Cassia county Idaho has not a single dem in office. Here's the maga crowd subverting American values

And yet that is what you and the rest of the leftist scrum want for the entire country.
Maybe you didn't understand me. I don't think one party rule, by any party, is a good thing.

If you think CA is a one-party/Dem state then it is the GOP you should be angry at.
Maybe you didn't understand me. I don't think one party rule, by any party, is a good thing.

If you think CA is a one-party/Dem state then it is the GOP you should be angry at.
What a crock of shit. All Leftists pine for the day there is zero Conservative influence in the US so their sick diseased agenda can go forward without any opposition. Not only CA, but NY, IL, MI, WA, and OR are all one party Democrat shitholes.
There are 51 members of the NYC city council. There are 4 Republicans.
Don't blame the Dems for winning, blame the GOP for losing. They are obviously not connecting their policies to the voters. The TX gov sends his unwanted people to NYC and what does the GOP say? Nothing. The 4 Republicans may be in jeopardy.

The GOP tent is shrinking. They have chosen to represent rural voters so cities generally go Blue. Even in TX the cities are way Bluer than the rest of the State.
What a crock of shit. All Leftists pine for the day there is zero Conservative influence in the US so their sick diseased agenda can go forward without any opposition. Not only CA, but NY, IL, MI, WA, and OR are all one party Democrat shitholes.
What a crock of shit, I doubt you'd talked to ALL leftists. There are issues, mainly defense and fiscal, that I'm Conservative to Moderate on and I've voted for the occasional GOP candidate. As the GOP moves away from the center toward the extremes they have less and less appeal to Dems and Independents.
What a crock of shit, I doubt you'd talked to ALL leftists. There are issues, mainly defense and fiscal, that I'm Conservative to Moderate on and I've voted for the occasional GOP candidate. As the GOP moves away from the center toward the extremes they have less and less appeal to Dems and Independents.
So you only want a "token" opposition rather than a real Conservative party that will fight toe to toe with the enemy (Democrats) and defeat them.
Don't blame the Dems for winning, blame the GOP for losing. They are obviously not connecting their policies to the voters. The TX gov sends his unwanted people to NYC and what does the GOP say? Nothing. The 4 Republicans may be in jeopardy.

The GOP tent is shrinking. They have chosen to represent rural voters so cities generally go Blue. Even in TX the cities are way Bluer than the rest of the State.

Most NYC voters want nothing to do with conservative ideals. Why should Republicans become liberals?

The governor of Texas is making NYC put their money where their mouth is. They re a sanctuary city. It is only right he sends illegal's there who want to go, just as Biden's lackeys flew illegals in the dead of night by charter flights. Washington DC, and Chicago get the same treatment. The buses are warming up for sending illegals to California also. All sanctuary cities need to share in the glorious bounty these illegals bring to those cities.
I want Conservatives to never compromise with the enemy. I want Conservatives to hold their ground and never surrender. What's so wrong about that? Imagine an America where we return to our Conservative Christian roots. What a blessing it would be.
Sounds like the 1950s. Certainly a blessing for straight, White, Christian men.
Most NYC voters want nothing to do with conservative ideals. Why should Republicans become liberals?
No reason except survival. Seems to me the GOP is moving ever more to the Right, leaving most Americans behind. If that trend continues, I'll predict the Dems split into Moderate and Left parties and the GOP becomes as inconsequential as the Libertarians are today.

The governor of Texas is making NYC put their money where their mouth is. They re a sanctuary city. It is only right he sends illegal's there who want to go, just as Biden's lackeys flew illegals in the dead of night by charter flights. Washington DC, and Chicago get the same treatment. The buses are warming up for sending illegals to California also. All sanctuary cities need to share in the glorious bounty these illegals bring to those cities.
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