Casey Anthony

YOU are the jury. What's your thoughts so far?

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If I remember correctly Scott Peterson was convicted on a little more than circumstantial evidence... isn't he the one the fed his wife to the sharks outside the Golden Gate?


Careful, fellas, Dabs doesn't like anyone discussing other cases... She always has her trigger finger on the neg rep.

You betcha, and btw Maggot, it takes a bitch to know a bitch.
So careful ladies, and gents, if you aren't on Maggot's good side, you'll be Rep-ed with being called a Bitch :lol:

God you're dumb. It's called retaliation for a neg rep "someone" gave me..."because [you] can." Funny how that works, ain't it?
And I read where one expert testified that there was a stain in Casey's trunk, that was in the shape of a small child, lying in a fetal position. He stated the stain was visible because the body had been lying there for a few days.
In other words, her little body was rotting onto the fabric in the trunk, therefore making an outline of how she was laying. How sad.

Which "could have been" a small child. Once again, there was ZERO proof that's what it was.

No, the article did not say "could have been'. The expert stated the stain was in the shape of a small child lying in a fetal position. He didn't say maybe, or might be, he said it was. But omg, you're right again, we don't know it was Caylee, it might be another small child-DUH.

Find the testimony, genius. If the expert made the claim that it WAS the outline of a small child, it was rebutted that it's also possible that it was not. No expert witness is going to make such a claim as valid unless he can prove it, i.e., because it also could have been the shape of some other animal. Duh...
How close could Casey and her Mother have been if Casey wanted to give the baby away and Cindy would not let that happen?? And no I'm certainly no expert, that seems to be your position, you are the one who acts like the big-miss-know-it-all.
And the Winnie-The-Pooh decor was in CAYLEE's room.

Pssst . . . Cindy Anthony testified that Casey Anthony, at the age of 16, had a Winnie-The-Pooh bedroom. I just took it that those decorations were handed down to Caylee's room.

Well see, I'm still not considered a liar, Caylee did have that decor :lol:
And how are we to know that Casey didn't want the damn Pooh bear in her room??
Has anyone read where she yelled at her Mom to get rid of the decorations??
Maybe Casey liked them and wanted them......

Um, that's the point. Why was she still acting 6 when she was 16?
There ya go again, ASSuming things about people. You have no idea what my '
mentality' is. Keep showing your ass, we'll all have a pretty good idea of what yours is. Carry on, peon.

No, I have a pretty good idea. Your prior statements pretty much tell the story on that. Just remember while you are sitting there trying to come up with your next reply -- you are the one that called me out, by jumping into a conversation, with what I am sure you thought would get you lots of "thanks" -- only to be taken to task.
Sorry. Would you like to add something to this discussion besides snide one liners?
Vaudeville is so dead.

Did you not expect anyone to call you out on your little love fest with another poster who happens to agree with you? No one was to respond with you insulting all the other posters on the thread? Someone can't comment on your holier than thou persona? You're either an idiot, or an egomaniac. Probably both. And I did add something. You're full of shit, too:cool:

Two people agreeing on an issue does not a lovefest make. If you want lovefest, its the communal love fully expressed among more than a dozen others here. :lol:
Cindy wouldn't even acknowledge Casey was pregnant until she overheard someone ask her point blank.

I understand you want t believe that but I think its ridiculous
As for the Pooh decorations, I definitely recall Cindy saying that Casey had her own room decorated with Winnie the Pooh until she was 16 years old. That would have been the day Cindy was on the stand all day.

I've been around many teens bedrooms - nevermind movies and tv shows galore, where the childs bedroom does not "grow up" with the teen

To me that is such a non issue it too is ridiculous
Are you even reading this part of the thread?

When I brought up the question, I mentioned I had not been watching the trial. Obviousely you did not read that. I was getting bits and pieces from the local news which has been covering the trial extensively because I am in Central Florida and this case is hot around here.

I asked the question, because what I am hearing is that the prosecution has done a piss poor job in this trial. Obviously there are some on the board that disagree with me. I believe Casey is guilty and have believed so since Caylee was reported as missing. I don't want Casey to walk, but it seems that there has been nothing to directly tie her into the murder.

On the other hand, those on the board that disagree with me, seem to think that even if the prosecution has done such a piss poor job, the defense has screwed up even more so.

Now, regarding "her" hair, from what I understand they could not prove that the hair belonged to Caylee. And you are right, some hair in the trunk would be explainable. On the other hand, from what I can tell, the prosecution has not presented any evidence of other body fluids belonging to Caylee in the trunk. How the hell can that be possible?


No, I didn't read where you said that. I don't read every single post in this thread unless it is a response to something that I posted or a point that someone made that I was interested in. If you notice, this thread gains about 5 pages a day. I don't have the time to read through them all, but I have read most of them.

Well, I think that the prosecution is doing a fine job. You ask how there could be no bodily fluid in the vehicle? Could it be that she maybe was wrapped up in plastic, a blanket or something of the sort? Hell, even a tarp could have been layed down in the trunk. That no fluid argument is a weak one by them in my opinion. ~BH

I agree. The DT seems to be all over the map, trying to discredit thing that if you believe their story, didn't even happen! That's like a legal wassup! Again, I assert, the defense is going to be messed up, they didn't have much to work with. Laying out all the evidence, way beyond a reasonable doubt Casey killed her little girl.

Isn't that what a defense team is supposed to do? Imagine that.
Lots 'n lots. Hello? I took a head-first dive into the shallow end of a swimming pool when I was six and although I was fine (please no cute jokes), throughout adulthood, I've had neck problems at the tip of my spine that have always gone undiagnosed. If my parents had had the Internet available at the time, I'm sure they would have looked up "broken neck" just to see what medical information they could get in addition to a doctor's confirmation that my neck had not been broken. And a broken neck doesn't mean it necessarily snaps off from the head, you know.

So now you have a possible explanation. Try it yourself sometime.

With all due respect that is about as convincing as Zanny the nanny.

I think the search would be "neck injuries" if I were to try to accept that explanation.
If I remember right she was placed in a cloth laundry bag and two plastic trash bags. No leaks......

SFC, Just so I don't misunderstand you bro, you're agreeing that there is a reasonable chance that there would be no leaks correct? ~BH

From the description I read of how the body was wrapped, I would believe that there would probably not be any leakage. That is my opinion.....

And guess who was a retired police detective and would have known all about those things.
Right now, I don't think the case against Casey Anthony has been proven beyond a reasonable doubt. If the burden of proof were lower, like preponderance of the evidence, then, yes, I'd say the case has been made against her.

Right now, there are just too many holes and missing links in the evidence to prove the case beyond a reasonable doubt. And the fact that the prosecution decided to grandstand and go for the death penalty, IMNSHO, will make the jury more critical of those missing links. No juror, I hope, wants to risk killing an innocent person. Not to mention that the death penalty may be a little more difficult to get for a woman than a man. Traditionally, I believe it has been. Don't think anything has changed there.

I think the years of publicity had a lot to do with how the prosecution decided to present. I think since the press and the public had Casey guilty as sin from the outset, the prosecutors thought their "evidence" would be taken at face value, and their whole case would be a walk in the park.
Right now, I don't think the case against Casey Anthony has been proven beyond a reasonable doubt. If the burden of proof were lower, like preponderance of the evidence, then, yes, I'd say the case has been made against her.

Right now, there are just too many holes and missing links in the evidence to prove the case beyond a reasonable doubt. And the fact that the prosecution decided to grandstand and go for the death penalty, IMNSHO, will make the jury more critical of those missing links. No juror, I hope, wants to risk killing an innocent person. Not to mention that the death penalty may be a little more difficult to get for a woman than a man. Traditionally, I believe it has been. Don't think anything has changed there.

IMNSHO, the DT has been the grandstanders. Only one gonna support their claims is ICA, and they've admitted she is a pathological liar! If each peice of evidence is looked at alone, perhaps your argument is valid. Altogether, the evidence is overwhelming that ICA is responsible for the death of her daughter. The punishment is the only question.

Ironically, all the forensic evidence captured at the body sight WAS looked at and challenged yesterday. I haven't seen what's going on today, however.
SFC, Just so I don't misunderstand you bro, you're agreeing that there is a reasonable chance that there would be no leaks correct? ~BH

From the description I read of how the body was wrapped, I would believe that there would probably not be any leakage. That is my opinion.....

Oh ok bud. We agree then. Also, If she was suffocated or drowned (which the second I believe is complete bullshit) there wouldn't be any fluids anyway unless she was drowned or suffocated while inside the trunk? Weak arguement by the defense. They are in trouble. The only thing left to do now is put the guilty bitch on the stand, and let the hammer come crushing down on her weak minded defense for the final circus side show covered by Nancy Grace. :razz: ~BH

There wouldn't be any fluids leaking, even if she drowned, if duct tape had been placed over her mouth after she died. Who would have known that?
What you describe is the legal concept of Totality of the Circumstances. That is a very low burden of proof and a conceopt that is often used to determine if there is Probable Cause to make an arrest, etc. Once the arrest is made and criminal charges filed, the burden of proof changes to Beyond a Reasonable Doubt.

Knowledge Base: Totality of Circumstances

Illinois v. Gates - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

However, you must remember that this is not a Probable Cause hearing. This is a capital murder case that must be proven beyond a reasonable doubt. There have been many areas of reasonable doubt, IMO.

Research reasonable doubt, and circumstantial evidence. This case is every bit provable. A sympathetic jury will convict her of manslaughter. A not so jury will give her murder 1. The defense has been all over the map, and not swayed the jury, IMNSHO.

I did all that research in law school. Thankyouverymuch. I predict the outcome of this case will shock a lot of people. And they will not convict her of manslaughter if that verdict has not been asked for. :) The lesser includeds must actually be included. Fancy that!

Correct. The only way a lesser charge will happen is if there's a plea arrangement. The jury, however, can dictate the sentence even if Casey is found guilty of Murder One. (Or does that depend on state procedure? Can't remember.)
I suspect that you are wrong. I say that they find her guilty of 1st degree murder with a sentencing of Life in Prison, without the possibility of parole. No death penalty, though I would prefer it myself. Unless she admitted to the chloroform accident. ~BH

Have you seen the pleadings? Are the lesser includeds in it or not? If not, it is either guilty of captial murder or not guily. I have not seen them and will not act like I have.

Well why not? You act like you know everything else because of your so-called "education"? Grab some wood there sister, and just calm down for a minute. I could really care less about your red diaper doper baby education. Nor do I give a crap about what your leftist professor brainwashed you with, told or taught you.

Fact is, You're playing the same spin artist game that your fellow Attorneys are playing on Fox, Nancy Grace and C.N.N every night and day. Let me guess something, you're a Defense attorney eh? :razz: ~BH

At what time does anyone on HLN or CNN root for the defense? Good grief, even Dr. Drew has lost my confidence. What an idiot. Are we supposed to continue to believe he takes a rational approach to addiction with his hit reality show "Celebrity Rehab"? I mean why not just haul those celebrities in, call 'em all drunks and druggies and throw 'em in 10X10 rooms to detox? It's how he's treated Casey Anthony after all, sans all the background, much of it still unknown.

All that said, I really wonder why some of you feel this compulsion to go off all half-cocked just because someone disagrees with you. This isn't even a POLITICAL thread, yet you've gotta throw in your stupid dig about "leftist" professors. I will say the same thing to you: Grab some wood buster and calm down.

Personally, I'm fucking sick of the attitudes.
Well why not? You act like you know everything else because of your so-called "education"? Grab some wood there sister, and just calm down for a minute. I could really care less about your red diaper doper baby education. Nor do I give a crap about what your leftist professor brainwashed you with, told or taught you.

Fact is, You're playing the same spin artist game that your fellow Attorneys are playing on Fox, Nancy Grace and C.N.N every night and day. Let me guess something, you're a Defense attorney eh? :razz: ~BH

Oh hell NO! I like money WAY to much to do something like THAT!

I find it most entertaining that people who have never darkened the door of a school of higher learning know ALL about the 'dammed librul collidge perfessers.' LOL. I hear that shit ad nauseum from illiterates day in and day out. It waxes ridiculous! BTW your fig leaf just fell off. :lmao:

Just as I find it equally amusing that some dumb shit like yourself, that supposedly studied under some so-called "school of higher learning" (which seems to me more like a school of higher bullshit) seems to think that we all believe that you even have an education anywhere?

I would guess that a puke like you watches alot of Nancy Grace, old repeats of Night Court, and that you worship Gloria Allred? LMAO! Face it sister, You're a flaming nutcase that has nothing but the typical robot minded defense of scum sucking bottomfeeders like Casey Anthony and Susan Smith. I am sure that you and Maggie get together every week and play bunko while giving hand slaps to eachother about the latest scum sucking maggot that got off thanks to vermin like the two of you. :razz: ~BH

And people like you think Casey Anthony is psycho. Does it make you feel gooooooood posting insulting garbage like that? Either grow up or get help.
You are the typical message board troll who posts false qualifications. If you did go to law school, you didn't learn anything.

That was pathetic.

No, what's pathetic is posters like you, who fall back to unverifiable qualifications ( look at me syndrome), to try and bolster their flagging argument. Paaaathetic.:cool:

Now back to the trial.

If she has a legal background (as do I), we're not supposed to offer the possible LEGAL ramifications? Since when does this board deny a persons credentials when forming an opiinion?
Cindy wouldn't even acknowledge Casey was pregnant until she overheard someone ask her point blank.

I understand you want t believe that but I think its ridiculous
As for the Pooh decorations, I definitely recall Cindy saying that Casey had her own room decorated with Winnie the Pooh until she was 16 years old. That would have been the day Cindy was on the stand all day.

I've been around many teens bedrooms - nevermind movies and tv shows galore, where the childs bedroom does not "grow up" with the teen

To me that is such a non issue it too is ridiculous

To your first rebuttal, Cindy herself testified she didn't know Casey was pregnant because she had never discussed it with her. A photo at some wedding with Casey obviously about 7 months pregnant standing with her mother was when that testimony took place.

As for your second, I have a different opinion. So sue me. :lol:
Lots 'n lots. Hello? I took a head-first dive into the shallow end of a swimming pool when I was six and although I was fine (please no cute jokes), throughout adulthood, I've had neck problems at the tip of my spine that have always gone undiagnosed. If my parents had had the Internet available at the time, I'm sure they would have looked up "broken neck" just to see what medical information they could get in addition to a doctor's confirmation that my neck had not been broken. And a broken neck doesn't mean it necessarily snaps off from the head, you know.

So now you have a possible explanation. Try it yourself sometime.

With all due respect that is about as convincing as Zanny the nanny.

I think the search would be "neck injuries" if I were to try to accept that explanation.

Whatever. My point was she (or anyone else with testified-to access to the home computer) could have been looking up "broken neck) for a hundred different reasons. (That is such a non-issue as to be ridiculous.)
just a quick thought regarding the broken neck searches, i know i have been surfing the net while listening to the news or reading something and thought "what is that? or really?"

goodness only knows the wild and wacky crap i've googled which i have never again looked for, utilized nor remember.

just sayin'

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