Casualties are piling up in Turkish invasion!

Sure, but you don’t just pick up and leave. It looks like Turkey told trump they were going to attack the Kurds, trump pulled out Troops and now over 300 Kurds are dead. Had our troops been there do you really think Turkey would have attacked?

look, I’m not going to pretend like I know the details of what’s happening over there, we all have very limited information... but from the way those in the know are reacting, it appears that this move was done without much thought and now many people are dead.
In this case the alternative to leaving was to stay and end up in a shooting war with a member of NATO...this way of dealing with Erdoran and allowing him to fuck himself is a better idea...Trump and the Kurd's knew he would go too far....he's a Muslim Jihadist that's what they do.....

I would be delighted if Erdogan would fuck himself------but it is not clear to me as to how this Turkish atrocity will pan out--------Turks is good at atrocities
Last week he was an untrustworthy president of he is a civilian killing Tyrant....that will catch up to him and cling to him forever....

Erdogan, Putin, Kim, trump.....put them in a bag and drop them in the Ocean. These are all Authoritarian, Sociopath, and Narcissist. And unfortunately, one of them was elected with the assistant of Vladimir Putin, as president of the US.

trump got away with the 2016 foreign assistance in the election. Now he feels he will push the envelope and seek help from Ukraine and even China. THIS IS ALL ILLEGAL AND SOMETHING THE FOUNDERS WORRIED WOULD HAPPEN!
Seek help. The Russians didn’t flip any votes. Facebook did more to interfere in our elections, in favor of Dems of course.
And Facebook is an Irish company.
Libs: We must get out of the ME!!!

Trump pulls out of Syria

Libs 2.0 We cannot abandon our ME Allies! We must defend their border to the death!
Democrats long for war as long as their kids aren’t involved.

Bone Spur

Which never exempted him from the draft. He showed up and got evaluated, instead of never showing up, which is what dodging the draft actually is.

He didn't "show up." A Doctor wrote a letter saying he had bone spurs. The Doctor told his children that he was doing "Fred trump a favor...."

Wrong. He was evaluated by a military doctor. His rating did not prevent him from being drafted.

But I get it, you’ve gobbled up this fake news story so many times you actually believe it.
Democrats long for war as long as their kids aren’t involved.

Bone Spur

Which never exempted him from the draft. He showed up and got evaluated, instead of never showing up, which is what dodging the draft actually is.

He didn't "show up." A Doctor wrote a letter saying he had bone spurs. The Doctor told his children that he was doing "Fred trump a favor...."

Wrong. He was evaluated by a military doctor. His rating did not prevent him from being drafted.

But I get it, you’ve gobbled up this fake news story so many times you actually believe it.

Wrong.....he was evaluated and found sound for service until a Dr who rented from his father found mysterious bone spurs...

Donald Trump avoided the military draft 5 times, but it wasn't uncommon for young men from influential families to do so during the Vietnam War
Democrats long for war as long as their kids aren’t involved.

Bone Spur

Which never exempted him from the draft. He showed up and got evaluated, instead of never showing up, which is what dodging the draft actually is.

He didn't "show up." A Doctor wrote a letter saying he had bone spurs. The Doctor told his children that he was doing "Fred trump a favor...."

Wrong. He was evaluated by a military doctor. His rating did not prevent him from being drafted.

But I get it, you’ve gobbled up this fake news story so many times you actually believe it.

Wrong.....he was evaluated and found sound for service until a Dr who rented from his father found mysterious bone spurs...

Donald Trump avoided the military draft 5 times, but it wasn't uncommon for young men from influential families to do so during the Vietnam War

Wrong. He received college deferments like any other college kid at the time (S-2).

He was evaluated by a military doctor and given 1-Y, eligible during a time of war.

In 1972 1-Y was done away with and he was classified as not eligible along with everyone else with 1-Y, but the draft was already almost non-existent at that time as the war was winding down and most troops were already withdrawn.
Democrats long for war as long as their kids aren’t involved.

Bone Spur

Which never exempted him from the draft. He showed up and got evaluated, instead of never showing up, which is what dodging the draft actually is.

Five deferments to be exact....the Coward...

Who would want this ass clown in the foxhole with them?

What are those five pounders? :abgg2q.jpg:
Casualties mount as Turkey presses Syria offensive

The trump-approve Turkish bloodbath is going well....for Erdogan.....

Already, thousands have been displaced...

Don't act like you care about those people, TDS Lord. If Obama had done this you'd have backed his play completely.
Progressives act like sheep 100% of the time.
There would be no Trump if there was no Obama… Karma is a bitch I guess. Lol

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