Cassia county Idaho has not a single dem in office. Here's the maga crowd subverting American values

Your knowledge of history is very underwhelming!
Feel free to educate rather than condescend.

As I recall the Conservatives back then considered anyone on the Left to be a Communist. Sound familiar? That got us into conflicts with people who were primarily Nationalists such as the democratically elected Prime Minister Mohammad Mosaddegh in favor of strengthening the monarchical rule of the Shah, Mohammad Reza Pahlavi on 19 August 1953. A very poor decision as it turned out.
Feel free to educate rather than condescend.

As I recall the Conservatives back then considered anyone on the Left to be a Communist. Sound familiar? That got us into conflicts with people who were primarily Nationalists such as the democratically elected Prime Minister Mohammad Mosaddegh in favor of strengthening the monarchical rule of the Shah, Mohammad Reza Pahlavi on 19 August 1953. A very poor decision as it turned out.
You have been educated on this forum far more than you deserve. Your continued inability to learn indicates that you suffer from a specific learning disability Why not just STFU and let the adults handle the conversation?
A Republican utopia

Poverty wages, no public services, poor schools, cheap compliant labor
If it's mostly white, white males are last on the list for social programs agendas like affirmative action, quotas and diversity.
You have been educated on this forum far more than you deserve. Your continued inability to learn indicates that you suffer from a specific learning disability Why not just STFU and let the adults handle the conversation?
I humbly accept your surrender, Admiral.
You, sir, may kiss my ass. I have no more time for dumbass liberals who refuse to learn.
I didn't realize you were gay, thanks for the offer but no thanks, I'm not. What is not OK is people who proclaim the truth when they know nothing about it. And worse, when they turn around and accuse others of doing what they themselves are doing. You should be ashamed to wear that uniform.

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