Cash-strapped California mulls new levies on water, tires, batteries, soda pop and more

Ummmm, you mean CALI-ZUELA!


Best state in the US, most red states are shitholes.
We make the best technology
Best movies
Best schools
Best cities and towns
Best parks
Best theme parks
Best best beaches
Best mountains
Best food and agriculture
6th biggest e onomy in the world.
That's where most Americans migrate to for the American dream. ;)
Eat your heart.

I live here bitch.

Best technology?

Well, Apple started in Palo Alto, but is made in China. Microsoft started in Oregon and is in Washington now. Samsung is in Korea.

Try again.

Best movies? What, is this 1940? Georgia is host to more movies than California. The old studios are THEME PARKS now.

Best cities?

Are you just fucking stupid? Riverside and San Diego are charming. Los Angeles is a shit hole, San Bernardino could be improved by a 5 megaton nuclear blast, San Francisco has human shit all over the streets. It was once the best city in America, sure the fuck isn't now.

Best parks ? :rofl:

Yeah, sure sploogy.

We do have the beaches and mountains, though the mountains are marred by Mexican graffiti on every rock or outcropping.

California imports most food, Brown went to war on Agriculture and utterly destroyed the state in that regard. The Imperial Valley is a wasteland.

California is losing American citizens at an alarming rate, the ONLY influx is from immigrants. largely illegal from China and South of the border.

So to recap, you are both stupid and a liar - typical democrat.

I agree with everything you posted....except the "Riverside and San Diego are charming" part.
There are very small 'pockets' of charm no doubt...but as soon as you leave that pocket you are among the thirdworld filth and you're foreign in your own country.
Riverside is where I started buying properties while in college; I bought one in Moreno Valley and one in the city of Riverside...those two homes catapulted my tiny little investment firm to the next level. I ended up with nearly sixty SFR's in and around the Inland Empire...I've since liquidated all but a few high end properties in the area as we got sick and tired of the non-stop evictions with no recourse, completely ruined properties requiring a complete remodel at the turn, begging to be paid rent and not being able to communicate with our residents as they all spoke spanish and would put their seven year old english speaking daughter on the line to deliver the excuses...Have you ever tried to reason with a barely American six year old about making payments on time?
The bottom line; anywhere predominantly Brown is a dirty, disgusting super shithole and getting worse by the day.
You are racist and a bigot , complains about brown people all day here and you actually make money off of their sweat. Hypocrite much ?

Like many dumbasses, I gave wetbacks the benefit of the doubt early on...I was that "they're just here looking for a better life'" type of fool...I bought the bullshit just like all the bleeding heart loons here do. Then I started interacting with them, renting homes and apartments to them, getting hit by them on roadways...etc, etc. As they flooded areas like the Inland Empire they'd ruin the neighborhood, every home they'd inhabit and every blue collar trade in the area. It didn't take me long to realize these people have no business trying to be part of a civilized first world society. Now I hate wetbacks like Hitler hated Jews.
Sorry to be you. I love Latinos, hardest working people I came across, family oriented and humble...I'll take them over your kind (narcissist. Abnoxious, disrespectful, big mouth, racist) any day.
Before or after the hurricane? [Re living in Florida]

Why do you believe that running down where someone else chooses to live makes you look better?

California is a beautiful state. It is tragic that Progressives choose to destroy the state and put them in insurmountable debt.

Yep, we have hurricanes.

So the prices California. Are they before or after wildfires, mudslides, or earthquakes? See nothing accomplished.

Here's a fair and easy comparison. U-Haul Truck Rental is a great way to compare. It relies on good ol' capitalism.

20’ truck from LA to Austin $2,805.00

20’ truck from Austin to LA $ 864.00

Far more people want to leave LA and move to Austin so they can charge far more. LA NEEDS trucks so to move from Austin to LA is a small fraction of the price. Otherwise, they (LA) have to pay drivers to bring the trucks back to LA.

I live here, more people are moving in than going out....there is crisis in housing....not enough for the people that come in. Even us migrants from overseas we know to go to liberal cities and states where things are happening and we know to avoid flyover red shitholes, not only because they don't have much to offer but because we know where the racists are at.
Austin is another liberal beautiful city is almost as if is a piece of a California city.....people move in to California to better their lives, they get a taste of diversity and being open minded and ditch racism that they were brought up with in red states and then they move to other liberal open minded and diverse towns and cities in red states.....and it's just a matter of time before Texas turns blue or should i say ditch racism.
you sound like a bigot....
Is the truth...
Red states or areas = more racism andnbigotey.
I live in west LA where it is very liberal. When someone mentions moving to orange county for example or another county that used to be red from my non white friends, the first 5hing that come to mind is the racist conservatives. Is a known fact all over the world about the US and it is very true.

^^^ Diagnosis: Terminal Projection ^^^

This moron spews bigotry towards people in red states, never actually having bothered to visit any.
right now issa is in that "im better than you are" bubble.....
Before or after the hurricane? [Re living in Florida]

Why do you believe that running down where someone else chooses to live makes you look better?

California is a beautiful state. It is tragic that Progressives choose to destroy the state and put them in insurmountable debt.

Yep, we have hurricanes.

So the prices California. Are they before or after wildfires, mudslides, or earthquakes? See nothing accomplished.

Here's a fair and easy comparison. U-Haul Truck Rental is a great way to compare. It relies on good ol' capitalism.

20’ truck from LA to Austin $2,805.00

20’ truck from Austin to LA $ 864.00

Far more people want to leave LA and move to Austin so they can charge far more. LA NEEDS trucks so to move from Austin to LA is a small fraction of the price. Otherwise, they (LA) have to pay drivers to bring the trucks back to LA.

I live here, more people are moving in than going out....there is crisis in housing....not enough for the people that come in. Even us migrants from overseas we know to go to liberal cities and states where things are happening and we know to avoid flyover red shitholes, not only because they don't have much to offer but because we know where the racists are at.
Austin is another liberal beautiful city is almost as if is a piece of a California city.....people move in to California to better their lives, they get a taste of diversity and being open minded and ditch racism that they were brought up with in red states and then they move to other liberal open minded and diverse towns and cities in red states.....and it's just a matter of time before Texas turns blue or should i say ditch racism.
you sound like a bigot....
Is the truth...
Red states or areas = more racism andnbigotey.
I live in west LA where it is very liberal. When someone mentions moving to orange county for example or another county that used to be red from my non white friends, the first 5hing that come to mind is the racist conservatives. Is a known fact all over the world about the US and it is very true.
look up what a bigot sound like think you are better than those who dont agree with you,you know like those red state people you like to put down?....
Not true....I respect christianity but most trump country people are racists. It is a fact and they are proud to be. I'm a minority and i know what I'm talking about, no need to spin.
Another thread about California .

Ummmm, you mean CALI-ZUELA!


Best state in the US, most red states are shitholes.
We make the best technology
Best movies
Best schools
Best cities and towns
Best parks
Best theme parks
Best best beaches
Best mountains
Best food and agriculture
6th biggest e onomy in the world.
That's where most Americans migrate to for the American dream. ;)
Eat your heart.

I live here bitch.

Best technology?

Well, Apple started in Palo Alto, but is made in China. Microsoft started in Oregon and is in Washington now. Samsung is in Korea.

Try again.

Best movies? What, is this 1940? Georgia is host to more movies than California. The old studios are THEME PARKS now.

Best cities?

Are you just fucking stupid? Riverside and San Diego are charming. Los Angeles is a shit hole, San Bernardino could be improved by a 5 megaton nuclear blast, San Francisco has human shit all over the streets. It was once the best city in America, sure the fuck isn't now.

Best parks ? :rofl:

Yeah, sure sploogy.

We do have the beaches and mountains, though the mountains are marred by Mexican graffiti on every rock or outcropping.

California imports most food, Brown went to war on Agriculture and utterly destroyed the state in that regard. The Imperial Valley is a wasteland.

California is losing American citizens at an alarming rate, the ONLY influx is from immigrants. largely illegal from China and South of the border.

So to recap, you are both stupid and a liar - typical democrat.

I agree with everything you posted....except the "Riverside and San Diego are charming" part.
There are very small 'pockets' of charm no doubt...but as soon as you leave that pocket you are among the thirdworld filth and you're foreign in your own country.
Riverside is where I started buying properties while in college; I bought one in Moreno Valley and one in the city of Riverside...those two homes catapulted my tiny little investment firm to the next level. I ended up with nearly sixty SFR's in and around the Inland Empire...I've since liquidated all but a few high end properties in the area as we got sick and tired of the non-stop evictions with no recourse, completely ruined properties requiring a complete remodel at the turn, begging to be paid rent and not being able to communicate with our residents as they all spoke spanish and would put their seven year old english speaking daughter on the line to deliver the excuses...Have you ever tried to reason with a barely American six year old about making payments on time?
The bottom line; anywhere predominantly Brown is a dirty, disgusting super shithole and getting worse by the day.
I understand that there is no amount of talking that is going to change the "I have no money to pay you" to actually paying the rent. If they don't have the money they don't have the money.

Yep, and if they don't have the money....they don't have the roof over their head. Weird, huh?
Best state in the US, most red states are shitholes.
We make the best technology
Best movies
Best schools
Best cities and towns
Best parks
Best theme parks
Best best beaches
Best mountains
Best food and agriculture
6th biggest e onomy in the world.
That's where most Americans migrate to for the American dream. ;)
Eat your heart.

I live here bitch.

Best technology?

Well, Apple started in Palo Alto, but is made in China. Microsoft started in Oregon and is in Washington now. Samsung is in Korea.

Try again.

Best movies? What, is this 1940? Georgia is host to more movies than California. The old studios are THEME PARKS now.

Best cities?

Are you just fucking stupid? Riverside and San Diego are charming. Los Angeles is a shit hole, San Bernardino could be improved by a 5 megaton nuclear blast, San Francisco has human shit all over the streets. It was once the best city in America, sure the fuck isn't now.

Best parks ? :rofl:

Yeah, sure sploogy.

We do have the beaches and mountains, though the mountains are marred by Mexican graffiti on every rock or outcropping.

California imports most food, Brown went to war on Agriculture and utterly destroyed the state in that regard. The Imperial Valley is a wasteland.

California is losing American citizens at an alarming rate, the ONLY influx is from immigrants. largely illegal from China and South of the border.

So to recap, you are both stupid and a liar - typical democrat.

I agree with everything you posted....except the "Riverside and San Diego are charming" part.
There are very small 'pockets' of charm no doubt...but as soon as you leave that pocket you are among the thirdworld filth and you're foreign in your own country.
Riverside is where I started buying properties while in college; I bought one in Moreno Valley and one in the city of Riverside...those two homes catapulted my tiny little investment firm to the next level. I ended up with nearly sixty SFR's in and around the Inland Empire...I've since liquidated all but a few high end properties in the area as we got sick and tired of the non-stop evictions with no recourse, completely ruined properties requiring a complete remodel at the turn, begging to be paid rent and not being able to communicate with our residents as they all spoke spanish and would put their seven year old english speaking daughter on the line to deliver the excuses...Have you ever tried to reason with a barely American six year old about making payments on time?
The bottom line; anywhere predominantly Brown is a dirty, disgusting super shithole and getting worse by the day.
You are racist and a bigot , complains about brown people all day here and you actually make money off of their sweat. Hypocrite much ?

Like many dumbasses, I gave wetbacks the benefit of the doubt early on...I was that "they're just here looking for a better life'" type of fool...I bought the bullshit just like all the bleeding heart loons here do. Then I started interacting with them, renting homes and apartments to them, getting hit by them on roadways...etc, etc. As they flooded areas like the Inland Empire they'd ruin the neighborhood, every home they'd inhabit and every blue collar trade in the area. It didn't take me long to realize these people have no business trying to be part of a civilized first world society. Now I hate wetbacks like Hitler hated Jews.
Sorry to be you. I love Latinos, hardest working people I came across, family oriented and humble...I'll take them over your kind (narcissist. Abnoxious, disrespectful, big mouth, racist) any day.

Just add "some of my best friends are" to that and you'll have the complete insincere sanctimony package.
Why do you believe that running down where someone else chooses to live makes you look better?

California is a beautiful state. It is tragic that Progressives choose to destroy the state and put them in insurmountable debt.

Yep, we have hurricanes.

So the prices California. Are they before or after wildfires, mudslides, or earthquakes? See nothing accomplished.

Here's a fair and easy comparison. U-Haul Truck Rental is a great way to compare. It relies on good ol' capitalism.

20’ truck from LA to Austin $2,805.00

20’ truck from Austin to LA $ 864.00

Far more people want to leave LA and move to Austin so they can charge far more. LA NEEDS trucks so to move from Austin to LA is a small fraction of the price. Otherwise, they (LA) have to pay drivers to bring the trucks back to LA.

I live here, more people are moving in than going out....there is crisis in housing....not enough for the people that come in. Even us migrants from overseas we know to go to liberal cities and states where things are happening and we know to avoid flyover red shitholes, not only because they don't have much to offer but because we know where the racists are at.
Austin is another liberal beautiful city is almost as if is a piece of a California city.....people move in to California to better their lives, they get a taste of diversity and being open minded and ditch racism that they were brought up with in red states and then they move to other liberal open minded and diverse towns and cities in red states.....and it's just a matter of time before Texas turns blue or should i say ditch racism.
you sound like a bigot....
Is the truth...
Red states or areas = more racism andnbigotey.
I live in west LA where it is very liberal. When someone mentions moving to orange county for example or another county that used to be red from my non white friends, the first 5hing that come to mind is the racist conservatives. Is a known fact all over the world about the US and it is very true.
look up what a bigot sound like think you are better than those who dont agree with you,you know like those red state people you like to put down?....
Not true....I respect christianity but most trump country people are racists. It is a fact and they are proud to be. I'm a minority and i know what I'm talking about, no need to spin.
very true....let me tell you what a bigot is,apparently you dont know.....

  1. a person who is intolerant toward those holding different opinions....thats you with those red staters..
  2. One who is narrow-mindedly devoted to their own ideas and groups, and intolerant of (people of) differing ideas, politics, etc....once again thats you....
My oldest brother chased a woman out to SoCal in the late 60's, caught her, married her, sold real estate. I hitched out from Detroit after I got home from overseas and knocked on his door around midnight...he came to the door with a Colt Diamondback in his hand, which cracked us both up. I was still a little funky looking from 5 days on the road, especially through a peep-hole in a door. I stayed for a couple months, driving his little red Triumph Spitfire up to Huntington Beach to see music at the Golden Bear on the PCH, hanging out by his pool, trying to figure out my future.

Got bored, looked through the "help wanted" ads in the paper, and went in for an audition to be in commercials. Turned out to be a front for an acting school owned by one of the original Mouseketeers..(not Annette, dang it). They told me I had "crazy eyes", so I told them to put me in a gangster movie. They wanted $400 up front, and I laughed and split. Ended up digging irrigation ditches on some of my brother's clients properties for a couple weeks, bought an airplane seat and headed back to MoTown...

I'll always remember that trip...California was like a different planet in my trips over to see baseball (Anaheim) and pro motocross racing (Saddleback & Carlsbad) in later years. Like the difference between the Beach Boys and the Doors music....something fresh and wholesome turned into something strange and off-center. Maybe they can get it back by deporting a couple million illegal beaners, banning commiecrats from public office, and cutting taxes to the bone. There's still a lot to work with there, even after the bloodsuckers have tried to destroy what it once was.

Great post and spot on.
Unfortunately Mexifornia will never again be has been completely conceded to Mexico and there's no going back. The white guilt wackos and anchor baby politicians running this shithole will die for their beloved wetbacks. It's a fucking shame.

OT- The Hangtown Motocross race is a great's up north a bit and away from the SoCal freak ought to make that event one May.
Another thread about California .

Ummmm, you mean CALI-ZUELA!


Best state in the US, most red states are shitholes.
We make the best technology
Best movies
Best schools
Best cities and towns
Best parks
Best theme parks
Best best beaches
Best mountains
Best food and agriculture
6th biggest e onomy in the world.
That's where most Americans migrate to for the American dream. ;)
Eat your heart.

I live here bitch.

Best technology?

Well, Apple started in Palo Alto, but is made in China. Microsoft started in Oregon and is in Washington now. Samsung is in Korea.

Try again.

Best movies? What, is this 1940? Georgia is host to more movies than California. The old studios are THEME PARKS now.

Best cities?

Are you just fucking stupid? Riverside and San Diego are charming. Los Angeles is a shit hole, San Bernardino could be improved by a 5 megaton nuclear blast, San Francisco has human shit all over the streets. It was once the best city in America, sure the fuck isn't now.

Best parks ? :rofl:

Yeah, sure sploogy.

We do have the beaches and mountains, though the mountains are marred by Mexican graffiti on every rock or outcropping.

California imports most food, Brown went to war on Agriculture and utterly destroyed the state in that regard. The Imperial Valley is a wasteland.

California is losing American citizens at an alarming rate, the ONLY influx is from immigrants. largely illegal from China and South of the border.

So to recap, you are both stupid and a liar - typical democrat.

I agree with everything you posted....except the "Riverside and San Diego are charming" part.
There are very small 'pockets' of charm no doubt...but as soon as you leave that pocket you are among the thirdworld filth and you're foreign in your own country.
Riverside is where I started buying properties while in college; I bought one in Moreno Valley and one in the city of Riverside...those two homes catapulted my tiny little investment firm to the next level. I ended up with nearly sixty SFR's in and around the Inland Empire...I've since liquidated all but a few high end properties in the area as we got sick and tired of the non-stop evictions with no recourse, completely ruined properties requiring a complete remodel at the turn, begging to be paid rent and not being able to communicate with our residents as they all spoke spanish and would put their seven year old english speaking daughter on the line to deliver the excuses...Have you ever tried to reason with a barely American six year old about making payments on time?
The bottom line; anywhere predominantly Brown is a dirty, disgusting super shithole and getting worse by the day.

Obviously I'm thinking of the Mission Inn area in Riverside and the Gas Lamp District in San Diego. I don't foray out into the other parts of the cities. The Mission Inn at Christmas is about the most spectacular place on earth.
My oldest brother chased a woman out to SoCal in the late 60's, caught her, married her, sold real estate. I hitched out from Detroit after I got home from overseas and knocked on his door around midnight...he came to the door with a Colt Diamondback in his hand, which cracked us both up. I was still a little funky looking from 5 days on the road, especially through a peep-hole in a door. I stayed for a couple months, driving his little red Triumph Spitfire up to Huntington Beach to see music at the Golden Bear on the PCH, hanging out by his pool, trying to figure out my future.

Got bored, looked through the "help wanted" ads in the paper, and went in for an audition to be in commercials. Turned out to be a front for an acting school owned by one of the original Mouseketeers..(not Annette, dang it). They told me I had "crazy eyes", so I told them to put me in a gangster movie. They wanted $400 up front, and I laughed and split. Ended up digging irrigation ditches on some of my brother's clients properties for a couple weeks, bought an airplane seat and headed back to MoTown...

I'll always remember that trip...California was like a different planet in my trips over to see baseball (Anaheim) and pro motocross racing (Saddleback & Carlsbad) in later years. Like the difference between the Beach Boys and the Doors music....something fresh and wholesome turned into something strange and off-center. Maybe they can get it back by deporting a couple million illegal beaners, banning commiecrats from public office, and cutting taxes to the bone. There's still a lot to work with there, even after the bloodsuckers have tried to destroy what it once was.

Go Angels!
Why do you believe that running down where someone else chooses to live makes you look better?

California is a beautiful state. It is tragic that Progressives choose to destroy the state and put them in insurmountable debt.

Yep, we have hurricanes.

So the prices California. Are they before or after wildfires, mudslides, or earthquakes? See nothing accomplished.

Here's a fair and easy comparison. U-Haul Truck Rental is a great way to compare. It relies on good ol' capitalism.

20’ truck from LA to Austin $2,805.00

20’ truck from Austin to LA $ 864.00

Far more people want to leave LA and move to Austin so they can charge far more. LA NEEDS trucks so to move from Austin to LA is a small fraction of the price. Otherwise, they (LA) have to pay drivers to bring the trucks back to LA.

I live here, more people are moving in than going out....there is crisis in housing....not enough for the people that come in. Even us migrants from overseas we know to go to liberal cities and states where things are happening and we know to avoid flyover red shitholes, not only because they don't have much to offer but because we know where the racists are at.
Austin is another liberal beautiful city is almost as if is a piece of a California city.....people move in to California to better their lives, they get a taste of diversity and being open minded and ditch racism that they were brought up with in red states and then they move to other liberal open minded and diverse towns and cities in red states.....and it's just a matter of time before Texas turns blue or should i say ditch racism.
you sound like a bigot....
Is the truth...
Red states or areas = more racism andnbigotey.
I live in west LA where it is very liberal. When someone mentions moving to orange county for example or another county that used to be red from my non white friends, the first 5hing that come to mind is the racist conservatives. Is a known fact all over the world about the US and it is very true.

^^^ Diagnosis: Terminal Projection ^^^

This moron spews bigotry towards people in red states, never actually having bothered to visit any.
right now issa is in that "im better than you are" bubble.....
Nope...I'm just calling spade a spade...most cons are racists, anti non whites, non Christians.
I live here, more people are moving in than going out....there is crisis in housing....not enough for the people that come in. Even us migrants from overseas we know to go to liberal cities and states where things are happening and we know to avoid flyover red shitholes, not only because they don't have much to offer but because we know where the racists are at.
Austin is another liberal beautiful city is almost as if is a piece of a California city.....people move in to California to better their lives, they get a taste of diversity and being open minded and ditch racism that they were brought up with in red states and then they move to other liberal open minded and diverse towns and cities in red states.....and it's just a matter of time before Texas turns blue or should i say ditch racism.
you sound like a bigot....
Is the truth...
Red states or areas = more racism andnbigotey.
I live in west LA where it is very liberal. When someone mentions moving to orange county for example or another county that used to be red from my non white friends, the first 5hing that come to mind is the racist conservatives. Is a known fact all over the world about the US and it is very true.

^^^ Diagnosis: Terminal Projection ^^^

This moron spews bigotry towards people in red states, never actually having bothered to visit any.
right now issa is in that "im better than you are" bubble.....
Nope...I'm just calling spade a spade...most cons are racists, anti non whites, non Christians.

Calling a spade a spade???? You racist pig.
I live here, more people are moving in than going out....there is crisis in housing....not enough for the people that come in. Even us migrants from overseas we know to go to liberal cities and states where things are happening and we know to avoid flyover red shitholes, not only because they don't have much to offer but because we know where the racists are at.
Austin is another liberal beautiful city is almost as if is a piece of a California city.....people move in to California to better their lives, they get a taste of diversity and being open minded and ditch racism that they were brought up with in red states and then they move to other liberal open minded and diverse towns and cities in red states.....and it's just a matter of time before Texas turns blue or should i say ditch racism.
you sound like a bigot....
Is the truth...
Red states or areas = more racism andnbigotey.
I live in west LA where it is very liberal. When someone mentions moving to orange county for example or another county that used to be red from my non white friends, the first 5hing that come to mind is the racist conservatives. Is a known fact all over the world about the US and it is very true.

^^^ Diagnosis: Terminal Projection ^^^

This moron spews bigotry towards people in red states, never actually having bothered to visit any.
right now issa is in that "im better than you are" bubble.....
Nope...I'm just calling spade a spade...most cons are racists, anti non whites, non Christians.
sorry fit the meaning of what a bigot i guess i am also calling a spade a spade.....
I live here, more people are moving in than going out....there is crisis in housing....not enough for the people that come in. Even us migrants from overseas we know to go to liberal cities and states where things are happening and we know to avoid flyover red shitholes, not only because they don't have much to offer but because we know where the racists are at.
Austin is another liberal beautiful city is almost as if is a piece of a California city.....people move in to California to better their lives, they get a taste of diversity and being open minded and ditch racism that they were brought up with in red states and then they move to other liberal open minded and diverse towns and cities in red states.....and it's just a matter of time before Texas turns blue or should i say ditch racism.
you sound like a bigot....
Is the truth...
Red states or areas = more racism andnbigotey.
I live in west LA where it is very liberal. When someone mentions moving to orange county for example or another county that used to be red from my non white friends, the first 5hing that come to mind is the racist conservatives. Is a known fact all over the world about the US and it is very true.

^^^ Diagnosis: Terminal Projection ^^^

This moron spews bigotry towards people in red states, never actually having bothered to visit any.
right now issa is in that "im better than you are" bubble.....
Nope...I'm just calling spade a spade...most cons are racists, anti non whites, non Christians.

"A spade a spade".

I bet you don't feel in no ways tired, either.
you sound like a bigot....
Is the truth...
Red states or areas = more racism andnbigotey.
I live in west LA where it is very liberal. When someone mentions moving to orange county for example or another county that used to be red from my non white friends, the first 5hing that come to mind is the racist conservatives. Is a known fact all over the world about the US and it is very true.

^^^ Diagnosis: Terminal Projection ^^^

This moron spews bigotry towards people in red states, never actually having bothered to visit any.
right now issa is in that "im better than you are" bubble.....
Nope...I'm just calling spade a spade...most cons are racists, anti non whites, non Christians.
sorry fit the meaning of what a bigot i guess i am also calling a spade a spade.....
Bigot against who ?
Is the truth...
Red states or areas = more racism andnbigotey.
I live in west LA where it is very liberal. When someone mentions moving to orange county for example or another county that used to be red from my non white friends, the first 5hing that come to mind is the racist conservatives. Is a known fact all over the world about the US and it is very true.

^^^ Diagnosis: Terminal Projection ^^^

This moron spews bigotry towards people in red states, never actually having bothered to visit any.
right now issa is in that "im better than you are" bubble.....
Nope...I'm just calling spade a spade...most cons are racists, anti non whites, non Christians.
sorry fit the meaning of what a bigot i guess i am also calling a spade a spade.....
Bigot against who ?
who do you think?.....when you say what you say about the red states you dont keep it as California vs a red state,you talk about the people and how much better you are because you live in California and they dont......what you are saying about those people is YOUR opinion of are no different than any other bigot anywhere in this are intolerant toward those holding different opinions,especially if its political or if they say something about California you dont you call them racists,anti-white,even though many are married and have kids with minorities.....and you better sit down for this....MANY Democrats/liberals in California..... have the same attitude towards illegals and non-Christians, as those Republicans/conservatives you talk about do......the difference is the righties tell you to your face how they feel,the lefties tell you how they are with you to your face,but behind your back they are hoping you dont move to their street....and in my 50 years there i seen and heard this attitude by Democrats quite are a bigot....
^^^ Diagnosis: Terminal Projection ^^^

This moron spews bigotry towards people in red states, never actually having bothered to visit any.
right now issa is in that "im better than you are" bubble.....
Nope...I'm just calling spade a spade...most cons are racists, anti non whites, non Christians.
sorry fit the meaning of what a bigot i guess i am also calling a spade a spade.....
Bigot against who ?
who do you think?.....when you say what you say about the red states you dont keep it as California vs a red state,you talk about the people and how much better you are because you live in California and they dont......what you are saying about those people is YOUR opinion of are no different than any other bigot anywhere in this are intolerant toward those holding different opinions,especially if its political or if they say something about California you dont you call them racists,anti-white,even though many are married and have kids with minorities.....and you better sit down for this....MANY Democrats/liberals in California..... have the same attitude towards illegals and non-Christians, as those Republicans/conservatives you talk about do......the difference is the righties tell you to your face how they feel,the lefties tell you how they are with you to your face,but behind your back they are hoping you dont move to their street....and in my 50 years there i seen and heard this attitude by Democrats quite are a bigot....

Well said.

As someone who has lived at Ground Zero of CA progressivism for most of my life, I have often observed that the most bigoted people are the ones who claim to be peace-love-understanding lefties.
standardizing commerce concerning cannabis would generate more revenue.

blue States should be generating revenue from advances in reclamation technologies at every practicable opportunity.

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