Casey Anthony

YOU are the jury. What's your thoughts so far?

  • guilty.

    Votes: 9 90.0%
  • not guilty.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • undecided.

    Votes: 1 10.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
Not trying to incite another argument but, did any of these women have pathological lying, delusional-denying, deceiving and deceptive parents (and, if we are to believe Baez's claim, add: a molesting father and brother) though???????

Did any of these women live in a totally non-existent world with made up friends, jobs, apartments, nanny's and schooling?

I don't think Casey fits their profile. Not at all.

I don't either. Of course, rather than a discussion over our beliefs, I'm sure we'll be called a variety of names or be yelled at by that damn rabid Dabs.

In fact I find myself wondering, if, in fact, Zanny was more than a figment of Casey's imagination. With all the noise going on this girl's head . . . maybe she was Zanny. :eek:

Okay, gang. Here's something new for you to spew and sputter over. :lol:

I went one more step than you. I was wondering if George was Zanny seeing he wasn't working (around the same time "Zanny" came onto the scene in late 2007) although Cindy believed he was.

Next topic:

This might not have anything to do with anything but I just read (from Cindy's letter to Casey) that Lee got a pet turtle and named it ZAM?

I don't know. These "A's" and "M's" seem to be a common theme (Marie and Anthony) but now....the "Z"?????? (Zanny).

Just found that odd. I'm probably digging too deeply on that one :tongue:

Furthermore Texas, I am not the one who has used all caps, DayDreamer has..or used these (!!!!!!!!!) like they are going out of style.
That is considered yelling at others, and I have never called anyone here on this thread any name, other than what the user name is.
So where do you get off saying this crappus about me??
Dick Tracy Orlando.

Haha, oh my. I sure needed some comic relief.

I gotta wonder now, is he trying to throw this case for a mistrial?

If he asks for anymore time because he's not prepared (or presents question like Dick Tracy) I think Perry might hold him in contempt.

I think he has potential but he seems to lack that 'follow-through' that a good attorney needs.

Oh well.

Wow. Did they just say that lead Detective Yuri Melich blogged about this case and was reprimanded by the department.

I come from a family of Law Enforcement. I have two uncles that were/are Sheriffs -- one of a small Town, the other of a County and an Uncle that was a Fed and a brother whom was a Homicide Detective at the time of his murder.

I find it repulsive and highy unprofessional that the lead Detective of a case would be blogging about it.


And the plot thickens and the news, that's been withheld from the masses for 3 years, is starting to get exposed.

I vaguely remember this though. As usual, the mainstream media didn't hone in on this so it never got the proper exposure.

Between the LE (one getting fired, this one blogging etc) and Kronk, and Dominick Casey etc........this has NOT been the most above-board 'case' in existence.

In fact, it almost rivals both OJ and Ramsey investigations with its blunders.
If the State has less than clean (and professional) hands in all this then they can't expect a clean trial.
November 3, 2008
WFTV is reporting that the Anthony’s complained, through their attorney Mark Nejame, about Detective Yuri Melich registering and supposedly “blogging” about the case on Websleuths. ............

Detective Yuri Melich was reprimanded by OCSO and told to discontinue. The report said its unlikely the defense will want to make a huge deal of it bc so many of the bloggers believe Casey’s guilty. I wouldn’t put anything past Jose- I’m sure he’s salivating.

Todd Black -spokesperson for the case (or for Jose Baez at least) was fired from the Anthony case and will be replaced by another person in the PR firm. Supposedly this has nothing to do w/the “live on-air” slip he made admitting that Caylee was dead.
I just want to say thanks to the daily updaters. I can't post very much at work but I check in when I get a break.
Why are you calling me Rabid??
DayDreamer was the one foaming at the mouth yesterday ~LoL~

No no no no, they are above name calling. They keep telling us btwn name calling :lol:

Melich blogs not biased...
I see this is still going on. Once again until she pleads guilty or a Jury convicts her she is Innocent until proven guilty. A not guilty verdict means she STAYS innocent of the crime.

We are a nation of laws with specific assumptions built in. For all you insisting she is guilty, you have violated the very principle on which our laws are based on.

O.J Simpson is Innocent of the murder of his X Wife and the delivery boy as well. That is how it works. Unless you want mob rule.
Our legal systems is BASED on the concept that " one is INNOCENT till proven GUILTY" thus a not guilty verdict is an affirmation she is INNOCENT of the listed crimes.

Remind all these left of center people that I am free to announce that Obama is guilty of, well anything I want to claim he did. And so is society according to you.

If the prosecution fails to prove guilt beyond a reasonable doubt the jury has no choice but to find the defendant not guilty, that does not necessarily mean innocent; it means the prosecution did not meet the standard of proof. I wouldn't be opposed to the addition of the finding in innocence

You can make any claim you like and just like with the BC stuff, people may laugh at you

Our system ASSUMES Innocent. If she is not convicted she is INNOCENT. PERIOD. Perhaps you missed that day in school?
Not trying to incite another argument but, did any of these women have pathological lying, delusional-denying, deceiving and deceptive parents (and, if we are to believe Baez's claim, add: a molesting father and brother) though???????

Did any of these women live in a totally non-existent world with made up friends, jobs, apartments, nanny's and schooling?

I don't think Casey fits their profile. Not at all.

I don't either. Of course, rather than a discussion over our beliefs, I'm sure we'll be called a variety of names or be yelled at by that damn rabid Dabs.

In fact I find myself wondering, if, in fact, Zanny was more than a figment of Casey's imagination. With all the noise going on this girl's head . . . maybe she was Zanny. :eek:

Okay, gang. Here's something new for you to spew and sputter over. :lol:

Why are you calling me Rabid??
DayDreamer was the one foaming at the mouth yesterday ~LoL~

I'm sorry DABS -- that was not nice of me. We've all been rabid in our responses here . . . at one time or another.
I see this is still going on. Once again until she pleads guilty or a Jury convicts her she is Innocent until proven guilty. A not guilty verdict means she STAYS innocent of the crime.

We are a nation of laws with specific assumptions built in. For all you insisting she is guilty, you have violated the very principle on which our laws are based on.

O.J Simpson is Innocent of the murder of his X Wife and the delivery boy as well. That is how it works. Unless you want mob rule.

Come on, do you really believe this??
This is a simple board forum, I don't think the mob is going to be reading and come after somebody if they openly admit, "Hey, I think O.J. did it" ~Lmao~

I'll say it-- Hell yes I think O.J. killed his wife, if he didn't do it personally, he knew who did, he had someone do it. The glove wouldn't fit because it was fucking leather and had been wet and you all know what happens to leather when it gets wet and sits, it shrinks a bit. PLUS, O.J. had on rubber damn gloves before he tried on the glove, so as to not contaminate them, that's why the glove didn't fit.
What a crock that trial was ~LoL~
But, his ass is in the slammer now anyway, because of those robbery charges, so I guess he got what he deserved.
Why are you calling me Rabid??
DayDreamer was the one foaming at the mouth yesterday ~LoL~

No no no no, they are above name calling. They keep telling us btwn name calling :lol:

Melich blogs not biased...

. . . and I suppose you think his blogging was completely professional also.

AND RD ~~ I bet you were a playground monitor too. :lol:
Why are you calling me Rabid??
DayDreamer was the one foaming at the mouth yesterday ~LoL~

No no no no, they are above name calling. They keep telling us btwn name calling :lol:

Melich blogs not biased...

. . . and I suppose you think his blogging was completely professional also.

AND RD ~~ I bet you were a playground monitor too. :lol:

I didn't read them. But probably not

Nope, I wasn't a whiner or a hypocrite either.
Let me ask this question one more time.

Do y'all think it is okay for family members -- or anyone connected to a criminal case -- but especially family members -- to sell pictures and or videos of the victim?

So far it would appear Tony Lazzaro is the stand up person in this category.

Oh -- BTW -- did y'all catch out that link I posted about chloroform and chlorine?

Umm . . . seems like some things posted in this forum get completely ignored. :)
Last edited:
No no no no, they are above name calling. They keep telling us btwn name calling :lol:

Melich blogs not biased...

. . . and I suppose you think his blogging was completely professional also.

AND RD ~~ I bet you were a playground monitor too. :lol:

I didn't read them. But probably not

Nope, I wasn't a whiner or a hypocrite either.

Can you submit evidence to back that up? :lol:
Our legal systems is BASED on the concept that " one is INNOCENT till proven GUILTY" thus a not guilty verdict is an affirmation she is INNOCENT of the listed crimes.

Remind all these left of center people that I am free to announce that Obama is guilty of, well anything I want to claim he did. And so is society according to you.

If the prosecution fails to prove guilt beyond a reasonable doubt the jury has no choice but to find the defendant not guilty, that does not necessarily mean innocent; it means the prosecution did not meet the standard of proof. I wouldn't be opposed to the addition of the finding in innocence

You can make any claim you like and just like with the BC stuff, people may laugh at you

Our system ASSUMES Innocent. If she is not convicted she is INNOCENT. PERIOD. Perhaps you missed that day in school?

Sarge, you have a clear mind about innocence and guilt. I wish I were as egalitarian. Unfortunately, when I was paying attention to all this stuff some time back, Casey was blaming a babysitter nobody could find, and when they did find someone with that name, seems the story line by Casey took a 180 directional. After that, I thought it would be nice when all this is over.

The thought of a tiny child being found taped up with a trinket from her room in the house and the chemical trail left in the trunk of Casey's automobile also trouble me.

I think a lot of people are heartsick or angry over this, but I have to hand it to you, you have a clear view of "innocent until proven guilty," but they have to keep Casey far away from the public that is incensed over all the jabberwocky the family and they and their lawyers have put out.

FWIW, thanks.
Let me ask this question one more time.

Do y'all think it is okay for family members -- or anyone connected to a criminal case -- but especially family members -- to sell pictures and or videos of the victim?

So far it would appear Tony Lazzaro is the stand up person in this category.

Oh -- BTW -- did y'all catch out that link I posted about chloroform and chlorine?

Umm . . . seems like some things posted in this forum get completely ignored. :)

Well, when I think about victim picture selling, I'd like to hurl, TW.
Our system ASSUMES Innocent. If she is not convicted she is INNOCENT. PERIOD. Perhaps you missed that day in school?

Many people don't think like that due to the media coverage.
Media rules the mind-set on this planet. Well at least in modern countries.

If the people were presented with just the FACTS, as they are/were, devoid anyone elses opinion, spin or input, perhaps trials like this would stand a change. But because the media is hellbent on ratings (and there are now more television sets than people in a household) they've taken the 'news' (such as this case) and have spun them into riveting talk-show sensations which conditions the people in how to think/perceive things. (See: Nancy Grace and FOX News)

They keep showing the same old loops of one clip. Or they show the same snarling-face photo of a suspect, over and over again. And when it comes to victimizing the victim, they play soothing background music, etc.
This plays into the subconscious big time.

The media has helped in the programing of dumbing down planet Earth to the point where Critical thinkers no longer exist and Free thinkers are rare.

Most people on this forum represent the common mob mentality no doubt. It's a mob mentality with Lemming instincts.

The media has painted Casey to be this all out partying girl. And have therefore tainted the minion's mind.

At no time do I ever recall seeing/hearing any alternative explanation from any experts on MSM or read about it in an issue of People's magazine (not that I watch TV or read that trash)

To the Nancy Grace's out there: If it looks like a duck, waddles like a duck and quacks like a duck then, trap it and cook it! Period.

This is NOT fair.

Not everything in life (especially on TV) is what it appears to be.
Having said that, I am not saying Casey is innocent. But I AM saying, she's not guilty......yet! And so should each and every one of you.

Try to put your emotions (hatred) aside. Because it's been proven one can't think clearly when they're clouded in emotion.
Let me ask this question one more time.

Do y'all think it is okay for family members -- or anyone connected to a criminal case -- but especially family members -- to sell pictures and or videos of the victim?

So far it would appear Tony Lazzaro is the stand up person in this category.

Oh -- BTW -- did y'all catch out that link I posted about chloroform and chlorine?

Umm . . . seems like some things posted in this forum get completely ignored. :)

Well, when I think about victim picture selling, I'd like to hurl, TW.

Me too. I was the vicitm of a high profile (on a local/state level -- mainly because my brother's profession at the time) murder case and there is no way in hell I would have sold anything related to him . . . and he was the victim. And yes, our family was offered money for interviews, etc.
The Anthony's make me sick for making money off of that little girl. And Ricardo the ex boyfriend slimeball too.

And no, this topic is not taboo because Cindy Anthony testified they made $20,000 off of a picture of Caylee -- although they only kept $14,000.
Let me ask this question one more time.

Do y'all think it is okay for family members -- or anyone connected to a criminal case -- but especially family members -- to sell pictures and or videos of the victim?

So far it would appear Tony Lazzaro is the stand up person in this category.

Oh -- BTW -- did y'all catch out that link I posted about chloroform and chlorine?

Umm . . . seems like some things posted in this forum get completely ignored. :)

Well, when I think about victim picture selling, I'd like to hurl, TW.

Me too. I was the vicitm of a high profile (on a local/state level -- mainly because my brother's profession at the time) murder case and there is no way in hell I would have sold anything related to him . . . and he was the victim. And yes, our family was offered money for interviews, etc.
The Anthony's make me sick for making money off of that little girl. And Ricardo the ex boyfriend slimeball too.

And no, this topic is not taboo because Cindy Anthony testified they made $20,000 off of a picture of Caylee -- although they only kept $14,000.

TW, I am so sorry for your loss of a brother. It's bad enough just to lose someone you love, much less to such a senseless way.

The family has a few skeletons, no doubt, but Sarge is right. Conviction in the press can make things worse. I remember the McMartin Day Care folks in Manhattan Beach California were convicted of heinous crimes against children, and years later, it was revealed they did not commit the crime, but the prosecutors did coach the children to make it seem so in order to obtain satisfaction for the public who were just as mad as the public is today about the Caylee Anthony travesty. link

The woman who made the vicious claims against the McMartins was suffering from mental illness, separation, and poverty issues. The hysterical public felt justice had been served when these innocent people were sentenced to long terms in jail.
Well, when I think about victim picture selling, I'd like to hurl, TW.

Me too. I was the vicitm of a high profile (on a local/state level -- mainly because my brother's profession at the time) murder case and there is no way in hell I would have sold anything related to him . . . and he was the victim. And yes, our family was offered money for interviews, etc.
The Anthony's make me sick for making money off of that little girl. And Ricardo the ex boyfriend slimeball too.

And no, this topic is not taboo because Cindy Anthony testified they made $20,000 off of a picture of Caylee -- although they only kept $14,000.

TW, I am so sorry for your loss of a brother. It's bad enough just to lose someone you love, much less to such a senseless way.

The family has a few skeletons, no doubt, but Sarge is right. Conviction in the press can make things worse. I remember the McMartin Day Care folks in Manhattan Beach California were convicted of heinous crimes against children, and years later, it was revealed they did not commit the crime, but the prosecutors did coach the children to make it seem so in order to obtain satisfaction for the public who were just as mad as the public is today about the Caylee Anthony travesty. link

The woman who made the vicious claims against the McMartins was suffering from mental illness, separation, and poverty issues. The hysterical public felt justice had been served when these innocent people were sentenced to long terms in jail.

I remember that case well. And it's no secret that Texas is famous for throwing people in prison, only to exonerate them years later through the now available DNA testing.

We, my family and I, were lucky in my brothers case as the perp was caught three hours later . . . with the murder weapon on him. There was more than one person shooting so it was good that his ballsyness made him so stupid.

I'm anxious for the forensic phase of this tiral to start. I want to see exactly who has what.

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