Casey Anthony

YOU are the jury. What's your thoughts so far?

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    Votes: 9 90.0%
  • not guilty.

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  • undecided.

    Votes: 1 10.0%

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  • Poll closed .
Crap happy double post *sigh* (sorry)

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Have you seen the pleadings? Are the lesser includeds in it or not? If not, it is either guilty of captial murder or not guily. I have not seen them and will not act like I have.

Well why not? You act like you know everything else because of your so-called "education"? Grab some wood there sister, and just calm down for a minute. I could really care less about your red diaper doper baby education. Nor do I give a crap about what your leftist professor brainwashed you with, told or taught you.

Fact is, You're playing the same spin artist game that your fellow Attorneys are playing on Fox, Nancy Grace and C.N.N every night and day. Let me guess something, you're a Defense attorney eh? :razz: ~BH

Oh hell NO! I like money WAY to much to do something like THAT!

I find it most entertaining that people who have never darkened the door of a school of higher learning know ALL about the 'dammed librul collidge perfessers.' LOL. I hear that shit ad nauseum from illiterates day in and day out. It waxes ridiculous! BTW your fig leaf just fell off. :lmao:

Just as I find it equally amusing that some dumb shit like yourself, that supposedly studied under some so-called "school of higher learning" (which seems to me more like a school of higher bullshit) seems to think that we all believe that you even have an education anywhere?

I would guess that a puke like you watches alot of Nancy Grace, old repeats of Night Court, and that you worship Gloria Allred? LMAO! Face it sister, You're a flaming nutcase that has nothing but the typical robot minded defense of scum sucking bottomfeeders like Casey Anthony and Susan Smith. I am sure that you and Maggie get together every week and play bunko while giving hand slaps to eachother about the latest scum sucking maggot that got off thanks to vermin like the two of you. :razz: ~BH
Well why not? You act like you know everything else because of your so-called "education"? Grab some wood there sister, and just calm down for a minute. I could really care less about your red diaper doper baby education. Nor do I give a crap about what your leftist professor brainwashed you with, told or taught you.

Fact is, You're playing the same spin artist game that your fellow Attorneys are playing on Fox, Nancy Grace and C.N.N every night and day. Let me guess something, you're a Defense attorney eh? :razz: ~BH

Oh hell NO! I like money WAY to much to do something like THAT!

I find it most entertaining that people who have never darkened the door of a school of higher learning know ALL about the 'dammed librul collidge perfessers.' LOL. I hear that shit ad nauseum from illiterates day in and day out. It waxes ridiculous! BTW your fig leaf just fell off. :lmao:

Just as I find it equally amusing that some dumb shit like yourself, that supposedly studied under some so-called "school of higher learning" (which seems to me more like a school of higher bullshit) seems to think that we all believe that you even have an education anywhere?

I would guess that a puke like you watches alot of Nancy Grace, old repeats of Night Court, and that you worship Gloria Allred? LMAO! Face it sister, You're a flaming nutcase that has nothing but the typical robot minded defense of scum sucking bottomfeeders like Casey Anthony and Susan Smith. I am sure that you and Maggie get together every week and play bunko while giving hand slaps to eachother about the latest scum sucking maggot that got off thanks to vermin like the two of you. :razz: ~BH

Well bless your heart! Now I won't have to go to that parking lot for validation! You are nothing, if not entertaining. :lol:
Oh hell NO! I like money WAY to much to do something like THAT!

I find it most entertaining that people who have never darkened the door of a school of higher learning know ALL about the 'dammed librul collidge perfessers.' LOL. I hear that shit ad nauseum from illiterates day in and day out. It waxes ridiculous! BTW your fig leaf just fell off. :lmao:

Just as I find it equally amusing that some dumb shit like yourself, that supposedly studied under some so-called "school of higher learning" (which seems to me more like a school of higher bullshit) seems to think that we all believe that you even have an education anywhere?

I would guess that a puke like you watches alot of Nancy Grace, old repeats of Night Court, and that you worship Gloria Allred? LMAO! Face it sister, You're a flaming nutcase that has nothing but the typical robot minded defense of scum sucking bottomfeeders like Casey Anthony and Susan Smith. I am sure that you and Maggie get together every week and play bunko while giving hand slaps to eachother about the latest scum sucking maggot that got off thanks to vermin like the two of you. :razz: ~BH

Well bless your heart! Now I won't have to go to that parking lot for validation! You are nothing, if not entertaining. :lol:

Sunshine, I was trying to discuss the issue with you positively, but this time you decided to be negative anyway. My point is, Just because you have a so-called education, and maybe you very likely do, that's no reason to act like you're above other people engaged in a simple debate of guilt or innocence, know what I mean? I would probably do the same thing from everyday experience in that field, I dunno, but I hope you get my point? :razz:~BH
Well then. Now would be a good time to start a pot on how long the jury will deliberate. I suspect that they are already considering the holes in the prosecution's case.

My POINT,which you seem to have missed, was that just because a person doesn't take the stand that is not an guilty plea. If it were, there would be no point in having a trial. You could start with the defendant and end it right there.

Certainly, I hope the jury is willing to wait until they hear BOTH sides of this case, which you are not, before decreeing the woman be killed. Ah, but THEY have no choice!

she is the only one that can back up the DT's assertion! Where have you been???

Well today, I have been to the pulmonologist and the cardiologist. Tomorrow I go to work. And Saturday I'm taking my family on a boat trip. :clap2:

As I said before, there will be surprises in this case. :eusa_angel:

I don't see any suprise other than her not getting the death penalty. Which I expected from the very beggining from weak minded Jurors who don't desire to play god in any case. However, because I see her getting Life in prison without the possibility of parole, Your prediction and SUPRISE just turned out to be a load of cRAP!

All that bs to the side though, Enjoy your boat trip with your family Sunshine. :cool: ~BH
Sorry, you are wrong again. You are the typical message board troll who wants to claim that a person who doesn't agree with you couldn't possibly have the education they have.

I passed and graduated several years ago.

You are the typical message board troll who posts false qualifications. If you did go to law school, you didn't learn anything.

That was pathetic.

No, what's pathetic is posters like you, who fall back to unverifiable qualifications ( look at me syndrome), to try and bolster their flagging argument. Paaaathetic.:cool:

Now back to the trial.
So far this morning

JB bug man said he was contacted by LKB on 12-11-08- before the remains were identified as Caylee's

Vasco Thompson and his attorney gave a press conference he's never had contact with George Anthony, and that he didn't obtain the number that the defense refers to until February of 2009 Vasco's attny; " Baez thought he found a "golden ticket to reasonable doubt" by using Vasco as a scapegoat

JB asked about a studies done on a live human cadaver :lol:
The baby drowned and she tried to cover it up. She will do a couple years for hindering an investigation and that is it.

There is no way she will be found guilty of murder. No way.

(How she could bury her child and not be bothered by that is beyond me though). Oh and she is batshit crazy.
So far this morning

JB bug man said he was contacted by LKB on 12-11-08- before the remains were identified as Caylee's

Vasco Thompson and his attorney gave a press conference he's never had contact with George Anthony, and that he didn't obtain the number that the defense refers to until February of 2009 Vasco's attny; " Baez thought he found a "golden ticket to reasonable doubt" by using Vasco as a scapegoat

JB asked about a studies done on a live human cadaver :lol:

I literally yelled aloud "you idiot!"
So far this morning

JB bug man said he was contacted by LKB on 12-11-08- before the remains were identified as Caylee's

Vasco Thompson and his attorney gave a press conference he's never had contact with George Anthony, and that he didn't obtain the number that the defense refers to until February of 2009 Vasco's attny; " Baez thought he found a "golden ticket to reasonable doubt" by using Vasco as a scapegoat

JB asked about a studies done on a live human cadaver :lol:

Hey RD - I thought the news conference was cancelled? I didn't think a subpoened witness can speak to the press; are you saying it occurred? Interesting.
Hey RD - I thought the news conference was cancelled? I didn't think a subpoened witness can speak to the press; are you saying it occurred? Interesting.

Orlando felon Vasco Thompson, the latest defense witness in the Casey Anthony trial, appeared outside the Orange County Courthouse with an Orlando this morning for a news conference during which he denied any connection to the case.

""I don't know how they got me involved in all this mess," Thompson, a convicted kidnapper, told reporters. "I have no idea who George Anthony is."

Thompson was called as a witness because, according to a defense filing, "was connected to George Anthony through his cell phone records."


It was on this morning, this link isn't the totality of what was broadcast. The golden ticket to reasonable doubt was priceless.
Hey RD - I thought the news conference was cancelled? I didn't think a subpoened witness can speak to the press; are you saying it occurred? Interesting.

Orlando felon Vasco Thompson, the latest defense witness in the Casey Anthony trial, appeared outside the Orange County Courthouse with an Orlando this morning for a news conference during which he denied any connection to the case.

""I don't know how they got me involved in all this mess," Thompson, a convicted kidnapper, told reporters. "I have no idea who George Anthony is."

Thompson was called as a witness because, according to a defense filing, "was connected to George Anthony through his cell phone records."


It was on this morning, this link isn't the totality of what was broadcast. The golden ticket to reasonable doubt was priceless.

yesterday's press conference was cancelled! so the defense could not produce actual cell bills stating that the calls were made in 2008? if that is the case, than what the hell was the point of calling VT to the stand? oye-veh
So far this morning

JB bug man said he was contacted by LKB on 12-11-08- before the remains were identified as Caylee's

Vasco Thompson and his attorney gave a press conference he's never had contact with George Anthony, and that he didn't obtain the number that the defense refers to until February of 2009 Vasco's attny; " Baez thought he found a "golden ticket to reasonable doubt" by using Vasco as a scapegoat

JB asked about a studies done on a live human cadaver :lol:

LOL, THAT'S why people are lining up the day before! It's like to old howl at the moon, in the now defunct Church Street Station. JB is a clowner.
So far this morning

JB bug man said he was contacted by LKB on 12-11-08- before the remains were identified as Caylee's

Vasco Thompson and his attorney gave a press conference he's never had contact with George Anthony, and that he didn't obtain the number that the defense refers to until February of 2009 Vasco's attny; " Baez thought he found a "golden ticket to reasonable doubt" by using Vasco as a scapegoat

JB asked about a studies done on a live human cadaver :lol:

He is supposed to be a good attorney??.....he should know that if it is a cadaver, then it IS NOT alive, should he not???
Oh my....:lol: :lol: :lol:
I'm sorry that I could not figure out how to introduce myself. I have a long ago earned degree in law and I used to post but haven't for some years.

I think the proper scenario is that Caylee was wrapped in her Winnie the Pooh blanket in the trunk of the car. Thus, we get fluids, but no cells.

Casey's pattern is to deal with sticky issues as late as possible. Therefore, only when she realized tha todor was a big problem did she resort to plastic and laundry bags.

And I will answer the same as I did before when this very question was brought up.
Casey was not close to her parents, and whether people choose to believe it or not, young people, meaning George and Cindy's daughter Casey, can be a total bitches!
Maybe she did want rid of her daughter but at the same time, she didn't want her parents to have her either. You'd be surprised what people will do for spite. Casey may have thought, nobody will get Caylee ever. As I recall from earlier on, Casey didn't even want the child, she was going to give the baby away, but Cindy wouldn't hear of it.
So maybe Casey resented her Mother in some way for that, and she got back at her...just a theory, a thought.

So it's okay for you to put out hypotheses (maybe she did this, maybe she did that), but that makes me wrong and you right. Got it.

How do you know Casey wasn't close to her parents? Got inside information no one but you knows about? According to all the testimony thus far, they were extremely close--so close in fact that Casey 'maybe' felt smothered and needed to lie to escape from the house occasionally to be able to act like a young woman instead of a coddled child who still had Winnie The Pooh decorations in her bedroom at 16 years old.

How close could Casey and her Mother have been if Casey wanted to give the baby away and Cindy would not let that happen?? And no I'm certainly no expert, that seems to be your position, you are the one who acts like the big-miss-know-it-all.
And the Winnie-The-Pooh decor was in CAYLEE's room.

Cindy wouldn't even acknowledge Casey was pregnant until she overheard someone ask her point blank. As for the Pooh decorations, I definitely recall Cindy saying that Casey had her own room decorated with Winnie the Pooh until she was 16 years old. That would have been the day Cindy was on the stand all day.
The research was done on the home computer at the times George and Cindy were at work. And yes one can access their computers from anydamnwhere, I access mine from my phone, BUT.....every internet access has it's own ISP.
Just because someone can access something from their home Pc, or from a work Pc, does not make it a perfect match....there can't be one.
It can be proven that the searches were done on that particular home Pc, not from somebody's work place or phone, or a neighbor's Pc, they were done on Casey's computer.
So, Maggie, you try and explain away the chloroform, how do explain the searches for NECK BREAKING??

Ironically, it's not up to me to prove anything. You make the allegations (as does the prosecution), so you prove that she searched for chloroform and neck breaking with the INTENT of finding out ways to murder her child. In cleaning out my expansive history files little by little and revisiting some of the pages, I couldn't figure out from just the title where my head was at with some, but when I clicked on the title I remembered it had nothing to do with me or my own life at all, but had to do with something I'd seen in a newspaper or magazine.

And by the way, was Caylee's neck broken?

I have no clue, you tell me, you seem to be the one that knows it all.
I noticed you never answered why neck breaking was being searched.....can't think of any reason why anyone would want to look that up????????

Lots 'n lots. Hello? I took a head-first dive into the shallow end of a swimming pool when I was six and although I was fine (please no cute jokes), throughout adulthood, I've had neck problems at the tip of my spine that have always gone undiagnosed. If my parents had had the Internet available at the time, I'm sure they would have looked up "broken neck" just to see what medical information they could get in addition to a doctor's confirmation that my neck had not been broken. And a broken neck doesn't mean it necessarily snaps off from the head, you know.

So now you have a possible explanation. Try it yourself sometime.

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