Casey Anthony

YOU are the jury. What's your thoughts so far?

  • guilty.

    Votes: 9 90.0%
  • not guilty.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • undecided.

    Votes: 1 10.0%

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  • Poll closed .
I see this is still going on. Once again until she pleads guilty or a Jury convicts her she is Innocent until proven guilty. A not guilty verdict means she STAYS innocent of the crime.

We are a nation of laws with specific assumptions built in. For all you insisting she is guilty, you have violated the very principle on which our laws are based on.

O.J Simpson is Innocent of the murder of his X Wife and the delivery boy as well. That is how it works. Unless you want mob rule.

Come on, do you really believe this??
This is a simple board forum, I don't think the mob is going to be reading and come after somebody if they openly admit, "Hey, I think O.J. did it" ~Lmao~

I'll say it-- Hell yes I think O.J. killed his wife, if he didn't do it personally, he knew who did, he had someone do it. The glove wouldn't fit because it was fucking leather and had been wet and you all know what happens to leather when it gets wet and sits, it shrinks a bit. PLUS, O.J. had on rubber damn gloves before he tried on the glove, so as to not contaminate them, that's why the glove didn't fit.
What a crock that trial was ~LoL~
But, his ass is in the slammer now anyway, because of those robbery charges, so I guess he got what he deserved.

Hmm, my recollection is that the glove wasn't just a little too small, it was waaaaaaaaay too small. But that's another debate, for another thread, some day. Hopefully not. :lol: He's in jail on other charges now anyway.
"I mean......can anyone have written a better novel? This case has so many twists and turns and seedy characters its no wonder you have a headache. Me too!!!"

This Writer respectfully pleads the 5th. :tongue:

:lol: Despite your name, I keep forgetting you're a writer. I'm sure you spot all the typos (i.e. Can anyone have written opposed to could anyone have written ) in a New York minute, eh?

Please don't grade me, 'k? I'm under extreme pressure dealing with this case :eusa_boohoo:

Hey, do you have any published work? What do you write? Novels? Do you have a book deal with the Anthony's per any chance?:lol: Inquiring minds wanna know.
TW, I am so sorry for your loss of a brother. It's bad enough just to lose someone you love, much less to such a senseless way.

The family has a few skeletons, no doubt, but Sarge is right. Conviction in the press can make things worse. I remember the McMartin Day Care folks in Manhattan Beach California were convicted of heinous crimes against children, and years later, it was revealed they did not commit the crime, but the prosecutors did coach the children to make it seem so in order to obtain satisfaction for the public who were just as mad as the public is today about the Caylee Anthony travesty. link

The woman who made the vicious claims against the McMartins was suffering from mental illness, separation, and poverty issues. The hysterical public felt justice had been served when these innocent people were sentenced to long terms in jail.

I remember that case well. And it's no secret that Texas is famous for throwing people in prison, only to exonerate them years later through the now available DNA testing.

We, my family and I, were lucky in my brothers case as the perp was caught three hours later . . . with the murder weapon on him. There was more than one person shooting so it was good that his ballsyness made him so stupid.

I'm anxious for the forensic phase of this tiral to start. I want to see exactly who has what.


Well if the prosecution hasn't subpoenaed Dr. G, then it's an admission that they've got nothing.

This trial makes my head hurt.

There are so many lies, liars, untruths, half truths and unanswered questions, it makes my fucking head hurt.

Do y'all have any WTF moments that really stick out to you?

I have two. And I don't give a fuck whether it's been introduced in court yet or not.

How the hell did Casey pick the exact apartment that the innocent Zanaida looked at a week before?


Why the hell was the Anthony's meter reader, Roy Krunk, so much of a bulldog over a four month period about Caylee's remains?

And a sidenote . . . I do find it interesting that the State failed to mention who found Caylee's remains.

I have a whole notebook of questions. The prosecution would not like me as a juror on this case. As for making my head hurt, for me it's a detraction from the political circus for a change which DOES make my head hurt.
"I mean......can anyone have written a better novel? This case has so many twists and turns and seedy characters its no wonder you have a headache. Me too!!!"

This Writer respectfully pleads the 5th. :tongue:

:lol: Despite your name, I keep forgetting you're a writer. I'm sure you spot all the typos (i.e. Can anyone have written opposed to could anyone have written ) in a New York minute, eh?

Please don't grade me, 'k? I'm under extreme pressure dealing with this case :eusa_boohoo:

Hey, do you have any published work? What do you write? Novels? Do you have a book deal with the Anthony's per any chance?:lol: Inquiring minds wanna know.

Oh girl, please don't let that get started as a rumour. I do, however, write fiction. :lol:
And now we know where you stand.

BUT, there hasn't been one shred of forensic proof testified to or entered into court records that prove Caysey Anthony was the one who wrapped her child's head in that duct tape.

She was convicted on 6 felony counts for stealing. It's alleged that she "stole" money from her parents (although somehow I believe she really didn't need to "steal" anything from them), Casey allegedly partied up a storm even after knowing her daughter was dead. She piled lie upon lie to hide that fact. She can be guilty of all of those things and more.



And let's bring up the testimony of the girl who said Casey saaid "Oh my God, I'm such a good liar."

If I was sitting on the jury, I wouldn't be able to give that much thought. I immediately could think of two friends I have that I have heard say that exact same thing -- maybe not the "Oh My God" part -- and a sister-in-law that I have heard state "I lie so fucking good, it scares me".

** None of them by the way are in jail, have ever been in jail nor commited any crime that I am aware of.

The press, of course, made a HUGE deal over that comment, and I thought about the number of times I've heard it and said it myself, in one form or another.
"I mean......can anyone have written a better novel? This case has so many twists and turns and seedy characters its no wonder you have a headache. Me too!!!"

This Writer respectfully pleads the 5th. :tongue:

:lol: Despite your name, I keep forgetting you're a writer. I'm sure you spot all the typos (i.e. Can anyone have written opposed to could anyone have written ) in a New York minute, eh?

Please don't grade me, 'k? I'm under extreme pressure dealing with this case :eusa_boohoo:

Hey, do you have any published work? What do you write? Novels? Do you have a book deal with the Anthony's per any chance?:lol: Inquiring minds wanna know.

wanna talk writing? Make another thread.

I remember that case well. And it's no secret that Texas is famous for throwing people in prison, only to exonerate them years later through the now available DNA testing.

We, my family and I, were lucky in my brothers case as the perp was caught three hours later . . . with the murder weapon on him. There was more than one person shooting so it was good that his ballsyness made him so stupid.

I'm anxious for the forensic phase of this tiral to start. I want to see exactly who has what.


Well if the prosecution hasn't subpoenaed Dr. G, then it's an admission that they've got nothing.

The autopsy is available online, simply Google "Caylee Anthony Autopsy" and you can read the over 20 page report for yourself.
There wasn't much left of the little girl, a few bones and some rag clothing stuck to her. Pretty damn hard to find any trace of a drug when there is no liver, no heart, no stomach contents or anything of the kind to look over. The cause of death on the autopsy is listed as Homocide, by undetermined means.
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"I mean......can anyone have written a better novel? This case has so many twists and turns and seedy characters its no wonder you have a headache. Me too!!!"

This Writer respectfully pleads the 5th. :tongue:

:lol: Despite your name, I keep forgetting you're a writer. I'm sure you spot all the typos (i.e. Can anyone have written opposed to could anyone have written ) in a New York minute, eh?

Please don't grade me, 'k? I'm under extreme pressure dealing with this case :eusa_boohoo:

Hey, do you have any published work? What do you write? Novels? Do you have a book deal with the Anthony's per any chance?:lol: Inquiring minds wanna know.

wanna talk writing? Make another thread.

I've been on here a short week -- maybe not even a week -- and all I see from you is rudeness.
You never want to discuss the facts of this case in a reasonable manner, you sit back and wait for a post to attack someone or make some snarky comment.

I realized today this place actually, ridiculously. has a seperate thread for people to fight. And I'm betting you spend a lot of time in it. If not, you should.

Now, I'm going to go see if there is some way to wipe you off of my radar on this site. . . but not before I say to you why don't you STFU.

Oh wait -- aren't you the one who can't figure out abbreviations?
STFU stands for Shut The Fuck Up.

That's it people, no more fucking kid gloves. :evil:
wanna talk writing? Make another thread.

I've been on here a short week -- maybe not even a week -- and all I see from you is rudeness.
You never want to discuss the facts of this case in a reasonable manner, you sit back and wait for a post to attack someone or make some snarky comment.

I realized today this place actually, ridiculously. has a seperate thread for people to fight. And I'm betting you spend a lot of time in it. If not, you should.

Now, I'm going to go see if there is some way to wipe you off of my radar on this site. . . but not before I say to you why don't you STFU.

Oh wait -- aren't you the one who can't figure out abbreviations?
STFU stands for Shut The Fuck Up.

That's it people, no more fucking kid gloves. :evil:

You DID take time the other day and offered help to him/her, didn't you? No good deed ever goes unpunished.

Grace is a miserable person. Rude doesn't even cut it. If she/he would stop cyber-sniping everyone and deal with her/his own issues, this world would be a better place.

I was wondering why, we were having pleasurable pages of thread just now.

And then comes......Grace. :cuckoo:
Who graces us with her/his ugliness. :evil:

I feel sorry for Grace! Must suck being that angry.
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Oh. Ouch. :lol:
wanna talk writing? Make another thread.

I've been on here a short week -- maybe not even a week -- and all I see from you is rudeness.
You never want to discuss the facts of this case in a reasonable manner, you sit back and wait for a post to attack someone or make some snarky comment.

I realized today this place actually, ridiculously. has a seperate thread for people to fight. And I'm betting you spend a lot of time in it. If not, you should.

Now, I'm going to go see if there is some way to wipe you off of my radar on this site. . . but not before I say to you why don't you STFU.

Oh wait -- aren't you the one who can't figure out abbreviations?
STFU stands for Shut The Fuck Up.

That's it people, no more fucking kid gloves. :evil:

You DID take time the other day and offered help to him/her, didn't you? No good deed ever goes unpunished.

Grace is a miserable person. Rude doesn't even cut it. If she/he would stop cyber-sniping everyone and deal with her/his own issues, this world would be a better place.

I was wondering why, we were having pleasurable pages of thread just now.

And then comes......Grace. :cuckoo:
Who graces us with her/his ugliness. :evil:

I feel sorry for Grace! Must suck being that angry.

You two seem to be a tag team. Consider yourselves now seen as tards.
So let it be written, so let it be done. :lol:

Now....stay on topic if you can. The Anthony Case, ya know? This isn't all about you.
I'm wondering why Lee was not asked about the opening statement concerning "improperly trying to touch Casey". Anyone have a clue?
The ignore button.
It's a beautiful thing.

I wonder who released that new tape of Caylee's 2nd birthday party?
And who is that fruitcake using Caylee's kararoke machine and singing "Soon you'll be a woman" to her . . . while Cindy sits by him laughing her dumbass off?
Hi, you have received -1 reputation points from DayDreamer.
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Oh. Ouch. :lol:

Minus 1....MINUS 1??
Damn girl, that has to hurt, and hurt bad :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

The Foaming Mouth One seems to have an issue with me. Self projection, perhaps? :tongue:

Dabs, I missed today's trial and am trying to catch up now.

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