Casualties are piling up in Turkish invasion!

Casualties mount as Turkey presses Syria offensive

The trump-approve Turkish bloodbath is going well....for Erdogan.....

Already, thousands have been displaced...

So why don't you catch the next flight to Syria, parachute out above your Kurdish soulmates and soon as you get boots on the ground, offer up your life to save theirs? I suspect you would rather your enlisted countrymen do the dying to serve your political ideology in your stead. Typical. Just another democrat asshole willing to martyr someone else's life for the cause. Shame.
The USA can do more for the long term health of the Kurd's from here than we can on the battlefield...if some of the whiny anti Trump complaining media wants to protect the Kurd's then don a frag vest and get your faggot ass over there....get over there and report on what Turkey is your fucking job media...gutless fucks....
Sure, but you don’t just pick up and leave. It looks like Turkey told trump they were going to attack the Kurds, trump pulled out Troops and now over 300 Kurds are dead. Had our troops been there do you really think Turkey would have attacked?

look, I’m not going to pretend like I know the details of what’s happening over there, we all have very limited information... but from the way those in the know are reacting, it appears that this move was done without much thought and now many people are dead.
In this case the alternative to leaving was to stay and end up in a shooting war with a member of NATO...this way of dealing with Erdoran and allowing him to fuck himself is a better idea...Trump and the Kurd's knew he would go too far....he's a Muslim Jihadist that's what they do.....

I would be delighted if Erdogan would fuck himself------but it is not clear to me as to how this Turkish atrocity will pan out--------Turks is good at atrocities
Last week he was an untrustworthy president of he is a civilian killing Tyrant....that will catch up to him and cling to him forever....

remember what adolf said about the Armenian genocide------"NO ONE CARED"
So, one group of terrorists are killing another.
I think calling the Kurds terrorists is a bit of a stretch. They have no home and want one.
Even the Kurds in Turkey only attack the govt and military. Not citizens.
The Kurds have been fucked since the 20s. They were supposed to get borders but it ended up being in Turkey. That's why they hate Turkey and the govt wont recognize them as a sovereign people.
Who cares

For people who lie & claim they are pro life, you sure aren’t what you present yourself as.

I guess since they are living; breathing people you don’t give a rat’s ass.

These people are our friends & allies. You treat your friends this way?

You must not have many friends.
The Turks were going to invade anyway.
So our choices were, to let them continue their old war, or get involved in another.
The planet is not our nanny state.
Good gawd people. How many wars does it take to satisfy you? FFS
Plus Trump has Turkish assets to protect.
Who cares

For people who lie & claim they are pro life, you sure aren’t what you present yourself as.

I guess since they are living; breathing people you don’t give a rat’s ass.

These people are our friends & allies. You treat your friends this way?

You must not have many friends.
Pro American life..
Are you going to have an ISIS revival party now that you've shafted the Kurds?
Who cares

For people who lie & claim they are pro life, you sure aren’t what you present yourself as.

I guess since they are living; breathing people you don’t give a rat’s ass.

These people are our friends & allies. You treat your friends this way?

You must not have many friends.
Pro American life..
Are you going to have an ISIS revival party now that you've shafted the Kurds?
Why you have ignored is trump has handed that responsibility over to the Turks.. and they don’t want to piss daddy off
Who cares

For people who lie & claim they are pro life, you sure aren’t what you present yourself as.

I guess since they are living; breathing people you don’t give a rat’s ass.

These people are our friends & allies. You treat your friends this way?

You must not have many friends.
Pro American life..
Are you going to have an ISIS revival party now that you've shafted the Kurds?
Why you have ignored is trump has handed that responsibility over to the Turks.. and they don’t want to piss daddy off
Russia's involvement will depend on how far Erdogan goes.

11 Oct 2019 Moscow Times, For Putin, Turkish Move Into Syria a Chance to Ramp Up Middle East Role
'...."If Erdogan wanted to go further into Syria and all but partition it....Moscow will try to block this by forward deploying Russian observation posts with Russian air cover," predicted Frolov. "Russia controls the skies in Syria and Turkey flies its planes at Russia's pleasure." Putin could argue that Americans failed to sort this out but we managed it, which implies our approach to the conflict is more efficient than our geopolitical opponents.'
Who cares

For people who lie & claim they are pro life, you sure aren’t what you present yourself as.

I guess since they are living; breathing people you don’t give a rat’s ass.

These people are our friends & allies. You treat your friends this way?

You must not have many friends.
You forget that we have several military bases and a NATO agreement with Turkey, making them our ally?

Not in our interest to be in this fight.

Kurds fought ISIS in self interests and used us as we used them for a common objective. They sure as hell didn't fight out of some moral obligation to the US.
Trump told you. Since Europe pisses on him, he has turned it over to them. Where they can pay for the policing and upkeep. A lot closer to their backyard and they seem to love all of the people entering their nations. A match made in "heaven". For most of my life that is all I heard from Progs from the 1960's on. All of the peace music and rallies and concerts. And no one listened. Trump listens and you hate his guts for it.
The USA can do more for the long term health of the Kurd's from here than we can on the battlefield...if some of the whiny anti Trump complaining media wants to protect the Kurd's then don a frag vest and get your faggot ass over there....get over there and report on what Turkey is your fucking job media...gutless fucks....
Sure, but you don’t just pick up and leave. It looks like Turkey told trump they were going to attack the Kurds, trump pulled out Troops and now over 300 Kurds are dead. Had our troops been there do you really think Turkey would have attacked?

look, I’m not going to pretend like I know the details of what’s happening over there, we all have very limited information... but from the way those in the know are reacting, it appears that this move was done without much thought and now many people are dead.
In this case the alternative to leaving was to stay and end up in a shooting war with a member of NATO...this way of dealing with Erdoran and allowing him to fuck himself is a better idea...Trump and the Kurd's knew he would go too far....he's a Muslim Jihadist that's what they do.....

I would be delighted if Erdogan would fuck himself------but it is not clear to me as to how this Turkish atrocity will pan out--------Turks is good at atrocities
Last week he was an untrustworthy president of he is a civilian killing Tyrant....that will catch up to him and cling to him forever....

Erdogan, Putin, Kim, trump.....put them in a bag and drop them in the Ocean. These are all Authoritarian, Sociopath, and Narcissist. And unfortunately, one of them was elected with the assistant of Vladimir Putin, as president of the US.

trump got away with the 2016 foreign assistance in the election. Now he feels he will push the envelope and seek help from Ukraine and even China. THIS IS ALL ILLEGAL AND SOMETHING THE FOUNDERS WORRIED WOULD HAPPEN!

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