Cash-strapped California mulls new levies on water, tires, batteries, soda pop and more

Another thread about California .

Ummmm, you mean CALI-ZUELA!


Best state in the US, most red states are shitholes.
We make the best technology
Best movies
Best schools
Best cities and towns
Best parks
Best theme parks
Best best beaches
Best mountains
Best food and agriculture
6th biggest e onomy in the world.
That's where most Americans migrate to for the American dream. ;)
Eat your heart.

Bullshit. My state is better and kicked your states ass in sports as well. Your post is a lie.
What state?
Best state in the US, most red states are shitholes.
We make the best technology
Best movies
Best schools
Best cities and towns
Best parks
Best theme parks
Best best beaches
Best mountains
Best food and agriculture
6th biggest e onomy in the world.
That's where most Americans migrate to for the American dream. ;)
Eat your heart.

Only in your blue mind.

Cali has high taxes and I can't see how anyone can afford to live there.

You sure are a whinny little shit.
No one can afford living here? Is that why California is the most populous state? Busiest airports? Busiests freewsys. Outpaced the national GDP?
Dumb ass, 20 years ago before I moved to the US, we knew for a fact the best schools and opportunities are mainly in blue states and especially California and we eere warned to stay out of red shit holes, because of the racism and those places are dead.

Well for a "prosperous" state they sure do have a lot of weird taxes.

Oh and its fast turning into a shit hole. Illegals all over the place in the sanctuary state, homeless shitting and pissing in the streets. It might be your kind of state but it sure isn't mine.

Oh and the only racism is the racism in your blue mind.

Blue sure ain't better.
I live here and I dont see no shitting....and the homeless come here because we give them food...they wont survive amongst God people who hate the unfortunate.

And why are you jealous from a state that you call a shithole ?
Why most Americans that live here are from other states ? The only one that know who is over 40 and from here is probably 3 to 5 people max.
Why no one wanna migrate to red shitholes ?

I live in Florida and its far from the shithole you live in.

Hope you enjoy your new taxes you whinny little shit.
Florida ? Loooool apart from the few blue cities it is the real definition of a shithole.
The US and most states are in debt, you were saying ?

SO, again, someone should probably point out to Ca that they are already 'in the hole', not just 'broke', and tell them spending millions / billions to facilitate and incentivize illegal immigration is a continuous self-inflicting wound.

Another thread talks about how Democrats - with the US being $20+ trillion in the hole - just passed a bill giving Illegals $27 Billion in Non-Existent 'Deficit Dollars' that will be tacked on to what we already owe, jeopardizing our economic (and thus national) security.

Serving in Congress, I have partly surmised, is like living in an alternate reality, one - unlike ours - in which if you have no money you get to keep spending, and as long as you can keep raising the debt ceiling, can keep kicking the can down the road, and no one comes to collect on that massive debt you're good....and, for politicians, they just hope it can continue long enough for them to retire and be able to blame whoever is left holding the bag.
Only in your blue mind.

Cali has high taxes and I can't see how anyone can afford to live there.

You sure are a whinny little shit.
No one can afford living here? Is that why California is the most populous state? Busiest airports? Busiests freewsys. Outpaced the national GDP?
Dumb ass, 20 years ago before I moved to the US, we knew for a fact the best schools and opportunities are mainly in blue states and especially California and we eere warned to stay out of red shit holes, because of the racism and those places are dead.

Well for a "prosperous" state they sure do have a lot of weird taxes.

Oh and its fast turning into a shit hole. Illegals all over the place in the sanctuary state, homeless shitting and pissing in the streets. It might be your kind of state but it sure isn't mine.

Oh and the only racism is the racism in your blue mind.

Blue sure ain't better.
I live here and I dont see no shitting....and the homeless come here because we give them food...they wont survive amongst God people who hate the unfortunate.

And why are you jealous from a state that you call a shithole ?
Why most Americans that live here are from other states ? The only one that know who is over 40 and from here is probably 3 to 5 people max.
Why no one wanna migrate to red shitholes ?

You live here? Well obviously you don't live in the SF area or you'd be stepping in the shitting. Obviously you don't live in Southern California, near Angel Stadium, where there are hundreds and hundreds of people living in tents. Perhaps you live near downtown Los Angeles, where they have a typhus epidemic. Unless you live in someplace like Bakersfield, where no one in their right mind goes to.
Go down there and ask the homeless how many of them are born in California. California is a hub of American immigration millions relocated to try and make it, cause their red states have nothing to offer....millions do make it and of course hundreds ended up at the wrong is called life.

And I care how many are from out of state? Who knew the American dream was living in a tent....dumbass.
The US and most states are in debt, you were saying ?

SO, again, someone should probably point out to Ca that they are already 'in the hole', not just 'broke', and tell them spending millions / billions to facilitate and incentivize illegal immigration is a continuous self-inflicting wound.

Another thread talks about how Democrats - with the US being $20+ trillion in the hole - just passed a bill giving Illegals $27 Billion in Non-Existent 'Deficit Dollars' that will be tacked on to what we already owe, jeopardizing our economic (and thus national) security.

Serving in Congress, I have partly surmised, is like living in an alternate reality, one - unlike ours - in which if you have no money you get to keep spending, and as long as you can keep raising the debt ceiling, can keep kicking the can down the road, and no one comes to collect on that massive debt you're good....and, for politicians, they just hope it can continue long enough for them to retire and be able to blame whoever is left holding the bag.
Does this apply to trump and the GOP as well?
Only in your blue mind.

Cali has high taxes and I can't see how anyone can afford to live there.

You sure are a whinny little shit.
No one can afford living here? Is that why California is the most populous state? Busiest airports? Busiests freewsys. Outpaced the national GDP?
Dumb ass, 20 years ago before I moved to the US, we knew for a fact the best schools and opportunities are mainly in blue states and especially California and we eere warned to stay out of red shit holes, because of the racism and those places are dead.

Well for a "prosperous" state they sure do have a lot of weird taxes.

Oh and its fast turning into a shit hole. Illegals all over the place in the sanctuary state, homeless shitting and pissing in the streets. It might be your kind of state but it sure isn't mine.

Oh and the only racism is the racism in your blue mind.

Blue sure ain't better.
I live here and I dont see no shitting....and the homeless come here because we give them food...they wont survive amongst God people who hate the unfortunate.

And why are you jealous from a state that you call a shithole ?
Why most Americans that live here are from other states ? The only one that know who is over 40 and from here is probably 3 to 5 people max.
Why no one wanna migrate to red shitholes ?

I live in Florida and its far from the shithole you live in.

Hope you enjoy your new taxes you whinny little shit.
Florida ? Loooool apart from the few blue cities it is the real definition of a shithole.

Haha...just like this filthy shithole Mexifornia...Florida has been fucked up by Cubans and Brown people...weird huh? Wherever Brown people settle you can always guarantee yourself a total, super shithole...Weird huh? Why is that...because they’re awesome human beings?
No one can afford living here? Is that why California is the most populous state? Busiest airports? Busiests freewsys. Outpaced the national GDP?
Dumb ass, 20 years ago before I moved to the US, we knew for a fact the best schools and opportunities are mainly in blue states and especially California and we eere warned to stay out of red shit holes, because of the racism and those places are dead.

Well for a "prosperous" state they sure do have a lot of weird taxes.

Oh and its fast turning into a shit hole. Illegals all over the place in the sanctuary state, homeless shitting and pissing in the streets. It might be your kind of state but it sure isn't mine.

Oh and the only racism is the racism in your blue mind.

Blue sure ain't better.
I live here and I dont see no shitting....and the homeless come here because we give them food...they wont survive amongst God people who hate the unfortunate.

And why are you jealous from a state that you call a shithole ?
Why most Americans that live here are from other states ? The only one that know who is over 40 and from here is probably 3 to 5 people max.
Why no one wanna migrate to red shitholes ?

You live here? Well obviously you don't live in the SF area or you'd be stepping in the shitting. Obviously you don't live in Southern California, near Angel Stadium, where there are hundreds and hundreds of people living in tents. Perhaps you live near downtown Los Angeles, where they have a typhus epidemic. Unless you live in someplace like Bakersfield, where no one in their right mind goes to.
Go down there and ask the homeless how many of them are born in California. California is a hub of American immigration millions relocated to try and make it, cause their red states have nothing to offer....millions do make it and of course hundreds ended up at the wrong is called life.

And I care how many are from out of state? Who knew the American dream was living in a tent....dumbass.
Millions moved from shithole red states and made it here in california... why dont talk about those....
Here is super rare to find someone over 40 and a native , most migrated from useless states....I wonder why.
Another thread about California .

Ummmm, you mean CALI-ZUELA!


Best state in the US, most red states are shitholes.
We make the best technology
Best movies
Best schools
Best cities and towns
Best parks
Best theme parks
Best best beaches
Best mountains
Best food and agriculture
6th biggest e onomy in the world.
That's where most Americans migrate to for the American dream. ;)
Eat your heart.

Yes it had all of that going for it once and the demodummie asshats still managed to turn California into a friggin cesspool populated with lunitics and deadbeats. I've watched it happen right in front of my very own eyes.
No one can afford living here? Is that why California is the most populous state? Busiest airports? Busiests freewsys. Outpaced the national GDP?
Dumb ass, 20 years ago before I moved to the US, we knew for a fact the best schools and opportunities are mainly in blue states and especially California and we eere warned to stay out of red shit holes, because of the racism and those places are dead.

Well for a "prosperous" state they sure do have a lot of weird taxes.

Oh and its fast turning into a shit hole. Illegals all over the place in the sanctuary state, homeless shitting and pissing in the streets. It might be your kind of state but it sure isn't mine.

Oh and the only racism is the racism in your blue mind.

Blue sure ain't better.
I live here and I dont see no shitting....and the homeless come here because we give them food...they wont survive amongst God people who hate the unfortunate.

And why are you jealous from a state that you call a shithole ?
Why most Americans that live here are from other states ? The only one that know who is over 40 and from here is probably 3 to 5 people max.
Why no one wanna migrate to red shitholes ?

I live in Florida and its far from the shithole you live in.

Hope you enjoy your new taxes you whinny little shit.
Florida ? Loooool apart from the few blue cities it is the real definition of a shithole.

Haha...just like this filthy shithole Mexifornia...Florida has been fucked up by Cubans and Brown people...weird huh? Wherever Brown people settle you can always guarantee yourself a total, super shithole...Weird huh? Why is that...because they’re awesome human beings?
When are you gonna move to your little all racists paradise ?
Another thread about California .

Ummmm, you mean CALI-ZUELA!


Best state in the US, most red states are shitholes.
We make the best technology
Best movies
Best schools
Best cities and towns
Best parks
Best theme parks
Best best beaches
Best mountains
Best food and agriculture
6th biggest e onomy in the world.
That's where most Americans migrate to for the American dream. ;)
Eat your heart.

Yes it had all of that going for it once and the demodummie asshats still managed to turn California into a friggin cesspool populated with lunitics and deadbeats. I've watched it happen right in front of my very own eyes.
I wonder why people keep coming lol...why dont they go to red shithole states?
We should try to maximize tax revenue from marijuana; we know there can be no moral issue.
(NOT AN ATTACK - just sharing / saying...)

Actually, I have Multiple-Sclerosis (but I have refused to let it get the better of me / slow me down - I still serve our country), and Marijuana - I am told - helps with relapses / symptoms. (Despite hearing this, I have never used it - have no plan to. Call me 'old-school' and still have a 'thing' about using any 'recreational / illegal drug'.) Talk Show Host Montel Williams, also a vet, used to / still promotes its use. I have heard it helps with many other conditions.

If I ever chose to go 'that' route, though, there is the option of taking the CBD 'extract' that provides benefit without 'getting high' that THC provides.
-- I have heard, though, that some cancer patients, and others, benefit from actual Marijuana (THC), helping to reduce / eliminate extreme pain.

I am not going to say their is no 'moral' issue - when intended / used for medical benefit as mentioned.
Does this apply to trump and the GOP as well?

'NO' .... as in, NOT JUST Trump and the GOP ... and NOT JUST Democrats. It should apply to all politicians entrusted with power and our tax dollars. Instead of treating 'it' like a never-ending unlimited pot of money, politicians should embrace the situation for what it is. We are BEYOND broke, and their appetite for spending rather than addressing the problem is only growing.
Well for a "prosperous" state they sure do have a lot of weird taxes.

Oh and its fast turning into a shit hole. Illegals all over the place in the sanctuary state, homeless shitting and pissing in the streets. It might be your kind of state but it sure isn't mine.

Oh and the only racism is the racism in your blue mind.

Blue sure ain't better.
I live here and I dont see no shitting....and the homeless come here because we give them food...they wont survive amongst God people who hate the unfortunate.

And why are you jealous from a state that you call a shithole ?
Why most Americans that live here are from other states ? The only one that know who is over 40 and from here is probably 3 to 5 people max.
Why no one wanna migrate to red shitholes ?

You live here? Well obviously you don't live in the SF area or you'd be stepping in the shitting. Obviously you don't live in Southern California, near Angel Stadium, where there are hundreds and hundreds of people living in tents. Perhaps you live near downtown Los Angeles, where they have a typhus epidemic. Unless you live in someplace like Bakersfield, where no one in their right mind goes to.
Go down there and ask the homeless how many of them are born in California. California is a hub of American immigration millions relocated to try and make it, cause their red states have nothing to offer....millions do make it and of course hundreds ended up at the wrong is called life.

And I care how many are from out of state? Who knew the American dream was living in a tent....dumbass.
Millions moved from shithole red states and made it here in california... why dont talk about those....
Here is super rare to find someone over 40 and a native , most migrated from useless states....I wonder why.

No doubt, many have moved here from other states and they have made it....but they're not the problem. The title of this thread is Cash-strapped California, in case you haven't noticed. And a huge portion of why California is cash-strapped is due to trying to accommodate so many illegals and homeless. But I know, you don't want to talk about them, you just want to talk about how wonderful California is.
Does this apply to trump and the GOP as well?

'NO' .... as in, NOT JUST Trump and the GOP ... and NOT JUST Democrats. It should apply to all politicians entrusted with power and our tax dollars. Instead of treating 'it' like a never-ending unlimited pot of money, politicians should embrace the situation for what it is. We are BEYOND broke, and their appetite for spending rather than addressing the problem is only growing.
Then I agree.
Another thread about California .

Ummmm, you mean CALI-ZUELA!


Best state in the US, most red states are shitholes.
We make the best technology
Best movies
Best schools
Best cities and towns
Best parks
Best theme parks
Best best beaches
Best mountains
Best food and agriculture
6th biggest e onomy in the world.
That's where most Americans migrate to for the American dream. ;)
Eat your heart.

Yes it had all of that going for it once and the demodummie asshats still managed to turn California into a friggin cesspool populated with lunitics and deadbeats. I've watched it happen right in front of my very own eyes.
I wonder why people keep coming lol...why dont they go to red shithole states?

Haha...the only people that keep coming are wetbacks, weirdos and lowlife degenerates. You know this...didn’t you look around you when you were at that awesome Nipsey Hussle parade of freaks?
I live here and I dont see no shitting....and the homeless come here because we give them food...they wont survive amongst God people who hate the unfortunate.

And why are you jealous from a state that you call a shithole ?
Why most Americans that live here are from other states ? The only one that know who is over 40 and from here is probably 3 to 5 people max.
Why no one wanna migrate to red shitholes ?

You live here? Well obviously you don't live in the SF area or you'd be stepping in the shitting. Obviously you don't live in Southern California, near Angel Stadium, where there are hundreds and hundreds of people living in tents. Perhaps you live near downtown Los Angeles, where they have a typhus epidemic. Unless you live in someplace like Bakersfield, where no one in their right mind goes to.
Go down there and ask the homeless how many of them are born in California. California is a hub of American immigration millions relocated to try and make it, cause their red states have nothing to offer....millions do make it and of course hundreds ended up at the wrong is called life.

And I care how many are from out of state? Who knew the American dream was living in a tent....dumbass.
Millions moved from shithole red states and made it here in california... why dont talk about those....
Here is super rare to find someone over 40 and a native , most migrated from useless states....I wonder why.

No doubt, many have moved here from other states and they have made it....but they're not the problem. The title of this thread is Cash-strapped California, in case you haven't noticed. And a huge portion of why California is cash-strapped is due to trying to accommodate so many illegals and homeless. But I know, you don't want to talk about them, you just want to talk about how wonderful California is.
The US and other states are cash jist jealous of a giant blue state and cant stop bashing it. The US as a whole is in a bigger deep shit....why dont talk about how the state is a refuge to millions of Americans, who cant find jobs in their red states ?
You live here? Well obviously you don't live in the SF area or you'd be stepping in the shitting. Obviously you don't live in Southern California, near Angel Stadium, where there are hundreds and hundreds of people living in tents. Perhaps you live near downtown Los Angeles, where they have a typhus epidemic. Unless you live in someplace like Bakersfield, where no one in their right mind goes to.
Go down there and ask the homeless how many of them are born in California. California is a hub of American immigration millions relocated to try and make it, cause their red states have nothing to offer....millions do make it and of course hundreds ended up at the wrong is called life.

And I care how many are from out of state? Who knew the American dream was living in a tent....dumbass.
Millions moved from shithole red states and made it here in california... why dont talk about those....
Here is super rare to find someone over 40 and a native , most migrated from useless states....I wonder why.

No doubt, many have moved here from other states and they have made it....but they're not the problem. The title of this thread is Cash-strapped California, in case you haven't noticed. And a huge portion of why California is cash-strapped is due to trying to accommodate so many illegals and homeless. But I know, you don't want to talk about them, you just want to talk about how wonderful California is.
The US and other states are cash jist jealous of a giant blue state and cant stop bashing it. The US as a whole is in a bigger deep shit....why dont talk about how the state is a refuge to millions of Americans, who cant find jobs in their red states ?

Because, this thread is about CASH-STRAPPED CALIFORNIA. You really do need to learn how to read. No doubt, other states are cash-strapped. It just so happens California is in worse shape than most of them.
In the Navy there used to be a saying....'a bitching sailor is a happy sailor'. Same thing could be said about the far right. If they're not always bitching and whining about something, they're not happy. I'll bet most of them are on some government program as they type away bitching about socialism.
Another thread about California .

Ummmm, you mean CALI-ZUELA!


Best state in the US, most red states are shitholes.
We make the best technology
Best movies
Best schools
Best cities and towns
Best parks
Best theme parks
Best best beaches
Best mountains
Best food and agriculture
6th biggest e onomy in the world.
That's where most Americans migrate to for the American dream. ;)
Eat your heart.

Bullshit. My state is better and kicked your states ass in sports as well. Your post is a lie.
What state?


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