Casey DeSantis. Even more hate filled than Ron.

The hatred from the minority is not based in Religious teachings. It isn’t Biblical. It is just hatred wrapped in self righteous ignorance.
A silly statement. No one is “hating” them for being a “minority”. Pointing out sin and immorality and teaching against it is biblical. Those “wrapped up in self righteous ignorance” are the very ones rebelling against God. See Adam and Eve. See every story in the Bible about the Jews and how they broke their covenant with God because they got wrapped up in their self righteousness.

Hatred of sin and sinful things is what we are commanded to do by God.

Proverbs 8:13
The fear of the Lord is hatred of evil. Pride and arrogance and the way of evil and perverted speech I hate.
any disagreement with libs is hate. They cant debate...cause they have no ground to stand on
If you don't agree with them it's because you are a hater. They can't understand that there are folks with different opinions. They have the mentality of a child.
I posted her video. I didn’t make the video. It isn’t opposition video. It’s from her and the campaign. That isn’t smear. That is standing back and letting them make mistakes.
Uh huh. Your thread title labels both Ron and Casey Desantis as "hate-filled" because they don't go along with LGBTQRSTLMNOPQIA++ agenda. That is known as a "smear".
What procedures are they performing on minor children?
Ok, you're one of those that is incapable of following a link. Here, take my hand.
The only link you copied follows these guidelines, which, from what I saw, are a whole lot more comprehensive than many of the others. But I found nothing limiting the treatment to adults only. So one might guess that there are not age limits at Brigham and Woman's, either.

But you passed right over the link I gave you with this in the title:

At Least 13 U.S. Hospitals Perform Gender Transition Surgeries on Minors​

Read much?
You're delusional and sadly uninformed. Typical for a leftist.

Where are the "7 year olds" you lying slag ?
It has everything to do with it

The fact you don't want children protected? Oh my
You have no interest in protecting children. You are only interested in what you can use as a bigoted weapon against people who's lifestyle you don't agree with.
You make these fanciful fantasies up to justify your hatred. When in fact, the behavior you're alleging...just doesn't happen on a widespread basis.
I know. It seems impossible. With the War on Woke being Ron’s only accomplishment how could Casey his wife be even worse?

Well I can see the First Couple of Florida pointing fingers when the campaign implodes.

You see. This is what happens when you ignore polling and forget to hire a couple people who disagree with you. You surround yourselves with sycophants and they agree with you wholeheartedly. That doesn’t make them right or their advice good or wise.

After the failed effort for President I’m sure Ron will run for Senator. Assuming that Florida will have him after this debacle.

Casey was fully correct.

Despite the uncontrollable sobbing of the disingenuous OP, Vasey’s video doesn’t attack gay or lesbian or queer or bisexual or transgendered people. It merely takes note of the fact that children are off limits when it comes the staged performances of the LGBTQ(limnop)* activists.
You have no interest in protecting children. You are only interested in what you can use as a bigoted weapon against people who's lifestyle you don't agree with.
You make these fanciful fantasies up to justify your hatred. When in fact, the behavior you're alleging...just doesn't happen on a widespread basis.

I have every interest in protection of children, the fact you don't is obvious

Now run along and don't try that again

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