Casey Anthony

YOU are the jury. What's your thoughts so far?

  • guilty.

    Votes: 9 90.0%
  • not guilty.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • undecided.

    Votes: 1 10.0%

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Okay, RD ~~

Based on only what has been put into evidence, testified too or entered into record . . . I do not beleve that a woman who has repeatedly been described by every State's witness that has been asked, and including her own Mother, has testified that Casey Anthony was a loving, giving, nurturing, naturally maternal Mother, cold heartedly killed her child deliberately.

Yours and others badgering is not gonna change my mind.
I have my opinion and my theory on this case and unless I hear/see some really compelling testimony and exhibits from the State, again entered into record, it's not gonna change.

I'm sorry if you or others here have a problem with my belief.
I'm not clarifying myself on my stance again.
I'm done.
Next question, please.

Fair enough.

I have no problem believing a woman who lied continuously for 31 days after said death and lied and stole from friends and family for years killed her child and wrapped her head in duct tape hid her and now claims abuse and it was an accident.

Susan Smith, Andrea Yates, Diane Downs, Darlie Routier etc... all mothers who appeared to love and killed their children.

Who is badgering or yelling at you? You seem to give as good as you get.

And now we know where you stand.

BUT, there hasn't been one shred of forensic proof testified to or entered into court records that prove Caysey Anthony was the one who wrapped her child's head in that duct tape.
Wow. I just don't know why some of you can't put on two hats.

TRUE!!! The STATE is saying this however, the EXPLANATION (whether you want to buy it or not) has been explained.

So from the Defense's prospective the 31-days of NOT REPORTING A MISSING CHILD has been satisfied!!!!!!!

She wasn't an uncaring unfit mother for 31 days.
She knew her daughter was dead.

Her actions are STILL very very very disturbing but that doesn't make her an unfit mother. Not if you believe she already knew Caylee was dead.

Therefore, your claim of being an unfit mother because she didn't report her child missing for 31 days is like a dog chasing his tail.
Those of us (so far, 2 of us on this forum) think the baby died on June 16th.


" the EXPLANATION (whether you want to buy it or not) has been explained."'re serious?

"So from the Defense's prospective the 31-days of NOT REPORTING A MISSING CHILD has been satisfied!!!!!!!
...thats why there is the trial.

We all agree the baby died on the 16th wth are you missing???? Oh never mind I doubt you even know.
Excellant case points.
All these woman loved their children and each one is so different, except-they all killed their children.
And all are sitting in a federal prison right now, with the exception of Andrea Yates, who is in a mental hospital.

Not trying to incite another argument but, did any of these women have pathological lying, delusional-denying, deceiving and deceptive parents (and, if we are to believe Baez's claim, add: a molesting father and brother) though???????

Did any of these women live in a totally non-existent world with made up friends, jobs, apartments, nanny's and schooling?

I don't think Casey fits their profile. Not at all.
And now we know where you stand.

BUT, there hasn't been one shred of forensic proof testified to or entered into court records that prove Caysey Anthony was the one who wrapped her child's head in that duct tape.

I know, not yet.

I'm waiting for for the proof one way or the other. That she was kind to her baby sometimes doesn't do it.

" the EXPLANATION (whether you want to buy it or not) has been explained."'re serious?

"So from the Defense's prospective the 31-days of NOT REPORTING A MISSING CHILD has been satisfied!!!!!!!
...thats why there is the trial.

We all agree the baby died on the 16th wth are you missing???? Oh never mind I doubt you even know.

So another words, what you're basically saying is: If the Law says you're guilty and......the news media reports it then, why have a trial? They're guilty and no reasonable explanation will ever nor COULD ever, satisfy the contrary.

Is that how you feel? Because that's exactly how I feel you feel.
You're more or less saying:
Ladies and Gentlemen of the USA; you are guilty until proven innocent.
(and we won't hear any medical or emotional mumbo jumbo as a defense)
Excellant case points.
All these woman loved their children and each one is so different, except-they all killed their children.
And all are sitting in a federal prison right now, with the exception of Andrea Yates, who is in a mental hospital.

Not trying to incite another argument but, did any of these women have pathological lying, delusional-denying, deceiving and deceptive parents (and, if we are to believe Baez's claim, add: a molesting father and brother) though???????

Did any of these women live in a totally non-existent world with made up friends, jobs, apartments, nanny's and schooling?

I don't think Casey fits their profile. Not at all.

I don't either. Of course, rather than a discussion over our beliefs, I'm sure we'll be called a variety of names or be yelled at by that damn rabid Dabs.

In fact I find myself wondering, if, in fact, Zanny was more than a figment of Casey's imagination. With all the noise going on this girl's head . . . maybe she was Zanny. :eek:

Okay, gang. Here's something new for you to spew and sputter over. :lol:
We all agree the baby died on the 16th wth are you missing???? Oh never mind I doubt you even know.

You're right. I don't know because I don't even know what the fuck you wrote.

According to the defense (and I am not saying they're right) but Caylee DIED on June 16th.

That is WHY I am saying they satisfied the explanation as to WHY Casey did not report it.

I am NOT saying what the Defense is saying is 100% true and at the same time, I am NOT saying what the State is claiming is 100% accurate either.
So another words, what you're basically saying is: If the Law says you're guilty and......the news media reports it then, why have a trial? They're guilty and no reasonable explanation will ever nor COULD ever, satisfy the contrary.

Is that how you feel? Because that's exactly how I feel you feel.
You're more or less saying:
Ladies and Gentlemen of the USA; you are guilty until proven innocent.
(and we won't hear any medical or emotional mumbo jumbo as a defense)

No, actually I'm saying you're an idiot.

" the EXPLANATION (whether you want to buy it or not) has been explained."
I don't. The State doesn't. What is it you fail to understand?

So from the Defense's prospective the 31-days of NOT REPORTING A MISSING CHILD has been satisfied!!!!!!!
Again, thats why we are in the trial. State vs Anthony....

Her actions are STILL very very very disturbing but that doesn't make her an unfit mother. Not if you believe she already knew Caylee was dead.
Well, duh - she wasn't a mother at that point, was she? Then again, why disturbing? Are you suggesting she should have mourned differently?
Excellant case points.
All these woman loved their children and each one is so different, except-they all killed their children.
And all are sitting in a federal prison right now, with the exception of Andrea Yates, who is in a mental hospital.

Not trying to incite another argument but, did any of these women have pathological lying, delusional-denying, deceiving and deceptive parents (and, if we are to believe Baez's claim, add: a molesting father and brother) though???????

Did any of these women live in a totally non-existent world with made up friends, jobs, apartments, nanny's and schooling?

I don't think Casey fits their profile. Not at all.

I don't either. Of course, rather than a discussion over our beliefs, I'm sure we'll be called a variety of names or be yelled at by that damn rabid Dabs.

In fact I find myself wondering, if, in fact, Zanny was more than a figment of Casey's imagination. With all the noise going on this girl's head . . . maybe she was Zanny. :eek:

Okay, gang. Here's something new for you to spew and sputter over. :lol:

I went one more step than you. I was wondering if George was Zanny seeing he wasn't working (around the same time "Zanny" came onto the scene in late 2007) although Cindy believed he was.

Next topic:

This might not have anything to do with anything but I just read (from Cindy's letter to Casey) that Lee got a pet turtle and named it ZAM?

I don't know. These "A's" and "M's" seem to be a common theme (Marie and Anthony) but now....the "Z"?????? (Zanny).

Just found that odd. I'm probably digging too deeply on that one :tongue:
So another words, what you're basically saying is: If the Law says you're guilty and......the news media reports it then, why have a trial? They're guilty and no reasonable explanation will ever nor COULD ever, satisfy the contrary.

Is that how you feel? Because that's exactly how I feel you feel.
You're more or less saying:
Ladies and Gentlemen of the USA; you are guilty until proven innocent.
(and we won't hear any medical or emotional mumbo jumbo as a defense)

No, actually I'm saying you're an idiot.

" the EXPLANATION (whether you want to buy it or not) has been explained."
I don't. The State doesn't. What is it you fail to understand?

So from the Defense's prospective the 31-days of NOT REPORTING A MISSING CHILD has been satisfied!!!!!!!
Again, thats why we are in the trial. State vs Anthony....

Her actions are STILL very very very disturbing but that doesn't make her an unfit mother. Not if you believe she already knew Caylee was dead.
Well, duh - she wasn't a mother at that point, was she? Then again, why disturbing? Are you suggesting she should have mourned differently?

I tired to be cool with you but you know what? Your twelve year old behavior is irritating as shit.
You're obviously an immature individual (let me guess, you're about 15 years old?) who when doesn't get their way, throws a hissy fit and starts name calling.

You're an asshole regardless of your age.
I rest my case.
Not trying to incite another argument but, did any of these women have pathological lying, delusional-denying, deceiving and deceptive parents (and, if we are to believe Baez's claim, add: a molesting father and brother) though???????

Did any of these women live in a totally non-existent world with made up friends, jobs, apartments, nanny's and schooling?

I don't think Casey fits their profile. Not at all.

I don't either. Of course, rather than a discussion over our beliefs, I'm sure we'll be called a variety of names or be yelled at by that damn rabid Dabs.

In fact I find myself wondering, if, in fact, Zanny was more than a figment of Casey's imagination. With all the noise going on this girl's head . . . maybe she was Zanny. :eek:

Okay, gang. Here's something new for you to spew and sputter over. :lol:

I went one more step than you. I was wondering if George was Zanny seeing he wasn't working (around the same time "Zanny" came onto the scene in late 2007) although Cindy believed he was.

Next topic:

This might not have anything to do with anything but I just read (from Cindy's letter to Casey) that Lee got a pet turtle and named it ZAM?

I don't know. These "A's" and "M's" seem to be a common theme (Marie and Anthony) but now....the "Z"?????? (Zanny).

Just found that odd. I'm probably digging too deeply on that one :tongue:

Sometimes coincidences are just..coincidental.

I had babysitters named...Nawassa, Mathersa, and Mija.

All working class white ladies...with bizarro names.
Dick Tracy Orlando.

Haha, oh my. I sure needed some comic relief.

I gotta wonder now, is he trying to throw this case for a mistrial?

If he asks for anymore time because he's not prepared (or presents question like Dick Tracy) I think Perry might hold him in contempt.

I think he has potential but he seems to lack that 'follow-through' that a good attorney needs.

Oh well.
This might not have anything to do with anything but I just read (from Cindy's letter to Casey) that Lee got a pet turtle and named it ZAM?

I don't know. These "A's" and "M's" seem to be a common theme (Marie and Anthony) but now....the "Z"?????? (Zanny).

Just found that odd. I'm probably digging too deeply on that one :tongue:

Sometimes coincidences are just..coincidental.

I had babysitters named...Nawassa, Mathersa, and Mija.

All working class white ladies...with bizarro names.

I concur. I just found that name, let alone initials, strange.
I tired to be cool with you but you know what? Your twelve year old behavior is irritating as shit.
You're obviously an immature individual (let me guess, you're about 15 years old?) who when doesn't get their way, throws a hissy fit and starts name calling.

You're an asshole regardless of your age.
I rest my case.

The case against Casey has grown so big, even the lead detective got caught up in the publicity. Eyewitness News has learned Detective Yuri Melich has been reprimanded by his bosses for blogging about the case online.

Melich started blogging when other bloggers started complimenting him. He told bloggers he was sleuthing the web secretly looking for clues in the case. But after he saw a lot of flattering stuff about himself, he posted on as Dick Tracy Orlando to thank bloggers for their kind words.

One blogger on claimed to be the president of the "WWYMD" fan club, meaning "What Would Yuri Melich Do?" One blogger was floored over how awesome Melich's work was after watching the interview Melich did with Casey Anthony's mother a couple of weeks after Casey's arrest.

Bloggers also asked about Melich's leg after seeing him on TV with a crutch. On September 20, he posted as "Dick Tracy Orlando" about how he had broken it in three places during training. He thanked them for their concern, writing, "Thank you for keeping Caylee on the forefront. We are all working for her."

Melich signed off with, "Please continue to keep the Anthony family in your prayers."

Even so, the Anthony family's attorney, Mark NeJame, took issue with it and complained to the sheriff's office. Melich's bosses then told him to stop, concerned that his communications with bloggers would be portrayed as an endorsement of some of the other opinions they expressed against Casey.

Eyewitness News legal analyst William Sheaffer calls the issue a tempest in a teapot, but says the sheriff's office was smart to put an end to it.

"Let's not give the defense or the defense supporters any issues, real or imagined, to work with in this case," he said.

Casey's defense attorney's public relations firm said Monday that "anything on the blogs we don't pay attention to," because they're unreliable.

It probably would backfire on the defense to bring up the bloggers, since many of them believe Casey Anthony murdered her daughter Caylee.
Dick Tracy Orlando.

Haha, oh my. I sure needed some comic relief.

I gotta wonder now, is he trying to throw this case for a mistrial?

If he asks for anymore time because he's not prepared (or presents question like Dick Tracy) I think Perry might hold him in contempt.

I think he has potential but he seems to lack that 'follow-through' that a good attorney needs.

Oh well.

Wow. Did they just say that lead Detective Yuri Melich blogged about this case and was reprimanded by the department.

I come from a family of Law Enforcement. I have two uncles that were/are Sheriffs -- one of a small Town, the other of a County and an Uncle that was a Fed and a brother whom was a Homicide Detective at the time of his murder.

I find it repulsive and highy unprofessional that the lead Detective of a case would be blogging about it.

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Excellant case points.
All these woman loved their children and each one is so different, except-they all killed their children.
And all are sitting in a federal prison right now, with the exception of Andrea Yates, who is in a mental hospital.

Not trying to incite another argument but, did any of these women have pathological lying, delusional-denying, deceiving and deceptive parents (and, if we are to believe Baez's claim, add: a molesting father and brother) though???????

Did any of these women live in a totally non-existent world with made up friends, jobs, apartments, nanny's and schooling?

I don't think Casey fits their profile. Not at all.

I don't either. Of course, rather than a discussion over our beliefs, I'm sure we'll be called a variety of names or be yelled at by that damn rabid Dabs.

In fact I find myself wondering, if, in fact, Zanny was more than a figment of Casey's imagination. With all the noise going on this girl's head . . . maybe she was Zanny. :eek:

Okay, gang. Here's something new for you to spew and sputter over. :lol:

Why are you calling me Rabid??
DayDreamer was the one foaming at the mouth yesterday ~LoL~

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