Castro demands Gitmo's return and 100s of millions in reperations

And the Castros can squawk and whine all they want. They will soon be out of power and the communist chokehold will end.
My oh my, did it rub you wrong seeing yourself accurately described?
That lease was signed with US troops occupying Cuba...
Si, Senor... that is how we weeeen.

....the US has broken the lease with its use of Guantanamo as a torture concentration camp...
All covered under the aegis of base operations.

Can you tell the kin of those killed in wars for the profits of 1 percent that "this is how we ween" on the bodies of your loved ones ...go ahead it will allow you to compensate....
Oh, dearie me... another "I want to buy the world a Coke, and keep it company" flower-power peacenik. Thank you for your feedback.
Another John Wayne compensating Right wing blow hard pretending to be "Mucho macho" hey how about a nice cold bottle of "Right wing yellow belly" wash ...that would be right at home in your fake manhood belly pouch...and have a nice day there pudding
was I speaking to you smegma breath ? you are likely another compensating right wing punky boy
Obama the great negotiator i think he'd better reconsider the reset with the communist dictator..

The Associated Press reported late Wednesday afternoon that the Cuban president demanded that the U.S. return the base at Guantanamo, lift the half-century trade embargo and compensate the island country for damages as a pre-condition to moving forward with re-establishing diplomatic relations.

Castro reportedly told a summit of the Community of Latin American and Caribbean States that the U.S. and Cuba are moving forward in their talks but diplomatic re-engagement wouldn’t make sense “if these problems aren’t resolved.”

Republicans on Capitol Hill are likely to fight any attempt to hand over the base on Guantanamo Bay and the detainee prison facility to the Castro regime. Some already have accused Obama of working with the Cuban government to normalize relations at least partly to fulfill his campaign promise to close the Gitmo prison facility.

That tall order has eluded Obama throughout his two terms as president as Republicans in Congress and unrest in terrorist hot spots in the Middle East and elsewhere have thwarted his plans to transfer detainees from the prison to other countries.

As president and commander-in-chief, Obama has the power to unilaterally change the decades-long agreement with Cuba giving U.S. control over Guantanamo Bay, but the GOP-controlled Congress likely will try to use its power of the purse to prevent any efforts to hand the base back and shutter the prison.

The legally binding agreement between the U.S. and Cuba regarding Guantanamo Bay provides that “so long as the United States of America shall not abandon the said naval station of Guantanamo or the two governments shall not agree to a modification of its present limits, the station shall continue to have the territorial area that it now has.”

Critics cry foul as Castro demands Gitmo s return

The 99 year lease has expired
It wasn't a 99 year lease. It is a perpetual lease. And if Cuba want compensation, they can cash the rent checks they've avoided cashing for decades.
You think the US is perpetual ? LOl waaaa hhaaaaa
Obama the great negotiator i think he'd better reconsider the reset with the communist dictator..

The Associated Press reported late Wednesday afternoon that the Cuban president demanded that the U.S. return the base at Guantanamo, lift the half-century trade embargo and compensate the island country for damages as a pre-condition to moving forward with re-establishing diplomatic relations.

Castro reportedly told a summit of the Community of Latin American and Caribbean States that the U.S. and Cuba are moving forward in their talks but diplomatic re-engagement wouldn’t make sense “if these problems aren’t resolved.”

Republicans on Capitol Hill are likely to fight any attempt to hand over the base on Guantanamo Bay and the detainee prison facility to the Castro regime. Some already have accused Obama of working with the Cuban government to normalize relations at least partly to fulfill his campaign promise to close the Gitmo prison facility.

That tall order has eluded Obama throughout his two terms as president as Republicans in Congress and unrest in terrorist hot spots in the Middle East and elsewhere have thwarted his plans to transfer detainees from the prison to other countries.

As president and commander-in-chief, Obama has the power to unilaterally change the decades-long agreement with Cuba giving U.S. control over Guantanamo Bay, but the GOP-controlled Congress likely will try to use its power of the purse to prevent any efforts to hand the base back and shutter the prison.

The legally binding agreement between the U.S. and Cuba regarding Guantanamo Bay provides that “so long as the United States of America shall not abandon the said naval station of Guantanamo or the two governments shall not agree to a modification of its present limits, the station shall continue to have the territorial area that it now has.”

Critics cry foul as Castro demands Gitmo s return

The 99 year lease has expired
It wasn't a 99 year lease. It is a perpetual lease. And if Cuba want compensation, they can cash the rent checks they've avoided cashing for decades.
You think the US is perpetual ? LOl waaaa hhaaaaa
Has it ended?
My, my, watch that blood pressure!
My oh my, did it rub you wrong seeing yourself accurately described?
Si, Senor... that is how we weeeen.

All covered under the aegis of base operations.

Can you tell the kin of those killed in wars for the profits of 1 percent that "this is how we ween" on the bodies of your loved ones ...go ahead it will allow you to compensate....
Oh, dearie me... another "I want to buy the world a Coke, and keep it company" flower-power peacenik. Thank you for your feedback.
Another John Wayne compensating Right wing blow hard pretending to be "Mucho macho" hey how about a nice cold bottle of "Right wing yellow belly" wash ...that would be right at home in your fake manhood belly pouch...and have a nice day there pudding
was I speaking to you smegma breath ? you are likely another compensating right wing punky boy
In any case if Cuba retains "the continuance of the ultimate sovereignty of the Republic of Cuba" does it not follow it can terminate a lease

No. The treaty leases the area to the United States "as long as the [United States] shall occupy and use said areas of land by virtue of said agreement." As long as the United States honors its side if the agreement, Cuba cannot unilaterally terminate the lease.

This is no different than renting a house. If you have a lease with the home owner for as long as the tenant shall occupy and use the house than as long as you pay the agreed upon rate the owner does not have the right to unilaterally terminate the lease.

The lease is open ended with no expiration date. ...... :cool:

Cuban American Treaty - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

That lease was signed with US troops occupying Cuba...
Si, Senor... that is how we weeeen.

....the US has broken the lease with its use of Guantanamo as a torture concentration camp...
All covered under the aegis of base operations.

Can you tell the kin of those killed in wars for the profits of 1 percent that "this is how we ween" on the bodies of your loved ones ...go ahead it will allow you to compensate....
Oh, dearie me... another "I want to buy the world a Coke, and keep it company" flower-power peacenik. Thank you for your feedback.
Another John Wayne compensating Right wing blow hard pretending to be "Mucho macho" hey how about a nice cold bottle of "Right wing yellow belly" wash ...that would be right at home in your fake manhood belly pouch...and have a nice day there pudding
You tell 'em, tiger !
My oh my, did it rub you wrong seeing yourself accurately described?
That lease was signed with US troops occupying Cuba...
Si, Senor... that is how we weeeen.

....the US has broken the lease with its use of Guantanamo as a torture concentration camp...
All covered under the aegis of base operations.

Can you tell the kin of those killed in wars for the profits of 1 percent that "this is how we ween" on the bodies of your loved ones ...go ahead it will allow you to compensate....
Oh, dearie me... another "I want to buy the world a Coke, and keep it company" flower-power peacenik. Thank you for your feedback.
Another John Wayne compensating Right wing blow hard pretending to be "Mucho macho" hey how about a nice cold bottle of "Right wing yellow belly" wash ...that would be right at home in your fake manhood belly pouch...and have a nice day there pudding
My, my, watch that blood pressure!
My oh my, did it rub you wrong seeing yourself accurately described?
Can you tell the kin of those killed in wars for the profits of 1 percent that "this is how we ween" on the bodies of your loved ones ...go ahead it will allow you to compensate....
Oh, dearie me... another "I want to buy the world a Coke, and keep it company" flower-power peacenik. Thank you for your feedback.
Another John Wayne compensating Right wing blow hard pretending to be "Mucho macho" hey how about a nice cold bottle of "Right wing yellow belly" wash ...that would be right at home in your fake manhood belly pouch...and have a nice day there pudding
was I speaking to you smegma breath ? you are likely another compensating right wing punky boy
Wear your depends uptight and outta sight...
The 99 year lease has expired

The lease is open ended with no expiration date. ...... :cool:

Cuban American Treaty - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Since 1959, the Cuban government has informed the U.S. government that it wants to terminate the lease on Guantánamo. The U.S. has consistently refused this request on the grounds that it requires agreement by both parties.

Alfred-Maurice de Zayas, an American lawyer and professor of international law at the Geneva School of Diplomacy and International Relations, has noted that article 52 of the Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties states, “A treaty is void if its conclusion has been procured by the threat or use of force in violation of the principles of international law embodied in the Charter of the United Nations.”

He also believes that the conditions under which the treaty was imposed on the Cuban National Assembly, particularly as a pre-condition to limited Cuban independence, left Cuba no other choice than to yield to pressure.

A treaty can also be void by virtue of material breach of its provisions, as indicated in article 60 of the Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties. According to the original terms of the lease agreement, the Guantánamo Bay territory could only be used for coaling and naval purposes.

However, the use of the Guantánamo facility as an internment camp for Haitian and Cuban refugees — or, even more ominously, as a demonstrated torture center by the U.S. military — indicates a significant breach of that agreement, fully justifying its immediate termination.
I love when libs take sides against America. Which happens all the fucking time.
And the Castros can squawk and whine all they want. They will soon be out of power and the communist chokehold will end.
I personally don't care. If they want to be communist, what business of ours is it? If they don't want to be communist, then the Cuban ex-pat whiners here should get off their fat asses and do something about it.

I just want some authentic cuban coffee.
My oh my, did it rub you wrong seeing yourself accurately described?
Si, Senor... that is how we weeeen.

All covered under the aegis of base operations.

Can you tell the kin of those killed in wars for the profits of 1 percent that "this is how we ween" on the bodies of your loved ones ...go ahead it will allow you to compensate....
Oh, dearie me... another "I want to buy the world a Coke, and keep it company" flower-power peacenik. Thank you for your feedback.
Another John Wayne compensating Right wing blow hard pretending to be "Mucho macho" hey how about a nice cold bottle of "Right wing yellow belly" wash ...that would be right at home in your fake manhood belly pouch...and have a nice day there pudding

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