to step, her words/thoughts get so jumbled up that it's painful to watch her squirm.

Just because she denies (opposed to lying) and comes off naive, this doesn't give her a free ticket for sympathy. For all we know she may be acting or at least, partly.
I do have empathy for her but it stops right there. Take Saturday for instances. Cindy is on the stand and the State shows a photo of Caylee's bedroom and she bursts out crying????
Are you kidding me??
The woman LIVES in the house where she passes that room every day!!!! So it's not like it came as a shock to her to see that picture. Caylee's room has not changed (according to Cindy) Even the bed remains the same as it did in 2008.

So if those tears were fake (and I do believe they were) it shows she's capable of turning on and turning off different emotions at a given time to suit the situation.

I'd like to line them all up and deliver them one long and hard bitch slap! I tell ya, one is worse than the other in this mental family!

Also, the media hounds are taking great pains to continually mention that Casey's body language is stoic and uncaring. She's on trial for her life. So what kind of body language should she be exhibiting? During Cindy's testimony yesterday when they were talking about her not realizing Casey was pregnant and Casey was asked to stand up so the court could see how small in stature she is anyway, one of those "reporters" (who has the case all locked up against Casey) interjected "All we can see now are her boobs sticking out there."

The media has made this case into a fucking circus and have acted in the most unprofessional manner I've ever witnessed.
"And when my mother
at that point had opened up my sister's wallet, she had actually aiready opened
up my sister's wallet because she was looking through the contents of this large
wallet, saw unfolded, it had to be a minimum of a hundred and forty, maybe as
much as two hundred dollars just from seeing the number of bills, straight twenty
dollars biifs that were taken out. And the reason why I know the officer wasn't in
there is because my morn grabbed the money and goes, and, and put it in her
pocket. And no one else was in there."

I guess Cindy and George can add that to the $14,000 she testified they received for selling little Caylee's pictures and videos.

This family is fucking despictable. Trash. All of them.
I'd like your link, because I distinctly remember George saying that Casey removed the gas cans from the trunk, and at that time they had words. So perhaps there's more to that particular piece of testimony? All I can find are videos of the testimony; no transcripts.

Also, maybe I just assumed George's car would be in the driveway (or the garage?). Is that not a natural assumption? If not, where was it?


I was responding in that last post that JB did not place George near the car as was suggested.

Yes, it's a natural assumption. I assume based on testimony garage over drive. She thinking he was at work didn't see his car in the garage and opened it. She was in the drive way
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I don't know if I can watch anymore of this BULLSHIT.

This woman is NOT tearing at all. Look at her. Look for any moisture on her face YET she keeps dabbing her eyes and wiping her nose.
I am convinced this is an act!!!!!!!!!

This is not saying Casey isn't a liar but my gawd, her mother is one piece of work.
She has had 3 years to prepare for this. She is NOT shy. She's been on friggin Larry King show for gawd sake. Now, all of a sudden, this is painfully tearful for her???

I think the problem might be is she doesn't know what/which side to cooperate with. Does she want to be dishonest and help the State? HONEST in which she'd admit to molestation charges, with the Defense.

Too bad. Because she George and Lee helped create this mess!!!!! Everyone deserves exactly what they're getting right now.

My interpretation of what I watched is that Cindy really doesn't know what happened, but for the longest time she was willing to believe that at the very least Casey had abandoned her child to a babysitter so that she could party (having finally won her independence). Now I think she's not so sure. Her anguish toward the end of cross examination is an indication (to me) that she's afraid of the truth. It's like anything else in life where a person gets fixated on what appears to be the truth based on what others say, and it's hard to see beyond that.
"And when my mother
at that point had opened up my sister's wallet, she had actually aiready opened
up my sister's wallet because she was looking through the contents of this large
wallet, saw unfolded, it had to be a minimum of a hundred and forty, maybe as
much as two hundred dollars just from seeing the number of bills, straight twenty
dollars biifs that were taken out. And the reason why I know the officer wasn't in
there is because my morn grabbed the money and goes, and, and put it in her
pocket. And no one else was in there."

I guess Cindy and George can add that to the $14,000 she testified they received for selling little Caylee's pictures and videos.

This family is fucking despictable. Trash. All of them.

Did he say that on the stand today?
Ha! I just want to apologize for all my spelling mistakes in my first post.

Hey! I hadn't even had my first cup of coffee yet!

No worries, did you see the post before yours??
They spelled dryer sheets-- drier sheets. And what's worse, there was a pharse-- That aint flying anymore. :eek:

But everyone must forgive me, I am picky on spelling, I work in a school and spelling and proper English were my specialty, it bugs the shit out of me when people can't spell correctly :lol:

Uhhh . . . Dabs ~~

How do you think me, myself, mispelling words make me feel? I'm a Writer for God's sake! :eek:

You misspelled misspelling. :lol:
Wow! Talk about being arrogant, ignorant and bias!!!

Arrogant is wishing the fabrications falling from your head is reality.

Well it looks like you told me what-for!!!! :clap2:

Hey, instead personalizing this and directing your anger towards me, why don't you add something informative to this forum?

This is about Casey and Caylee and the Anthony family.

It's fine you disagree with me but there's no need to hurl insults at people (me) who don't agree with you. And if you continue this ambush your credibility will go down the drain because nobody wants to consider the opinion of a foolish immature person !

"And when my mother
at that point had opened up my sister's wallet, she had actually aiready opened
up my sister's wallet because she was looking through the contents of this large
wallet, saw unfolded, it had to be a minimum of a hundred and forty, maybe as
much as two hundred dollars just from seeing the number of bills, straight twenty
dollars biifs that were taken out. And the reason why I know the officer wasn't in
there is because my morn grabbed the money and goes, and, and put it in her
pocket. And no one else was in there."

I guess Cindy and George can add that to the $14,000 she testified they received for selling little Caylee's pictures and videos.

This family is fucking despictable. Trash. All of them.

Did he say that on the stand today?

No. It's from the same law enforcement statement they kept showing him . . . to refresh his memory. The same statement where he offers up that Casey didn't pack the bags that he retrieved from Tony Lazzaro's:

EE You, you said, you made mention that everything was so organized that it struck
you odd that it was your sister's bag?
LA Huh, yeah (affirmative) absolutely uhm, because knowing my sister and knowing
myseif, uhm, we are not organized. Uhm, when we pack, or even if we're at a
residence, I mean our stuff is ail over the piace. it's aii over the floor. If we're
packing we shove it into the bags. Uhm, it was, it's, if somebody toid me that my
sister packed that bag I would call them a liar.
EE You'd question it right off the bat?
LA Absolutely a hundred percent. It is my firm belief that someone else packed that
bag for her when I went to pick if up. It is my firm belief of that. Something that!
did not get to convey to you before because I probably just forgot. anthony.pdf
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Oh. Daydreamer is still foaming at the mouth I see. And tossing insults. *eye roll*.
I think I will just shine her on from now on since she's taking this so personally. Oh, and I'm glad she isn't on the jury. No further comment from me to her and I'm returning her olive branch. Damn thing has thorns on it.

Allow me to quantify my statement.

I am assuming (hoping)....all of you are approaching this trial devoid the rumors heard over the last 3 years.

I forgot (until recently reminded by another poster) that the State did mention the duct tape on Caylee.

So when you said the duct tape over her mouth as a 'cause' of death, I was taken back thinking you were pulling that up from the news.

I still think many of you are tainted, not surprisingly and not said maliciously either. I thought Casey was guilty as hell too. But I was able to separate speculation and suspicion at the start of this trial.

I happen to be the minority. I know. I usually am (thank gawd) But because I was the real minority in the OJ case too (and correct, as far as a conviction) I feel I am able to apply the same approach here.
So far.
I might change my mind at the end. But right now, based on what the State and Defense claim, I am on the Defenses side. Despite their ineptness.

And it's difficult (or let me say, disappointing) to see so many people have already made up their mind even before last Tuesday started. Because if anyone with any logic takes the time to break this 'murder' down, they'd walk away saying, something ain't right here. It makes no fluid sense. There are too many gaping holes in the story.

Hear hear. Baez seems to be scared to say anything for fear of an objection. Is he that ill-prepared? He should let his female counterpart take a stab at it, just as the prosecution did. And SHE did a far better job. At least we could understand her and she wasn't mumbling.
"And when my mother
at that point had opened up my sister's wallet, she had actually aiready opened
up my sister's wallet because she was looking through the contents of this large
wallet, saw unfolded, it had to be a minimum of a hundred and forty, maybe as
much as two hundred dollars just from seeing the number of bills, straight twenty
dollars biifs that were taken out. And the reason why I know the officer wasn't in
there is because my morn grabbed the money and goes, and, and put it in her
pocket. And no one else was in there."

I guess Cindy and George can add that to the $14,000 she testified they received for selling little Caylee's pictures and videos.

This family is fucking despictable. Trash. All of them.

Did he say that on the stand today?

No. It's from the same law enforcement statement they kept showing him . . . to refresh his memory. The same statement where he offers up that Casey didn't pack the bags that he retrieved from Tony Lazzaro's:

EE You, you said, you made mention that everything was so organized that it struck
you odd that it was your sister's bag?
LA Huh, yeah (affirmative) absolutely uhm, because knowing my sister and knowing
myseif, uhm, we are not organized. Uhm, when we pack, or even if we're at a
residence, I mean our stuff is ail over the piace. it's aii over the floor. If we're
packing we shove it into the bags. Uhm, it was, it's, if somebody toid me that my
sister packed that bag I would call them a liar.
EE You'd question it right off the bat?
LA Absolutely a hundred percent. It is my firm belief that someone else packed that
bag for her when I went to pick if up. It is my firm belief of that. Something that!
did not get to convey to you before because I probably just forgot. anthony.pdf
And the next line is:

EE: She's just stealing her money back from the girl that stole it.

Since the defense didn't bring it up - the jury doesn't know - it is not evidence now.
Do you really want the jury to know cayse stole from her mother?
Somebody wrapped duct tape over Caylee's mouth, and then placed a red heart sticker on top of that. And according to the autopsy reports, which are available online, this duct tape was placed on Caylee when she was either 'still fresh or still alive' (that is according to the autopsy). Some of the duct tape was so stuck to the baby's hair, it didn't 'rot' off, like her skin and other things did.

But for all we know it might've been George when he attempted to stage this as an abduction after he told Casey, he'd take care of things.

The key to this entire case is what happened over these two days, and it seems extremely likely to me that there was indeed a coverup and the child was already dead.

June 15 – Caylee visits her great-grandfather at an assisted living facility. A video is later produced in an attempt to verify the sighting.

Cindy and Caylee allegedly go swimming in the Anthony's pool. Afterwards, Cindy takes the ladder away from the pool and closes the gate.

June 16 – At or about 12:30 p.m., George Anthony allegedly sees Casey and Caylee leave with backpacks on their shoulders.

At 2:30 p.m., George Anthony leaves for work.

Between 3:00 p.m. and 7:30 p.m., Casey allegedly makes numerous calls, lasting anywhere from a few seconds to a minute, to her parents and several friends.

Timeline of Events: Casey Anthony: Caylee Anthony
Simple question:

Who killed, accidentally or deliberately, Caylee?
That's all I want to know.

Sigh. Okay, I know some of y'all are gonna stab me in the eye . . . but I'm gonna say it anyway.

Caylee killed Caylee . . . by climbing into the pool . . . alone.

Casey killed Caylee. It was an accident. However, instead of fessing up to the accident and coming forward with the fact that she overdosed her daughter, Casey turned to her best friend since she learned to talk. She turned to a lie. That is how she has live her entire life. Now that lie has turned into a multitude of lies, even to the point of calling her own father a sexual abuser. Casey is a liar and a muderer.

Well then, let's just tell the judge and jury that and end this little fiasco. :cuckoo:
If everyone is acting OMFGodish over the defense and their shit, I can't wait to see how the words are going to explode over the monitor when the prosecution gets started!
She is only guilty if after a trial a jury of her peers says she is. Or she confesses.

But then you all should already know that. Or can I announce that Obama is guilty of say, forging a birth certificate and be done with it?
Sigh. Okay, I know some of y'all are gonna stab me in the eye . . . but I'm gonna say it anyway.

Caylee killed Caylee . . . by climbing into the pool . . . alone.

Casey killed Caylee. It was an accident. However, instead of fessing up to the accident and coming forward with the fact that she overdosed her daughter, Casey turned to her best friend since she learned to talk. She turned to a lie. That is how she has live her entire life. Now that lie has turned into a multitude of lies, even to the point of calling her own father a sexual abuser. Casey is a liar and a muderer.

Well then, let's just tell the judge and jury that and end this little fiasco. :cuckoo:

You applauded the crank that dissed me when I said that :doubt:


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