Casey Anthony

YOU are the jury. What's your thoughts so far?

  • guilty.

    Votes: 9 90.0%
  • not guilty.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • undecided.

    Votes: 1 10.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
He's the lead defense attorney. What's not to get? If he had put a question to Lee Anthony about sexual indiscretions toward Casey now, it would not have been allowed at this point in time UNLESS the prosecutor had brought the issue into his line of questioning. And of course he wouldn't do that.

I said it was the right answer, I get it.

If he tried, the prosecution would object and it would be sustained. Those are exactly the games JB plays. Trying to plant the idea in the jury's heads the prosecution wants to hide something.

You know where I stand, so you must know I think JB is taking the jury for fools with his defense.

Frankly, in such a high-profile murder case, as a criminal defense attorney, I don't think he's going far enough to "plant" ideas in the minds of the jury. It's what they do. I'm surprised there haven't been more opportunities calling for the judge instructing the jury to "disregard what was just said." Yeah, like they really will.

Look at it this way: If I were innocent, I would want my attorney to pull out all stops. If I were a victim, I would want the prosecution to do the same.
I've been listening this morning to the taped interrogation of Casey Anthony, and it's totally bizarre that she absolutely did not break under their intense questioning. When she was actually allowed time to answer a question, Casey continued to maintain over and over again that she did not know (at that time) where Caylee was and that if she had just wanted to be rid of her, she would have just left her with her parents to take care of. (Well of course. That's the most puzzling part of all.)

Caught redhanded in her lies, I do not know what to make of her other than she is acting like she has been [in my opinion] professionally hypnotized (programmed) to deny certain things, repeat others as if they were true, and not to waiver at all. Until all of this explained, the only other possibility is that sometimes it's Casey and sometimes it's her alter speaking, acting out, lying. Again, only my opinion, so no need to go into attack mode.


Anyhoo...I know people like her - short of killing someone. They are nuts (not a medical term :)) for sure and draining to try to deal with. It's almost as if she would have been better off if she had simply harmed Caylee or had been found to have put her in harms way and her parents could have been more pro-active. Did that make any sense? :lol:

Now it's too late
You know, another sad piece of this story-- what if Casey had told who the Daddy was??
And maybe, he could have been in Caylee's life, getting her on weekends, spending time with her (hopefully if he wasn't a jerk)....and that would have given Casey some 'space'. It also might have given Caylee a chance at living a longer life.....because she wouldn't have been living the life she had, she would have had another side of a family somewhere.
Grace should PM Gunny and ask that the poll be put back up. It would be interesting to see if it's changed.
Grace should PM Gunny and ask that the poll be put back up. It would be interesting to see if it's changed.

Yes, I hate when a poll has an ending date, pisses me off. Somebody may come into the thread late. Grace, ask Gunny if he can open this poll again, if not, we'll start another :)

**Came back to add, because I was one that did not get the chance to vote.
Frankly, in such a high-profile murder case, as a criminal defense attorney, I don't think he's going far enough to "plant" ideas in the minds of the jury. It's what they do. I'm surprised there haven't been more opportunities calling for the judge instructing the jury to "disregard what was just said." Yeah, like they really will.

Look at it this way: If I were innocent, I would want my attorney to pull out all stops. If I were a victim, I would want the prosecution to do the same.

I agree completely.

But on the other hand I think he went overboard and threw too much out there. She drowned and cayse panicked imo would have been an better and easier defense. Of course claimgin abuse would still be there, but accusing both of incest and blaming George for the cover up is where I base my opinion of JB

Just an aside, I thought this was funny. @2:40 "Who are you gonna believe me or you're own eyes?" CLICK
I've been reading these all morning --I'm up to Part 6 -- and I'm sitting here with my mouth hanging open.

If you're interested in a chronological play by play of exactly how the State worked it's case from July 15 2008 -- up until I don't know when -- the last one is listed as Part 15, so who knows. Anyway -- I'm amazed at the blatant lies and differing stories of how a certain event went down in all of the Anthony's LE interviews and sworn statements.

Hit the link below and scroll down to Released 26 November and start with the first one --Part One.

I am particularly amazed at George's story of chasing Casey (because she was driving off in Cindy's vehicle as George was driving up to the house) down the toll road in July, only to lose her. Apparently, the records state that when it was investigated through the use of the needed E Passes to use the road -- there was no evidence to support that it had ever taken place. No record of either his or Cindy's pass being used either day. Why the hell would he make that up?

Released 26 November

Case Documents Released*|*
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^^^ And I also meant to add to the above post -- with what I've read so far, it's no wonder Casey lived in a fantasy world and could lie so easily. It's in her genes.
I didn't even notice the poll was gone.
Um..I don't wanna ask him. He skeers me. You guys ask him. :lol:
Start a poll, leave it open, as a mod to merge it with this one. Then nobody has to disturb the bear in his den, cuz I know I ain't!! :laugh:
I don't know about anyone else, but for myself, I plan on going only by what is said and proven or shown and examied/cross examined in the court proceeding on TV as it progresses. I am pretending to be in the jury. Outside transcripts/blogs, websites the jurors cannot see or read, I will not click on any more.
But that's me.
JB is an idiot.

He is asking question to the head detective and has been sustained because his snark of "you aren't looking at the jury this time. Look at the jury and tell us......"........................Sustained.
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LOL....I think so too

In the tapes it seems no matter what Lee says she already knows it or gives that impression.
LOL....I think so too

In the tapes it seems no matter what Lee says she already knows it or gives that impression.

Precisely as if she would rather be filing her nails. He was well prepared for that visit and she should have been fully engaged.

ETA: am interested in what the prosecution is going to do with these tapes.
JB whining now about the tapes as they diminish credibility of council and mis statements of facts

Uh - he is representing casey

Mistrial fail again
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Juror #6 busted sleeping??? Someone on the news just reported it.
I'm curious. Will this have an effect in the court?
I was amazed at the recording they played in court yesterday of Casey talking to the Detective. He got her at every damn turn. He was brilliant. It exposed her as such an uncaring, cold mother, as well as her capacity to lie. That jury is going to fry her.

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