Casey Anthony

YOU are the jury. What's your thoughts so far?

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    Votes: 9 90.0%
  • not guilty.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • undecided.

    Votes: 1 10.0%

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The jury is hearing all these things related to the case, but not the "murder" because it's the job of defense counsel to do just that. So far except for the opening statement, the prosecution has produced no evidence of Casey's charge of murder in the first degree. If it can ultimately be proven that a coverup of Caylee's death occurred and Casey Anthony was a participant, the jury should return a murder two conviction, or less, or perhaps acquit her entirely of "murder" or even manslaughter. There would then be another trial, again if a coverup is proven, naming just about everyone in the family as co-conspirators.

Not yet, it's still early. Are you telling us the State will not address the murder for which she is on trial for?

They haven't seemed to get there yet. Maybe things would speed up if both sides had first-seated lawyers who were experienced trial lawyers. This whole thing is moving at a snail's pace, with Frank George asking a question, getting an answer, then taking a full 60-seconds or more while he makes his notations on his connect-the-dots legal pad before he seems to ask the next, often mundane question. Sometimes he takes so long, I wonder if he hasn't slipped under the table. And Baez isn't much better. Also, the acoustics in that courtroom suck. Too much has to be repeated.
The Anthony's make me sick for making money off of that little girl. And Ricardo the ex boyfriend slimeball too.

And no, this topic is not taboo because Cindy Anthony testified they made $20,000 off of a picture of Caylee -- although they only kept $14,000.

They made monies from the fraudulent Caylee foundation too. Cindy used Caylee to manipulate and profit from this situation big time! So when you see her crying uncontrollably, try to remember this! I don't think this family knows sincerity if it came up and bit them!

Cindy Anthony was using manipulation to raise money for the foundation declaring Caylee was deceased yet in an attempt to help Casey, she was claiming in court & in letters that Caylee was still alive.

The Caylee Foundation website listed Caylee as deceased. In court testimony and in letters to Casey in jail, Cindy was claiming Caylee was alive.

Then we have George supposedly taking several thousand from River Cruz as well!
(then sooner after, attempted suicide or at least threaten/pretended to)

They also got paid for every guest appearance they made on television. From Larry Kind to the Today Show.

If this family knew (which it almost clearly seems then) that by July 16th this child was dead, this is not only deplorable but illegal! And I hope there's no statute of limitations on obstruction of Justice, perjury and tax evasion!
Allow me!

The 31 days are irrelevant if you believe the child was dead on June 16th. Doesn't matter if it was the next day, the next week or 31 days from then.
She (and George?) never reported a dead baby. The baby was NOT missing.

This is the defense's stance.

There are no 31 days that would make her anymore of an unfit mother than the year before.
The only relevance that time period (of 31 days ) has is; it's the day Caylee died and the day the gig was up.

Was it ever determined just how much Casey partied? Daily? Twice a week? Once a week? I've seen photos, but they're basically the same ones from a collection of about 20 or less. Now it seems the Internet is stuffed with photographs that look like her, but may not be on close inspection.
The Anthony's make me sick for making money off of that little girl. And Ricardo the ex boyfriend slimeball too.

And no, this topic is not taboo because Cindy Anthony testified they made $20,000 off of a picture of Caylee -- although they only kept $14,000.

They made monies from the fraudulent Caylee foundation too. Cindy used Caylee to manipulate and profit from this situation big time! So when you see her crying uncontrollably, try to remember this! I don't think this family knows sincerity if it came up and bit them!

Cindy Anthony was using manipulation to raise money for the foundation declaring Caylee was deceased yet in an attempt to help Casey, she was claiming in court & in letters that Caylee was still alive.

The Caylee Foundation website listed Caylee as deceased. In court testimony and in letters to Casey in jail, Cindy was claiming Caylee was alive.

Then we have George supposedly taking several thousand from River Cruz as well!
(then sooner after, attempted suicide or at least threaten/pretended to)

They also got paid for every guest appearance they made on television. From Larry Kind to the Today Show.

If this family knew (which it almost clearly seems then) that by July 16th this child was dead, this is not only deplorable but illegal! And I hope there's no statute of limitations on obstruction of Justice, perjury and tax evasion!

Me too. I was the vicitm of a high profile (on a local/state level -- mainly because my brother's profession at the time) murder case and there is no way in hell I would have sold anything related to him . . . and he was the victim. And yes, our family was offered money for interviews, etc.
The Anthony's make me sick for making money off of that little girl. And Ricardo the ex boyfriend slimeball too.

And no, this topic is not taboo because Cindy Anthony testified they made $20,000 off of a picture of Caylee -- although they only kept $14,000.

TW, I am so sorry for your loss of a brother. It's bad enough just to lose someone you love, much less to such a senseless way.

The family has a few skeletons, no doubt, but Sarge is right. Conviction in the press can make things worse. I remember the McMartin Day Care folks in Manhattan Beach California were convicted of heinous crimes against children, and years later, it was revealed they did not commit the crime, but the prosecutors did coach the children to make it seem so in order to obtain satisfaction for the public who were just as mad as the public is today about the Caylee Anthony travesty. link

The woman who made the vicious claims against the McMartins was suffering from mental illness, separation, and poverty issues. The hysterical public felt justice had been served when these innocent people were sentenced to long terms in jail.

I remember that case well. And it's no secret that Texas is famous for throwing people in prison, only to exonerate them years later through the now available DNA testing.

We, my family and I, were lucky in my brothers case as the perp was caught three hours later . . . with the murder weapon on him. There was more than one person shooting so it was good that his ballsyness made him so stupid.

I'm anxious for the forensic phase of this tiral to start. I want to see exactly who has what.

RD ~~ I don't know what you want from me.

I have not cried foul at the media -- even though I admit I had to sit on my hands to keep responding to the above Nancy DisGrace posts.

I have no idea why the State didn't think to bring charges against her for what we know she is guilty of via her own DT team's admission. She is guilty of not reporting, hiding the fact and covering up the death of her daughter. And the State had to know that by her actions during those 31 days.

The defense admitted it.
The State has proven those facts in the testimony of the witnesses so far.

The State and Defense have also proven thru the State's witnesses that Casey Anthony was a loving, caring giving maternal Mother.

I'm not prejudging anyone. I have a theory of what I think may have happened, using the State and the Defense's opening statements and the evidence so far. Yes, I have used the sworn statements of George, Cindy, Lee, Ray Kronk, Tony Larraro, Jesse Grund, etc . . . to see what was actually said even though it may not be allowed in by the Judge. And as I have stated before -- whether Caylee died by being drugged or by drowning in the family pool -- I believe both scenarios fall under unintentional.

And yes, I believe the whole damn family are liars. All of them. And it makes me sick to think they and other people made money off of this little girl's death.

I'm sorry if I don't see this case the way you do.

Sigh, I guess I just can't make myself clear. How can you really claim you're not prejudging and then defend your stance with pre trial evidence? We all prejudge or have no opinion. Without caysee telling us so, how can you decide a drugging is unintentional?

Bolded: The State is charging her with murder. The defense is only admitting what can't be denied and then some (drowning)

It's all pretrial evidence right now. The state believes it has enough circumstantial evidence to convict her for murder, but they still have to prove it. They're going about that by first presenting evidence of Casey being a loose canon more interested in partying than mothering. If the state has clear evidence, like a witness to Casey throwing a large garbage back into the woods, or even convincing DNA that a human body had decomposed in the car, their case would be more solid. But they still have to prove that it was Casey who put the body there. There are no fingerprints anywhere or other damaging physical evidence suggesting foul play by Casey before or after.

This trial makes my head hurt.

There are so many lies, liars, untruths, half truths and unanswered questions, it makes my fucking head hurt.

Do y'all have any WTF moments that really stick out to you?

I have two. And I don't give a fuck whether it's been introduced in court yet or not.

How the hell did Casey pick the exact apartment that the innocent Zanaida looked at a week before?


Why the hell was the Anthony's meter reader, Roy Krunk, so much of a bulldog over a four month period about Caylee's remains?

And a sidenote . . . I do find it interesting that the State failed to mention who found Caylee's remains.
AND why the fuck are ya all yelling at me over the testimony about what a great Mother Casey was?
It wasn't my fucking testimony.

Get over it and instead of being pissed off over it, why don't y'all ask yourselves WHY?
Why would so many people testify to this and WHAT would cause her to do an about turn of face and murder her daughter?

Because she's crazy is the lone answer. Well that's not enough for me either.

I can remember a couple of years ago, probably when the first trial was in the news, and only being fleetingly interested in this case, but watching an hour-long "review" of the chain of events, and at some point having a gut feeling that there's a LOT more to this case than just Casey Anthony killing her daughter. It just isn't as cut and dried as the woman who drowned her kids in the bathtub or the one who drove her kids into a lake. Both of those women, as I recall, had track records of severe mental issues AND abusive marriages that caused them to intentionally decide to kill their kids.
Not quite.

The States stance is she killed Caylee on the 16th and those 31 days are completely 100% relevant. The baby was missing - dead and missing to everyone except cayse.

The defense admits to her multiple lies as the defense. The State brought forth her lies as proof of guilt.

Wow. I just don't know why some of you can't put on two hats.

TRUE!!! The STATE is saying this however, the EXPLANATION (whether you want to buy it or not) has been explained.

So from the Defense's prospective the 31-days of NOT REPORTING A MISSING CHILD has been satisfied!!!!!!!

She wasn't an uncaring unfit mother for 31 days.
She knew her daughter was dead.

Her actions are STILL very very very disturbing but that doesn't make her an unfit mother. Not if you believe she already knew Caylee was dead.

Therefore, your claim of being an unfit mother because she didn't report her child missing for 31 days is like a dog chasing his tail.
Those of us (so far, 2 of us on this forum) think the baby died on June 16th.

I do too.
In doing a little sleuthing on other sites I found something very interesting and if true, I'm sure Baez knows this too.

First, it appears (or there's a rumor) George was married before Cindy, to Terri Vandervort which ended poorly after 5 years.
There is a marriage to a George and Teri Anthony in Niles Ohio solid proof this is the same George. Although someone on a blog/forum claims to be Teri's sister and says it is the same George.

I don't think Baez can even bring that up if it's not relevant to the case unless there's another child (half sister/brother) involved behind the scenes with molestation accusations too. Who knows?

Then, this is the part I found intriguing. George Anthony filed for dissolution of marriage from Cynthia Anthony on 12/29/05. The order was dismissed on 11/28/2007.

Now, Caylee was born Aug 2005 which means, four months later there's a threat of divorce? I wonder why?
What happened to all the 'joy' and 'elation' this brand new baby (from an unwed knocked up daughter who doesn't know the father) brought to them???

Seems this family can easily maneuver in and out of parallel worlds much like their daughter.

Okay, RD ~~

Based on only what has been put into evidence, testified too or entered into record . . . I do not beleve that a woman who has repeatedly been described by every State's witness that has been asked, and including her own Mother, has testified that Casey Anthony was a loving, giving, nurturing, naturally maternal Mother, cold heartedly killed her child deliberately.

Yours and others badgering is not gonna change my mind.
I have my opinion and my theory on this case and unless I hear/see some really compelling testimony and exhibits from the State, again entered into record, it's not gonna change.

I'm sorry if you or others here have a problem with my belief.
I'm not clarifying myself on my stance again.
I'm done.
Next question, please.

Fair enough.

I have no problem believing a woman who lied continuously for 31 days after said death and lied and stole from friends and family for years killed her child and wrapped her head in duct tape hid her and now claims abuse and it was an accident.

Susan Smith, Andrea Yates, Diane Downs, Darlie Routier etc... all mothers who appeared to love and killed their children.

Who is badgering or yelling at you? You seem to give as good as you get.

And now we know where you stand.

BUT, there hasn't been one shred of forensic proof testified to or entered into court records that prove Caysey Anthony was the one who wrapped her child's head in that duct tape.

She was convicted on 6 felony counts for stealing. It's alleged that she "stole" money from her parents (although somehow I believe she really didn't need to "steal" anything from them), Casey allegedly partied up a storm even after knowing her daughter was dead. She piled lie upon lie to hide that fact. She can be guilty of all of those things and more.


This trial makes my head hurt.

There are so many lies, liars, untruths, half truths and unanswered questions, it makes my fucking head hurt.

Do y'all have any WTF moments that really stick out to you?

I have two. And I don't give a fuck whether it's been introduced in court yet or not.

How the hell did Casey pick the exact apartment that the innocent Zanaida looked at a week before?


Why the hell was the Anthony's meter reader, Roy Krunk, so much of a bulldog over a four month period about Caylee's remains?

And a sidenote . . . I do find it interesting that the State failed to mention who found Caylee's remains.

Just a guess?

I think Casey became aware of that apartment when she was seeking out apartment for her pretend stay with Amy in the future. Her friend Dante Salati lived there and might've told her in passing or from a verbal insincere inquiry made by Casey herself.
Like "Hey dude, do you know of any opened apartments here because I'm looking....".

Kronk? He's in this knee deep. He knew there was a reward attached to finding this child.
He and Dominick Casey (via George Anthony) were in cahoots imo.
Remember; Dom Casey knew EXACTLY where the body was via a psychic and came 20 feet from it (in Aug/Sept) but alas, missed it. I guess he didn't spot those pavers errrr....I mean, "markers" after all!

I mean......can anyone have written a better novel? This case has so many twists and turns and seedy characters its no wonder you have a headache. Me too!!!
Not trying to incite another argument but, did any of these women have pathological lying, delusional-denying, deceiving and deceptive parents (and, if we are to believe Baez's claim, add: a molesting father and brother) though???????

Did any of these women live in a totally non-existent world with made up friends, jobs, apartments, nanny's and schooling?

I don't think Casey fits their profile. Not at all.

I don't either. Of course, rather than a discussion over our beliefs, I'm sure we'll be called a variety of names or be yelled at by that damn rabid Dabs.

In fact I find myself wondering, if, in fact, Zanny was more than a figment of Casey's imagination. With all the noise going on this girl's head . . . maybe she was Zanny. :eek:

Okay, gang. Here's something new for you to spew and sputter over. :lol:

I went one more step than you. I was wondering if George was Zanny seeing he wasn't working (around the same time "Zanny" came onto the scene in late 2007) although Cindy believed he was.

Next topic:

This might not have anything to do with anything but I just read (from Cindy's letter to Casey) that Lee got a pet turtle and named it ZAM?

I don't know. These "A's" and "M's" seem to be a common theme (Marie and Anthony) but now....the "Z"?????? (Zanny).

Just found that odd. I'm probably digging too deeply on that one :tongue:

I think I posted before that in one of the documentaries on this case, it was suggested that "Zanny" was code for Xanax. Has it ever been mentioned whether Casey was taking anti-depressants? The results of forensics on the bones found were never revealed to the public. The body was turned over to Cindy Anthony, according to Dr. Garavaglia (yes, the same "Dr. G Medical Examiner" as seen in Discovery Health programs). Even Casey's defense lawyers were never made privy to the forensic results which would have included a toxicology report indicating the alleged chloroform, if present, or any other drugs, such as Xanax.

I think it's been hinted (for lack of a better word) that Casey went out on Friday and/or Saturdays to help promote Anthony's DJ-ing gig.

So from June 16 (Mon) to July most she went out 8 times in 6 weeks.

Hell, I went out for 6 weeks straight when I was in college.

Casey hardly drank, did no drugs (that have come up so far) and didn't even smoke.

Looks like she migh've been this 'party girl' who was jubilant and carefree because she was FREE from her father for a moment.
I think Casey lived moment to moment. Shutting out the past and blocking out the future. Her life was contained in a very small box it looks like!
Fair enough.

I have no problem believing a woman who lied continuously for 31 days after said death and lied and stole from friends and family for years killed her child and wrapped her head in duct tape hid her and now claims abuse and it was an accident.

Susan Smith, Andrea Yates, Diane Downs, Darlie Routier etc... all mothers who appeared to love and killed their children.

Who is badgering or yelling at you? You seem to give as good as you get.

And now we know where you stand.

BUT, there hasn't been one shred of forensic proof testified to or entered into court records that prove Caysey Anthony was the one who wrapped her child's head in that duct tape.

She was convicted on 6 felony counts for stealing. It's alleged that she "stole" money from her parents (although somehow I believe she really didn't need to "steal" anything from them), Casey allegedly partied up a storm even after knowing her daughter was dead. She piled lie upon lie to hide that fact. She can be guilty of all of those things and more.



And let's bring up the testimony of the girl who said Casey saaid "Oh my God, I'm such a good liar."

If I was sitting on the jury, I wouldn't be able to give that much thought. I immediately could think of two friends I have that I have heard say that exact same thing -- maybe not the "Oh My God" part -- and a sister-in-law that I have heard state "I lie so fucking good, it scares me".

** None of them by the way are in jail, have ever been in jail nor commited any crime that I am aware of.
Dick Tracy Orlando.

Haha, oh my. I sure needed some comic relief.

I gotta wonder now, is he trying to throw this case for a mistrial?

If he asks for anymore time because he's not prepared (or presents question like Dick Tracy) I think Perry might hold him in contempt.

I think he has potential but he seems to lack that 'follow-through' that a good attorney needs.

Oh well.

Both sides need to let the women take the lead prosecutor role. They're better at it.
"I mean......can anyone have written a better novel? This case has so many twists and turns and seedy characters its no wonder you have a headache. Me too!!!"

This Writer respectfully pleads the 5th. :tongue:

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