Castro demands Gitmo's return and 100s of millions in reperations

only for use as a Naval and coaling station

You seem to think that prisons are incompatible with military installations, but you are wrong. Many military facilities house prisons.
Its torture concentration camp lets not use euphemisms ...
No torture, no concentration. Let's not use talking points.
you are denying it is a concentration torture camp ?
Tortured at Guantanamo Bay

Guantanamo: The U.S.'s Very Own Concentration Camp ...

Torture Techniques used in Guantanamo | The Justice Campaign ..
The 99 year lease has expired

The lease is open ended with no expiration date. ...... :cool:

Cuban American Treaty - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Since 1959, the Cuban government has informed the U.S. government that it wants to terminate the lease on Guantánamo. The U.S. has consistently refused this request on the grounds that it requires agreement by both parties.

Alfred-Maurice de Zayas, an American lawyer and professor of international law at the Geneva School of Diplomacy and International Relations, has noted that article 52 of the Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties states, “A treaty is void if its conclusion has been procured by the threat or use of force in violation of the principles of international law embodied in the Charter of the United Nations.”

He also believes that the conditions under which the treaty was imposed on the Cuban National Assembly, particularly as a pre-condition to limited Cuban independence, left Cuba no other choice than to yield to pressure.

A treaty can also be void by virtue of material breach of its provisions, as indicated in article 60 of the Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties. According to the original terms of the lease agreement, the Guantánamo Bay territory could only be used for coaling and naval purposes.

However, the use of the Guantánamo facility as an internment camp for Haitian and Cuban refugees — or, even more ominously, as a demonstrated torture center by the U.S. military — indicates a significant breach of that agreement, fully justifying its immediate termination.
I love when libs take sides against America. Which happens all the fucking time.
We just love Pootin....
Castro demands Gitmo's return and 100s of millions in reperations
Who gives a shit what they are demanding?

Why does this have you quaking in your boots? Why are you Right-Wingers such goddamn pussies?
only for use as a Naval and coaling station

You seem to think that prisons are incompatible with military installations, but you are wrong. Many military facilities house prisons.
Its torture concentration camp lets not use euphemisms ...
No torture, no concentration. Let's not use talking points.
you are denying it is a concentration torture camp ?
Tortured at Guantanamo Bay

Guantanamo: The U.S.'s Very Own Concentration Camp ...

Torture Techniques used in Guantanamo | The Justice Campaign ..
Yeaj left wing crap points. No one was tortured. No one was exterminated. Why dont you tell me how they flushed Korans down the toilet.
Castro demands Gitmo's return and 100s of millions in reperations
Who gives a shit what they are demanding?

Why does this have you quaking in your boots? Why are you Right-Wingers such goddamn pussies?
What a hack.
We're scared because Obama's negotiation technique is so poor he's likely to give Florida to Castro in exchange for a US communist.
Castro demands Gitmo's return and 100s of millions in reperations
Who gives a shit what they are demanding?

Why does this have you quaking in your boots? Why are you Right-Wingers such goddamn pussies?
What a hack.
We're scared because Obama's negotiation technique is so poor he's likely to give Florida to Castro in exchange for a US communist.
He could give Rick Scott to Castro. That would be worth a lot.
Castro demands Gitmo's return and 100s of millions in reperations
Who gives a shit what they are demanding?

Why does this have you quaking in your boots? Why are you Right-Wingers such goddamn pussies?
What a hack.
We're scared because Obama's negotiation technique is so poor he's likely to give Florida to Castro in exchange for a US communist.
You're a fucking moron, and that's never going to change. Grow up, asshole.

Is that you on the right?

My, my, watch that blood pressure!
My oh my, did it rub you wrong seeing yourself accurately described?
Oh, dearie me... another "I want to buy the world a Coke, and keep it company" flower-power peacenik. Thank you for your feedback.
Another John Wayne compensating Right wing blow hard pretending to be "Mucho macho" hey how about a nice cold bottle of "Right wing yellow belly" wash ...that would be right at home in your fake manhood belly pouch...and have a nice day there pudding
was I speaking to you smegma breath ? you are likely another compensating right wing punky boy
Wear your depends uptight and outta sight...
My oh my, did it rub you wrong seeing yourself accurately described?
Can you tell the kin of those killed in wars for the profits of 1 percent that "this is how we ween" on the bodies of your loved ones ...go ahead it will allow you to compensate....
Oh, dearie me... another "I want to buy the world a Coke, and keep it company" flower-power peacenik. Thank you for your feedback.
Another John Wayne compensating Right wing blow hard pretending to be "Mucho macho" hey how about a nice cold bottle of "Right wing yellow belly" wash ...that would be right at home in your fake manhood belly pouch...and have a nice day there pudding
Oh, my, you're not going to last very long at the grown-ups table.

Maybe you'd be better off taking a seat at the kiddie table now, and avoiding a protracted discovery process.
Closing it was his first EO. Congress has repeatedly blocked him from implementing it.

I thought the President didn't need Congressional approval to implement an EO.
Then how did Congress block the Failed Messiah from implementing it?

And, come to think of it, wasn't the newly sworn-in Congress of January 2009, a Democrat-controlled Congress, in both House and Senate?
You do? Wow, most don't, even though you would like to imply otherwise.
The 99 year lease has expired

The lease is open ended with no expiration date. ...... :cool:

Cuban American Treaty - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Since 1959, the Cuban government has informed the U.S. government that it wants to terminate the lease on Guantánamo. The U.S. has consistently refused this request on the grounds that it requires agreement by both parties.

Alfred-Maurice de Zayas, an American lawyer and professor of international law at the Geneva School of Diplomacy and International Relations, has noted that article 52 of the Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties states, “A treaty is void if its conclusion has been procured by the threat or use of force in violation of the principles of international law embodied in the Charter of the United Nations.”

He also believes that the conditions under which the treaty was imposed on the Cuban National Assembly, particularly as a pre-condition to limited Cuban independence, left Cuba no other choice than to yield to pressure.

A treaty can also be void by virtue of material breach of its provisions, as indicated in article 60 of the Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties. According to the original terms of the lease agreement, the Guantánamo Bay territory could only be used for coaling and naval purposes.

However, the use of the Guantánamo facility as an internment camp for Haitian and Cuban refugees — or, even more ominously, as a demonstrated torture center by the U.S. military — indicates a significant breach of that agreement, fully justifying its immediate termination.
I love when libs take sides against America. Which happens all the fucking time.
We just love Pootin....

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