Casey Anthony

YOU are the jury. What's your thoughts so far?

  • guilty.

    Votes: 9 90.0%
  • not guilty.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • undecided.

    Votes: 1 10.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
Juror #6 busted sleeping??? Someone on the news just reported it.
I'm curious. Will this have an effect in the court?

What??? Gee, that trial is far from boring!!!! I think they should be replaced.
Watching the first visit CA had with Lee while she is in jail.
I find it very odd how much he is treating her with kid gloves. Everyone so far has treated her with kid gloves during that process, like they are afraid of her. Why be afraid? Because she and only she can tell them what happened and IS a vindictive bitch as she herself claimed. Anyone else get what I'm saying?

I find this very sad that even her own family members have to tippytoe around her to try to save or find HER daughter. This bitch, I hope is found guilty and disposed of.
Anyone here think that maybe-MAYBE- if the jury comes back with a guilty verdict, that Casey will break down to the point where she finally admits to what did happen??
Or do you think she will stay the pretty cold person she has always appeared to be??
You know, once a guilty comes back, there is no turning back really.
I think she will appeal and stick with her lies all the way to the bed where the needle is.
Watching the first visit CA had with Lee while she is in jail.
I find it very odd how much he is treating her with kid gloves. Everyone so far has treated her with kid gloves during that process, like they are afraid of her. Why be afraid? Because she and only she can tell them what happened and IS a vindictive bitch as she herself claimed. Anyone else get what I'm saying?

I find this very sad that even her own family members have to tippytoe around her to try to save or find HER daughter. This bitch, I hope is found guilty and disposed of.

I see what you are saying, I do. I think that there are two things going on:

1. The visitors are using selective speech. The questions are specifically designed to NOT offer the prosecution anything extra.

2. They know Casey is explosive and might abruptly end the interview, thus they are treading softly.

Remember, this is very early in the case. Lee, George and Cindy are focused on finding Caylee.

My two cents.
OK, just so everyone knows, there is a new poll, we just had to start it on a new thread. You don't have to discuss anything if you don't wish over there, the new thread is mostly for the new poll, since some requested we should have a new poll...well, now we do.
The title is Vote For Your Verdict On Casey Anthony and it's of course here in Law & Justice...thanks all!
Watching the first visit CA had with Lee while she is in jail.
I find it very odd how much he is treating her with kid gloves. Everyone so far has treated her with kid gloves during that process, like they are afraid of her. Why be afraid? Because she and only she can tell them what happened and IS a vindictive bitch as she herself claimed. Anyone else get what I'm saying?

I find this very sad that even her own family members have to tippytoe around her to try to save or find HER daughter. This bitch, I hope is found guilty and disposed of.

I see what you are saying, I do. I think that there are two things going on:

1. The visitors are using selective speech. The questions are specifically designed to NOT offer the prosecution anything extra.

2. They know Casey is explosive and might abruptly end the interview, thus they are treading softly.

Remember, this is very early in the case. Lee, George and Cindy are focused on finding Caylee.

My two cents.

After listening to those tapes I doubt her claims of abuse will be believed.

I do wonder though.

1- If JB knows at this point about the supposed drowning, why let this continue?
2- If he does not, why trust him as he obviously believed her lies prior to the drowning claim?

Do we know when she decided to officially decided on the drowning and George knew game? Papers floated the idea (uggg... no pun intended) as early as 2008, which makes JB uncredible imo
She showed in those tapes just how manipulative she is, that's fer sure.
Does anybody know at what point NPD, manipulating, pathelogical liar becomes a "out of touch" in a clinical sense?

Casey is in her "own little world". How is she not insane?

Honest question. Not being snarky.
I think when she decided Caylee was maybe more loved than she was.
She is a sociopath. I hope she doesn't get off with an insanity plea.
She is functional. Just like Manson is. Is manson crazy? Was Diane Downs crazy? How about Susan Smith? Casey is just like those two.
Watching the first visit CA had with Lee while she is in jail.
I find it very odd how much he is treating her with kid gloves. Everyone so far has treated her with kid gloves during that process, like they are afraid of her. Why be afraid? Because she and only she can tell them what happened and IS a vindictive bitch as she herself claimed. Anyone else get what I'm saying?

I find this very sad that even her own family members have to tippytoe around her to try to save or find HER daughter. This bitch, I hope is found guilty and disposed of.

I see what you are saying, I do. I think that there are two things going on:

1. The visitors are using selective speech. The questions are specifically designed to NOT offer the prosecution anything extra.

2. They know Casey is explosive and might abruptly end the interview, thus they are treading softly.

Remember, this is very early in the case. Lee, George and Cindy are focused on finding Caylee.

My two cents.

After listening to those tapes I doubt her claims of abuse will be believed.

I do wonder though.

1- If JB knows at this point about the supposed drowning, why let this continue?
2- If he does not, why trust him as he obviously believed her lies prior to the drowning claim?

Do we know when she decided to officially decided on the drowning and George knew game? Papers floated the idea (uggg... no pun intended) as early as 2008, which makes JB uncredible imo

RD - if its not to draining, can you elaborate? It is possible I missed a key component today regarding the drowing. However, don't feel the need to post an essay just to catch me up. :redface:

thanks in advance.
This Melich guy is driving me nutz the way he has of looking at the jury every other sentence. I like the way they were questioning Casey but he does seem like a hot dog.
I didn't really see him looking at the jury but you and JB said he was so I guess so. The tv is to my back so I mostly listened and then glanced around now and then.

He seemed very frustrated and aghast at the same time. Here is this mother, not helping them find her missing child except with lies. I can't say I blame him in his interrogations. She would have driven me batshit crazy.
Has the insanity phrase even been brought to the table??
I mean, they can't like- spring it out there at the last minute can they??
"Oh we are now pleading Casey Anthony was insane at the time of her daughter's death".
Surely to God not!
Has the insanity phrase even been brought to the table??
I mean, they can't like- spring it out there at the last minute can they??
"Oh we are now pleading Casey Anthony was insane at the time of her daughter's death".
Surely to God not!

I think you are correct, they can't suddently asert insanity. Perhaps in an appeal. I do wonder if she was tested to stand trial.
They didn't plead insanity. Someone on one of the report shows on tv asked that same question.
She is as "sane" as susan smith. Both deserve whatever they get.
They didn't plead insanity. Someone on one of the report shows on tv asked that same question.
She is as "sane" as susan smith. Both deserve whatever they get.

Yeah, i think the "they know right from wrong" thing is the court definition of insanity.

But still I wonder, where is the line...

I am still on the fence in that the prosecution hasn't proven murder, only looney tunes. But we've much to go.
RD - if its not to draining, can you elaborate? It is possible I missed a key component today regarding the drowing. However, don't feel the need to post an essay just to catch me up. :redface:

thanks in advance.

If I was sitting on the jury I am now wondering when the drowning came into play.
Not that you missed a key component in todays testimony.

The tapes all show she is still knee deep in lies regarding Caylee being kidnapped and alive , and JB is backing her. Remember, she claimed to talk to Caylee that morning.

I ask myself - when did the lies he defended turn into the "truth" she never spoke? In one conversation her mother mentions the press talks of drowning and caysee blows it off.
(To be honest I am not sure if that was testimony or news footage afterwards....sorry :redface:)

My point is JB went from defending a mother of a kidnapped child to defending a murdering mother in the blink of an eye. He went from missing to dead. Is that initself trustworthy???

Did that make any sense? :confused: I think JB is full of crap

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