Castro demands Gitmo's return and 100s of millions in reperations

Castro demands Gitmo's return and 100s of millions in reperations
Who gives a shit what they are demanding?

Why does this have you quaking in your boots? Why are you Right-Wingers such goddamn pussies?
What a hack.
We're scared because Obama's negotiation technique is so poor he's likely to give Florida to Castro in exchange for a US communist.
You're a fucking moron, and that's never going to change. Grow up, asshole.

Another irony impaired far left drone and their comments..
My oh my, did it rub you wrong seeing yourself accurately described?
Oh, dearie me... another "I want to buy the world a Coke, and keep it company" flower-power peacenik. Thank you for your feedback.
Another John Wayne compensating Right wing blow hard pretending to be "Mucho macho" hey how about a nice cold bottle of "Right wing yellow belly" wash ...that would be right at home in your fake manhood belly pouch...and have a nice day there pudding
Oh, my, you're not going to last very long at the grown-ups table.

Maybe you'd be better off taking a seat at the kiddie table now, and avoiding a protracted discovery process.
and I suppose you are "the grown up" ??? and I suppose that is "sophisticated grown up snark?" Child please ....

Is that you on the right?

My, my, watch that blood pressure!
My oh my, did it rub you wrong seeing yourself accurately described?
Another John Wayne compensating Right wing blow hard pretending to be "Mucho macho" hey how about a nice cold bottle of "Right wing yellow belly" wash ...that would be right at home in your fake manhood belly pouch...and have a nice day there pudding
was I speaking to you smegma breath ? you are likely another compensating right wing punky boy
Wear your depends uptight and outta sight...
Is this you making a grand entrance...I thought so


Is that you on the right?

My, my, watch that blood pressure!
My oh my, did it rub you wrong seeing yourself accurately described?
was I speaking to you smegma breath ? you are likely another compensating right wing punky boy
Wear your depends uptight and outta sight...
Is this you making a grand entrance...I thought so

Is there something you can add to this discussion besides conspiracy theories, anti-americanism, and snarky comments/cartoons?
My oh my, did it rub you wrong seeing yourself accurately described?
Another John Wayne compensating Right wing blow hard pretending to be "Mucho macho" hey how about a nice cold bottle of "Right wing yellow belly" wash ...that would be right at home in your fake manhood belly pouch...and have a nice day there pudding
Oh, my, you're not going to last very long at the grown-ups table.

Maybe you'd be better off taking a seat at the kiddie table now, and avoiding a protracted discovery process.
and I suppose you are "the grown up" ??? and I suppose that is "sophisticated grown up snark?" Child please ....
Far better than cartoons of $hit, that much is certain... next contestant.
Tyrone, you really are far off. Notice, no denial from you.

Even though you don't like it, gitmo will remain ours.

Is that you on the right?

My, my, watch that blood pressure!
My oh my, did it rub you wrong seeing yourself accurately described?
was I speaking to you smegma breath ? you are likely another compensating right wing punky boy
Wear your depends uptight and outta sight...
Is this you making a grand entrance...I thought so

Closing it was his first EO. Congress has repeatedly blocked him from implementing it.

I thought the President didn't need Congressional approval to implement an EO.
Then how did Congress block the Failed Messiah from implementing it?

And, come to think of it, wasn't the newly sworn-in Congress of January 2009, a Democrat-controlled Congress, in both House and Senate?

Didn't Democrats and Republican support closing it during the 2008 campaign?

Is that you on the right?

My, my, watch that blood pressure!
was I speaking to you smegma breath ? you are likely another compensating right wing punky boy
Wear your depends uptight and outta sight...
Is this you making a grand entrance...I thought so

Is there something you can add to this discussion besides conspiracy theories, anti-americanism, and snarky comments/cartoons?
Can you direct that at your fellow wingnutistas....can you add anything besides patronizing silly ass crap...
Closing it was his first EO. Congress has repeatedly blocked him from implementing it.

I thought the President didn't need Congressional approval to implement an EO.
Then how did Congress block the Failed Messiah from implementing it?

And, come to think of it, wasn't the newly sworn-in Congress of January 2009, a Democrat-controlled Congress, in both House and Senate?

Didn't Democrats and Republican support closing it during the 2008 campaign?
I see an article that talks about how Senate Democrats killed Obama's idea to close Gitmo. What else you got?
I guess the only question left is how soon till Obama agrees to these demands?

Considering he won't even agree to live up to his own demands to shut down the prison there, I won't hold my breath.

Closing it was his first EO. Congress has repeatedly blocked him from implementing it.

The far left blocked Obama from doing it?

WASHINGTON — In an abrupt shift, Senate Democratic leaders said they would not provide the $80 million that President Obamarequested to close the detention center at Guantánamo Bay, Cuba. The move escalates pressure on the president, who on Thursday is scheduled to outline his plans for the 240 terrorism suspects still held there.

In recent days, Mr. Obama has faced growing demands from both parties, but particularly Republicans, to lay out a more detailed road map for closing the Guantánamo prison and to provide assurances that detainees would not end up on American soil, even in maximum security prisons.

The move by Senate Democrats to strip the $80 million from a war-spending bill and the decision to bar, for now, transfer of detainees to the United States, raised the possibility that Mr. Obama’s order to close the camp by Jan. 22, 2010, might have to be changed or delayed.

Is that you on the right?

My, my, watch that blood pressure!
Wear your depends uptight and outta sight...
Is this you making a grand entrance...I thought so

Is there something you can add to this discussion besides conspiracy theories, anti-americanism, and snarky comments/cartoons?
Can you direct that at your fellow wingnutistas....can you add anything besides patronizing silly ass crap...
OK so the answer is no.
I dont have time to deal with psycho idiots like you
My oh my, did it rub you wrong seeing yourself accurately described?
Oh, my, you're not going to last very long at the grown-ups table.

Maybe you'd be better off taking a seat at the kiddie table now, and avoiding a protracted discovery process.
and I suppose you are "the grown up" ??? and I suppose that is "sophisticated grown up snark?" Child please ....
Far better than cartoons of $hit, that much is certain... next contestant.
I thought you were one of those wing nut tough guys and the poopy cartoon upset you ohhh

Is that you on the right?

Wear your depends uptight and outta sight...
Is this you making a grand entrance...I thought so

Is there something you can add to this discussion besides conspiracy theories, anti-americanism, and snarky comments/cartoons?
Can you direct that at your fellow wingnutistas....can you add anything besides patronizing silly ass crap...
OK so the answer is no.
I dont have time to deal with psycho idiots like you
Go post to your fellow Right wing nuts ...they like your shit
There are several 'Gitmo' facilities. The most notorious and one that I do not support closing either, is the prison where Khalid Sheik Mohammed and his ilk are detained. The other is a facility that houses several thousand Marines and was purchased from the Cubans. I support keeping them both and have communicated my support to both of my Senators and to my Congressman.

If Barry gives away Gitmo (either one) he'll finally have trumped Jimmy Carter in being the most ignorant President in the last 40 years.
Closing it was his first EO. Congress has repeatedly blocked him from implementing it.

I thought the President didn't need Congressional approval to implement an EO.
Then how did Congress block the Failed Messiah from implementing it?

And, come to think of it, wasn't the newly sworn-in Congress of January 2009, a Democrat-controlled Congress, in both House and Senate?

Didn't Democrats and Republican support closing it during the 2008 campaign?
I see an article that talks about how Senate Democrats killed Obama's idea to close Gitmo. What else you got?

What more do I need to prove that Congress has the power to override a presidential EO?
Closing it was his first EO. Congress has repeatedly blocked him from implementing it.

I thought the President didn't need Congressional approval to implement an EO.
Then how did Congress block the Failed Messiah from implementing it?

And, come to think of it, wasn't the newly sworn-in Congress of January 2009, a Democrat-controlled Congress, in both House and Senate?

Didn't Democrats and Republican support closing it during the 2008 campaign?
I see an article that talks about how Senate Democrats killed Obama's idea to close Gitmo. What else you got?

What more do I need to prove that Congress has the power to override a presidential EO?

Probably 12 or so DummycRAT Senators that have a COME TO GOD moment!!!
I guess the only question left is how soon till Obama agrees to these demands?

Considering he won't even agree to live up to his own demands to shut down the prison there, I won't hold my breath.

Closing it was his first EO. Congress has repeatedly blocked him from implementing it.

The far left blocked Obama from doing it?

WASHINGTON — In an abrupt shift, Senate Democratic leaders said they would not provide the $80 million that President Obamarequested to close the detention center at Guantánamo Bay, Cuba. The move escalates pressure on the president, who on Thursday is scheduled to outline his plans for the 240 terrorism suspects still held there.

In recent days, Mr. Obama has faced growing demands from both parties, but particularly Republicans, to lay out a more detailed road map for closing the Guantánamo prison and to provide assurances that detainees would not end up on American soil, even in maximum security prisons.

The move by Senate Democrats to strip the $80 million from a war-spending bill and the decision to bar, for now, transfer of detainees to the United States, raised the possibility that Mr. Obama’s order to close the camp by Jan. 22, 2010, might have to be changed or delayed.

Like I said the far left blocked it!!

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