Casey Anthony

YOU are the jury. What's your thoughts so far?

  • guilty.

    Votes: 9 90.0%
  • not guilty.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • undecided.

    Votes: 1 10.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
If everyone is acting OMFGodish over the defense and their shit, I can't wait to see how the words are going to explode over the monitor when the prosecution gets started!

Don't you mean the defense? The prosecution is still up at bat.

At this point in time, I'm not sure that the fuck I meant. People are screaming thru their monitors, acting like they are all involved and at the courthouse and ready to shoot each other!
Jesus H, I'd rather be at school with a zillion kids.


Actually, except for a few minor frays at the outset, this thread has been relatively sane.
There is going to be a riot they say, after the verdict is read, moreso if the verdict comes back where Casey is totally set free. I can't see how that would happen, but I have seen some dumbass jurors before. But I read an article on AOL that said they expect there to be a riot in the Florida regions if the girl walks free. And also, you can also expect somebody to try and take her ass out, People don't take kindly to Mothers killing their babies, regardless if the jury finds her guilty or not. Because just like all of us here are putting in our opinions, there are people walking the streets of Florida who have opinions too, the majority--- think she is guilty.
Last I saw it was 86% for guilty
13% not guilty....don't ask me where that last 1 percent is.
Somebody will try to kill her if she walks free.
Don't you mean the defense? The prosecution is still up at bat.

At this point in time, I'm not sure that the fuck I meant. People are screaming thru their monitors, acting like they are all involved and at the courthouse and ready to shoot each other!
Jesus H, I'd rather be at school with a zillion kids.


Actually, except for a few minor frays at the outset, this thread has been relatively sane.

Ok, if you call rabid bites and orgasms over a murder charge-sane, Okie dokie then.
The jury is hearing all these things related to the case, but not the "murder" because it's the job of defense counsel to do just that. So far except for the opening statement, the prosecution has produced no evidence of Casey's charge of murder in the first degree. If it can ultimately be proven that a coverup of Caylee's death occurred and Casey Anthony was a participant, the jury should return a murder two conviction, or less, or perhaps acquit her entirely of "murder" or even manslaughter. There would then be another trial, again if a coverup is proven, naming just about everyone in the family as co-conspirators.

Not yet, it's still early. Are you telling us the State will not address the murder for which she is on trial for?
Just for clarity, you think she is not guilty, right?


No, I do not think Casey Anthony is innocent. I think she is guilty in not reporting, hiding the fact and covering up her daughter's death.

No word play:


Thank you, thats my point

Everyone who agrees with you and/or claims no opinion is crying foul at media, pre-judging etc. It goes both ways clearly. So shouldn't we be discussing what is in the trial at this point?

RD ~~ I don't know what you want from me.

I have not cried foul at the media -- even though I admit I had to sit on my hands to keep responding to the above Nancy DisGrace posts.

I have no idea why the State didn't think to bring charges against her for what we know she is guilty of via her own DT team's admission. She is guilty of not reporting, hiding the fact and covering up the death of her daughter. And the State had to know that by her actions during those 31 days.

The defense admitted it.
The State has proven those facts in the testimony of the witnesses so far.

The State and Defense have also proven thru the State's witnesses that Casey Anthony was a loving, caring giving maternal Mother.

I'm not prejudging anyone. I have a theory of what I think may have happened, using the State and the Defense's opening statements and the evidence so far. Yes, I have used the sworn statements of George, Cindy, Lee, Ray Kronk, Tony Larraro, Jesse Grund, etc . . . to see what was actually said even though it may not be allowed in by the Judge. And as I have stated before -- whether Caylee died by being drugged or by drowning in the family pool -- I believe both scenarios fall under unintentional.

And yes, I believe the whole damn family are liars. All of them. And it makes me sick to think they and other people made money off of this little girl's death.

I'm sorry if I don't see this case the way you do.
Just for clarity, you think she is not guilty, right?

No word play:


Thank you, thats my point

Everyone who agrees with you and/or claims no opinion is crying foul at media, pre-judging etc. It goes both ways clearly. So shouldn't we be discussing what is in the trial at this point?

RD ~~ I don't know what you want from me.

I have not cried foul at the media -- even though I admit I had to sit on my hands to keep responding to the above Nancy DisGrace posts.

I have no idea why the State didn't think to bring charges against her for what we know she is guilty of via her own DT team's admission. She is guilty of not reporting, hiding the fact and covering up the death of her daughter. And the State had to know that by her actions during those 31 days.

The defense admitted it.
The State has proven those facts in the testimony of the witnesses so far.

The State and Defense have also proven thru the State's witnesses that Casey Anthony was a loving, caring giving maternal Mother.

I'm not prejudging anyone. I have a theory of what I think may have happened, using the State and the Defense's opening statements and the evidence so far. Yes, I have used the sworn statements of George, Cindy, Lee, Ray Kronk, Tony Larraro, Jesse Grund, etc . . . to see what was actually said even though it may not be allowed in by the Judge. And as I have stated before -- whether Caylee died by being drugged or by drowning in the family pool -- I believe both scenarios fall under unintentional.

And yes, I believe the whole damn family are liars. All of them. And it makes me sick to think they and other people made money off of this little girl's death.

I'm sorry if I don't see this case the way you do.

The above in red, does this include the 31 days the little girl was missing and Casey was dancing and partying and entering hod bod contests??
That falls into that great loving nurturing Mother category too I guess??
The above in red, does this include the 31 days the little girl was missing and Casey was dancing and partying and entering hod bod contests??
That falls into that great loving nurturing Mother category too I guess??

Allow me!

The 31 days are irrelevant if you believe the child was dead on June 16th. Doesn't matter if it was the next day, the next week or 31 days from then.
She (and George?) never reported a dead baby. The baby was NOT missing.

This is the defense's stance.

There are no 31 days that would make her anymore of an unfit mother than the year before.
The only relevance that time period (of 31 days ) has is; it's the day Caylee died and the day the gig was up.
RD ~~ I don't know what you want from me.

I have not cried foul at the media -- even though I admit I had to sit on my hands to keep responding to the above Nancy DisGrace posts.

I have no idea why the State didn't think to bring charges against her for what we know she is guilty of via her own DT team's admission. She is guilty of not reporting, hiding the fact and covering up the death of her daughter. And the State had to know that by her actions during those 31 days.

The defense admitted it.
The State has proven those facts in the testimony of the witnesses so far.

The State and Defense have also proven thru the State's witnesses that Casey Anthony was a loving, caring giving maternal Mother.

I'm not prejudging anyone. I have a theory of what I think may have happened, using the State and the Defense's opening statements and the evidence so far. Yes, I have used the sworn statements of George, Cindy, Lee, Ray Kronk, Tony Larraro, Jesse Grund, etc . . . to see what was actually said even though it may not be allowed in by the Judge. And as I have stated before -- whether Caylee died by being drugged or by drowning in the family pool -- I believe both scenarios fall under unintentional.

And yes, I believe the whole damn family are liars. All of them. And it makes me sick to think they and other people made money off of this little girl's death.

I'm sorry if I don't see this case the way you do.

Sigh, I guess I just can't make myself clear. How can you really claim you're not prejudging and then defend your stance with pre trial evidence? We all prejudge or have no opinion. Without caysee telling us so, how can you decide a drugging is unintentional?

Bolded: The State is charging her with murder. The defense is only admitting what can't be denied and then some (drowning)
Everyone who agrees with you and/or claims no opinion is crying foul at media, pre-judging etc. It goes both ways clearly. So shouldn't we be discussing what is in the trial at this point?

What you're saying is, anyone with any opinion right now is prejudging?

We are discussing what we're discussing based on what we're hearing via the trial.

I think what you want is for everyone to assume Casey is guilty (like the State does) and take it from there.
Doesn't work that way if, that is what you're looking for.

So far Texas and I both feel the way we do based on what was said in Open Statements on Tuesday May 24th. So we ARE discussing this trial.

I for one.... in no way, shape or form thought Casey was innocent prior to that. I was part of the minion who, listened to what the media was putting out (for I never sat and talked with Casey, G&A personally) and felt she more than likely, killed her daughter.

I've since changed my mind-set because I approached this with newborn eyes.
Baez's explanation satisfies my itch (for now). Because honestly, what was being alleged (by the populous) left me scratching my head for over 2 years now.
Allow me!

The 31 days are irrelevant if you believe the child was dead on June 16th. Doesn't matter if it was the next day, the next week or 31 days from then.
She (and George?) never reported a dead baby. The baby was NOT missing.

This is the defense's stance.

There are no 31 days that would make her anymore of an unfit mother than the year before.
The only relevance that time period (of 31 days ) has is; it's the day Caylee died and the day the gig was up.
Not quite.

The States stance is she killed Caylee on the 16th and those 31 days are completely 100% relevant. The baby was missing - dead and missing to everyone except cayse.

The defense admits to her multiple lies as the defense. The State brought forth her lies as proof of guilt.
What you're saying is, anyone with any opinion right now is prejudging?

Of course, otherwise you have no opinion yet

We are discussing what we're discussing based on what we're hearing via the trial.

No you are not. Here and there, but not as a whole.
I think what you want is for everyone to assume Casey is guilty (like the State does) and take it from there.
Doesn't work that way if, that is what you're looking for.

The State assumes nothing. They must prove what they know or she walks. Other than that take a gander in the mirror

So far Texas and I both feel the way we do based on what was said in Open Statements on Tuesday May 24th. So we ARE discussing this trial.

I for one.... in no way, shape or form thought Casey was innocent prior to that. I was part of the minion who, listened to what the media was putting out (for I never sat and talked with Casey, G&A personally) and felt she more than likely, killed her daughter.

I've since changed my mind-set because I approached this with newborn eyes.
Baez's explanation satisfies my itch (for now). Because honestly, what was being alleged (by the populous) left me scratching my head for over 2 years now.

Forgive me my doubts regarding your claims. :doubt:
RD ~~ I don't know what you want from me.

I have not cried foul at the media -- even though I admit I had to sit on my hands to keep responding to the above Nancy DisGrace posts.

I have no idea why the State didn't think to bring charges against her for what we know she is guilty of via her own DT team's admission. She is guilty of not reporting, hiding the fact and covering up the death of her daughter. And the State had to know that by her actions during those 31 days.

The defense admitted it.
The State has proven those facts in the testimony of the witnesses so far.

The State and Defense have also proven thru the State's witnesses that Casey Anthony was a loving, caring giving maternal Mother.

I'm not prejudging anyone. I have a theory of what I think may have happened, using the State and the Defense's opening statements and the evidence so far. Yes, I have used the sworn statements of George, Cindy, Lee, Ray Kronk, Tony Larraro, Jesse Grund, etc . . . to see what was actually said even though it may not be allowed in by the Judge. And as I have stated before -- whether Caylee died by being drugged or by drowning in the family pool -- I believe both scenarios fall under unintentional.

And yes, I believe the whole damn family are liars. All of them. And it makes me sick to think they and other people made money off of this little girl's death.

I'm sorry if I don't see this case the way you do.

Sigh, I guess I just can't make myself clear. How can you really claim you're not prejudging and then defend your stance with pre trial evidence? We all prejudge or have no opinion. Without caysee telling us so, how can you decide a drugging is unintentional?

Bolded: The State is charging her with murder. The defense is only admitting what can't be denied and then some (drowning)


Okay, RD ~~

Based on only what has been put into evidence, testified too or entered into record . . . I do not beleve that a woman who has repeatedly been described by every State's witness that has been asked, and including her own Mother, has testified that Casey Anthony was a loving, giving, nurturing, naturally maternal Mother, cold heartedly killed her child deliberately.

Yours and others badgering is not gonna change my mind.
I have my opinion and my theory on this case and unless I hear/see some really compelling testimony and exhibits from the State, again entered into record, it's not gonna change.

I'm sorry if you or others here have a problem with my belief.
I'm not clarifying myself on my stance again.
I'm done.
Next question, please.
AND why the fuck are ya all yelling at me over the testimony about what a great Mother Casey was?
It wasn't my fucking testimony.

Get over it and instead of being pissed off over it, why don't y'all ask yourselves WHY?
Why would so many people testify to this and WHAT would cause her to do an about turn of face and murder her daughter?
Last edited:

Please know I am saying ths in total respect:

Seeing you have an idea how this forum should flow, why don't you lead by example?
Why don't you talk about what YOU think is pertinent in the trial and then perhaps, you'll get the banter you're looking for.

Because other than talking about all the lawyers demeanor and dress, I really don't know what you'd like to talk about.

Lee I thought was useless to both sides today.
And the LE officers being questioned are also, non-issues although I know the jury needs to hear all this though.

(how was that?)
Not quite.

The States stance is she killed Caylee on the 16th and those 31 days are completely 100% relevant. The baby was missing - dead and missing to everyone except cayse.

The defense admits to her multiple lies as the defense. The State brought forth her lies as proof of guilt.

Wow. I just don't know why some of you can't put on two hats.

TRUE!!! The STATE is saying this however, the EXPLANATION (whether you want to buy it or not) has been explained.

So from the Defense's prospective the 31-days of NOT REPORTING A MISSING CHILD has been satisfied!!!!!!!

She wasn't an uncaring unfit mother for 31 days.
She knew her daughter was dead.

Her actions are STILL very very very disturbing but that doesn't make her an unfit mother. Not if you believe she already knew Caylee was dead.

Therefore, your claim of being an unfit mother because she didn't report her child missing for 31 days is like a dog chasing his tail.
Those of us (so far, 2 of us on this forum) think the baby died on June 16th.
Allow me!

The 31 days are irrelevant if you believe the child was dead on June 16th. Doesn't matter if it was the next day, the next week or 31 days from then.
She (and George?) never reported a dead baby. The baby was NOT missing.

This is the defense's stance.

There are no 31 days that would make her anymore of an unfit mother than the year before.
The only relevance that time period (of 31 days ) has is; it's the day Caylee died and the day the gig was up.

Caylee was not seen by anyone after June 16th!
The boyfriends have testified, saying she never had Caylee....the camera in the stores, where she was using stolen checks, she never had Caylee....the night club dancing, she never had Caylee.......nobody saw Caylee for 31 days. She told her parents and others that Caylee was with the nanny, but we all know now, at least for fuck's sake I hope so, there was no damn nanny.
So, Caylee was not seen for 31 days, somebody care to tell me where she was, if she wasn't already dead??
And what's interesting is, Casey's 'erratic' behavior seems to have started around May 2008.


What happened to turn her into this thief? A complete delusional storyteller? A more-than-average liar?
A horrible friend? A resentful daughter? all accounts, still a loving mother?
How does that happen???

What happened to make her snap?

There are no reports, testimonies or stories showing Casey acting out (or even GOING out to party) prior to June 2008.
She's been legal to party ever since 2004.

Now, COULD George have started molesting her again? Sure. Why not?
Could George have started molesting Caylee around then? Sure. Why not?

Could Cindy not have been available to Casey on an emotional level? Absolutely seeing she resides in LaLa Land at all times.

Something happened to Casey in 2008 although there's testimony suggesting she was reaching out for mental help mid or late 2007.

Why did she start making up all these make-believe people?
Surely this is not a symptom of being ONLY an 'unfit' mother. It's a symptom of a disturbed individual. Something needs to disturb a person in order to become a disturbed person.

Now if you're incapable of digging deeper in an attempt to find out WHY she acted this way then, fine. You're forgiven.
But please don't beat the rest of us up who DO have the ability to dig a little deeper and at least.......entertain a possible explanation on a more emotional, psychological, mental and physical level which............ is evident some of you are incapable of.

Okay, RD ~~

Based on only what has been put into evidence, testified too or entered into record . . . I do not beleve that a woman who has repeatedly been described by every State's witness that has been asked, and including her own Mother, has testified that Casey Anthony was a loving, giving, nurturing, naturally maternal Mother, cold heartedly killed her child deliberately.

Yours and others badgering is not gonna change my mind.
I have my opinion and my theory on this case and unless I hear/see some really compelling testimony and exhibits from the State, again entered into record, it's not gonna change.

I'm sorry if you or others here have a problem with my belief.
I'm not clarifying myself on my stance again.
I'm done.
Next question, please.

Fair enough.

I have no problem believing a woman who lied continuously for 31 days after said death and lied and stole from friends and family for years killed her child and wrapped her head in duct tape hid her and now claims abuse and it was an accident.

Susan Smith, Andrea Yates, Diane Downs, Darlie Routier etc... all mothers who appeared to love and killed their children.

Who is badgering or yelling at you? You seem to give as good as you get.

Okay, RD ~~

Based on only what has been put into evidence, testified too or entered into record . . . I do not beleve that a woman who has repeatedly been described by every State's witness that has been asked, and including her own Mother, has testified that Casey Anthony was a loving, giving, nurturing, naturally maternal Mother, cold heartedly killed her child deliberately.

Yours and others badgering is not gonna change my mind.
I have my opinion and my theory on this case and unless I hear/see some really compelling testimony and exhibits from the State, again entered into record, it's not gonna change.

I'm sorry if you or others here have a problem with my belief.
I'm not clarifying myself on my stance again.
I'm done.
Next question, please.

Fair enough.

I have no problem believing a woman who lied continuously for 31 days after said death and lied and stole from friends and family for years killed her child and wrapped her head in duct tape hid her and now claims abuse and it was an accident.

Susan Smith, Andrea Yates, Diane Downs, Darlie Routier etc... all mothers who appeared to love and killed their children.

Who is badgering or yelling at you? You seem to give as good as you get.

Excellant case points.
All these woman loved their children and each one is so different, except-they all killed their children.
And all are sitting in a federal prison right now, with the exception of Andrea Yates, who is in a mental hospital.
Caylee was not seen by anyone after June 16th!
The boyfriends have testified, saying she never had Caylee....the camera in the stores, where she was using stolen checks, she never had Caylee....the night club dancing, she never had Caylee.......nobody saw Caylee for 31 days. She told her parents and others that Caylee was with the nanny, but we all know now, at least for fuck's sake I hope so, there was no damn nanny.
So, Caylee was not seen for 31 days, somebody care to tell me where she was, if she wasn't already dead??

Are you for real? Or are you just trying to rile people up?

I cannot believe you are NOT getting this.

The redundancy in this forum is reminiscent of the Abbott and Costello skit; "Whose on First...............?"

You're on your own.
I am not going waste anymore bandwidth or finger-font energy on this question.

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