Catch O'Reilly's talking points memo

Too bad Obabble missed it...he's out on the campaign trail.
His ratings will go up after that speech.

Maybe that's the idea in the first place, tool. Ever feel like a trained seal when you're watching Fox?

What was the gist of it? I didn't see it.

Here ya go baby. One of Bill's smartest and all time best:

[ame=]Bill O'Reilly Challenges Obama & Black Caucus to Address Race Problem - The Factor - 7-22-13 - YouTube[/ame]


Spot on. Obama wanted a discussion and Bill gave him one. MSNBC is gonna have an aneurysm tomorrow.

I haven't seen that much passion in a speech in awhile. Meanwhile the left will likely roll right along with Treyvon nonsense.
What was the gist of it? I didn't see it.

Here ya go baby. One of Bill's smartest and all time best:

[ame=]Bill O'Reilly Challenges Obama & Black Caucus to Address Race Problem - The Factor - 7-22-13 - YouTube[/ame]


Spot on. Obama wanted a discussion and Bill gave him one. MSNBC is gonna have an aneurysm tomorrow.

I haven't seen that much passion in a speech in awhile. Meanwhile the left will likely roll right along with Treyvon nonsense.

O'Reilly cut through the crap and spoke honestly. If the liberals seriously wanted to address the problem, they would stop with the race baiting shit and look at the facts. They address the wrong things and attempt to place blame elsewhere. The breakdown of families is at the root of the problem, but they don't want people to start being responsible or they might not need a nanny government. The Dems are between a rock and a hard place. They want people to be dependent, so they convinced people for years that they are victims and unable to make it on their own. How can they now take back all the crap about victimhood and tell people that the decisions they make, especially having children out of wedlock and becoming government dependents, is at the root of their problems? We know darn well that the reason we have 6th generation welfare recipients in families is because children learn from their parents, or parent in many of these cases. And when the parent drops the ball, the kid learns from other street thugs. And the excuse is that they can't make it in this world because someone else is holding them down. Time to tell the truth and stop the race baiting.


Spot on. Obama wanted a discussion and Bill gave him one. MSNBC is gonna have an aneurysm tomorrow.

I haven't seen that much passion in a speech in awhile. Meanwhile the left will likely roll right along with Treyvon nonsense.

O'Reilly cut through the crap and spoke honestly. If the liberals seriously wanted to address the problem, they would stop with the race baiting shit and look at the facts. They address the wrong things and attempt to place blame elsewhere. The breakdown of families is at the root of the problem, but they don't want people to start being responsible or they might not need a nanny government. The Dems are between a rock and a hard place. They want people to be dependent, so they convinced people for years that they are victims and unable to make it on their own. How can they now take back all the crap about victimhood and tell people that the decisions they make, especially having children out of wedlock and becoming government dependents, is at the root of their problems? We know darn well that the reason we have 6th generation welfare recipients in families is because children learn from their parents, or parent in many of these cases. And when the parent drops the ball, the kid learns from other street thugs. And the excuse is that they can't make it in this world because someone else is holding them down. Time to tell the truth and stop the race baiting.

Even Bob Beckel, the other day on The Five, said that the Liberal Left has created a monster in their dependency programs and they need to try to find a way to legislate themselves away from the three generations of handouts.

Until people can truly be HONEST about cause and effect "racism" will never die
Hes 100% right.

Its time to take the kid gloves off with this racial bullshit.

The priorities of much of the poverty-black culture are fucked up. Just like they are in the poor white areas. But, facts are facts. A far larger number of blacks live in poverty, and the rap hip-hop culture has rotted the morality in those areas.

The leadership of the black community needs racism to justify their own existence, so naturally they are full of shit.

My city, Charleston, is one of America's oldest cities. We were once the 3rd largest city in America. Slavery and the Civil War were rooted here.

And it's amazing, because you go to bars downtown, and would never know it. Whites and blacks get along, drink, laugh, date, etc, etc.

But go 10 miles north to North Charleston ( a separate city) and the NAACP does almost daily media blitzes accusing the city of racism, blasting NCPD cops. But.....every single day you see another black on black murder, or armed robbery in the mostly black neighborhoods there, and the heavy patrols in THOSE neighborhoods due to high crime.

No more kid gloves. This racial nonsense has gone far enough.
His ratings will go up after that speech.

Maybe that's the idea in the first place, tool. Ever feel like a trained seal when you're watching Fox?


O'Reilly has been caught in so many lies at this point. I would never go to him for a No Spin Story. He is sickening.

So you believe that no one should step up to the plate and help these children grow up to be responsible adults? Do you think by ignoring the 100's killed in Chicago every year, you are helping the black community? Do you think letting drug dealers peddle their shit in black communities is okay and is not a problem?

Address what he says, not the messenger, you want an honest conversation?
Martin was a tragedy, however, there have been 1000 black on black deaths since February 2012, are you ready to focus and really help kids or are you just going to enable more deaths?

In short, put away who said it and focus on what he has said, he is spot on and I don't like O'Reilly.
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His ratings will go up after that speech.

Maybe that's the idea in the first place, tool. Ever feel like a trained seal when you're watching Fox?


So you aren't going to focus or refute what was said, all you are going to is focus on who said it. This is a problem with partisan assholes like yourself. You are not part of the discussion, you are part of a huge problem.
His ratings will go up after that speech.

Okay, I will admit that O'Reilly is less extreme than the other commentators on Fox News. He isn't Fox News's puppet like Sean Hannity for instance. However, O'Reilly is really not nearly as smart as he likes to think he is. People really just need to avoid Fox News altogether. I agree. Any fan of Fox News really is just a trained seal. They are America's propaganda machine.

And no, I don't think MSNBC is any better.
His ratings will go up after that speech.

Okay, I will admit that O'Reilly is less extreme than the other commentators on Fox News. He isn't Fox News's puppet like Sean Hannity for instance. However, O'Reilly is really not nearly as smart as he likes to think he is. People really just need to avoid Fox News altogether. I agree. Any fan of Fox News really is just a trained seal. They are America's propaganda machine.

And no, I don't think MSNBC is any better.


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