Casey Anthony

YOU are the jury. What's your thoughts so far?

  • guilty.

    Votes: 9 90.0%
  • not guilty.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • undecided.

    Votes: 1 10.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
Girls, I detected no ego in Grace's remarks, and she's right. This thread is about the trial, not about us. It is a courtesy to all concerned to stick to the topic. The good Lord knows I've erred from time to time, but each time, there's a lesson. One lesson is that if you have a political opinion, any personal information you furnish can and is used in a public way, and not always in the best light.

Grace just did you a favor. She showed you the way adults stick to a topic without flaming you. That was a tremendous favor, I can attest from being online for many, many years and having served on many, many political forums.

Grace is right, and she said her bit in a way that did not take away from your dignity in the slightest degree. That is a huge accomplishment on her part--being gracious and still stating the truth all seasoned posters know. It's ok. We've all been there who post. We've said irrelevant things and been corrected. That's why we know it's a good idea to stick to the stated topic as best we can.

Just my two cents, no harm intended, but a boquet to Grace for her courtesy and diligence to keep the topic on the up and up.
Actually, I'm trying to figure out where the defense is going.
I can't believe what has transpired since I started that last post, trying my best to state it in a way that was nonoffensive.

I take that back about Grace getting a boquet. Instead, I'm going back and giving her whatever good points I have to give, because she deserves them.
I gotta spread some around, Freedom, but I'll send some greenies your way soon.
THANK you for getting what my intent is. Threads tend to derail, which is fine. But some can't see the trial and come here for updates. That's why I'm trying to keep it on track the best I can.
You understood. Thanks. :)
Oh girl, please don't let that get started as a rumour. I do, however, write fiction. :lol:

So another words, you could've written the Anthony's life! :razz: (just kidding. although by all accounts, that whole tribe looks like they live in a land of fiction)

What is your take as to what, if any, Lee's involvement was in all of this is?
I would imagine at least one juror is wondering if Lee, with his IT expertise, was the one who wiped clean Casey's (which was really, Cindy's) laptop. And if so, why? I don't think you can erase data without messin' with the motherboard. Correct me if I'm wrong. Because I know, simply deleting items does not take the information off the hard drive. It just takes it off the computer.
Was anything of interest found on the laptop?

I think the searches for 'neck breaking'...etc will be explained as intentions towards her parents. You don't need to break a 2 year old's neck in order to kill them. An adult punch in the head will kill them (man, I hate even writing that!)

Also, did George Anthony pour cement (when he renovated the yard) in the same area as where the cadaver hit? I know one hit was near her play house but, where was the other one? (I wonder if 'Cindy-ulsional' put Caylee's belongings away yet. Something tells me, she hasn't)

Thanks in advance.

PS....Grace? You're not welcomed to answer any of my posts. So please respect that.
Girls, I detected no ego in Grace's remarks, and she's right. This thread is about the trial, not about us. It is a courtesy to all concerned to stick to the topic. The good Lord knows I've erred from time to time, but each time, there's a lesson. One lesson is that if you have a political opinion, any personal information you furnish can and is used in a public way, and not always in the best light.

Grace just did you a favor. She showed you the way adults stick to a topic without flaming you. That was a tremendous favor, I can attest from being online for many, many years and having served on many, many political forums.

Grace is right, and she said her bit in a way that did not take away from your dignity in the slightest degree. That is a huge accomplishment on her part--being gracious and still stating the truth all seasoned posters know. It's ok. We've all been there who post. We've said irrelevant things and been corrected. That's why we know it's a good idea to stick to the stated topic as best we can.

Just my two cents, no harm intended, but a boquet to Grace for her courtesy and diligence to keep the topic on the up and up.

Perhaps it was the WAY she/he said it and not the intent!
I talked about a book because there's a book deal in the works for the Anthony's WHICH.....was brought up during trial.

So kiss my ass!
I gotta spread some around, Freedom, but I'll send some greenies your way soon.
THANK you for getting what my intent is. Threads tend to derail, which is fine. But some can't see the trial and come here for updates. That's why I'm trying to keep it on track the best I can.
You understood. Thanks. :)

What have we here? A personal post? Which has nothing to do with the trial? Where's the moderators???
PS....Grace? You're not welcomed to answer any of my posts. So please respect that.

LOL!!! Why would I respect you when you clearly haven't shown the same courtesy to me?
I might have to use that in my sigline. It's just precious. LOL!!!

Meanwhile....BACK on topic.....

I saw a clip where people were RUNNING to get in the courtroom for those 50 public seats, and some were laughing. Is it just me, or is it sad that people think of this as a circus and forget about a 3 year old little girl died in such a manner? Have some forgotten Caylee in this mess? I'm thinking they have.:(

I was at the doctors today getting xrays of my knee, and there was a 3 year old boy in the waiting room, quietly playing with his toys. I couldn't help but think of Caylee. Sigh.
PS....Grace? You're not welcomed to answer any of my posts. So please respect that.

LOL!!! Why would I respect you when you clearly haven't shown the same courtesy to me?
I might have to use that in my sigline. It's just precious. LOL!!!

Meanwhile....BACK on topic.....

I saw a clip where people were RUNNING to get in the courtroom for those 50 public seats, and some were laughing. Is it just me, or is it sad that people think of this as a circus and forget about a 3 year old little girl died in such a manner? Have some forgotten Caylee in this mess? I'm thinking they have.:(

I was at the doctors today getting xrays of my knee, and there was a 3 year old boy in the waiting room, quietly playing with his toys. I couldn't help but think of Caylee. Sigh.

Who the fuck cares about your knees. Leave your personal shit off this forum!!!

Do you think you're so self-important?
Let me tell you exactly what you are: You're nothing but a Casey-hating Bible-thumper who can't be impartial if your life depended on it.

Yep......."check please, I am outta here"

The majority of you, especially Grace are nothing but a bunch of hateful, inarticulate, one-sided, closed minded individuals who cannot ever be fair during a trial.

Texas Writer? You are of course the exception here. And YOU were the only one who could express yourself without name-flinging. I take it you're an adult. Unlike most on here.

There is absolutely NO information anyone can ascertain from this thread. If anyone wants their energy sucked and head bit off because you're impartial then, this is the place!
Have fun.
listening to the mothers 911 call, there is just no way she knew that caylee was dead....if so, this woman is Kathrine Hepburn, Bette Davis and Meryl Streep roled up in one.
Oh girl, please don't let that get started as a rumour. I do, however, write fiction. :lol:

So another words, you could've written the Anthony's life! :razz: (just kidding. although by all accounts, that whole tribe looks like they live in a land of fiction)

What is your take as to what, if any, Lee's involvement was in all of this is?
I would imagine at least one juror is wondering if Lee, with his IT expertise, was the one who wiped clean Casey's (which was really, Cindy's) laptop. And if so, why? I don't think you can erase data without messin' with the motherboard. Correct me if I'm wrong. Because I know, simply deleting items does not take the information off the hard drive. It just takes it off the computer.
Was anything of interest found on the laptop?

I think the searches for 'neck breaking'...etc will be explained as intentions towards her parents. You don't need to break a 2 year old's neck in order to kill them. An adult punch in the head will kill them (man, I hate even writing that!)

Also, did George Anthony pour cement (when he renovated the yard) in the same area as where the cadaver hit? I know one hit was near her play house but, where was the other one? (I wonder if 'Cindy-ulsional' put Caylee's belongings away yet. Something tells me, she hasn't)

Thanks in advance.

PS....Grace? You're not welcomed to answer any of my posts. So please respect that.

I think the State did a good job in getting Lee Anthony to not be his usual sarcastic self on the stand today.
I think the number of times that he had to keep getting his memory refreshed bordered on ridiculous.
And I think he was damn relieved that he wasn't asked about any sexual abuse.

I don't really think he has anything to do with the case. Other than the fact that if he was indeed currently or had in the past been molesting Casey, then it could play into her whole mind set, but as far as being involved, my opinion is that he isn't. And I'm not sure how close he actually was to his parents before this all came about, because I find it amazing, that all the other family members and the majority Casey's friends, in the past two years, had heard about the "Nanny". Amazingly, Lee had not. That makes me question as to exactly how much time he really spent around his family.

I have no clue about the laptop and what or how one could do whatever on it. I'm not as "computer savvy" as Lee Anthony testifies to be.

The dogs hit on two places in the backyard. One near the pool, the other over by the playhouse. I'm still trying to figure that out, because they are on opposite sides of the yard.
I'm going to have to research about exactly where the different yardwork -- ie cement --was done. I certainly don't want to put any can't-provide-a-link infortmation on here.

Oh, and I find it ridiculous that Cindy would testify that the cement was poured for a place for their dogs to relieve themselves. Yeah, I would rather wash dogshit off into my entire lawn by hose, then use a pooper scooper.

That's just nasty.
listening to the mothers 911 call, there is just no way she knew that caylee was dead....if so, this woman is Kathrine Hepburn, Bette Davis and Meryl Streep roled up in one.

I agree.
Girls, I detected no ego in Grace's remarks, and she's right. This thread is about the trial, not about us. It is a courtesy to all concerned to stick to the topic. The good Lord knows I've erred from time to time, but each time, there's a lesson. One lesson is that if you have a political opinion, any personal information you furnish can and is used in a public way, and not always in the best light.

Grace just did you a favor. She showed you the way adults stick to a topic without flaming you. That was a tremendous favor, I can attest from being online for many, many years and having served on many, many political forums.

Grace is right, and she said her bit in a way that did not take away from your dignity in the slightest degree. That is a huge accomplishment on her part--being gracious and still stating the truth all seasoned posters know. It's ok. We've all been there who post. We've said irrelevant things and been corrected. That's why we know it's a good idea to stick to the stated topic as best we can.

Just my two cents, no harm intended, but a boquet to Grace for her courtesy and diligence to keep the topic on the up and up.

Perhaps it was the WAY she/he said it and not the intent!
I talked about a book because there's a book deal in the works for the Anthony's WHICH.....was brought up during trial.

So kiss my ass!

listening to the mothers 911 call, there is just no way she knew that caylee was dead....if so, this woman is Kathrine Hepburn, Bette Davis and Meryl Streep roled up in one.

I'm having my second thoughts to on this whole trial after viewing this series of photographs which show what a beloved child Caylee was and who loved her.

I wouldn't want to be on the jury.
I gotta spread some around, Freedom, but I'll send some greenies your way soon.
THANK you for getting what my intent is. Threads tend to derail, which is fine. But some can't see the trial and come here for updates. That's why I'm trying to keep it on track the best I can.
You understood. Thanks. :)

What have we here? A personal post? Which has nothing to do with the trial? Where's the moderators???

Reading, watching and no doubt laughing their asses off.
You know, after watching Cindy "break down" on the stand yesterday, I think now in hindsight that she finally understands just how warped her daughter is, and therefore her own world since she had no clue of the lies spun since Caylee disappeared. And that's what made her freak out. It hit home.

This "imaginary friends" schtick is attempting to manipulate people to think of Casey as a child. She is not a child. They were not imaginary friends. They were flat out lies to cover her ass. Period.
I didn't watch any of the trial today. So I have no clue as to who said what to whom. I try to get some updates online. I know, being a Mamaw (Grandmother), if it were me on the stand, even after 3 years or more, I would be a basket case having to go over the details of my grandbabie's horrible death. I don't think I could hold up.
I think it was a combined "knowledge" of all that transpired prior to her finally realizing that for months, nothing but bullshit was fed to her. From her daughter. Can you imagine all the thoughts that were piling in her head all at once? Caylee gone, lies, dead, lies, Casey, lies, more lies, and even more lies. It all came home to roost at that one moment in time while on the stand.
I'm wondering why Lee was not asked about the opening statement concerning "improperly trying to touch Casey". Anyone have a clue?

Why touch it? Cross didn't either. IIRC there is evidence the defense does not want in from Lazzro and some of her jail house letters that will impeach JB opening statement fib. If nothing more is said, it is not evidence - just gossip.

Also in his opening statement JB claims Lee followed in his fathers footsteps, but didn't go as far....then he makes the claim that the FBI did a paternity test.

How can you not go far and be a rapist???

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