Cash-strapped California mulls new levies on water, tires, batteries, soda pop and more

We should try to maximize tax revenue from marijuana; we know there can be no moral issue.
(NOT AN ATTACK - just sharing / saying...)

Actually, I have Multiple-Sclerosis (but I have refused to let it get the better of me / slow me down - I still serve our country), and Marijuana - I am told - helps with relapses / symptoms. (Despite hearing this, I have never used it - have no plan to. Call me 'old-school' and still have a 'thing' about using any 'recreational / illegal drug'.) Talk Show Host Montel Williams, also a vet, used to / still promotes its use. I have heard it helps with many other conditions.

If I ever chose to go 'that' route, though, there is the option of taking the CBD 'extract' that provides benefit without 'getting high' that THC provides.
-- I have heard, though, that some cancer patients, and others, benefit from actual Marijuana (THC), helping to reduce / eliminate extreme pain.

I am not going to say their is no 'moral' issue - when intended / used for medical benefit as mentioned.
Alcohol is also a powerful, mood altering drug.
Go down there and ask the homeless how many of them are born in California. California is a hub of American immigration millions relocated to try and make it, cause their red states have nothing to offer....millions do make it and of course hundreds ended up at the wrong is called life.

And I care how many are from out of state? Who knew the American dream was living in a tent....dumbass.
Millions moved from shithole red states and made it here in california... why dont talk about those....
Here is super rare to find someone over 40 and a native , most migrated from useless states....I wonder why.

No doubt, many have moved here from other states and they have made it....but they're not the problem. The title of this thread is Cash-strapped California, in case you haven't noticed. And a huge portion of why California is cash-strapped is due to trying to accommodate so many illegals and homeless. But I know, you don't want to talk about them, you just want to talk about how wonderful California is.
The US and other states are cash jist jealous of a giant blue state and cant stop bashing it. The US as a whole is in a bigger deep shit....why dont talk about how the state is a refuge to millions of Americans, who cant find jobs in their red states ?

Because, this thread is about CASH-STRAPPED CALIFORNIA. You really do need to learn how to read. No doubt, other states are cash-strapped. It just so happens California is in worse shape than most of them.
Since I joined this butthurt conservatives wrote hundreds of topics about California, you clearly losing your minds over the best state in the union ran by Democrats. I say and I am not a Democrat.
No one opens a thread about the useless red states that take more than they give...and they are good at nothing but spewing hate and racism, I WONDER WHY?
Another thread about California .

Ummmm, you mean CALI-ZUELA!


Best state in the US, most red states are shitholes.
We make the best technology
Best movies
Best schools
Best cities and towns
Best parks
Best theme parks
Best best beaches
Best mountains
Best food and agriculture
6th biggest e onomy in the world.
That's where most Americans migrate to for the American dream. ;)
Eat your heart.

Then why is Texas growing twice as fast as Cali is?
Ummmm, you mean CALI-ZUELA!


Best state in the US, most red states are shitholes.
We make the best technology
Best movies
Best schools
Best cities and towns
Best parks
Best theme parks
Best best beaches
Best mountains
Best food and agriculture
6th biggest e onomy in the world.
That's where most Americans migrate to for the American dream. ;)
Eat your heart.

Only in your blue mind.

Cali has high taxes and I can't see how anyone can afford to live there.

You sure are a whinny little shit.
No one can afford living here? Is that why California is the most populous state? Busiest airports? Busiests freewsys. Outpaced the national GDP?
Dumb ass, 20 years ago before I moved to the US, we knew for a fact the best schools and opportunities are mainly in blue states and especially California and we eere warned to stay out of red shit holes, because of the racism and those places are dead.

Well for a "prosperous" state they sure do have a lot of weird taxes.

Oh and its fast turning into a shit hole. Illegals all over the place in the sanctuary state, homeless shitting and pissing in the streets. It might be your kind of state but it sure isn't mine.

Oh and the only racism is the racism in your blue mind.

Blue sure ain't better.
I live here and I dont see no shitting....and the homeless come here because we give them food...they wont survive amongst God people who hate the unfortunate.

And why are you jealous from a state that you call a shithole ?
Why most Americans that live here are from other states ? The only one that know who is over 40 and from here is probably 3 to 5 people max.
Why no one wanna migrate to red shitholes ?

The way you type is one hell of an ad for their public school system.
Another thread about California .

Ummmm, you mean CALI-ZUELA!


Best state in the US, most red states are shitholes.
We make the best technology
Best movies
Best schools
Best cities and towns
Best parks
Best theme parks
Best best beaches
Best mountains
Best food and agriculture
6th biggest e onomy in the world.
That's where most Americans migrate to for the American dream. ;)
Eat your heart.

Bullshit. My state is better and kicked your states ass in sports as well. Your post is a lie.
What state?

Well MA is a blue state I like that but to say is better than California you must be delusional and here is why.
You have a shotty weather, cold winter and humid summers.
I live on the coast, which has a pleasant weather and we drove to palms springs qnd it is in the 90s...while you still freezing your ass.
We can snowboard with only 2 drives as we speak.
Universal studios is 20 mins drive, Disneyland is 40 mins,
one of the busiests airports is 15 minutes from my house.
We have one of the best national parks
One of the best beaches
GDP growth outpaced the US one...I can go on forever.
And I hear people in MA are more racists and less accepting than in California. And that matters to me the most...enjoy the cold.
Another thread about California .

Ummmm, you mean CALI-ZUELA!


Best state in the US, most red states are shitholes.
We make the best technology
Best movies
Best schools
Best cities and towns
Best parks
Best theme parks
Best best beaches
Best mountains
Best food and agriculture
6th biggest e onomy in the world.
That's where most Americans migrate to for the American dream. ;)
Eat your heart.

Then why is Texas growing twice as fast as Cali is?
We Californians we need to bring it to the blue side away from racism ,from being regressive and useless :).
Best state in the US, most red states are shitholes.
We make the best technology
Best movies
Best schools
Best cities and towns
Best parks
Best theme parks
Best best beaches
Best mountains
Best food and agriculture
6th biggest e onomy in the world.
That's where most Americans migrate to for the American dream. ;)
Eat your heart.

Only in your blue mind.

Cali has high taxes and I can't see how anyone can afford to live there.

You sure are a whinny little shit.
No one can afford living here? Is that why California is the most populous state? Busiest airports? Busiests freewsys. Outpaced the national GDP?
Dumb ass, 20 years ago before I moved to the US, we knew for a fact the best schools and opportunities are mainly in blue states and especially California and we eere warned to stay out of red shit holes, because of the racism and those places are dead.

Well for a "prosperous" state they sure do have a lot of weird taxes.

Oh and its fast turning into a shit hole. Illegals all over the place in the sanctuary state, homeless shitting and pissing in the streets. It might be your kind of state but it sure isn't mine.

Oh and the only racism is the racism in your blue mind.

Blue sure ain't better.
I live here and I dont see no shitting....and the homeless come here because we give them food...they wont survive amongst God people who hate the unfortunate.

And why are you jealous from a state that you call a shithole ?
Why most Americans that live here are from other states ? The only one that know who is over 40 and from here is probably 3 to 5 people max.
Why no one wanna migrate to red shitholes ?

The way you type is one hell of an ad for their public school system.
Just another way to drive you crazy ;).

Fyi: I grow up overseas and by third grade i was fluent in 3 languages, which most of you can't achieve :).
Ummmm, you mean CALI-ZUELA!


Best state in the US, most red states are shitholes.
We make the best technology
Best movies
Best schools
Best cities and towns
Best parks
Best theme parks
Best best beaches
Best mountains
Best food and agriculture
6th biggest e onomy in the world.
That's where most Americans migrate to for the American dream. ;)
Eat your heart.

Bullshit. My state is better and kicked your states ass in sports as well. Your post is a lie.
What state?

Well MA is a blue state I like that but to say is better than California you must be delusional and here is why.
You have a shotty weather, cold winter and humid summers.
I live on the coast, which has a pleasant weather and we drove to palms springs qnd it is in the 90s...while you still freezing your ass.
We can snowboard with only 2 drives as we speak.
Universal studios is 20 mins drive, Disneyland is 40 mins,
one of the busiests airports is 15 minutes from my house.
We have one of the best national parks
One of the best beaches
GDP growth outpaced the US one...I can go on forever.
And I hear people in MA are more racists and less accepting than in California. And that matters to me the most...enjoy the cold.

We have 4 seasons. We have the best schools, jobs and sports teams. We don’t have your idiot policies of open borders and corrupt Governors. You have nothing on our aforementioned schools. Harvard, MIT....and we are Blue but our Governor is a Republican. And we are way smaller than you but yet better. Plus you’re on the West Coast. Sucks
California goes tax wild, eyes levies on everything from water to tires

California goes tax wild, eyes levies on everything from water to tires

Perhaps someone should tell California that their economic woes are from a SELF-INFLICTED WOUND:


Map: Illegal immigration costs California most, $23B, all states $89B
If you drive a car, I'll tax the street,
If you try to sit, I'll tax your seat.
If you get too cold I'll tax the heat,
If you take a walk, I'll tax your feet.
Another thread about California .

Ummmm, you mean CALI-ZUELA!


Best state in the US, most red states are shitholes.
We make the best technology
Best movies
Best schools
Best cities and towns
Best parks
Best theme parks
Best best beaches
Best mountains
Best food and agriculture
6th biggest e onomy in the world.
That's where most Americans migrate to for the American dream. ;)
Eat your heart.

Then why is Texas growing twice as fast as Cali is?
We Californians we need to bring it to the blue side away from racism ,from being regressive and useless :).

You do huh? I am born and raised in Cali kid. You don't know shit. For example Cali beaches are shit above San Diego, the water is just too damn cold. I grew up on the beaches of Santa Cruz.
Only in your blue mind.

Cali has high taxes and I can't see how anyone can afford to live there.

You sure are a whinny little shit.
No one can afford living here? Is that why California is the most populous state? Busiest airports? Busiests freewsys. Outpaced the national GDP?
Dumb ass, 20 years ago before I moved to the US, we knew for a fact the best schools and opportunities are mainly in blue states and especially California and we eere warned to stay out of red shit holes, because of the racism and those places are dead.

Well for a "prosperous" state they sure do have a lot of weird taxes.

Oh and its fast turning into a shit hole. Illegals all over the place in the sanctuary state, homeless shitting and pissing in the streets. It might be your kind of state but it sure isn't mine.

Oh and the only racism is the racism in your blue mind.

Blue sure ain't better.
I live here and I dont see no shitting....and the homeless come here because we give them food...they wont survive amongst God people who hate the unfortunate.

And why are you jealous from a state that you call a shithole ?
Why most Americans that live here are from other states ? The only one that know who is over 40 and from here is probably 3 to 5 people max.
Why no one wanna migrate to red shitholes ?

The way you type is one hell of an ad for their public school system.
Just another way to drive you crazy ;).

Fyi: I grow up overseas and by third grade i was fluent in 3 languages, which most of you can't achieve :).

You aren't able to drive me crazy honey, you're a legend in your own mind...just ask you.
Ummmm, you mean CALI-ZUELA!


Best state in the US, most red states are shitholes.
We make the best technology
Best movies
Best schools
Best cities and towns
Best parks
Best theme parks
Best best beaches
Best mountains
Best food and agriculture
6th biggest e onomy in the world.
That's where most Americans migrate to for the American dream. ;)
Eat your heart.

Bullshit. My state is better and kicked your states ass in sports as well. Your post is a lie.
What state?

Well MA is a blue state I like that but to say is better than California you must be delusional and here is why.
You have a shotty weather, cold winter and humid summers.
I live on the coast, which has a pleasant weather and we drove to palms springs qnd it is in the 90s...while you still freezing your ass.
We can snowboard with only 2 drives as we speak.
Universal studios is 20 mins drive, Disneyland is 40 mins,
one of the busiests airports is 15 minutes from my house.
We have one of the best national parks
One of the best beaches
GDP growth outpaced the US one...I can go on forever.
And I hear people in MA are more racists and less accepting than in California. And that matters to me the most...enjoy the cold.

Commifornia LOL

Eat it!

States With The Best Public School Systems
Best state in the US, most red states are shitholes.
We make the best technology
Best movies
Best schools
Best cities and towns
Best parks
Best theme parks
Best best beaches
Best mountains
Best food and agriculture
6th biggest e onomy in the world.
That's where most Americans migrate to for the American dream. ;)
Eat your heart.

Bullshit. My state is better and kicked your states ass in sports as well. Your post is a lie.
What state?

Well MA is a blue state I like that but to say is better than California you must be delusional and here is why.
You have a shotty weather, cold winter and humid summers.
I live on the coast, which has a pleasant weather and we drove to palms springs qnd it is in the 90s...while you still freezing your ass.
We can snowboard with only 2 drives as we speak.
Universal studios is 20 mins drive, Disneyland is 40 mins,
one of the busiests airports is 15 minutes from my house.
We have one of the best national parks
One of the best beaches
GDP growth outpaced the US one...I can go on forever.
And I hear people in MA are more racists and less accepting than in California. And that matters to me the most...enjoy the cold.

We have 4 seasons. We have the best schools, jobs and sports teams. We don’t have your idiot policies of open borders and corrupt Governors. You have nothing on our aforementioned schools. Harvard, MIT....and we are Blue but our Governor is a Republican. And we are way smaller than you but yet better. Plus you’re on the West Coast. Sucks
Sweetheart....I grow up overseas and the whole world dreams to move to the best state which I one knows Massachusetts ( can't even say the name lol).
Schools? We also have Stanford, USC, CIT and tons other great schools.
We have also a higher GDP per capita amd higher household median income, despite being hammered by immigrants from the US and from outside the US.
Give it up, you just can't compare.
Best state in the US, most red states are shitholes.
We make the best technology
Best movies
Best schools
Best cities and towns
Best parks
Best theme parks
Best best beaches
Best mountains
Best food and agriculture
6th biggest e onomy in the world.
That's where most Americans migrate to for the American dream. ;)
Eat your heart.

Bullshit. My state is better and kicked your states ass in sports as well. Your post is a lie.
What state?

Well MA is a blue state I like that but to say is better than California you must be delusional and here is why.
You have a shotty weather, cold winter and humid summers.
I live on the coast, which has a pleasant weather and we drove to palms springs qnd it is in the 90s...while you still freezing your ass.
We can snowboard with only 2 drives as we speak.
Universal studios is 20 mins drive, Disneyland is 40 mins,
one of the busiests airports is 15 minutes from my house.
We have one of the best national parks
One of the best beaches
GDP growth outpaced the US one...I can go on forever.
And I hear people in MA are more racists and less accepting than in California. And that matters to me the most...enjoy the cold.

Commifornia LOL

Eat it!

States With The Best Public School Systems
The first 9 states are all liberal states lol. Ok !!!
Bullshit. My state is better and kicked your states ass in sports as well. Your post is a lie.
What state?

Well MA is a blue state I like that but to say is better than California you must be delusional and here is why.
You have a shotty weather, cold winter and humid summers.
I live on the coast, which has a pleasant weather and we drove to palms springs qnd it is in the 90s...while you still freezing your ass.
We can snowboard with only 2 drives as we speak.
Universal studios is 20 mins drive, Disneyland is 40 mins,
one of the busiests airports is 15 minutes from my house.
We have one of the best national parks
One of the best beaches
GDP growth outpaced the US one...I can go on forever.
And I hear people in MA are more racists and less accepting than in California. And that matters to me the most...enjoy the cold.

We have 4 seasons. We have the best schools, jobs and sports teams. We don’t have your idiot policies of open borders and corrupt Governors. You have nothing on our aforementioned schools. Harvard, MIT....and we are Blue but our Governor is a Republican. And we are way smaller than you but yet better. Plus you’re on the West Coast. Sucks
Sweetheart....I grow up overseas and the whole world dreams to move to the best state which I one knows Massachusetts ( can't even say the name lol).
Schools? We also have Stanford, USC, CIT and tons other great schools.
We have also a higher GDP per capita amd higher household median income, despite being hammered by immigrants from the US and from outside the US.
Give it up, you just can't compare.

No one knows Boston, Harvard, MIT, Tom Brady? LMAO!!!
Bullshit. My state is better and kicked your states ass in sports as well. Your post is a lie.
What state?

Well MA is a blue state I like that but to say is better than California you must be delusional and here is why.
You have a shotty weather, cold winter and humid summers.
I live on the coast, which has a pleasant weather and we drove to palms springs qnd it is in the 90s...while you still freezing your ass.
We can snowboard with only 2 drives as we speak.
Universal studios is 20 mins drive, Disneyland is 40 mins,
one of the busiests airports is 15 minutes from my house.
We have one of the best national parks
One of the best beaches
GDP growth outpaced the US one...I can go on forever.
And I hear people in MA are more racists and less accepting than in California. And that matters to me the most...enjoy the cold.

Commifornia LOL

Eat it!

States With The Best Public School Systems
The first 9 states are all liberal states lol. Ok !!!

Yeah they are but the conservatives in these states carry the the torch. While the Leftards drain us dry.
what about a Pee and Poop Tax? hey, every time u pee in Cally,,,its 50 cents,,,every time you poop,,its 1.00
No, no, no... the magic numbers are "1" and "2"... $1 to go Number One... $2 to go Number Two... after all, it's for the Greater Good... :21:

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